I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 90: Small curly tail



Belita's pitiful cry came again.

Chu Xiaoye paused.

But, this time, he really didn't look back.

He turned his head and looked at the bushes nearby.

The bushes are thick and it must be very shady inside.

The weather is so hot, you can't run around casually, it's better to hide in the bushes and enjoy the cool.

He turned around, got into the bushes, hid his whole body in it, and lay down.

The air was still filled with the bloody smell of the female leopard.

This will attract many hungry predators.

He happened to have itchy golden claws and could practice his fighting skills.

He turned over and lay down, keeping his eyes fixed on the surroundings of the leopard mother and daughter.

In order to become stronger, he must not slack off!

Belita looked at the bush where he was hiding for a while, then Fang lowered his head, stuck out his tongue, and licked the clear water in the water bag.

A sweet and cool liquid immediately flowed down her throat and into her body.

She shivered comfortably.

The scorching temperature suddenly became much cooler.

She quickly pushed the water bag in front of her mother and asked her to drink too.

The female leopard lay on the ground, lowered her head and started licking.

She was distracted and already in despair. At this moment, she just took a sip of water and immediately felt refreshed. It seemed that even the pain in her body had eased a bit.

She stayed for a moment, then quickly continued drinking.

After a while.

She suddenly felt hungry and wanted to eat.

She looked at the dead old crocodile next to her.

She struggled to stand up and walked over.

Belita was also hungry and immediately understood what her mother meant.

She raised her head and glanced at the bushes over there, seeming a little embarrassed, but still walked over.

The mother and daughter started eating immediately.

Chu Xiaoye hid in the bushes and watched for a while, then got up and left from behind.

He felt he should leave.

He has done everything he can to be kind and righteous.

Water was given, saliva was given for treatment, and food was left behind.

If the mother and daughter still cannot survive, it means that they do not have this life.

Here, if you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself.

Help from others will only make you more lazy and dependent, making you weaker and more likely to be eliminated by the cruel nature.

Whether they can survive or not depends on themselves.

Today he has repaid the kindness he received from those few prey.

From now on, we will never owe each other again.

He returned to camp.

When the little curly tail saw him coming back, he immediately ran over with his mouth open and rubbed his body flatteringly, showing that he was very thirsty.

"Brother, water..."

Fresh water in the dry season is extremely precious.

If this kid knew that there was a lot of clean water hidden in the two baobab trees, he would probably have to lick it a few times every day and even waste it.

Although the amount of water stored there is enough for him to waste in various ways, it would be too cruel for other animals that die of thirst due to drought.

Therefore, he had no intention of letting them know the source of the clear water.

Also, this kid is not young anymore. Like him, he will be almost one year old soon, and it is time for him to support himself and become self-reliant.

Every time he was hungry or thirsty, he would ask his brother for food and water. So what should he do in the future

Chu Xiaoye decided to ignore him and let him find a solution on his own.

He walked to the bushes nearby and lay down.

The little curly tail followed him with a flattering expression, twisting and acting coquettishly in front of him, and even winking and wagging its tail, like a pug trying to please its master.

Chu Xiaoye hated that iron could not be transformed into steel, so she waved her claws and slapped him, then glared at him and told him to get out.

The little curly tail was stunned.

He shrunk his neck and took a few steps back. Seeing that his brother seemed to be in a bad mood, he didn't dare to continue to pester him, so he had to shrug his head and turn around to leave.


Chu Xiaoye stared at his tail, secretly wondering.

This kid's tail seems to have grown a lot longer.

Even though it was bent, it almost dragged on the ground, and the once-bent tip also became straight!


At this moment, a mosquito flew to the kid's neck. As soon as it landed on it, the curved tail suddenly swung up and directly drained the mosquito into blood!


Chu Xiaoye stood up suddenly.

It was the first time he saw a lion's tail, which could easily hit the neck!

How does this kid's tail grow

He remembered that it didn't seem so long a few days ago


He immediately yelled at the little curly tail.

The little curly tail paused and turned to look at him, with a confused look on his face, as if to say: Is it brother calling me


"come over!"

Seeing how stupid this kid was, Chu Xiaoye wanted to go up and give him another paw.

Didn't Lal's tragedy make this kid vigilant and worried

Don't be smarter, let's see how you behave when you go out!

When the little curly boy saw that it was indeed his brother who was calling him, he was immediately excited. He turned around quickly and ran back in a hurry.

My brother must have relented and was ready to get him some water.

He knew that his brother was the best to him.

However, when he ran in front of his brother, his brother turned behind him, raised his paws, fiddled with his tail, and played with his paws very intently.

This made him a little embarrassed, even a little uneasy.

However, he didn't dare to move.

Chu Xiaoye observed carefully for a while, then stood side by side with him to compare, and found that this kid's tail was nearly twenty centimeters longer than his!

He was stunned, lowered his head, and looked between the boy's legs.

What a surprise!

Why does this kid's tail grow faster than the rest of his body

Such a long tail looks very asymmetrical.

No wonder this kid always likes to curl his tail into a circle in the past two days.

When Meimei saw him playing with Little Curly's tail, she ran over curiously and stood behind Little Curly.

Chu Xiaoye glanced at her and immediately motioned for her to stand side by side with Little Curly Tail and straighten her tail.

He wanted to compare again.

Meimei did not dare to disobey, so she had no choice but to stand with Little Curly Wei.

The little curly tail and her looked at each other and saw the anxiety in each other's eyes.

What on earth is my brother going to do

Chu Xiaoye observed that Mei Mei's tail had not changed at all, but Little Curly's tail was really different and a little abnormal.

Could this kid have been a monkey in his previous life


Suddenly, a lion's roar came from the bushes behind the camp!

It sounded like Seno's voice.

Immediately, several more male lions roared, sounding murderous!

Father Leng suddenly stood up from the shade.

Those were the three stray lions that once roared across the river!

They finally couldn't bear it anymore and were coming to invade

(End of chapter)