I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 138


A small town by the sea.

It was raining heavily.

Pedestrians on the street went to shelter from the rain under the eaves on both sides. They looked at the angry sky sadly, and raised their hands above their heads in unison, praying to God.

But God did not listen to their prayers. On the contrary, the rain became more and more urgent, as if someone was holding a basin and pouring it down from top to bottom.

"The water of the Cardanube has already overflowed the embankment. If this continues... the cities on both sides of the river may be destroyed."

"Don't mention it, the day before yesterday I met someone who bought a farm in Mal to sell it. Their farmer was so anxious that he was about to hang himself with a hemp pole... a hundred acres of fields are all rotten..."

"What's going on recently, it's never been like this before..."

At this time, a person walked by the street.

He looks tall, a little thin, holding a black bone umbrella, and a black cloak covering his whole body. His exposed hands and chin are as white as if they have never seen the sun.

The complaints of pedestrians fell silent.

They looked at this man in silence, only feeling that he was full of gloom.

The man raised his head, and the face under the bone umbrella was surprisingly handsome:

"I heard that the rain in this world is the tears of the gods... It seems that our god is not very happy."

"Who are you?"

People were irritated by his useless tone when he mentioned God.

"How come we never see you around?"

"Oh, don't worry, I'm just a bard..." The dark-haired young man's eyes were too dark to see a ray of light, and he asked friendlyly, "Excuse me, is there any boat going to sea recently?"

"Go to sea?"

People shook their heads. There was indeed a harbor for boats nearby, but no one had gone to sea for more than half a month recently. "The sea is very stormy, and several good sailors have been swept away. Young man, you can't find a boat here. Go to a place farther away."

"Ah, that sounds a pity. It seems that my ten holy crystals will be wasted..."

The holy crystal in the young man's hand was as beautiful as a gift from heaven.

Under the heavy gold, there must be a brave man.

After a while, a skinny old man ran out from under the eaves:

"Young man, I can take you out to sea!"

"Little, you don't want to die?!"

This is a small town, and most people in the market know each other, but thinking of Little's current situation, they all fell silent.

Little was just one daughter, and she was beaten half to death by her husband's family when she got married. After she got her back, she kept hanging herself with medicine. Little didn't get a job for more than half a month, and the medicine was about to stop.

Little chased after the mysterious bard and asked him to check his big palm-like hands, which were still covered with marks that had been strangled by ropes all year round:

"Honorable sir, you can go to the neighborhood to inquire. I have the best helmsman in this town. I have never made a mistake in twenty years."

"I want to find a place, Mel Island, have you heard of it..."

The old helmsman named Little was full of confusion:

"... Sir, if you still have the chart, Little can help you find it. If I can't, I'm afraid no one around can do it."

Ten holy crystals are enough to buy a big house in the ten main cities.

"No charts."

The bard seemed to see his hesitation, and said with a smile, "Maybe we will spend more time at sea, but before we set off, I can give you five holy crystals as a deposit, and the rest will be settled when we come back." .”

Five pieces of holy crystals are enough for his daughter to take medicine for three years.

Little complied without hesitation.

The handsome bard generously gave him five holy crystals, and when Little was about to go home and pack his luggage, he whispered in his ear:

"Don't run away with Saint Crystal, otherwise... I can't guarantee the result."

"Don't worry, Little swears to God that he will never run away with your Saint Crystal!"

"Yes, the Little family are all devout believers of light, they never lie!"

There are people around to help.

"A believer in light?" The bard smiled more sincerely, "Very well, I will still be here waiting for you an hour later. Oh yes, Mr. Little, you can call me Louis."

"I'll see you then, generous Mr. Lewis."

After Little had settled the affairs of the family and rushed to the agreed place, there was an extra child beside him.

"Mr. Louis, this is my assistant, Miraka Moses. Although he is small, he is a good swimmer."

With a red head on her head, Miraka smiled brightly:

"I am a villager in Kana Village. I grew up by the sea since I was a child. Now I go to Uncle Little and become an apprentice."

"Kana Village..." The mysterious bard looked towards the vast sea, "Did you come out as an apprentice at such a young age?"

"Miraka wants to find a benefactor who can save her."

The red-haired child's dark face had teeth so white that they glistened.

"Benefactor? What a coincidence, I'm also looking for someone..." The black-haired Mr. Louis put his hands in his hands and looked towards the sea. "She's on Mel Island... Unfortunately, that island is gone."

Miraka looked at him: "The person Mr. Louis is looking for must be very important to you."

"Yes, it's important, it's important..."

Seeing the smile on the new customer's face, Little shuddered for some reason, and he quickly made a prayer posture facing the sky.


And in this vast expanse of ocean, Mel Island is like a falling leaf, floating with the waves, and no one can find its trace. It hides alone in the sea and the storm—

Until one day, it ushered in its owner.

In the dark sky and the ground, there is a continuous drizzle.

A young man with silver hair and white robe passed through the drizzle and landed on this isolated island.

A fat gray bird stood on his shoulder. The bird had a pair of sneaky eyes, and it was looking left and right cleverly, and from time to time it made a strange cry of "Blade".

Young people don't talk much.

His whole body was shrouded in a twilight, as if he was the only one in the world.

He is like the darling of heaven and earth.

His long silver hair hangs gracefully behind him, and it is lifted up by the wind from time to time. The white boots obviously touched the muddy ground, but the filth of the world seems to have nothing to do with him, and it can't contaminate him in the slightest.

He is holy and inviolable.

But now, this holy young man walked through the continuous rain curtain and came to a dilapidated and forbidding black building that did not match him.

The low townhouses have pointed roofs, and the wooden doors are all locked. The only passage to the outside world is a small flat window on the high wall. They stand on the island, out of place, and dilapidated.

It's hard to imagine that there are people living in it.

He stood upright for a long time, the gray bird on his shoulders flapped its wings, and let out a questioning "spot"—

It's just that the sound seemed to have touched a layer of bubble film, turned around, and disappeared into the air.

[What's wrong, my great god? ]

The lively gray bird tilted its head, not knowing why.

But God has already stepped forward and walked to a low room.

The mottled wooden door was old and exuded an unpleasant stale smell. The gray bird quickly covered its nose with its wings: [Smelly! ]

God stopped.

[Where is this? ]

Gray Bird's black eyes looked to the left and then to the left, and finally, they fell back to the side.

The young man's silver hair was completely blown back, revealing his beautiful forehead, the bridge of his nose and side face like a high mountain peak, his skin was frighteningly white in the dark night.

Gray Bird shivered.

The little brain can't help but start to think back...

Not long ago, God was sitting quietly in his room, drinking cup by cup... The wine was very bitter, but God still drank it all, and gave it a cup... After drinking, God rested his forehead again, as if planning to lean on His The chair squinted for a while—

The next moment, he was here and brought it with him.

So, where is this? !

Gray Bird's black eyes stared at the wooden door fiercely. It thought of a possibility, and its voice suddenly became louder:

[It's Baby! God, is this where you keep Baby? ... Are you going to forgive Baby and come to pick Baby back? … oh, by the light, you kept Babe in a place like this.. it’s like a haunted house—]


The chatter of the gray bird was silenced.

Its beak opened and closed, but no sound came out. It flew up angrily, flapped its wings, and flew up to the clouds near the eaves, but soon, it squatted on the ground listlessly, and no one looked at it. .

God didn't move.

He just stood outside the door.

Neither pushed the door nor took a step forward.

It seems that this is the most suitable distance.

The wind was lingering on the corner of his white robe, and the rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and a few strands of it drifted across the eaves and fell on the young man. The sound of "rustling" rain spread across the sky and the earth. Under the gray eaves, a kingfisher flew in unintentionally, and then flew out in fright.

The spider sneaked into the corner of the wall.

The youth stood all night.

When the sky gradually brightened on the second day, the white figure disappeared.

Liu Yu opened his eyes.

There was a coldness in those beautiful, rippling blue eyes. She turned over, and the straw paving made a "rustling" sound. Through the gap in the wooden door, one could see the vastness between the sky and the earth, and the heavy rain continued.

This goes on forever, she thought.

He turned over, closed his eyes, and fell back into a deep sleep.

The gods left the Isle of Mel early in the morning.

The gray spotted finch stepped on his shoulder and followed him through the clouds to the end of the sea.

There is something magical about it here.

The edge of the sea seems to be wrapped in a huge bubble, the water is flowing, but also still. It cannot break through that bubble and reach the other side of the sea.

"This is the end of the world."

God quietly looked at the place where the water could not reach, there was a cloud of cloudy air like a mist, and the sight could not penetrate.

"Can't you go there too?"

"That is a place where rules cannot be extended. I was born in this sea, and I also watched this gray mist engulf everything in the sea... Chaos, no order."

God said in a disgusted tone.

He stood quietly on the sea, his handsome and cold eyebrows were like a mountain, silently and quietly watching the tumbling mist, and then fell above the sea level.

The white boots were not wet, and they just stepped on the sea, walking towards the chaotic fog step by step.

[Where are you going? ]

Scabbers' feathers stood on end in horror. Its fat body shrank into a ball, trembling, it felt so uneasy there, like a huge beast dormant, [Why? ]


God said something that Banban could not understand.

[Who? Who are you going to forget? ! ]

The Gray Spotted Finch dangled its head back and forth, but in the end, it was scared by the water coming towards it and retracted its neck.

No bird is afraid of water unless—

It is a waterfowl.

And at this moment, that simple, seemingly ignorant little brain suddenly reacted:

[It's Baby you want to forget? ! So what are you doing here? Oh, you got drunk and you wanted to see Baby...but then you got there and suddenly you didn't want to see her, so you just stood outside... Then, here again? ]

[No, no, what does this have to do with Baby...]

"I hate sleep more than Belia Fergus—"

Before God was about to enter the fog, he paused, and then stepped in as if nothing had happened, "Whenever I enter this chaotic and disorderly fog, I will fall into a deep sleep..."

"a thousand years."

[Do not! ]

Scabbers screamed.

It doesn't want to!

A huge suction force came, and the gray bird was also sucked in.

After a while of dizziness, Banban's black eyes closed dully:

"Do not… "

Scabbers is unwilling.

On the ground, a small stone statue rolled forward, and the golden irises on the stone statue shone from the neck.


And when Shen Zi was imprisoned in the mist, Liu Yu was trying to persuade Na Taxi with a lot of tongue.

"Don't you want to go out, Nataxi?"

"No, I don't want to."

Nataxi's voice was too gloomy. After refusing to communicate yesterday, today she put on a look of hatred.

"Why not? Just because you hate me?"

Nataxi didn't speak.

Her voice seemed to be ruined by something, it was no longer crisp, and it took a while to answer her with a rustling voice:

"... Yes, I hate you, Sister Belia... You broke my dream, you let me know that I am nothing in this world, not a princess held in the palm of my parents, but an inconspicuous, The maid who will be abandoned at any time... No one thinks highly of me, they look at me like Jiujiu, ah, Jiujiu is the gray spotted finch."

Liu Yu didn't speak.

"Why do you always look for your own value in the eyes of others, Nataxi?"

she sighed softly.

"Sister Belia, if you were me, you would be the same...a commoner, unremarkable girl who neither has a dowry of 10,000 ruso nor is she intelligent enough...she is worthless...but if I wouldn't have noticed this without you."

Nataxi finally stopped crying.

Liu Yu: ...

"No, without me, there will be others, Nataxi, you always stare at what you don't have."

"Don't say it so lightly. How can a person who has everything understand my pain? I can't compare to you in anything... I can only make myself more docile and kind. Even a compliment from my servants can Makes me happy for the day... So, I keep telling people about my pain, and I have to be gentle and kind, even though I'm terribly jealous..."

Liu Yu sighed.

People's past, the image of people is really deep-rooted, whether it is her or Nataxi.

nobody is perfect.

The only thing that can be done is to prevent weakness from staying in the body for a long time.

She didn't say a word, but Nataxi became more and more excited.

Once her emotions that had been suppressed for a long time exploded, she couldn't hold back anymore: "I know, you are laughing at me... Yes, sometimes I look down on myself... I want everything, but I don't dare to fight for anything... The only thing I did was change a face like yours."

"But so what? God still didn't see me..."

"Natasie Leonard, you are trying to tell your pain to a hard-hearted person," Liu Yu sighed, "No one is born with everything."

At least, she has enjoyed real fatherly and motherly love.

She was born in a happy family with a prosperous life.

"You have!"

"No, believe me, no. I don't have a father, and I don't have a rich family. When your father became my stepfather, I was still worrying about meals."

Liu Yu still wanted to return to Mrs. Fergus, so he would not take the initiative to reveal the fact that he was not Belia.

Her half-truths and half-false words angered Nataxi:

"But in order to get my father's property, your mother even joined forces with her lover to kill him! He treated you so well, even surpassing me! He also sang songs for you, played the piano, and put you to sleep..."

"My mother was not capable of commanding the waves of the sea."

"They all say that!"

"You should see with your own eyes, Nataci."

Liu Yu couldn't describe Mrs. Fergus's distress to her, so he could only say:

"Uncle Leonard turned all his property into goods when he went to sea, and those goods floated away with the sea. If you don't believe it, you can ask the surviving sailors when you return to Nathaniel. Remember... the accountant of Leonard's family also survived at that time."

"You can tell lies, Nataxi. You can ask me and the surviving sailors for the truth."

The movement on Nataxi's side gradually became smaller.

Liu Yu knew that she was a little loose.

This question has always been a hurdle in her mind.

She keeps going.

"...And, now, you are the same as me. You are not favored by God. Don't you want to spend the rest of your life in this dark place? Don't you long to find someone who truly loves you again?"

"No, it's too late... My face is ruined. No one will love me anymore."

Nataxi said desperately, "I made a deal with the devil. God judged me and destroyed me."

The holy power of light swept away the darkness in her body and caused indelible damage to her body.

"I know the healing technique, the most advanced healing technique, I can cure you."

A flattering personality formed due to lack of love may be reinvigorated as long as it realizes that it is still possible to get love.

"But I don't believe you, Sister Belia, you wouldn't be so kind."

Liu Yu: ...

This is difficult.

"I can swear to the God of Light."

"You've sworn a lot," Natasie said mercilessly, "obviously, your vows are useless."

Liu Yu: ...

The girl suddenly became smarter.

She thought about it.

"I just want to leave, but God has imprisoned me. I need to use your divine power to dig a way out from here... This is not kindness, it is a transaction. I will teach you how to do it. You take me out, and I will cure you Good for your face." She said in a proud and disdainful tone, "Besides, your face poses no threat to me, so I don't need to break my promise."

During Nataxi's hesitation, Liu Yu added another weight to her:

"God has imprisoned my divine power. To you, I am just a mortal. Even if you want to heal you, you will only use your divine power, and you can take it back at any time."


She can control her.

Nata's face hidden in the darkness was full of pits and holes. She looked at the window above her head, and a trace of longing flashed in her eyes. She said:

"it is good."

"We trade."

Once the hole was dug, it took nearly two months to dig it.

From the hole connected to the prison, Nataxi followed Liu Yu's instructions and set up an explosive pentagram array. With the shaking of the ground, a tunnel leading to the outside exploded.


Liu Yu took the first step and ducked into the tunnel.

Nataxi looked at her back, touched her face, and followed her.


The god who was wrapped in a thick fog opened his eyes.

Those green eyes were misty, as if looking into the distance through the misty sky, the next moment, that tall figure disappeared into the mist.

On the other side, the lone boat floating in the sea seemed to be pushed by a force, rushing towards the suddenly appeared island like a string.