I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 124


Liu Yu originally thought that he would suffer from insomnia the day before his birthday, but he fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the bed without having a single dream.

She got up early.

Outside the window is a rare good weather, the sky is blue and blue, like a huge sapphire, only a few white clouds are floating aimlessly. The clouds are coated with a light golden light, looking from a distance, it seems to be blended with gold powder.

Liu Yu had a hard time choosing clothes.

The golden wardrobe carved with rose patterns is gorgeous and exquisite, and a whole cabinet of skirts is hung in an orderly manner, each of which is very beautiful.

But she must choose something special.

At this time, Ban Ban came in with a basket:


[Good morning! baby. ]

It's full of spirit.

"Good morning, Ban Ban. Help me find out, what should I choose?"

Banban Wing pointed to the leftmost item: [That item! ]

It chose a smoky gray skirt, and said: [It is very beautiful, exactly the same as the spotted feathers! ]

It is very beautiful.

With a soft pearl color, it looks elegant and noble.

"The color is too dark."

Not a good sign.

Liu Yu swiped his finger in a circle, and finally landed on a rose-purple tutu skirt, choked with gold threads, giving it a luxurious and delicate beauty.

[You want to choose this one, why? ]

Banban tilted his head.

It doesn't understand human aesthetics very well.

Liu Yu smiled:

"Because, when Leslie and I first met, we wore such a dress."

Like a dreamy and gorgeous fairy tale—

If you can't choose, choose something that makes sense.

[… Oh. ]

Scabbers quickly lost interest.

It doesn't care one bit what human females like to wear, it's ugly anyway and not at all as pretty as Dappled's feathers.

[Then Ban Ban is going to eat bugs, God has prepared many, many colorful bugs for Ban Ban...] Ban Ban thought about it, and felt that eating alone is not very good, [Would you like to come? ]

It is a bit reluctant.

"No! Thanks. That's food for your birds."

Liu Yu refused.

She has seen the colorful insects before.

It has seven segments, each segment is a different color, and the soft, fat worm body is bowing and bowing on the leaves. She can't even imagine why God would set up a small garden to raise these things to eat. Just looking at it, she felt goosebumps going all over the floor.

[It's really delicious, it's soft, and when you bite it down, it will squirt juice...]


Liu Yu glared at it.

The only feather on Scabbers' head drooped:

Why does Baby reject the colorful bugs

They are really delicious.

Banban flapped his wings and flew away.

The hairstyle is still the same as last time—

Liu Yu also chose a diamond necklace and drop-shaped earrings, washed and dressed, and went to the kitchen where the octopus was.

Uncle Octopus saw her and tried to widen his squinting eyes:

[Miss God Empress, are you here to make that soft round marshmallow again? ]

"That's cake."

Liu Yu skillfully put on the apron for himself.

The child of the poor has long been the head of the family, and her cooking skills are very good, but—they are all fried Chinese dishes.

Here, it is obviously inappropriate.

The long-term caution did not make Liu Yu act too untimely.

[Oh, cake. ] Octopus is not interested in this soft thing, it likes crunchy, [Don't dirty the kitchen. ]

Then, slowly, he started to gather his hands and swam to the sun under the eaves.

In the past few days, Liu Yu and Edith have already researched the strawberry cake.

Although there is no mold, the magical stove solves this problem very well. It can not only fry lamb chops, but also bake potato cakes, and even make various shapes—as long as you dare to imagine.

But Liu Yu still insists on the most common round shape.

The strawberries were presented from a nearby strawberry garden. They were small in size, but they tasted delicious, sour and sweet, reminding her of the feeling when she ate strawberries for the first time.

Carefully pasted slices of strawberries around the cake, and Liu Yu also drew a pair of villains in the center.

[Miss God Empress, compared to God...you are far behind. ]

The octopus approached the stove at some point, and let out a grunt in its throat.

It's really not good.

It can barely be seen that it is a man and a woman holding hands, just like a child's graffiti.

Liu Yu smiled:

"No chance to learn."

"Oh..." The octopus's knowledge range still can't make it understand what it means to have no chance to learn.

"Then... God painted well?"

Liu Yu was actually not very surprised.

After all, the Knights had already told her.

[Very good, very good, the god was obsessed with painting for a while... I heard that there is a mural in the shrine, which he painted himself. ]

Liu Yu remembered the painting he saw on the dome when he entered the inner palace for the first time.

Full-toned, majestic…

But the brush strokes remind people of the moonlight at night, desolate and lonely.

It turns out... that was drawn by him.

[However, God has not painted for many years... The last one is for Moni and me. ] Uncle Octopus said proudly, [Gods never draw pictures for humans...]

"I've seen him paint people."

[But there is no face. ] The two soft legs of the octopus clasped vigorously on the chest, [God must think that the octopus is the cutest creature in the world. That's why I was willing to paint for Monique. ]

Liu Yu: ...

"I want noodles tonight, Money."

[Is that the long buckwheat strips? ] Octopus nodded, [Of course, Miss God Empress. ]

Liu Yu put the cake in the crystal box prepared in advance, went outside the palace to pick flowers, went to the wine cellar to get wine, and then sat in the room and waited quietly.

She's not good at it and doesn't like waiting.

Because it reminds her of her childhood, and the childhood she looked forward to. All the children were picked up one by one. In the end, the classroom was empty and she was the only one left. As the sky darkened, the street lights came on—

But the dean's mother didn't come.

She is too busy.

So Liu Yu never thought that he would have such a day, sitting quietly somewhere, waiting for someone—

The heart is very quiet.

The night is a bit cooler.

The moon climbed up quietly.

There was movement at the door, she looked back subconsciously, and Banban came in carrying the basket with her wings.

The heart sank involuntarily.

Banban didn't know anything about it, and kept asking:

[… Baby, what did Money do? It was so heavy that Banban could hardly fly. ]

Liu Yu's finger clicked, and the levitation technique flew over with the basket and landed on the table.

She took out two bowls of soba noodles made by Uncle Octopus from the basket. They were served in white porcelain bowls, and there were some fine green leaves floating in the soup noodles.

The aroma of food hits the nostrils.

[Oh, what is this? See you for the first time. ]

Banban is novel and authentic.

It stretched out its wings, wanting to flirt in the porcelain bowl.

Liu Yu stretched out his hand and hit it.

"No, Banban." She said in a stern tone, "You can't touch this."

Her overly serious tone frightened Scabbers, and he withdrew his wings aggrievedly:

[If you can't touch it, you can't touch it, stingy. Banban knew that it was made for the gods... They said that Babe also made a kind of round marshmallow, which was also for the gods... and the wine...]

Ban Ban seemed to remember something, and secretly glanced at her:

[...Maybe God is delayed, Mr. Maurie also sent Mr. Bieber out, otherwise—]

Liu Yu interrupted it:

"Ban Ban, I want to be alone for a while."

The time has not yet passed.

Banban carefully glanced at her with black bean eyes:

[Then... Ban Ban leaves first? ]

Liu Yu waved his hand:


Scabbers left.

The noisy sound also disappeared, and the room suddenly became very quiet.

The soba noodles were getting cold little by little.

The moon climbed to the top of the tree, jumped up, and jumped to the sky.

The time-telling bird rang "ding ding dong dong", it was twelve o'clock.

Only then did Liu Yu realize that his birthday had passed.

He didn't come.

And the noodles were completely cold, swollen and clumped together, as if frozen.

Liu Yu picked up the specially made chopsticks beside him and swallowed them in big gulps.

"Happy birthday, Liu Yu."

she said to herself.

Like every time before.