I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 139


"Mr. Lewis, the ship, the ship moved by itself—"

Miraka clung to the side of the boat, watching in horror as the boat cut through the waves at an impossibly fast pace.

Nearby is the most dangerous Killer Reef, no matter how powerful the helmsman is here, he has to move carefully—but the boat was safe and sound when it passed several Killer Reefs in succession: but the movement was obviously enough to knock an armored ship into pieces. debris.

"Mr. Louis! This ship seems to be controlled by the devil..."

"Mr. Lewis!"

"Mr. Lewis!"

Even the experienced Little began to follow Miraka into fear.

But the bard standing at the bow, facing the turbulent waves, has a calm face, his face is set off by the blue sea, making him look even whiter:

"Ah, I found it..."

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he turned his head, those black pupils seemed to be lit by a torch:

"As I said, I'm looking for someone."

"You, you mean..."

The young man at the bow bent his eyes:

"... That's right, that's the direction to Mel Island... Don't be afraid, my strength is pushing the boat, and it will be there soon."

For some reason, Little shuddered.

He feels a little cold.

And when Miraka opened his mouth, propped the edge of the boat in a novelty, and kept yelling "Wow, wow, wow" in his mouth, a landscape head drilled out of a tunnel on Mel Island.

Then, the owner of the head grabbed the hole with both hands and jumped out.

Her figure is extremely light, wearing a white skirt, the skirt is blown by the wind "hula la" sound.

Her face was a little gray, but she could still be seen as a beauty, with golden curly long hair, her white skin was as crystal clear as snow, and her ice blue eyes reflected the sky, like a cluster of ignited flames—

But this flame burns silently and purely, but it is by no means weak.

The beauty seemed to be stabbed by the light, and her eyes were filled with tears. She narrowed her eyes and glanced at the sky, then turned around and stretched out a hand into the hole:

"Nataxi, come up."

she said.

"You close your eyes."

After a while, a girl in a blue dress grabbed her hand and successfully crawled out of the burrow.

When she is about to open her eyes:

"Don't open your eyes!"

The girl in the blue skirt said in an urgent and hoarse voice.

Her throat seemed to have been irreversibly traumatized, scratched against someone's ear, and it was as rough as sandpaper.

Liu Yu immediately recited it:

"I don't want to look at you."

But, she also opened her eyes.

In the distance is the winding coastline, the sea is blue, and the waves beat the rocks on the shore one after another, making a loud "rumbling" sound.

No matter what, we must first find a way to leave Mel Island...

she thinks.

"You have to heal my face first."

A voice came from behind.

She froze for a moment and smiled:

"Treat here?"

"Treat here."

Nataxi's voice was oddly stubborn.

"That won't work," Liu Yu refused immediately, "Our deal is that we leave Mel Island, and after we leave, I'll treat you, right?"

"… right."

"It's over," Liu Yuruan said softly, she had to coax the girl first, lest she give up, "Besides, we are not safe...God may notice at any time."

"Yes, but..."

"And you are the one favored by the gods, and I am a mortal whose power has been sealed... what are you afraid of?"

The sea breeze brushed people's faces, carrying a little moisture.

Nataxi didn't answer, but a familiar voice came from the side:

"Yo, what a coincidence."

"Miss Fergus, Miss Leonard..."

Appearing with this voice was a young man with black hair and black eyes.

He walked lazily, wrapped up in a black cloak, revealing a pale and sickly face, which made his eyes even darker.


Nataxi cried out in delight.

She seemed to have forgotten her incompleteness, and her brown eyes were all lit up. The next moment, she rushed over like a deer, hugged the visitor's waist, and sobbed softly:

"Master Louis, Lord Louis... You are finally here. Nataxi is finally waiting for you."

Liu Yu raised his head and looked at the man who came suddenly at a distance of more than ten meters.

He has a pair of dark eyes, very black, like thick ink. Holding the girl who rushed into his arms with his arms, he raised his face and looked straight at her, with a slightly ambiguous tone in his voice:

"How are you?"

It seemed to be directed at her.

Liu Yu frowned, didn't answer, but looked warily at where he came from—

There, a small figure rolls and jumps over, with red hair and dark skin, it looks a little familiar...

"I'm not good, Louis, I'm not good. Look at my face..." Nataxi's rough voice, with a small sob, rang out. "My face is ruined..."

"But here you are. I'm all right again."

Louis stretched out his arms to embrace the girl, and the baggy sleeves hung down, making her look extremely petite.

He stroked the hair of the person in his arms, didn't speak, just looked at Liu Yu, and made a gesture of walking towards the sea.

Nataxi was still rambling, immersed in excitement:

"I'm so scared... The place where I was locked up was very dark, and there were a lot of rats... Fortunately, I came out, and, don't be afraid, my face will be fine... Sister Belia promised to treat me..."

She said in a coquettish tone: "Louis, you have to help me supervise her..."

Louis looked at Liu Yu with a half-smile:

"It seems that Miss Fergus needs to stay with us next."

"As long as you don't dislike it."

Liu Yu saluted gracefully.

In the vast sea, she is a mortal who has lost her divine power, so of course she has to follow these two people.

At this time, a thin and small person rushed over and ran to the front at once:

"Miss Benefactor?!"

"It's you, isn't it, Miss Benefactor, I'm Miraka Moses from Kanna Village." As if aware of the other party's confusion, Miraka tried to introduce herself, "The last time you came with Mr. Priest...you came from the sea. saved me… "

Liu Yu recognized his blue lifeline:

"Oh, it's you, Miraka..."

She couldn't hide her surprise:

"How did you recognize me?"

She obviously used a cover-up last time.

Milaka touched the back of her head and smiled shyly:

"Miraka can tell at a glance. Miss Benefactor, you..."

He struggled for words: "You're different, like, like... mother, yes, mother."

Liu Yu: ...

The people here are really strange, they always like to recognize their mother everywhere.

"Where is Mr. Priest?" Milaka looked around, "Is he not there? Oh... I still want to see him."

He looked a little lost.

"Let's go."

Liu Yu took the lead.

Several people quickly followed her, and within a short while, they reached the beach.

"Uncle Little! Uncle Little!"

Milaka excitedly beckoned to the boat docked on the shore. Little saw two extra girls in the team at a glance. One was extremely beautiful, just like the legendary Angel, the pearl of the sea, with a walking demeanor Reminds him of those well-bred noble ladies.

another one…

Little looked at the girl in the arms of the handsome employer...

If you can still call it a girl.

Slender and weak, the blue skirt was wrinkled and dirty, and her face was clean, but it was full of potholes, like a road that had been rolled over by someone after a heavy rain, muddy and sticky.

The posture was not as comfortable as the previous beauties, pulling Lord Louis's sleeve, like... a slug, and also sticky.

Little smiled with his weather-beaten face:

"Master Louis, let's go directly?"

The black-haired young man passed him without looking back, and landed in the narrow space of the boat. He put the girl in his arms on the side of the boat, and stretched out his hand: "Miss Fergus, please."

Little was a little unsure again.

The employer's eyes were obviously brighter when he looked at the blonde beauty, like stars in the sky.

The blond beauty jumped onto the boat without letting anyone help her:

"Go straight away."

She gave orders to Little, and Little obeyed subconsciously. When she found out, she had broken down with Miraka.

The boat was gently pushed by a force and returned to the sea at once.

"Who is that?"

Little glanced at the blond girl at the bow, and whispered to the red-haired apprentice next to her.

Milaka flushed with excitement:

"Uncle Little," he tried to lower his voice, "That, that's the benefactor Miraka has been looking for!"

"Miss Benefactor? Oh..." Little knew something, "Miraka, she looks so weak that she can't lift a chicken."

"Nonsense! Miss benefactor is very powerful!" Milaka retorted angrily, "However, Miss benefactor's lover, Mr. Priest, is even more powerful!"

"Mr. Priest? It seems that she and the employer are really not..."

Little shook his head, swung his oars, and the boat slid away like a fish.

Liu Yu was sitting on the bow of the boat, and when the boat was going out, he couldn't help but look back.

The dark, gloomy and oppressive prison was in sight, only a black dot remained.

It was so small that it seemed that she could wipe it off with a light wipe, but her heart throbbed violently and she grabbed it fiercely.

At this moment, a "chi chi chi" sound sounded from the foot.

She looked in amazement, a little gray mouse hung on her skirt with its paws, stretching its small body there.


Liu Yu bent down in surprise.

When she met those dark, shining eyes, she was sure: this was the gray mouse that gnawed at her and was knocked into a "treasure" by her.

"Miss Fergus is always very popular with these..." Louis chuckled, "The animals are very popular."

"Strange talent."

Louis sat lazily in the middle of the boat, his handsomeness was more vivid with his nonchalant expression.

The large black cloak was blown by the sea breeze, and he let Nataxi hold it, but he looked at Liu Yu with burning strength in his eyes, like a hook.

Unfortunately, Liu Yu is immune to hooks.

She has seen more beautiful, stronger, and more irresistible existences. Since then, all skins are just ordinary to her.

"Miss Fergus, don't you have any questions for me?"

"Thank you." Liu Yu had no problem, but sincerely thanked him, "If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'd have to stay on Mel Island for a while."

"Louis!" Nataxi pressed herself closer uncomfortably, she had lost her mind and could not lose Louis anymore, "You, you..."

"Nataxi, listen."

Louis looked down and smiled at her.

Nataxi swallowed all her protest.

Liu Yu looked at this pair impatiently:

"I want to go to the nearest town, Uncle Little."

She had a hunch that if she didn't hurry now, then... she would never be able to leave.

Little looked at the handsome patron, waiting for him to speak.

He has professional ethics.

"Mr. Little, do as Miss Fergus says."


The boat was breaking through the waves in the sea, and Louis' eyes fell to the bow:

"You look nervous."

Liu Yu frowned:

"Yes, I'm nervous."

"Relax... I'll tell you a joke."

Louis stroked the head of the girl in his arms, his voice was low and gentle, "Once upon a time, there was a black crow, oh, it's not important. The black crow has always been raised by the white swan..."

He spoke incoherently, not like a joke teller.

"The white swan is the noblest and richest. He owns a whole pond... but there are often some small foreign bugs in the pond, and the white swan always leaves or kills these bugs mercilessly... but there is a small bug different… "

"What do you want to say?"

Liu Yu heard it.

"The little bug wore a coat that the white swan liked. She confessed to the white swan countless times. She stood in front of the white swan to protect him from danger, and even died for the white swan... The white swan was moved, and he fell in love with this white swan. Worms... But later I found out that everything was a lie... Worms are the external species that White Swan hates the most. White Swan puts Worms in a cage, but gave her the most precious thing... But, Worms have no future …”

"Tell me, what should the bug do?"

Liu Yu's face darkened:

"Mr. Lewis knows a lot beyond expectations."

"Believe me, if you live for a long time, you will know many secrets..." Louis smiled slightly, "Father God is too arrogant, he is not like me, I like to play with cunning and hypocritical humans, Father God... he is too pure , like the last piece of crystal in this world... "

"what are you guys saying?"

Nataxi straightened up, "Why can't I understand."

"Oh, good girls don't need to understand." Louis pushed her head back, "Miss Fergus, if you were a bug, what would you do?"

"In order to survive, of course... Fight hard."

Liu Yu said coldly.

"Okay!" Louis clapped his hands, "Miss Fergus is indeed the most cruel and willing woman I have ever met. Those women are always in love..."

"Then, I'll give you a present."

In Nataxi's vigilant eyes, Liu Yu saw that with a gesture of Louis' hand, a crystal clear flower appeared in the palm of his hand.


She said in surprise.

Liu Yu suddenly remembered that piece of iron.

"The bones of God, the tears of God, the blood of God's blood..." Louis sighed, "This is the tear of God..."

"You mean..."

Liu Yu remembered that before she went to the shrine, she had already eaten a thorn flower.

"When I was wandering around the East China Sea, I met a country. The medical skills there are very good. They like to use the roots, stems and leaves of various plants as medicine, and even some things from animals... But the medicine is really amazing. , more or less, the properties of the medicine will change..."

What Louis said was confusing, but Liu Yu immediately understood:

Thornberry is the tear of the gods...

But it's not tears of God...

So, she was always a little short.

Just at this moment, the wind and clouds rolled, and the huge waves surged into the sky—

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky and came with a huge momentum.

The rain hit people's faces like a pour, and it was painful.

"Ah, here we come."

Louis pushed Nataxi away and stood up.

Liu Yu was also stunned by the "rumbling" thunder that followed, and his heart jumped wildly. She also stood up:

"he came?"

"Yes, my great Father God."

Louis narrowed his eyes, but after a while, several people had been drenched, and he was the only one who remained dry.

Little hugged the stem of the bow:

"My lord, I'm afraid the boat will capsize in this storm."

Miraka seemed to want to come over, but like a whirling top, she could barely hold the sail so as not to be blown away.

Nataxi was so frightened that her body was shaking:

"Yes, is God coming to catch me?"

She looked at Louis imploringly, as if he was the only one she could rely on.

Louis patted her face:

"Nataxi, Father God will not catch you."

He looked at Liu Yu, that beautiful blond girl, exposing her amazing charm under the rain:

"Miss Fergus!"

He shouted: "Does the bug really dare to fight hard?"


The blond girl turned her head, her blue eyes seemed to be on fire.

"Even if it's to kill that swan." Louis's black pupil was like a huge deep pool, wanting to sweep everything away, "Are you willing too?"

He watched the girl's bright blue eyes suddenly turn into a sharp sword:

"If only one could live."


She was categorical.

"Then, break out of the cage."

Louis opened his hand, and a drop of green liquid dripped from his fingers and fell on the echinacea. "Do everything I've never done."

His face was visibly grayed, and his body began to tremble.

But in an instant, the echinacea turned into a drop of crystal tears.

"The... tree heart of the tree of the gods?"

Liu Yu felt endless vitality from that drop of green liquid.

Louis handed the tear over:

"That's right, I, Louis, was made by Father God from the heart of the tree of the God Realm... the most unique life in the world other than Father God."

"Take it."

"No! She can't!"

At this moment, a blue figure jumped over.
