I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 101


Liu Yu took a bite expressionlessly.

The sour taste makes this green pancake look even more terrifying.

"Miss Margaret, would you like a piece?"

"Oh no, I'm going to lose weight tonight!" Margaret watched her eat, her eyes and nose were all wrinkled, "...just in time, I have grown some meat on my stomach recently, so I won't eat! Goodbye, lucky girl!"

She walked lightly.

Liu Yu couldn't bear the heavy taste, so he put it aside and ate dry cheese, meat rolls, and drank milk. After eating everything, I started to study the compass.

A dark and ordinary iron plate, with a cold feel, and a grid woven with silver threads criss-crossing on it.

Why... did it get into her hands so easily

Maybe it's bad luck for a long time, it's rare to get it so easily, Liu Yu is a little worried about gains and losses.

A slim and slender girl is seen in the silver diorama next to her. The pink flowers in her hair have a hazy beauty under the hazy yellow light of the wall lamp—

Could it be because of this lucky flower

Liu Yu was thoughtful, and when he realized it, he realized that he had stood in front of the mirror holding a compass for a long time.

The compass didn't respond. Obviously in the novel, when it touched Nataxi, it was like touching a confidant, and it shone brightly. But now, it's just a dark piece of iron, dim and dull.

Liu Yu tried the legendary "Blood Recognition"—

Obviously, this Eastern method does not apply to the West.

She and this compass are not in harmony with each other.

After struggling for a long time, Liu Yu gave up.

She hid it at the top of the house, where a rock protruded—placed it, and covered it with dusty stone.

No one would think of it here.

Like a mole hiding food, Liu Yu lay down on the bed contentedly after washing and sleeping.

Before falling asleep, she was still thinking: God must teach her sixty characters tomorrow... In this way, she can learn the language of God as soon as possible and understand the iron plates. Besides, Mrs. Fergus can't wait too long...

A stomach full of worries weighed heavily, causing her eyebrows to gather tightly, and after a while, they relaxed again.

In the dream, there is a faint moon.

The silver moon fluttered and fluttered into her hand, and when she pinched it, two bubbles of water came out.

Liu Yu was startled and woke up.

Its daybreak.

Margaret and Edith talking outside the courtyard.

"Good morning, Miss Edith! Where are you going so early?"

"Priest Lina sent a message, saying that God has called me!"

"Oh, you are so lucky! When you come back, you must tell me what God looks like... I guess God must be very beautiful..."

Liu Yu's consciousness immediately became clear:

God called Edith, for... what

Soon, she knew why.

When she stepped into the hall with a book in her left hand and a quill in her right hand, she saw Edith in blue skirt sitting on the steps she usually sat on.

She is holding a book and looking at it intently.

And on the throne behind her, God is already sitting there.

He was propped on one leg, with his left hand on that leg, and he was lazily leaning against one armrest, with his head slightly tilted, talking to Edith. When she came in, he looked up at her.

In those eyes, there is nothing.

Only the endless deep sea.

Liu Yu walked down the steps as if nothing had happened, put his right hand on his left chest, and bowed:

"God, good morning."

God didn't answer her.

Liu Yu has already raised his head, smiling naturally and kindly:

"God, I thought, today maybe I can learn sixty basic characters at once."

"Miss Fergus's smile is always so refreshing."

"Thanks, then—"

"—today I promised Edith."


Liu Yu was taken aback for a moment, she looked into his eyes.

A piece of pure and bright green, calm.

"I won't take up too much of your time. If sixty won't work, fifty or forty will do."

Liu Yu assumed a more humble posture.

She could feel the heat on the top of her head, as if someone was cutting open her skull with a hot blade to see what was inside.

God was silent for a long time.

Liu Yu raised his head, but saw his cold rejection under his narrowed eyes.

So she knew, he wouldn't teach her today—

At least not now.

"Then I won't bother you."

Liu Yu also gave an encouraging smile to Miss Edith, who was obviously a little nervous, and then took a book and a pen, and went to sit with the other saints and saints.

Maybe, she could turn to Calby for help.

I heard that he is a language genius.

Calby took a seat and greeted her warmly:

"Miss Fergus, sit here!"

Liu Yu smiled at him, and took the opportunity to sit down:

"Mr. Calby, good morning."

Calby smiled like a sunflower, and he asked her:

"Ms. Fergus, good morning. Did yesterday's Skittles taste good?"

"It's very delicious and sweet." Liu Yu smiled with a row of neat teeth, "And... thank you for your compass, I like it very much."

Calby scratched the back of his head, his face was as red as an apple again:

"You, if you like it, I'll go back and buy some for you!"

Liu Yu smiled and said thank you, then spread out the book:

"Mr. Calby, I heard that you learn any language very quickly."

Calby came over, squinting his eyes to identify the book on Liu Yu's lap, then shook his head:

"Oh, the language of God."

He tried to open his somewhat round eyes wide:

"Miss Fergus, this divine language... I don't know anything about it."

"That's the domain of the gods, I think... maybe Miss Fergus has this ability because she is a servant of the gods under the contract of God. I can't do anything about it."

"Then can you tell me, what method do you usually use to learn languages?"

That's not going to bother Carlby.

His baby-fat, fair face stretches out to look adorable:

"Oh, will you listen to... I hope I can help you..."

The cute young man and the charming young girl spoke intently while the other listened attentively. The atmosphere seemed to be very harmonious.

It's just that the young saints and saints feel a little... weird.

Today's temple feels neither floral nor drafty—it appears to be frozen.

But looking left and right, everything is still the same, the god is sitting high on the throne, the planets in the void are constantly rotating, and the wild beasts on the golden wall are looking at them majestically.

Nothing changes.

Time flows quietly.

Liu Yu found that the few language skills mentioned by Karlbi are very practical, even if they are applied to the language of God, they are also applicable. The smile on his face became more sincere:

"Thanks, Calby! You've been a great help!"

Karbi scratched his head, as if thinking of something, he invited her:

"... In three days' time, it will be the Autumn Harvest Festival in the Kingdom of Gods! It will be very interesting, I, I would like to invite you... Oh no, would you like to go out and have a look? At that time, you will see fireworks all over the city..."

"By the way, other people will go too, including your sister, Miss Leonard."

Calby added.


Liu Yu thought of the compass that didn't move: maybe... it wasn't this compass

"I accept your invitation."

She smiled and agreed.

Calby was immediately delighted:

"Then, see you then!"

A gust of wind passed, and the people on the seat of God disappeared.

The saints and saints found out immediately.

"Oh, God left so early today."

"Looks like God... something's bothering you."

It was raining heavily outside the window, the sky was gloomy, and the pouring rain hit the transparent window pane, making a "drizzling" sound.

It was suddenly dark outside.

The Saint Son and Saint Daughter looked at each other, they looked a little uneasy.

Priest Lina stood up:

"God has left, and you should also leave."

She looked at Liu Yu:

"Miss Fergus stays."

The saints and saints stood up one after another, jacquard baskets, book holders, books, they walked carefully along the wall, no one dared to approach the center of the main hall, for fear of being swallowed by the shadow.

When Edith passed Liu Yu, she whispered:

"I know that God is not for me."

Liu Yu looked at her: "Maybe, God just prefers the looks like you and me."

Edith shook her head, but said nothing, lifted her skirt and walked out the door cautiously.

After everyone left, the hall suddenly became empty.

Priest Lina walked up to her, and she handed over her flower basket:

"Miss Fergus, can I ask you something?"

"Priest Lina, please speak."

Liu Yu took the flower basket, but saw that there was a plate of rose-colored... star cakes in the flower basket

The star cake is still steaming.

"I want you to send it to God."

"Star cake? I remember that gods don't like human food. In order to avoid it, he will leave before the green mantis comes."

"Have you seen the rain outside? The kingdom of gods is like spring all the year round. It is a land favored by gods. It is full of sunshine all year round, and the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers...it has never rained before." Priest Lina had a sad face , "Now, it's raining."

Liu Yu froze for a moment, she thought of a ridiculous guess—

"what do you mean… "

"So, I would like to ask you to send these star cakes. A few days ago, God let Miss Edith cook a lot in the kitchen—I think God might like these star cakes."

"You can deliver it yourself."

Liu Yu said.

Priest Lina shook her head: "Miss Fergus, you are a noble servant of God, a believer approved by God, you are different from us."

Liu Yu remembered the goal he hadn't achieved today, and took it:

"Where is God?"

"Please follow me."

Priest Lina led her around countless corridors, and finally came to the end.

A corridor shrouded in white light.

"Ahead is the inner temple of God." Priest Lina looked at her with encouraging eyes, "We can't go in. But you have the imprint of God on your body, so you can pass."

Although Priest Lina often has a straight face, her personality is not bad.

She won't hurt her.

Liu Yu stepped onto the corridor and walked steadily step by step.

When stepping on the last step, the golden door "slammed" open—a palace that was more gorgeous and refined than before was opened to her.