I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 116: Leng's father's thoughts


Catherine had a sleepless night.

The warthog on the tree also shivered all night.

After dawn.

The little curly tail picked it up from the baobab tree and continued working.

Father Leng left early in the morning to patrol the territory, peeing on the boundaries of the territory and leaving scent marks.

This is his job and responsibility.

In this weather, the smell dissipates quickly.

Therefore, he had to go around the border and be busy every few days.

Although it is very hard, it is better than having a stray lion break in and fight to the death.

The lionesses hid in the shade and did not dare to move.

This weather is unbearably hot.

Chu Xiaoye and Xiao Juanwei continued to go to the bushes behind to collect materials for making traps.

Meimei was supervising the warthog's work. She was very bored and began to dig up the soil with her paws.

The warthog, who was hard at work digging the soil, saw this scene and made a "humming" sound in his mouth unconsciously, as if he was mocking.

Meimei suddenly became angry and imitated her brother's action of slapping the little curly tail, and slapped it on the head!

The warthog was startled and continued to work hurriedly, not daring to make any more noise.

This kind of weather is very difficult for many animals.

But for warthogs, that's a piece of cake.

Like camels, they seem to be able to store water in their bodies. Even if they don't drink water for several months, there will be no problem.

This warthog worked very hard. In just half a day, the pit was dug much deeper.

In order to reward it, Chu Xiaoye brought it another large piece of plant rhizome in the evening.

When it gets dark, Leng's father returns from exhaustion.

At this time, the warthog had not been taken to the baobab tree by the little curly tail, and was resting in the grass.

Father Leng suddenly roared and rushed over!

He was very thirsty and needed to drink some blood to replenish himself and eat a full meal at the same time.

The warthog snorted and jumped up from the grass in fright, but did not dare to run away.

Its hind legs were injured and it couldn't escape.

At this moment, the little curly tail who was lying next to him suddenly stood up and rushed over, stopping Father Leng and looking at him coldly.

This is the first time he has treated his father with such a tough and rude attitude!

Father Leng stopped in front of him, bared his fangs and glared, looking extremely angry!

His body is slightly larger than the curly tail, and the head and face set off by his lush mane are particularly majestic and terrifying!

And his deep roar exudes the lion king's unrivaled powerful momentum, making all animals frightened!

However, at this time, the little curly tail still stopped there and looked at him without giving in.

He is my brother's paw!

No one can take away my brother's things without his permission!

He once feared and respected this powerful father, but now, he is no longer afraid!

He only has his brother in his eyes, but not the Lion King!

In his heart, his brother is the most qualified lion among the lions to be king!

If it weren't for my brother, all the members of the lion pride would have died long ago!

And his father is completely unqualified to show off his power here, dominate them, and bully them!

He doesn't deserve it!


Father Leng roared and bared his fangs as if he were treating an enemy!

Inverted! Inverted!

This traitor is seeking death!

Aisha stood up in a hurry, came to the side of the little curly tail, and persuaded him to get out of the way.

Her eyes were full of worry.

If the king is offended, I'm afraid he will drive both brothers out in advance just like he did with Lal.

The little curly tail ignored it and still stood there stubbornly, unafraid!

He is not afraid!

The worst case scenario is that I run away from home with my brother!

With his little curly tail's intelligence, oh no, strength, and his brother's intelligence, the two brothers can completely stand on their own and seize a better territory again!

Father Leng bared his fangs and roared angrily, ready to pounce on and teach this boy who dared to disobey his father a lesson!

At this time, Chu Xiaoye took Catherine back from the bushes behind.

He was behind just now, teaching Catherine to use his claws to peel off the green bark of branches to make ropes. When he heard the noise, he rushed back immediately.

At this time, seeing that the father and son were at war, Chu Xiaoye immediately walked over.

Father Leng glanced at him and then at Catherine behind him with a gloomy look.

He turned his head, facing the grassland in the distance, and began to roar continuously.

This is a declaration of sovereignty to the wandering lions around the territory.

Every lion king will use this low roar to warn the enemy at night.

However, Father Leng's warning now seems to be not only aimed at the stray lion.

Chu Xiaoye glanced at him, ignored him, and signaled Little Curly Tail to carry the warthog up the tree.

This warthog has a great effect on him. It may completely eliminate the threat to the entire lion group. If he eats it just because of his greed, it will be completely worth the loss.

When the little curly tail carried the warthog up the baobab tree, Chu Xiaoye hesitated and motioned to Catherine to go up the tree to get water.

Not much food, but enough water.

Although this king is a bit domineering and selfish, he is indeed very accomplished through hard work. The previous task of patrolling the territory was not only tiring, but also dangerous. There was a possibility of encountering a stray lion and fighting at any time.

At this time, I saw that his mouth was open and he was panting. It was obvious that his mouth was dry and he was very thirsty.

You should drink some water.

Catherine looked up at the little curly tail on the tree, seeming hesitant.

Little Curly Wei and Meimei don't know where the water source is hidden yet. Is he sure he wants Little Curly Wei to know

She looked into his eyes again.

Chu Xiaoye called to Meimei not far away, asking her to come over and follow Catherine up the tree.

It’s time to show them where the water is hidden.

When he saw the abnormally powerful tiger, he always had an ominous premonition.

Therefore, he had to explain some things clearly to them.

After getting his confirmation, Catherine no longer hesitated and immediately climbed up the baobab tree with Meimei and began to lift the fur covering the branches.

When she dug out the damp wood residue in the tree hole with her claws and revealed a pool of clear water, Meimei and Little Curly Tail were both shocked.

It turns out that Qing Shui is hiding here!

At this moment, Little Curly looked down at his brother, and finally confirmed with conviction that his brother was indeed smarter than him!

After Catherine used the water bag to get water, she went directly down the tree without sealing the tree hole.

Since he wants them all to know, then let them study it carefully.

Chu Xiaoye took the water bag from her mouth, walked to Father Leng, and placed the water bag in front of him.

Father Leng was stunned for a moment, glanced at him, and then at the water on the ground. His eyes flickered, and he immediately lowered his head and drank.


Are you starting to give in now


When you turn one year old, you will be expelled!

If he remembered correctly, these two boys would be one year old in half a month!

(End of chapter)