I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 117


Moliai is the oldest Holy Spirit body.

From birth to the present, it is exactly a thousand years old. Anyone who is older is old and dead. People outside like to call them "God Knights", but they usually refer to themselves as "Guardians".

Every one of them has sworn to stay by the Father's side forever.

Therefore, when they received the announcement from Father God in the middle of the night, Moliai and the other guardians were stunned.

God the Father actually had a wife, and decided to choose a date to get married

This is even more unbelievable than the destruction of the planet!

In this world, is there anyone who is worthy of their noble and great Father God? !

The guardians ended their travels in various worlds by coincidence, gathered at the shrine in the early morning of the next day, and then, led by Moliai, entered the hall with a sword in hand and standard knight steps.

God cannot be peeped at.

The god knights headed by Moliai lowered their eyes and knelt on one knee:

"Greetings Father God, Greetings Mother."

But the startled glance before kneeling down remained in front of his eyes for a long time.

On the throne, their noble and beautiful Father God was holding a blonde girl in his arms. The father God's long silver hair was intimately intertwined with the girl's golden waves—that scene set off a huge storm in their hearts.

God the Father has never brought anyone so close.

"Get up."

The beautiful voice of God the Father is the same as before.

Moliai led the god knights to stand up, his eyes lowered slightly, staying on the skirt of Father God's chest, on the snow-white silk material, the silver star and moon emblem flowed like mercury.

"You... are all back?"

"Yes, Father God."

When Moriai answered the question, he raised his head slightly.

Now, he had a clear view of the girl in the arms of God the Father. She was as beautiful as an oil painting, her blond hair was draped over the throne, her red skirt was like a flaming fire, making her skin more crystal clear, her blue eyes were vivid and clear, reminding him of the legendary god of love and beauty .

But for some reason, Moriai was a little uneasy.

This uneasiness reached its peak when he saw the gray "crow"-like bird next to the throne.

However, he had to admit that the partner chosen by God the Father was not bad.

There is a faint aura similar to Father God on her body—

That aura was majestic and mysterious, but it was too weak, otherwise, his knees might bend and crawl down uncontrollably.

Liu Yu was also looking at the row of blondes.

They are all tall and have long legs. If they don't look too much alike, they really look like a top male model team.


She was a little panicked.

"You, why are they all... the same?"

She lowered her voice.

The man who hugged her smiled slightly.

The light fell on his face, making him extraordinarily handsome:

"... don't you think, they look cheerful?"

Liu Yu: ...

"Oh, no."

"Why?" He was surprised, "They are docile and obedient..."

“…I think, because you want to create the perfect species, so, using yourself as a template…”

Liu Yu was still continuing with the previous question.


These words seemed to please Gaia.

The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and the light golden sunlight in the green pupils lightly sprinkled: "If you must think so."

Liu Yu closed his mouth and decided to control his goosebumps.

[Oh, that's terrible, that's terrible...]

Scabbers had been squatting in the temple before, and before he even said hello to Baby, he saw a group of human beings who looked exactly the same. He couldn't help covering his black eyes with his wings, [Oh, Scabbers' eyes are going to be blind, so many Lai! Mr Slee...]

Moliai looked at this "gray crow". He had never seen such a fat bird, and there had never been any bird in the shrine.

Just as I was about to ask, I heard the beautiful voice of God the Father from the throne:

"Moliere, is everything going well?"

Moliai quickly bowed his head:

"Everything is going well, the anomaly in the Taled world has been lifted... The criminals are being held on Mel Island, waiting for your judgment, Father God."

Father God pondered for a while, but announced to them that he was going to get married in a month.

Moliai wanted to bless Father God, but heard a somewhat hoarse voice in the hall.

The girl stared at Father God:

"One month?! Gaia, I didn't agree!"

Gaia? !

How dare you call the name of God the Father directly? !

Molière was offended.

He pulled out his sword in a "swish", and pointed it at the weak girl on the throne like every time before, and together with other knights:

"The name of God the Father is taboo!",

"The will of God the Father cannot be disobeyed!"

"The crime of blasphemy is unforgivable!"

Liu Yu was dumbfounded by the angry reprimands and blades of the knights.

She didn't expect that the cheap eldest sons who had been respectful to her just now turned against each other immediately - this reminded her of Prince Carlo.

And the crime of blasphemy stirred up a fragile nerve in her.

"Drop your weapon."

she shouted.

There was a gust of wind blowing in the hall, and the sound of "buzzing" kept ringing. Mauriai looked in surprise at the saber that was about to fall out of his hand—

This is impossible!

Unless God the Father takes action, no one in this world can remove his sword.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, the swords of the other knights tended to be a little unstable—

Sweat trickled down Liu's forehead drop by drop.

The divine power in her body is being drained rapidly—casting such a group divine spell is still a burden for her at this time, especially for these holy spirit bodies who have lived for an unknown number of years.

At this moment, the back of the hand was gently covered by a palm.

A soft light force entered her body, lingering in her body—

"Drop your weapon."

Liu Yu used a silent technique once.

After a while of "dingling jingling", the stalemate confrontation ended.

The god knights looked at the empty palms with pale faces.

On the ground lay their proud sabers in disorder.

A knight's sword is like their fate.

"There is no second time."

At this time, God stood up.

His tall figure stood on the steps, his white robe was blown up by the wind, his face was calm but cold:

"The sword pointing directly at the Queen of God is tantamount to betraying God."

The knights including Moliai lowered their heads unanimously:


They are convinced.

Even with the help of the Father God later, she was able to stalemate them with the simplest magic spell at the beginning, which already showed her ability.

Moliai spent the longest time with the gods, and he even dared to be sure that the divine power reserve of the future god empress had surpassed that of a demigod.

It's a pity that no matter how close you are to God, you can't become a real God.

"Now, step back."

The knights picked up the sabers on the ground and saluted Liu Yu again, this time the salute was obviously much more solemn than before.

Moliai even took out a staff of light, the holy crystal on the staff was as big as a fist.

"Dear mother, this is a gift we prepared, hope you like it."

Liu Yu: ...

"If you can, please call me Miss Fergus."

However, she is short of a staff of light. If she had this staff just now, she would not need to work so hard.

"Yes, mother."

Liu Yu: ...

never mind.

She took the staff.

The knights filed out, and after a while, they disappeared behind the gate.


Gaia held out her hand.

"I don't!" Liu Yu hid the staff behind his back, "This is a gift from the children for their filial piety."

"You've been watching Moriai for a long time..."

With a touch of Gaia's hand, the staff was in his hand.

The golden staff made his white fingers extraordinarily gorgeous, and after he stroked the holy crystal, the somewhat impurity holy crystal looked glistening and pure like a puddle of water.

He handed over the staff again, and when Liu Yu was about to pick it up, he pulled it back lightly:

"I regret."

Liu Yu didn't know why:


"Pleasant words... one is enough."

At the same time as the myth fell, people had disappeared in the hall.


Banban tilted his head:

[What is God saying? Banban doesn't understand...]

Liu Yu touched its head, looked at the void above his head, found the planet Gaia pointed to just now, and silently recited the spell.

A miraculous scene appeared.

She seemed to suddenly become a point on the planet, and she opened the window where the planet was located to look in, and then, she saw the small garden belonging to the Fergus family.

In the garden, Mrs. Fergus was staring blankly at a white rose. She seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and her blond hair was not tied into a neat bun, but tied behind her head.

At this time, a burly man appeared next to him:

"Mrs. Fergus, your body is just right, you shouldn't be blown...you should go back to your room and rest."

"Doctor Tuttle, after death, there is a soul... I saw it." Mrs. Fergus looked at the bright stone statue in the garden, "I saw it..."

Dr. Tuttle sighed: "Of course, pure souls will go to heaven..."

"I saw God... He is so dazzling, so kind and tolerant... It is a miracle that I survived." Mrs. Fergus took a flower shovel and loosened the soil for the flowers, "But what about my Belia... Doctor Tuttle, do you think Belia will come back?"

"Of course, of course, she's a good kid and will definitely come back..."

"My Belia, Belia."

Mrs. Fergus murmured.

She is so thin that a gust of wind can blow her away.

But she is still there.

is alive.

Can pant and talk, instead of lying on the bed, a cold and stiff corpse...

Liu Yu pawed at the window, restraining his urge to jump in.

No, not so much.

Not so much.

She hasn't become a god yet, she can't go...

She was amazed by her hard heart, and she forcibly turned her eyes away, not to look at Mrs. Fergus' tears. But the sound of "Where's Belia?" seemed to penetrate into her heart.

The back of the neck was pinched and pulled back—

She was detached from the feeling just now.

It was only then that Liu Yu realized that he was still sitting on the throne of God.

There was no Fergus garden, no Mrs. Fergus, and no Dr. Tuttle.

There is only one beautiful and noble silver-haired youth.

The young man squatted down, and the soft silk lightly brushed her eyes:

"Your tears are of no use to me, Belia Fergus."

"Don't always try to shake me with tears."

"I'm happy." Liu Yu covered his eyes, "I'm happy."