I Attacked Because I Was Afraid Of Death

Chapter 92: Jungle Truth (5)


Chi Xin's magic move not only surprised the other party, she glanced down slightly, and found that all her companions were staring at her with "..." expressions, almost dipping their toes on the ground.

The reason why she wanted to stop the surnamed Han was very simple. As she recalled before, the child who was kidnapped at the same time as her, only had to be the most outstanding one to avoid other companions being selected.

She took the initiative to cut off the finger.

Although things were a little unexpected...

Under everyone's attention, Chi Xin blinked innocently and stood up straight.

Under the seemingly relaxed appearance, the long knife is ready in space, and the fighting nerves on his body are already tense. She looked at the surnamed Han, and was prepared for the attack that might arise at any time.

As long as he raises the gun, she will have the absolute advantage to control him!

At this time, I have no idea whether it will cause alertness. Others have not been exposed to the effects of anesthesia. There are very few people with combat power. The most important thing is to survive.

Chi Xin's thoughts turned sharply, and he had already prepared for the worst.

In the corner of her vision, Jing Xiubai's fingers also began to linger with a faint blue light, and they all stared silently at Han, waiting for him to make a judgment.

"Cough cough." The man who was accidentally knocked off by Chi Xin climbed up from the ground.

The surnamed Han glanced at him, turned to look at Chi Xin, his face was blank, and there was no expression at all.

Chi Xin maintained an innocent demeanor and silently looked back at him.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

When the surnamed Han moved, Chi Xin almost pulled out a long knife to fight him to the death, but just a second before she was about to move, he was shocked by him on the spot.


A frenzied look suddenly appeared on the face of the surnamed Han. He walked to the pool core with a few large strides, walked around the pool core, and looked up and down the pool core with eyes like a jeweler in the pool. Marvel at the unparalleled treasure.

"It's weak, but it's gifted."

He was amazed, grabbed Chi Xin's wrist, Chi Xin used a lot of strength to control himself without fighting back, let him get close to him, the tip of his nose twitched slightly, and sniffed on Chi Xin's face.

"I smell it." The surnamed Han closed his eyes intoxicated, "This is the fragrance of '''."


The pool core moved.

"Ahem, Team Han, do you need to send this kid to the doctor?" The person who was thrown out just now came back with a look of embarrassment.

At any rate, he is a big man who is five big and three rough. Even if the other side is recognized by the Korean team as "‌", before the transformation, he is only a delicate little boy. It's too much for him to lose. ‌‌.

"Send it, why don't you send it, the doctor wants to know that I have left out such an excellent one, and he will blame us for not doing things well." The surnamed Han chuckled, using the help of someone close to Chi Xin. He moved, and whispered in her ear, "Whether you deliberately conceal your strength or not, now that you have fallen into our hands, it's best not to play these useless clever tricks."

The hands that held Chi Xin's wrist were as tight as iron pliers, and Chi Xin moved slightly, fearing that the oolong just now would appear, making them more vigilant, and hurriedly dared not move.

She raised her eyes to look back at Han with an innocent face: "I just suddenly feel strong, I don't know what you are talking about."

"As I said, it doesn't matter if you don't care." The surnamed Han glanced sideways, swept past the limp team members on the ground, and said without meaning, "What will you do if you don't say anything? Friends like you who are of little use value, it's hard to say what will happen."

Chi Xin's eyes were cold for a moment, and before the eyes surnamed Han looked back, he returned to the ignorant and innocent look before.

The eyes surnamed Han lingered on her face for a moment, and she waved behind her: "Take the others down, I will personally take this child to see the doctor."


Seeing that life was pulling the ground companions up again, Chi Xin controlled the urge to fight back, and couldn't blatantly clench his fists. He could only fold his hands together and twist his slender phalanx slightly white.

The surnamed Han glanced at her: "Do you feel uneasy?"

Chi Chi didn't speak.

Her lowered eyes quietly looked at Jing Xiubai's side, and she felt relieved when she saw that he nodded slightly.

After all, they are not immune to resistance.

"Let's go, Miss."

There was a pushing force behind him, Chi Xin pretended to stumble, and shook his shoulders to get the opponent's hand down: "Don't touch me."

The surnamed Han chuckled twice, but he didn't really reach out to push her anymore, but walked indifferently to her side and led the way for her.

With his hands behind his head, he looked like a condescending ‌‌, obviously he didn't take Chi Xin's strength so far to heart.

Chi Xin was vigilant in her heart. Although she had not met a third person at present, and had no plans to rashly take action, she followed the surnamed Han and quietly looked at the surrounding environment.

They walked into a long and dark corridor. The environment was the same as the hall just now. There were closed metal doors on both sides of the corridor. Each door was equipped with a combination lock and fingerprint verification. It's all about something.

According to what the surnamed Han said just now, they are now going to see "Dr.", who looks like the person in charge of this laboratory, Chi Xin pondered, maybe seeing him is more important than her blindly rushing to find serums and vaccines. favorable.

"Afraid?" Hui, surnamed Han, glanced at her.

Chi Xin pursed her lips and made a frightened but stubborn gesture of not wanting to make a sound.

The surnamed Han gave a "tsk", "I didn't feel very energetic just now, why are you so stubborn now?"

Chi Xin hesitated for a moment, and then said, "That doctor, who is he?"

Han's footsteps stopped for a while.

He got up again, stepping on the hard ground with his military boots: "Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you be taking you to something?" There was no doubt in his tone.

Ah, is this the case

Chi Xinxin said sorry, I haven't experienced the feeling of being kidnapped for a long time, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "You tell me what the doctor does, don't you know?"

She originally thought that the other party would not speak, but who knew that the surnamed Han sighed and looked far away: "Doctor..."

The core pricked up his ears.

"—You'll know when you see him."

"Crack." Chi Xin accidentally pinched his finger bones.

Fortunately, the surnamed Han didn't care about this little episode at all. He stopped in front of a door at the end of the corridor, "We're here."

Chi Xin quickly adjusted his expression, looked at the surnamed Han, entered the password on the lock, and then pressed his fingerprint.

Chi Xin felt that the combination lock was a bit inconsistent. It seemed that the door was originally unlocked, but was forced to install one later.


The lock showed the correct green light, interrupting the cell's thoughts.

The surnamed Han pushed open the door, and the pale incandescent light burst out instantly, drowning his figure.

 If not, the eyes of the pool core are good, and this can make people enter a short-term blindness state.

The surnamed Han turned sideways, like a knight opening the door of the banquet hall for the princess, and made an inviting gesture: "Miss, please."

Chi Xin squinted his eyes and walked in.

She had expected to see the laboratory that had appeared in her dream several times, but when she walked in, she realized that there was indeed a laboratory here, but it was completely different from the one in her dream.

Just thinking about this, there was a slight movement behind him, Chi Xin was about to raise his leg to attack, but the next second he realized the situation at the moment, he immediately relaxed his muscles, and let the surnamed Han pierce a needle into his own. neck.

"Shh, shh." The surnamed Han said softly, "I don't have time to look at you right now, you go to sleep for a while, darling."

He seemed to be afraid of Chi Xin's counterattack, so he tightly restrained her with one hand. Chi Xin pretended to struggle twice, and then fell down in response to the force of the medicine.

The medicinal power this time was obviously stronger than the previous one. Chi Xin felt a wave of weakness spreading through her limbs. Although she would not lose her resistance completely, it could have an impact on her actions.

She closed her eyes and let the surnamed Han put her on the only bed in the lab.

She felt that the surnamed Han stood by the bed and stared at her for a while, then footsteps sounded, and then the door was closed from the outside.

The next moment the door was locked, the pool core rolled over.

Just sitting up, a burst of dizziness surged up, Chi Xin covered her body and shook it: "Damn it, it's too big."

She also underestimated these messy medicines produced in the laboratory.

Good thing she can still move.

Chi Xin took a deep breath, turned his eyes away, and tried to call Lou Chen's name a few times in his mind, wondering if he could eliminate the effects of the anesthetic on the brain. The results were the same as the previous few times. For a while, there was no echo.

This stupid kid.

Chi Xin was helpless, so he had to rely on himself, carefully listened to the surrounding sounds, and found that except for the slight ticking of the instrument, it was very quiet, and there should be no second person.

She got up immediately and started searching in this laboratory.

That is to say, knowing that even if there are vaccines and serums, the possibility that they can be found so easily is very small, and she also searched all the places that the laboratory could find, but she did not get any results as expected.

Chi Xin reached out and pressed the headset hidden in his ear: "Jing Xiubai, Yu Xiang, Congyun? Are you there?"

There was silence in the earphones, and then there was a rustling voice, and Jing Xiubai's voice sounded, "Chi Xin, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm in a laboratory now, no one is there." Chi Xin briefly explained his situation, "Where are you? How are you now?"

"We were separated in the dark room. Captain Zheng and I were together. Besides us, there should be some... things here." The pause in the middle of Jing Xiubai was quite meaningful, "They confiscated our weapons, other than that. There has been no action for the time being.”

The surrounding shrieks reverberated in the entire space, Jing Xiubai raised his eyes, saw Zheng Junzhi's shocked expression, he made a gesture to explain later, "You see that doctor Is it? Are there any clues about a vaccine?"

"I'm looking for it, but it shouldn't be in the lab where I am closed." Chi Xin said, "The doctor hasn't come yet. If I see him later, can I control him directly?"

Jing Xiubai paused: "Although this is your usual style, but when we don't know anything about it, it's best not to do this first."

"Okay." Chi Xin muttered, "I'll talk about it."

When he spoke again, there was a hint of a smile in Jing Xiubai's voice, "First ensure your own safety, and then get as much information as possible to find a vaccine. Don't worry about it here."

"I know." Chi Xin glanced around the entire laboratory again, "When I see the doctor, I will control the urge to kick his neck."

"Beware of secret hands." Jing Xiubai said.

Chi Xin snorted and cut off the connection. Just as she was searching for a secret door, the sound of the combination lock opening came from the door again.

Chi Xin's extremely terrifying speed quickly swept into bed and returned to the previously unconscious position.

She listened to the sound of footsteps walking in. There were two, one was very light and the other was vain, and neither of them had the ability to fight.

Both footsteps stopped beside her bed.

"Is this what Han Mo said ''?" With this sound, it was a bit crisp and cold, which was very good.

"Yes, Dr. Sai Ruo." Another male voice replied, "Captain Han said that this has never been so good, but before the occurrence of the mutation, the records in the file were recorded. Several are comparable."

The name Dr. Sai Ruo was very familiar, and Chi Xin remembered what the person who arrested them mentioned before.

‌Sound did not speak immediately.

Chi Xin felt a faint fragrance approaching, as if that Dr. Sai Ruo had put his hole close to her, and stared at her face with sharp eyes like a scalpel.

"She looks very small," said Dr. Sailor.

"Probably because of the Orientals..."

"Come on." Dr. Sai Ruo's voice was a little farther away. "Before the mutation, they always took some children and brought them back, and I don't know if they have special hobbies."

The male voice laughed awkwardly: "But it's the first time that Captain Han has specially sent someone here. Maybe this kid does have something special?"

"You really believe his vision."

Dr. Sai Ruo's voice was full of sarcasm and emotion. The male voice seemed to have a much lower status than hers. He didn't follow up on this sentence. The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Dr. Sai Ruo said again: "Is my father out yet?"

"The doctor said he will come out tonight." The male voice replied immediately, "According to what the doctor said before entering, this time there should be a major breakthrough."

Father? ?

‌Guo Chixin's eyes are open now, and he must have stared at the boss.

She carefully recalled the golden retriever in her dream, how could it be seen that he didn't have such a big child!

Don't worry, don't worry, Chi Xin told himself. It is possible that "Doctor" does not only represent him alone. Isn't this Dr. Sai Ruo also a Dr.

"Major breakthrough..." Dr. Sai Ruo repeated, "I don't know if this major breakthrough can end this chaotic world."

It's not surprising that they, as villains, say they want the end of the world, but do they still need a major breakthrough? If the protagonists don't take any measures, let the world go on and on, it will end sooner or later.

But Chi Xin faintly felt that there was some violation.

Then I saw the male voice's next sentence: "As long as those demons can be restrained and the chaos will end sooner or later, I hope the doctor's experiment goes well."

This is an all too familiar tone when talking about the word "devil", which made Chi Xin groan in his heart.

Immediately, she felt that Dr. Sai Ruo's eyes fell on her face again, and her voice sighed a little: "If father's experiment is successful, then this child is afraid..." She stopped.

"No matter which experimental subject she is, she has contributed to the world." The male voice said, "Dr. Sai Ruo, do you need me to test her body values first?"

Dr. Sai Ruo didn't say a word, but judging from the sound of operating the instrument, she should have acquiesced.

Chi Xin didn't know what his special body could detect. He felt nervously that the instruments were placed on him, like a critically ill patient in the ward.

After a few seconds, the male voice made a suspicious "Huh".

"What's wrong?" Dr. Sai Ruo said.

Chi Xin's heart mentioned his throat.

"It's weird," the male voice said. "I've never seen such… ordinary data."

"Ordinary?" Dr. Sai Ruo was also puzzled, "Did Han  Mo send the wrong person?"

"I don't know, but it's best to check with Captain Han." The male voice said, "The ''''', especially the most outstanding ones, may be in some places. Fang has shown extraordinary numbers, but this child, no matter which Fang, shows that she is only a very ordinary little girl, and there is nothing to be concerned about."

"I'll take a look." Dr. Sai Ruo came over.

 As their conversation, Chi Xin's heart was slowly put back.

I don't know that the system is powerful, and that the original body is indeed a so-called natural ability user. Chi Xin, they have studied it for half a year, but they really didn't see any abnormality in her body.

"Maybe it's time for me to talk to Han Mo." Dr. Sai Ruo said with a hint of anger, "When are you making this joke? Take this kid to the basement."

Originally, the surnamed Han got into trouble, and Chi Xin was a little gloating about the misfortune, but as soon as he was about to send himself away, he immediately became tense again.

Just when she was hesitating whether to directly control this Dr. Sai Ruo and ordered her to take herself to get the vaccine, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded in the whole building.

"‌Intruder!" The male voice turned pale in shock.

"What's the panic, my father came out." Dr. Sai Ruo said, "Go to father's side first."

The two said and walked out from the door.

This time, the cell core didn't make the sound of locking the door.

She held her breath, confirming that the two had gone far away, and there were no other voices around, she immediately stood up, got out of bed and moved her hands and feet briefly.

The medicinal properties in the body had settled, and the strength returned to the limbs. Chi Xin, a cat walking in the dark night, left the laboratory lightly.

At this moment, the siren has stopped, and only the blood-red lights are still flashing in the corridor. It doesn't look like a laboratory, but like a haunted house scene.

Chi Xin walked against the wall and tried to call Soundscape Xiubai's name in the headset.

"I'm here." Jing Xiubai's voice came quickly, "What's the situation now?"

"I escaped," Chi Xin said. "There are many locked doors here that cannot be opened without violence."

"Don't scare the snakes for now." Jing Xiubai said, "I heard the siren just now, so what?"

"They said that the doctor came out, and it seems that some research results have been achieved." Chi Xin chose one of the two forked intersections, "What should I do now?"

Jing Xiubai pondered for a while: "You don't have much time now, the doctor will know about your situation, and then he will find out your disappearance."

"Do you need me to let you out first?" Chi Xin said.

"Too many people will increase the chances of being discovered." Jing Xiubai's voice was calm, "I can't provide you any real help now, Chi Xin, I'm with you, and I don't know anything about this place. I can Let me tell you, no matter the vaccine or the serum, there is a high probability that it will not be placed in the lower layer, which will increase the probability of damage, so go to the high-level laboratory or office to find it."


Chi Xin looked left and right to see if there were any open rooms. Just when she found the elevator and wanted to go up to the second floor to have a look, there was a sudden sound of even footsteps in her ears.

Click, click.

‌The sound of hard military boots stepping on the ground.

Chi Xin frowned, took a few steps forward in a hurry, and saw the stairwell next to the elevator.

Before the sound of military boots was about to turn around, she dodged in.

"Ding." The voice of the elevator arriving.

This accident made Chi Xin realize how dangerous it is to take the elevator. She turned around in resignation and ran up the stairs directly.

"Chi Xin, are you still there?"

The echo in the stairwell was loud, but the core did not make a sound.

Since Jing Xiubai said to go to the upper floors, Chi Xin simply gave up the second, third and fourth floors and went straight to the fifth floor of the highest floor.

She didn't respond softly until she got out of the stairwell: "I'm on the fifth floor now, I'll hang up first."

A faint voice came from somewhere, and Chi Xin guessed that this was where the doctor was. She looked back at the elevator parked at number 5, and put her footsteps more lightly.

Chi Xin pushed every door that he encountered one by one, but as expected, none of them opened.

She walked and tried all the way, and while there was movement not far away, she tried frantically under the other's eyelids.

There are too many rooms here, and just when she was a little impatient, she suddenly stopped.

Her eyes fell on a metal door on the first floor, and this door was not equipped with a combination lock.

Chi Xin's heart pounded, and she had a hunch that there was a secret behind this door.

It was not far from those voices, Chi Xin hesitated for a while, and walked forward.

What if there is something she needs to find here

Previously, when Han Mo opened the door on the first floor, he didn't make a loud noise. Chi Xin held his breath and learned his way to push forward. Sure enough, the seemingly heavy door was pushed easily. opened.

Just when Chi Xin was relieved, there was something behind the door, and there was a sharp metal friction sound.


Chi Xin was stunned.

Not only because of the sudden voice, but also because of what she saw.

This room is not a laboratory, but more like a freezer. As soon as it is opened, a cold air rushes in, waving away the white air in front of it, and showing in front of the pool core, a A heavy freezer, the same as a coffin.

Judging from the faintly exposed limbs, it was frozen here, and all of them were people.

Chi Xin had a very bad premonition, she pursed her lips and stepped in carefully.

Walking to a freezer, Chi Xin reached out and wiped off the mist, revealing a boy's rather immature face, ‌ and a label.

"Perfect 57".

Seeing this face, Chi Xin felt a strong sense of familiarity in her heart. She stared at the face for a while, and immediately moved to another freezer.

Same as the previous one, only the label was changed to "Perfect No. 58".

Next, then next... Chi Xin looked at a long row in a row, and all of them had the same face!

A certain guess has come out, but Chi Xin is reluctant to believe it.

She didn't give up and came to the other side, determined to wipe the water mist from a freezer.

What appeared in front of me this time was not the face of the boy just now, but another face that was much younger than I remembered, but it was also very familiar.

With beautiful eyebrows and delicate eyes, he was as delicate as a boy who raised a baby. He was sleeping soundly in the freezer, without that pale skin or a look of anger and misanthropy.

A young "Lou Chen" lay here quietly.

The cell core was lifted slowly and looked at the whole room.

This is a room full of "coffins", and there are two people sleeping in it.

Young "Lou Chen".

"Jing Xiubai" by ‌ and teenage models.

She was deeply immersed in this huge army of clones, until a dazzling red light suddenly lit up at the top, reflecting the entire "coffin" into hell.

"Boom", the door behind him was intelligently controlled and closed with a bang.