I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 43: Drink water


At noon.

It's the time when the sun is scorching hot.

The wind blowing from the grassland also seemed to have been roasted in a fire, with a hint of heat.

Chu Xiaoye was very thirsty.

Not only was he thirsty, Little Curly tail and his mother, as well as Meimei and her daughter, were also thirsty.

I was walking very slowly.

As a result, we took a long detour because of the herd of buffaloes.

The injured Xi'er was swaying and moving hard, feeling as if she was going to faint at any moment.

Meimei was also hot and tired, looking depressed.

The little curly tail had lost his mind and was running around. At this moment, his mouth was open with heat, breathing heavily, and his steps looked heavy and weak.

At this time in the past, the lions would never have been running around in the open grassland under the scorching sun. Instead, they would have been hiding in the shade of the bushes to rest.

But now, they had to move heavy steps and brave the scorching sun to go to drink water.

this moment.

Chu Xiaoye finally understood Father Leng's indifference and ruthlessness.

Presumably by this time, Father Leng had already taken the three lionesses and Lal, finished drinking the water, returned to the shady bush, and lay down comfortably.

In this cruel animal world, sympathy and pity will kill yourself and your companions.

It could even kill the entire tribe.

Therefore, as a leader, you must be cold and ruthless, decisive and selfish.

Xi'er may have understood that she was dragging everyone and her daughter down, so she was shrugging her head and looking very depressed, moving even slower, and her spirit seemed to be a little broken.

She seemed to want to give up.

It was as if he had been seriously injured and was preparing to find a secluded place alone and wait silently for death.

She swayed and lay down, letting out a sad cry.

She seemed to be sighing at her fate, but also seemed to be urging Aisha to take the children and leave first.

Aisha panted heavily, walked up to her, rubbed her head, and looked at the three children.

She also decided to leave first with her three children.

If every ethnic group wants to continue to reproduce, it must first consider the life and death of its descendants.

Aisha seemed to see that Xi'er was seriously injured. At this time, she was hot and tired and could no longer support herself to the river.

And if she didn't drink water, she might not even be able to survive the night.

She has given up.

But the children still live.

Aisha lowered her head and rubbed her head again, as if saying goodbye to her sisters.

Without the lion, she had to make a decision.

Xi'er rubbed her head with her, and then looked at her daughter, as if she was caring for an orphan on her deathbed.

Meimei leaned next to her, her mouth open, her mouth was dry, and she was a little dizzy from the heat.

She couldn't walk either.

Chu Xiaoye looked at them, raised her head again, glanced at the scorching sun above her head, and then lay down on the ground.

He was fine except for being a little thirsty.

Even if you make two trips from here to the river, there will be absolutely no problem.

However, he lay on the ground and stopped walking.

Seeing that he wasn't leaving, the little curly tail immediately lay down and buried his head in the withered grass, as if he wanted to shield himself from the scorching sun.

Aisha stood in front of Hill, looking at the three children lying on the ground, unwilling to leave, and suddenly became anxious.

Xi'er was even more anxious.

She has already burdened the children. Now, do she want the children to be exposed to the scorching sun here with her and slowly wait to die

She immediately struggled, stood up, growled at Meimei, and then at Chu Xiaoye and Xiao Juanwei, as if she was angry, and then, tremblingly, continued to move forward.

She must cheer up!

Chu Xiaoye stood up immediately.

Little Curly Wei and Meimei also stood up.

Xi'er looked at them, paused for a moment, and immediately led the team to move forward.

Fortunately, the river is not far away.

After a difficult trek, they finally reached the hillside and saw the river below.

Elsa breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, there were not many animals coming to drink water.

The buffalo herd has left.

There were several animals scattered in twos and threes by the river, all drinking water cautiously, and there seemed to be no danger.

Aisha didn't dare to delay any longer and immediately led them down the hillside.


On the way down the hillside, a monster suddenly climbed up.

Its body shape is very similar to that of a crocodile, but it does not have the armor of a crocodile. It has a forked tongue sticking out of its mouth, its limbs look strong and strong, and its claws are extremely sharp!

It glanced at the lions and did not avoid it. Instead, it continued to wag its tail, stick out its tongue, and walked over in a swaggering manner.

At first, Little Curly thought the monster was a crocodile and was frightened.

After a few careful observations, I discovered that the monster's mouth was smaller, and it didn't have the two rows of sharp teeth like a crocodile!

He was immediately furious and roared, ready to pounce on this blind guy and teach him a lesson!

As a result, before he jumped out, he was slapped back by Chu Xiaoye.

Chu Xiaoye knew this monster.

This looks like a Komodo dragon.

But why does it appear here

The African grasslands are not where they should appear.

Even his mother Aisha might not know this guy, otherwise she wouldn't be indifferent.

Although Komodo dragons don't have the sharp teeth of crocodiles and lions, their saliva and venom are enough to rival any predator.

Not only do they often eat carrion, but they also often hunt large animals, especially powerful buffalo.

Their saliva contains extremely scary bacteria.

What’s even more terrifying is that their venom glands also contain a toxic protein that resists blood coagulation!

As long as one is bitten by them, it will be difficult to stop the blood from the wound, and the venom will quickly enter the body along the blood, causing the prey to gradually lower its blood pressure, muscle paralysis, and then go into shock until death.

Therefore, Chu Xiaoye would never dare to let Little Curly Wei come forward to provoke this kind of animal.

You can bite it many times and it may not die, but as long as you are bitten by it, you will have to wait for death in pain.

Unless like a leopard with superb sneak attack skills, it suddenly jumps out and bites its spine, making it instantly lose any power to resist.


Seeing that the Komodo dragon was about to crawl in front of him, Chu Xiaoye immediately waved the lions to get out of the way.

Although everyone didn't understand what this monster was afraid of, they were all thirsty at this time and wanted to go to the river to drink water. There was no need to start another conflict.

Aisha immediately took Little Curly Tail and Xi'er and her daughter and stepped aside.

The Komodo dragon didn't even look at them, stuck out its tongue, swung its tail, and walked away.

Chu Xiaoye stared at its back, still feeling a little strange.

How could this kind of creature appear in Africa? Or is this actually another monitor lizard, not the Komodo dragon

"Ho ho! Ho ho!"

When they walked to the river and were about to drink water, a group of baboons suddenly rushed down from the hillside not far away.

Seeing this group of baboons, Aisha and Xier were immediately shocked!

(End of chapter)