I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 130


This place is too cramped to even take a breath.

The spider is still weaving its web unremittingly, and it seems that it is not surprised by the arrival of the unexpected guest. Liu Yu flicked his fingers, and the blue light was about to cross the ground—

But suddenly it swelled into a net and rushed towards the corner.

When a cloud of black mist collided with the blue net, it exploded violently, gathered in the corner, and then transformed into a human form.


When the old man appeared in an unexpected place in a completely unexpected way, Liu Yu figured out the logic almost instantly.

So, the funny friend Margaret knew was Louis... Louis, under the guise of Margaret, gave Tang Ying's diary to her, and led her here...

But how can he be sure that this diary can attract her

At this moment, Liu Yu's ears were like thunder, and there was only one voice:

Louis knows!

He knew where she came from 1

"Oh, no, no, Miss Fergus, stop what you think, I don't want to be stabbed with a dagger again..."

A man in black appeared in front of her.

He has black hair and black eyes, and sickly white skin, as if he hasn't seen the sun for many years, and he raised his hand to greet her.

"I thought you enjoyed it."

Liu Yu noticed that there was no blue net on Louis either.

There is only a twilight blackness, this is the second creature besides Gaia, she can't see the trajectory of fate.

"If it's your blood... I do miss it, every night."

He said in an ambiguous tone.

"Missing? I think it's not me you should be looking for, but Nataxi. She's in the shrine...do you need me to send you a message?"

There is a blue web wrapped around Liu Yu's fingers, interrupting him to throw it out whenever there is a change.

Louis laughed:

"No, no, no...Miss Fergus, put away your weapons, you did better than I imagined...on the ground, did you see that?"

His eyes flicked from the ground, and then fell on Liu Yu's face.

The girl's face was hidden in the dark, but it didn't prevent him from seeing her clearly.

The long golden hair is sparkling, the face is a little white, but the expression is as cold as a stone, and it is a little different from the time in Nathaniel, more beautiful, like polished jade...

Louis felt that she seemed much more attractive.

Like the fruit after a storm.

"what is that?"

Liu Yu pretended to be stupid.

"The song just now was beautiful." Louis said to himself, "... very sad. It's your song, right?"

Liu Yu didn't answer him.

Lewis continued:

"Mr. Tang is really the funniest and weirdest person I've ever met... He likes to drink, and when he drinks, he always says some nonsense... But it's strange, those words seem to come from my heart Same... You know? Jihad, it's my secret to tell him... Occasionally, I mean occasionally, you and his look alike."

"Yes, it's like this now, no one believes it, it seems that this day can be pierced at any time."

"I'm more interested in stabbing you."

Liu Yu looked at his chest.

"Miss Fergus' cruelty is always only directed at Louis, it's really sad...or is it that Miss Fergus fell in love with my Father God, which made your blade dull?..." He leaned closer to her ear, Convincingly said, "You are just one step away, don't you want to..."

"Think of jihad, think of innocent human beings who lost their lives in jihad..."

"I'm not interested in the fate of mankind, let alone a savior."

Liu Yu said expressionlessly.

"It's strange, sometimes your heart is soft, but sometimes you are hard..." Louis looked at her, "Since you don't care about other people's fate, what about your own?"

"You must continue to stay in that false shrine indecisively, willing to be kept as a pet... He will always ignore your wishes... He likes curly hair, so you can't be straight. He likes to obey, so you must obey... When he needs you, whether you are happy or not, you have to be happy and make him happy... "

"Are you willing?"

Liu Yu's face became even colder.

She knew that Louis was right.

In some respects, their temperaments are exactly the same, including cruelty and selfishness.

"If you have the power, he will look you squarely."

Louis whispered in her ear in a deceptive tone.

Liu Yu took a step back:

"I may not believe in Gaia, but I don't believe in you even more."

This doubt seems to have deeply hurt the heart of the person in front of him. His black pupils seem to have condensed the entire night, so thick that they can't be melted, and people feel that he is sincere in a trance:

"But I love you." He said softly, "It's as sincere as loving God the Father."

Liu Yu almost believed it.

But it was almost, just when she was about to refuse—

"Boom", a white horse fell from the sky.

In the cramped, dusty hut, there seemed to be a sudden fragrance of flowers.

The man's loose white robe fluttered in the air, as if he was wrapped in a boundless hurricane, and the hurricane blew the house to pieces.

The roof was blown off.

The young man with black hair and black pupils disappeared in the air, being gently pulled and pinched by an invisible hand—


Branches scattered all over the place.

That branch feels very similar to the tree of life...

While thinking about it, Liu Yu was swept around the waist, flew into the air, and hit a certain thick embrace heavily. The young man's ten fingers were like iron tongs, holding her tightly.

"Ga... ya?"

She looked up.

"Belia Fergus, you have less credit than a child."

"I didn't agree to your confinement... You have no right to confine me."

He didn't speak, Liu Yu could only see his raised and tense jawline.

"Let go of me first."

She tried to talk it over with him.

Not only did he not let go, but his ten fingers were still imprisoning her waist, with such strength that it seemed as if he wanted to break her.

"You let go."

He lowered his head, and Liu Yu was stunned by the surging emotions in those green eyes—

When he came back to his senses, the person had been taken to the inner palace and thrown on the bed.

"Gaia, why are you crazy?!"

"Louis, for the third time."

His tall figure bullied him.

The silver hair flowed into her neck like a snake, facing his eyes, Liu Yu felt fear.

Unexplainable fear.

That fear comes from the surrender of strength, from the trembling of the body, and the coldness that he is obviously not moving the wind and rain, but seems to destroy everything.

"No! You can't!"

The blue weaving net was waved outward, but he gently grasped it, made a ball, and threw it out.

With a twitch of his hand, the white gold-rimmed belt fell off.

Liu Yu recognized that it was the one she bought last time.

"Calm down!"

"I'm calm."

He has a calm expression and a gentle voice, but his actions are never gentle. He looks like a strong king.

There was a cracking sound.

Liu Yu kicked him, but was caught, and he came forward.

"No! Uh-"

She was so painful that she jumped back like a shrimp, and was caught back again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a long, astringent and inescapable pain like a sawn board. Liu Yu looked blankly at the swaying golden curtain above his head, thinking:

What is he doing

Why does she... hurt so much

It hurt like being re-immersed in the bottom of Lake Nabanna.

how cold.

She made a swing, and her body turned over.

He is facing her.

Silver hair hung loosely, covering her body. Even doing such things, he still looks very holy, like a pure white angel.

But she felt terrified. She curled up and looked at everything around her blankly.

In front of her, the world seemed to be divided into two halves.

Half true, half false.

False he holds a stone statue and an iris.

The real one has a whip and a flint.

She seemed to see Edith, Mrs. Fergus, Tang Ying, and countless wailing voices on the stake, and the fire "beep beep bobo" burned everything up.

She was tied again at Nathaniel's stake.

The stone pillars are so cold, cold and hard.

He executed her himself.

The fire started.

Tongues of fire kissed her feet, her body.

"Gaia Leslie, let me go."

She begged him.

The fire burned to her chest.

"Let go of me... I'm not a lamb to be spoiled by you."

The fire burned her soul.

"Gaia Leslie, I'm human."

"Gaia Leslie, I'm human!"

A blue weaving net suddenly enlarged, carrying an extremely powerful force that seemed to be able to cover everything. At this moment, he tapped lightly, and the weaving net that she hit with all his strength became a rope in the child's hands.

She was contained as easily as a fish.

The executioner looked at her with pity: "Belia Fergus, of course you are not a lamb, you are my... property."



Not a lamb, not a man.

is property.

Property that can be treated and resold at will.

The night is so long.

Liu Yu thought desperately, the length seemed endless.

And gradually, a bewitching voice sounded in my ears:

"...are you going to remain in that false shrine, kept as a pet?...he will forever ignore your wishes...he likes curly hair, you can't be straight, he likes obedience, you must be obedient...when When he needs you, whether you are happy or not, you have to be happy and make him happy... "

"Are you willing?"

No, not reconciled.

"If you have the power, he will look you squarely."

If you have power, he can't hurt you.


You have power.

It was raining outside the window, and in the darkness where the light was invisible, the beautiful silver hair seemed to seep in, blending into the darkness...