I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 17: Hunting


The sun sets in the west.

Until evening, the lionesses returned slowly.

Their hair was messy, their bodies were covered with scars, and their bodies were covered with grass clippings and dirt. They looked miserable.

Of the five lion cubs, only two were left.

Lal and a little lioness named Jiji were lucky to survive.

The other three lion cubs were nowhere to be seen.

Apparently, it had been eaten by the baboons.

The two lionesses who had lost their children walked around in the grass with sad eyes, sniffing the remaining scent of their children.

Aisha and Xier ran under the big tree and were startled by the dead old baboon under the tree. They looked up and saw three lion cubs standing on the tree safe and sound, looking at them.


Two lionesses were barking under the tree, their eyes full of love and relief, calling the three of them to come down, as if they wanted to check for themselves whether they were really okay.

Chu Xiaoye climbed down the tree with Xiao Juanwei and Meimei.

Aisha and Xier immediately came up to them, licking their hair tenderly and rubbing their heads affectionately.

When Chu Xiaoye was rubbing his head affectionately with his mother, Xi'er came over and licked his hair to show closeness and gratitude.

If he hadn't insisted on hiding in the tree and not escaped, her daughter would have perished just like the three poor lion cubs.

Chu Xiaoye saved her and her daughter. She already regarded Chu Xiaoye as her own child.

Lal was lying in the grass, his head hanging down, like a child who had done something wrong, frustrated and guilty.

But more than anything, there was fear.

If it weren't for the desperate protection of his mother and other lionesses, and the arrival of his father, he would have been killed by the claws of those baboons.

Now he understands.

It is true that he is a lion, but compared with his majestic father, he is still far behind.

He still needs to grow.

It will only be a few more years before he grows into a lion as strong and powerful as his father!

When the time comes, he must avenge his three dead brothers and sisters!

Lal raised his head and looked at the three little guys who had just been hiding in the tree, feeling full of annoyance.

As the eldest brother, he is not even as good as the youngest sibling.

The lionesses were chased all the way, and they had not eaten for the past two days, so they were already hungry.

Aisha walked up to the old baboon, sniffed the scent on it, raised her head, glanced at Chu Xiaoye strangely, and then turned to call the other sisters to come and enjoy the food.

The scent of Chu Xiaoye remained on this prey.

Although she didn't know how her child hunted the large baboon, she should dispose of the trophy.

The other lionesses gathered around and began to enjoy the food.

Aisha called out to Lal in the grass and moved some places.

Although Lal was ashamed and regretful, he couldn't resist the hunger in his stomach. He quickly got up and ran over to eat.

Among the lion cubs, he is the oldest and the one who needs the most new flesh and blood.

Otherwise, it will affect the growth of the body.

The other cubs can feed on milk for the time being to fill their bellies.

Although the body of this baboon is relatively large, it is not large enough for five lionesses and one male lion cub.

They rest for a while and after feeding, they will go out to hunt again.

Although the two lionesses who lost their children were very sad, they still had to live strong and be responsible for the entire pride.

The lion had just killed an adult baboon in a battle with an army of baboons.

After the baboons left and the lionesses were looking for their babies, the male lions were already eating.

At this time, the adult baboon that was bitten to death may have all entered the belly of the male lion.

Presumably, he will come back to look after the lion cubs soon.

After Chu Xiaoye finished feeding, she returned to the big tree, thinking that she would have to find a way to get extra food tonight.

In the past few days, he has exercised so much that just drinking milk is obviously not enough.

However, the tragedy caused by Lal today made him hesitate again.

However, he would not be foolish enough to mess with those powerful characters.

Small things like little rabbits, little squirrels, and little mice are the most suitable prey for their little lions.

Even if the whole family eats it, it won’t dare to resist, right

Chu Xiaoye secretly decided to try his skills tonight.

After Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei finished feeding, they also climbed up and lay down next to him, rubbing his body affectionately.

These two little guys now also like to move and sleep in trees.

After all, they had escaped the last two dangers in trees, and their lives could be considered saved by trees.

Lal ate a few mouthfuls of flesh and blood, then went to the lioness who had lost her child to nurse for a while, and then lay down beside her mother to sleep.

Today's events left a deep impression on him.

He never dared to run out alone again.

He must be obedient from now on, not going anywhere except eating, sleeping and playing, and staying by his mother's side honestly, waiting to grow up.

When he grows up, he will be free and powerful!

At that time, as long as he bares his fangs, spreads his lush lion's mane, and roars a few times, the enemy will be frightened and pissed off!

The sun sets quickly.

The vast grassland became dim.

The strong lion, with its full stomach, paced back slowly, but did not bring back any flesh and blood for the children.

Xier stayed.

The rest of the lionesses said goodbye to their children, rubbed their heads with the male lions, and then set off.

A silver moon hangs on the branches.

In the bushes, the heavy snoring of the lion soon came.

Xier also lay down on the grass and closed her eyes.

They slept very lightly.

On the big tree, Chu Xiaoye climbed down from the tree quietly after seeing Xiao Juanwei and Meimei sleeping.

After landing.

He stepped on the soft grass and walked step by step towards the bushes behind him.

Finally, before waking up Xi'er, he got into the dense bushes.

Sneak forward through the bushes.

After walking for a while, he suddenly heard a "click-click" sound.

The sound was very small, but in the silent night, it reached his ears clearly.

Looking through the gaps in the grass and trees, under a big tree, there is a rabbit with gray-yellow fur, gnawing nuts with relish, its two ears erect vigilantly.

Chu Xiaoye was secretly happy, slowed down, and approached step by step, preparing to sprint!


At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out of the grass nearby and bit the hare's head!

The movements are as fast as lightning, and the jumps are as light as flying!

Chu Xiaoye took a closer look and saw that it was actually a leopard!

The leopard bit the rabbit, turned around, and quickly disappeared into the lush grass.

When Chu Xiaoye was secretly crying out for bad luck, he suddenly heard a childish cry of "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [..."

Immediately, the grass shook, and a small cat-like leopard ran out of it chasing the lame rabbit.

The leopard that had just disappeared reappeared, following behind the little leopard, looking around warily with its bright eyes.

Chu Xiaoye's heart tightened and she lay on the ground, not daring to move. She secretly prayed in her heart that the lame rabbit wouldn't run towards him.

The female leopard protecting her calf is not easy to mess with!

If it misunderstood that he was here to hurt her child, that would be the end of it.

The speed of a leopard is not something to be boasted about.

That's more powerful than turbocharging!

Ordinarily, where there are lions stationed, there are rarely leopards nearby, let alone raising children here.

After all, leopards are extremely afraid of lions.

For some reason, this leopard chose this place to raise its children.

Could it be that like people, they think that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Or is it using the deterrent power of the lions to avoid the threat of hyenas and other predators

It seems that this leopard is not only bold, but also very smart.

However, doing so is also dangerous.

If they were discovered by the lions, both mother and daughter would die.

As for why he knew that the little leopard was female, he didn't know. Anyway, he knew it at a glance.

Maybe this is the natural skill of animals.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

The terrible scene still happened!

The little leopard chased the lame rabbit and ran towards the bush where he was hiding!

The female leopard, with a delicate body but fierce temperament, also followed!

Chu Xiaoye's heart suddenly rose to her throat and almost jumped out of her chest!

(End of chapter)