I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 126


The wine cellar was empty.

The sky was low, and the clouds were pressing down heavily.

Mr. Bieber immediately understood what the girl meant.

"You, you mean that Edith will..." He paused and swallowed the second half with difficulty, "I know, you come with me."

He took a path next to the wine cellar.

It was the first time Liu Yu knew that there was such a hidden road next to the wine cellar.

There were no people on the road, only unknown insects calling here and there.

The shoes made a "rustling" sound on the thick layer of accumulated leaves. Mr. Bieber looked a little anxious, but he still graciously pushed aside the branches blocking the way for her, without urging her.

The two headed west all the way, this was a completely unfamiliar territory to Liu Yu.

Compared with the splendor in the east, the more you go west, the more you will feel the austerity in your bones, even the leaves seem to be cold.

"How do you know this place?"

Liu Yu asked.

"I like to walk around when I'm bored, like before..." Mr. Bieber's voice was a little low, "Once, I accidentally walked here, and was taken back by Priest Lina... Priest Lina warned me that I can't come here... But I have seen too many places like this in the court... ”

"Look, black crows are hovering in the sky..."

He looked up at the sky.

Liu Yu also glanced at the sky, and groups of scavengers flew overhead in groups.

"...you can see it at a glance."

Bieber said.

Liu Yu said nothing.

The two fell silent at the same time, and walked for nearly half an hour. When approaching a corner, Bieber stopped:

"Miss Fergus, we're just ahead."

Liu Yu glanced at him:

"You can't be seen."

If Edith is indeed questioned, then, as another party involved, Bieber cannot be exonerated either.

Bieber was taken aback, nodded:

"Yes, then I... wait for you here."

"Or, would you rather be something else, like a lamb."

Liu Yu thought about it, and said again.

"Lamb?" Bieber nodded quickly, "Yes, as long as I can see Edith."

Liu Yu silently read:

"Changing sheep."

This is the most proficient magic technique she has ever practiced. A soft white light rises from her fingers and falls on Bieber——

A pure white lamb appeared in front of him.

The lamb has blue eyes.

Liu Yu kicked the dirty clothes into the grass:

"Follow me."

The lamb looked up and let out a "baa".

Liu Yu walked through the corner first, and a high wall reaching into the sky came into view. It was hundreds of feet high and looked imposing. The entire wall is made of red bricks and tiles. The red is close to the color of fire. At first glance, it looks like a wall of fire—

The wall of fire and the gloomy sky above formed a strange and desolate painting.

Two young knights with long spears stood guard at the door. When they saw her coming, they just glanced sternly:

"Miss God Empress, this is not the place for you to come."

"Is Miss Edith in there?"

The knights looked at each other:

"Miss Fergus, please don't call the Dark Apostle by his name."

It seems... here it is.

Liu Yu grinned, and while the other party was absent-minded, he resorted to a silent technique: "Sleeping Curse."

She has learned many interesting little magic arts from the library.

The sleeping spell, if successful... would put them to sleep for two minutes.

A knight fell.

"What's wrong… "

"Sleeping Curse."

Another knight fell.

Liu Yu stretched out his hand and pushed, and the tightly closed arched door opened.

The white lamb rate got into it.

Liu Yu followed closely behind.

As soon as I entered the door, I felt a threatening heat wave coming, and when I looked again, the road in front of me was blocked.

A line of hale and hearty Cavaliers lined up.

They stood firmly in her way like a wall.

"Is it you?"

Liu Yu said in surprise.

The Cavaliers looked at her, their eyes changed from kind and admiring to wary:

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

"Edith, the one tied to the stone pillar is Miss Edith, right?"

Liu Yu looked behind them.

Inside the wall built by four fire-colored high walls, there are more than a dozen marble columns with two people hugging each other.

They stand upright, almost towering, and at a glance, they give people a sense of antiquity and desolation.

The only difference is that in front of the stone pillar in the middle, the fire is burning fiercely.

The flames dyed everything around them red.

From her angle, all she could see was the slightly curled skirt and the blond hair that had begun to wither—

She seemed to be able to hear the sound of flesh being burned in the air.


she yelled.

Edith didn't answer her, but the Cavaliers answered her:

"That's the Dark Apostle, mother."

The once benevolent eyebrows have turned into cold masks, and they take it for granted:

"When she does something that insults the light, she is already an apostle of darkness."

Liu Yu couldn't help thinking of Prince Carlo. How alike they are, the same personable, the same kindness. But once she clashes with the light, all the friendship will turn into a sharp knife, turning around and stabbing at her.

"Step aside."

She had no intention of wasting time, so she directly pulled out the staff of light from her waist and pointed it at them.

"So, excuse me."

The knights drew out their swords with a "swish" and quickly formed a formation.

More than twenty people surrounded her.


Only one meter away from the ground, Liu Yu hit the ground with his head on a thin film of light.

The knights ran quickly, they ran faster and faster, and finally they were so fast that only afterimages could be seen, streaks of white light flowed from the sword, forming a large film of light, firmly "locking" her inside.

The white lamb next to him tried to break through the blockade, but was swung away by a sword, hit the stone pier next to him hard, and passed out with his feet on his back.

"Drop your weapon."

Liu Yu raised his staff and once again felt that the divine power in his body was continuously draining—

But it seems to be much better than before.

However, the team formed by the Cavaliers is also much stronger than before.

For a while, the two sides were at a stalemate.

Liu Yu was a little anxious.

At this moment, there was a sound of "da da da" footsteps at the door, which Liu Yu heard a little familiar.

"Priest Kitty!"

she cried.

Sure enough, Priest Kitty hurried in from the door.

"Miss Fergus! Please stop!"

Priest Kitty hurriedly said.

"Priest Kitty! They are going to burn Miss Edith to death! Save her!"

Liu Yu believed that Priest Kitty would save her.

She was gentle and kind—

And, it was said, she and Miss Edith were on good terms.

Priest Kitty put on a face: "Miss Fergus, even if you are the future queen, you can't break the rules! Miss Edith has been with darkness, and fire is her final destination!"

"You stop!"

"That's Edith! A human life!"

Liu Yu said in disbelief.

"How can the Dark Apostle be a human being? Miss Fergus, you are too kind to be bewitched by the Dark Apostle... Hurry up and stop, otherwise, God will not forgive you."

"Priest Kitty!"

Liu Yu almost despaired of this fucking world.

The fire at the stake grew bigger and bigger, so big that it seemed to roast her with it.

Can't wait any longer.

"Unload your weapon!"

Liu Yu shouted out.

A huge wave of air swayed, and the knights swayed, "jingling", and several people's strength was unstable, and their sabers were shaken off.

That's it!

Liu Yu's method was instant, and quickly used the levitation technique to break out of the encirclement. The knights who lost their long swords couldn't stop them, and jumped onto the altar together.

They blocked her with their bodies, and the tongues of fire almost touched their backs:

"Mother! Please don't do anything to shame Guangming!"

How did this shame the light? !

Liu Yu thought, it was ridiculous.

"If you insist on going there, please step over our corpses!"

"Step aside!"

"The moment you pass, mother, all our knights will slay themselves, and you will see our corpses! Protecting the light and order is our lifelong belief! Even if you are the future queen, there must be no exception."

Liu Yu's staff trembled slightly.

One life, twenty lives.

How can she choose

How can she choose? !

At this time, a voice that was so weak that it was almost inaudible came:

"F, Miss Fergus... You, you don't need to save me, E, Edith is guilty..."

The girl's skin had already started to scorched, and the fire burned her legs, and the smell of cooked meat diffused. She said with difficulty: "I, Edith is voluntary...May, may all sins, all follow the fire, fire..."

"Edith! You are not guilty, you are just a victim!"

Liu Yu waved his staff and said silently: "Restrain."

Countless white lights descended from the sky, like a lasso, bound more than 20 knights, and were quickly pulled away—

In fact, it was only for a moment, enough for Liu Yu to rush over.

But a white light shield stopped her.

Edith consumed the last ray of light in her body.

She tried hard to open her eyes, as if she wanted to see the wider sky through the high wall: "No, E, Edith is guilty... because, because... Edie, Dice love , fell in love with, fell in love with..."


Liu Yu suddenly understood that Edith wanted to say that she fell in love with Bieber.

So, she can't live.

She is struggling on the edge of faith and love, she deceives herself that she doesn't love Bieber and thinks that she is forced, but once she realizes this love—

She went to ruin.

Faith and love have built a grave for her long ago.

In the air, the smell of cooked meat wafted.

Liu Yu couldn't hold it back for a moment, supported the stone pillar on the other side, and vomited.


At this moment, the comatose lamb suddenly jumped, broke through the encirclement with a force that no one could have imagined, and jumped into the flames.

The moment he landed, Liu Yu felt that the spell she cast on Bieber disappeared.

A handsome young man was wrapped in the raging fire, and after a while, he was burned with a "sizzling" sound.

But as if he didn't realize it, he bent down and picked up the charred corpse on the ground:

"Edith, it's my brother's fault... Brother shouldn't force you..."

He bowed his head and kissed her scorched head.

"Mr. Bieber!"

"Mother, you can't go there."

The knights were divided into two rows, one row pointed their blades at the young man in the flames, and the other row looked at her like an enemy, as if afraid that she would suddenly jump into the fire.

"Mr. Bieber! Edith wants you alive!"

But Bieber looked up and smiled at her.

His blond hair was beginning to burn, and those blue eyes, which were flirtatious and flirtatiously teasing others, were now as clear as a pool of water.

"Even so, Miss Fergus, I want to be self-willed this time."

"Feel sorry."

He said softly.

Without waiting for Liu Yu to stop him, he quickly and accurately inserted the dagger into his heart.

The jewels on the handle are beautifully reflected by the firelight.

"Mr. Bieber..."

There was a low singing voice in the air, it seemed that Mr. Bieber was singing softly:

"... Tonight I set out on a journey to find my beloved girl... so many stars in the sky, they looked at the white lamb... birds flew in the sky... I met my beloved girl... she was wearing a white robe, in the Dancing before the campfire... how beautiful she is... how beautiful... oh the stars are in the sky... the stars are in the sky..."

He seemed to be singing a lullaby, for fear of waking his girl.

No one spoke.

The knights said nothing.

Liu Yu also didn't speak, she looked at the couple in the fire and couldn't help closing her eyes.

A tear trickled down his cheek.

She was wrong.

This is not Eden.


This is the Paradise of Light, the... graveyard of Heretics.

And she was addicted.

Life and death, being and dying...

In front of Liu Yu, a net appeared.

The word "death" began to appear, it continued to spread, and countless words began to derive...

Miraka's smile started to surface.


Edith and Bieber embrace in flames.


life and death.

Fate and luck.

Being and dying.

Between life and death, countless characters began to be derived, and they were constantly connected... Finally, it returned to life and death.

A complete blue web is formed.

Liu Yu opened his eyes.

In those icy blue eyes, there seems to be an endless starry sky and a vast universe hidden.
