I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 136


"God has become more and more strange recently."

"... Yes, he not only exiled the God Empress who was innocent to the Isle of Mel, but also turned everyone in the Shrine into lambs yesterday. Oh, Mr. Maurial, good morning. You know God has recently What happened?"

Moriai was called.

The Holy Son and the Holy Daughter greeted him with concern, and asked him: "... Is God sick?"

Moliai scowled:

"Thou shalt not lie about God."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Maurie, the children are young and ignorant, please forgive them..." Priest Kitty happened to pass by, relieved the saints and saints, and gave them a false reprimand before driving them away .

"Mr. Maurial, have you just come back from Mel Island?"

"Yes, I'm going to report to Father God. Priest Kitty, are you going to the temple too?"

"Yes... the Kingdom of God has not seen the sun for a long, long time, it is not raining, it is snowing, and the wind is also strong... I am afraid that disasters will happen if it continues. The city masters thought that they had offended the gods, so they angered the gods , and now they are prostrate outside the shrine to plead guilty, I have to ask God if he wants to meet them... "

Priest Kitty looked worriedly at the gloomy sky above, praying for the weather to clear up as soon as possible.

Moriai fell silent.

Priest Kitty has long been used to the reticence of the knights and doesn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, Moliai actually opened his mouth:

"The children said that God turned everyone in the shrine into lambs yesterday. Is this... true?"

"Oh, sure. It's true."

Priest Kitty remembered yesterday.

The golden holy light descended, and no matter what they were doing at that time, everyone in the shrine instantly turned into lambs who could only "bleat". The lambs ran all over the shrine in panic—

The shrine at that time was like a huge sheepfold.

Everything is messed up.

"Oh, this is really..."

"After God turned us into lambs, he said a word."

"A word?"

Priest Kitty looked confused:

"Yes, one word. God said, 'white'. 'White', this…"

She turned to Morial:

"What's the meaning?"

"I don't quite understand either." Moliai shook his head, "God seldom talks about him."

For them, the thoughts of God are a fog, and no one can see clearly.

"But God looked..."

Priest Kitty couldn't describe the feeling at that moment.

But she remembered the look in God's eyes at that time.

It is as green as emerald, but in the faint green, it also looks like a heavy snow has fallen.

"You said... Could the recent anomaly be related to the one from Mel Island?"

Priest Kitty lowered her voice.

That name has now become a taboo in the shrine, and no one dares to mention it.

"Priest Kitty!"

"Oh, sorry, I lost my word..."

The two walked to the gate of the temple, but were told that the god had gone outside the palace.

"Outside the palace?"

"Yes, the hailstorm last night destroyed all the red roses outside the shrine... God should be there."


Mel Island.

The sun has not risen for nearly half a month.

Looking at the faint light streaming in from the small window, Liu Yu sighed softly. The gloomy and cold weather made the straw bunk full of moisture, making it difficult for people to lie down.

She could only listen to the sound of wind, rain, and thunder, and there was hail last night, which made the doors and windows outside "crackling".

She found that she would not be hungry if she did not eat now.

The stomach and intestines will no longer twist together due to hunger and discomfort, and will no longer make "cuckoo" sounds, making her toss and turn—

Her childhood wish was unexpectedly fulfilled in this place.

She has truly become a little fairy who doesn't fart, shit, or pee—

But this is not pleasant.

In this prison that only takes three steps from east to west, every second she endures seems like a year has passed.

There are no people, no lights, just endless darkness. Occasionally, when the light is better during the day, she can still catch a few glances with the group of skinny gray mice in the corner. Very thin, not oily at all, they can see green light in her eyes—

Liu Yu guessed that they regarded themselves as food reserves.

And this guess was confirmed the next day after the ankle was bitten.

But what surprised her even more was that she didn't scream, but the mouse that gnawed on her screamed, turned its belly over, and lay there motionless.

Liu Yumomo couldn't hold back the tears that fell, and ran over cautiously, with only a little bit of broken skin on her ankle.

But next to the unconscious mouse, she found a broken tooth.

one left…

A rat hole

The hole is not big enough for a baby's fist to fit in, and there is no reflection at all in the blackness, so it is impossible to see it if you don't deliberately go in.


A flash of inspiration is like a slippery fish that people can't catch.

If you can't think of it, you don't want to.

Liu Yu didn't embarrass herself, the mouse hole was very deep, and she didn't know where it went. When she was about to poke it with a small stick, the unconscious mouse woke up.

After a burst of rapid chirp chirp, the mouse jumped into the mouse hole with gestures and dragged out a badge-like thing—

Liu Yu found that she could understand its meaning.

"You mean, let me not touch your treasure and exchange it with this?"

Mouse Maniac nodded.

The black eyes staring at her reminded Liu Yu of Ban Ban.


Damn it.

By being bitten, having fluid contact, so she... unlocked a foreign language

Thinking of what happened before and after, Liu Yu quickly found the key.

"what is this?"

She knelt down and picked up the badge that the mouse had just dragged. When I saw the familiar red pentagram above, I was stunned...

Printed under the pentagram: Tang Ying.

The mouse pointed to the other side and danced.

"You mean the person who was locked up over there?"

Mouse nods.

"Is there anything else he has?"

"Chi Chi Chi!"

Mouse stared at her like she was a greedy Twoleg.

But it seemed to be a little scared, the mouse jumped into the hole after all, and after a while, it dragged out a rolled up parchment.

The sheepskin rolls are soft and look like cigarettes.

It was full of stains, and Liu Yu also saw dried blood, which was brown.

She took off the tie and opened the parchment with anticipation that she didn't even know.

The parchment was blank, except for a blank pattern outlining a pentagram, the size of the one in her hand...

Liu Yu glanced, almost.

She stamped the badge where the pentagram was drawn—

A faint light flashed across, revealing lines of simplified Chinese characters on the parchment scroll. The words appeared and disappeared, staying for a short time.

"... I'm trying to find a way to break the deadlock... If you follow the idea of Game of the Brave, now, the biggest god is actually the boss who should be overthrown... He is like the head of the big family who holds the highest power and wants to overthrow He, either waits for him to grow old, or waits for him to die. But it seems that he is immortal... Or, finds his weakness... But he is the most perfect incarnation since the birth of the rules, and has no weaknesses... "

"... I tried to find a way to become a god through belief, but later found that this is a paradox. Faith is a means of control... It is a icing on the cake... It has no effect on becoming a god... Only he himself can truly destroy a god."

Liu Yuxin jumped up with a "plop plop".

This Tang Ying seems to be a science student. He clearly listed all kinds of possibilities and cleared them up one by one. Finally, all the guesses converged on one prophecy.

"... I am very concerned about this prophecy. It said that God took his rib to create his own Eve, but Eve used the rib he bestowed to make a long grass and inserted it into his heart... Then, it merged into the crowd, like Disappeared like a drop of water..."

not allowed.

Liu Yu still took a deep breath and was about to close the sheepskin scroll, but found that there was a "bang" sound from the other side that had not moved.

Like a human body hitting the ground.

After a while, a familiar groan came through a wall.


Liu Yu was startled.

The groaning also stopped, and after a while:

"Sister Bellia?"

Nataxi's thin, weak voice came.

"Why did you come here? You're not..." Liu Yu thought of her face that she got by trading with the darkness... and closed her mouth.

The inspiration that just disappeared came back to my mind:


In the room that is tightly covered, the only way out is underground.

It turns out... her previous premonition about fate should be here.

Nataxi's divine power must not have been sealed, if she borrowed her divine power to dig a tunnel underground to escape... However, she is very resistant to her now, definitely.

You have to find a way to convince her.

In the darkness, Liu Yu's eyes were shining brightly.

When the impulse and passion faded from her body, she realized that she didn't have to think about death at all.

Life is a miracle to her.

She has worked hard until now, and has never given up on herself—

At least she didn't want to die here, living in the dark like a gray mouse, and then dying alone and weightless.

There must be sunshine and breeze.