I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 70: The power of golden claws!


The night is getting darker.

The exhausted lions all fell into sleep.

Father Leng also returned from the hillside and rested in the bushes.

The low roar of the neighbor Seno brothers only lasted for a while and then stopped.

The hot weather makes their mouths dry and they dare not consume too much energy and water.

In the bush, it was quiet.

Catherine lay lying in the bushes, her eyes open, her mind groggy and unable to sleep.

Meimei placed the venison in front of her.

Although she was very hungry, she had no energy to eat at all.

She felt weak all over, her body felt hotter and hotter, and her bones felt more and more painful.

There is a feeling of imminent death.

She is sick.

Maybe it’s the illness of never being able to stand up again.

Her mother was not far from the neighboring territory, but she didn't miss her.

Even though she was about to die, she had no desire to see her again.

She is just an abandoned child.

I have long since lost my home and my relatives.

Now, in her heart, there is only that word that can restore hope and light to her life.

The moonlight pours down like water.

He lay quietly on the baobab tree and seemed to have fallen asleep.

He must be very tired today.

Unfortunately, he will never be seen hunting again, and he will never be able to eat the food he left behind.

Catherine's vision became increasingly blurry.

The body is as hot as fire, but the heart is cold.

Just when she was about to close her eyes and prepare to fall asleep, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Chu Xiaoye walked up to her with a water bag in her mouth.

This little lioness seemed to be sick, and she was seriously ill, and it could very well kill her.

In this vast grassland, both adult lions and cubs are very afraid of disease.

Many lions died silently from diseases.

Diseases are especially rampant during the dry season.

This little lioness has a fragile body. She is hungry and full of food. Without the care of her mother and the care of the lions, she will inevitably feel depressed and have low immunity.

Chu Xiaoye is not a doctor, even if he is a doctor, there is nothing he can do in this situation.

He could only come over and bring her some water, and spit in the water.

He didn't know if his saliva could kill the germs in her body, so he could only give it a try.

If it couldn't be saved, it would be her life.

In this cruel nature, life is dying every moment, and she is not alone.

Katherine raised her head with difficulty, opened her eyes wide, and stared at him blankly, as if she was dreaming.

he came.

He brought water and came to see her.

Did he leave after knowing she was there

In the last moments of her life, she was happy and happy to be able to stay so close to him, to be able to look at him so closely, and to be cared about by him.

Even if she dies now, she is content.

She didn't dare to look at him, lowered her head in humiliation, stuck out her tongue, and licked the water in the water bag gratefully and reservedly.

The clear water is sweet and fragrant.

A coolness flowed down her throat and into her body, seeming to extinguish the hot fire in her body.

She suddenly became energetic and continued to lick the water from the water bag.

So sweet and refreshing water!

Is this a psychological factor

Maybe it's because he sent it.

Seeing that she was drinking happily, Chu Xiaoye stretched out his paw and pushed the deer meat on the ground in front of her, and then touched her head to show comfort.

It's like saying: "Girl, don't be afraid, it's okay. You should eat and drink. If you die, I will help you bury your body."

Catherine raised her head and looked at him with watery eyes, her expression blank, as if she had suddenly become stupid.

She had never enjoyed this kind of tenderness, this kind of intimate gesture that made her heart beat faster and her heart warm.

Her eyes trembled, and she couldn't help but stretched her head forward, wanting him to continue touching her.


Chu Xiaoye turned around and left, getting into the bushes behind.

He was going to see if there was any prey nearby.

For a sick lion cub, fresh flesh and blood must be more nutritious and more flavorful.

Catherine looked at his leaving back, her eyes gradually narrowed, full of tipsy drunkenness.

She had a sudden appetite and seemed to have regained some strength.

She lowered her head, drank the whole bag of water, and ate the piece of venison completely.

Then, she lay quietly in the bushes and fell asleep.

The night is quiet and the moon is bright.

Chu Xiaoye walked into the fruit forest behind and lurked in the dense grass for a while, but did not see any prey.

Until daybreak, still found nothing.

It seems that the days to come will become increasingly difficult.

As for the little lioness, whether she can survive the torture of the disease or not, we can only leave it to fate.


Just as he stood up from the grass and was about to turn around and leave, a familiar roar suddenly came from the forest not far away.

That's the cry of a little leopard.

However, the cry seemed to sound a little frightened, and the voice was trembling.

Chu Xiaoye hesitated for a moment and walked over.

A pungent fishy smell suddenly hit his face, almost making him gag!

Ahead, a thick patterned python is coiled around the roots of a big tree!

And the little leopard was being wrapped around the tree trunk by the python. Although it struggled hard, it was to no avail. It let out a low growl from its mouth and its eyes were full of terror.

Her mother is unknown.

Usually, pythons are on the leopard's diet.

However, if given the chance, the python will eat the leopard cubs without mercy!

This little leopard was apparently left alone and was caught by the python.

If her mother was around, the python would not dare to attack even if it was given a few more courages.

At this time, the little leopard suddenly saw the hateful little lion in fear and despair.

She was stunned for a moment, and immediately screamed "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" (Ouch, Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo).

As if to say: "Save me! Save me!"

Chu Xiaoye walked around to the back of the python.

The python's head immediately turned to the back alertly, its mouth opened, spitting out fishy odor, and it looked at him with cold eyes, as if threatening.

Thinking of how he was almost strangled and swallowed by a python when he was sleeping in a tree, Chu Xiaoye felt very bad.

Although it's not the same one, looking at it makes him equally disgusted and angry!


He started to circle around the big tree!

The python's body was tightly wrapped around the big tree, and it started to turn, moving much slower.

After Chu Xiaoye turned around a few times, he saw that its reaction was really slow, and he suddenly lost interest in playing. He waved his right paw and grabbed its head directly with a "swish" sound!

A golden light, like a shooting star, streaked across the dark night!


The python's flat and ferocious head instantly fell to the ground.

The fractures are neat, as if they were cut by a sharp blade!

Chu Xiaoye was shocked!

(End of chapter)