I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 143: a hundred and forty three


Facing Prince Carlo's affectionate eyes, Liu Yu found that there was no ripple in his heart—

And his appearance is obviously very good.

Red lips and white teeth, delicate features, and elegant demeanor.

"Sorry, I don't need a squire."

Facing her rejection, the boy lowered his eyes:

"It was my fault."

He looked distraught, like a poor puppy who has been abandoned by his master.

But Liu Yu remembered that when she was trapped on the stake, the fact that this person rushed out and gave up—

This is of course human nature.

"Prince Carlo, you are the prince I have ever imagined, you have all the good qualities of a prince, you are upright, kind, gentle, sympathetic to the weak, you are very good—"

"—you're still blaming me."

The boy's eyelashes trembled, and when he raised them, his amber eyes were clear and gentle, "I blame myself too. If I were braver... maybe, you will accept it now."

"But I can't, I have the entire Carlo royal family behind me, I am more than myself, even if I do it all over again..."

"So, you will definitely be a qualified king in the future."

Prince Carlo heard her unfinished intentions, and chased after the girl when she was flying into the air and was about to disappear:

"What about him? What about God? Is he a qualified lover? Follower?"

"No, neither is he." The girl turned her head, her blue eyes were calm, like a pool of stagnant water, "He's just like you."


At this time, the Temple of Light was caught in a quarrel.

Mrs. Fergus was forcibly placed in the center of the hall.

In front is the damaged stone statue of Guangming, surrounded by the dry holy pool. With her as the center, a huge six-pointed star array was drawn on the ground. The vertical and horizontal lines seemed to be painted with red paint. When you smell it closely, you can smell a strong rust smell, like the smell of blood.

Professor Luo Fuluo, Professor Edward, and Bishop Bruce led a group of angels of light to surround her, and the atmosphere in the entire hall seemed to freeze.

"Bishop Bruce! This matter has nothing to do with Mrs. Fergus, even the fall of the light. How can you be sure that it has something to do with Miss Fergus?! Mrs. Fergus has always been a devout believer in the light. You imprisoned her here... No! It's not right!"

Professor Edward was walking around in the hall like a trapped animal.

"Professor Edward! Look at the sky outside, look at our bright stone statue, look at the stone statue rising in the center of the city... Can you find any other explanation? She appeared beside God, which is a trick in itself!"

Professor Luo Fuluo looked at everything in front of him in pain, "That prophecy, that prophecy...it came into effect."

"Master Malan is dead! Those knights who killed themselves... and those believers whose beliefs have collapsed, how much sacrifice do we need? Besides, we just want to lure him over."

"But what if it's not? That's God's wife... You're about to offend God's wife, oh by the light..."

When everyone was arguing, Bishop Bruce walked tremblingly to the window, leaning on a cane.

His wise eyes also began to cloud, and he looked towards the sky:

"It's been a month... Darkness has taken hold of our world for a month..."

"We have lost our great Father, our guide and our light... If someone must be a sinner, let me be."

"Bishop Bruce!"

"I'm old..." Bishop Bruce turned his head, "Isn't it?"

Edward's protests came to an abrupt end.

He looked at Bishop Bruce's old teary face, opened his mouth, and closed it again.

"Yes, everything is up to you, Lord Bruce."

He hung his head dejectedly.

Mrs. Fergus, who has been silent since she was "invited" here, looked at the sky silently, as if there was something worth looking into there—but obviously, there was only darkness.

"Mrs. Fergus, I'm sorry, I had to invite you here." Bishop Bruce walked in front of her, "We... have no choice."

Mrs. Fergus spat at him:


"If you have the ability, you should go on a pilgrimage and go to a farther place to invite the great god back; instead of inviting me, a woman and child, to embarrass another girl."

"However, the world needs light." Bishop Bruce wiped his face, "And we humans have reached a dead end."

"When I lost my husband for the first time, I also thought I had reached a dead end, but later I discovered that the road was made by people. If there is no light, there must be another way."

"Without light, the seeds will not germinate, and we will have no more food...Without light, our eyes are useless, candlesticks are forever needed...When darkness covers the world, the sun does not rise...The world may not perish, but we humans , will be extinct."

"No, you are wrong."

Mrs. Fergus's blue eyes also seemed to have a fire, which made the widow look completely different from before. "There is no species more tenacious than us humans. One day our eyes will adapt to the dark, we will find food that grows in the dark, and we will get used to it."

"Darkness will not make us extinct, only despair will."

"Like a dark creature?" Professor Ravenlo snorted, "Oh no, if that's the case, I'd rather die."

"When you and the king fight over a piece of meat and bone like mustache dogs, you lose the position of justice."

Mrs. Fergus remembered what happened in the darkness when the light left the sky.

"Mrs. Fergus, things are not as simple as you think. The king has deceived our faith with his cunning... We are just judging him. When the god returns, he will also approve of our actions."

Mrs. Fergus fell silent.

No one can convince anyone in this debate, but she has to admit that her belief in the light is indeed not devout enough, and in comparison, she seems to be more important—

"In this way, people are all selfish." She commented on this in her heart, "When interests are at stake, people will choose themselves more."

"Sorry—" At this time, a voice came, gorgeous and ethereal, as if from another higher dimension, "Am I late?"

Immediately, a beautiful girl appeared in the sky.

She appeared in this eerie and gloomy hall out of thin air, wrapped in a mysterious and dreamy blue.

The omnipresent darkness seemed to be dispelled by a mysterious force.

Everyone looked up to her.

Her long white dress is as pure as the sky, and the golden irises on the skirt seem to be able to smell the faint floral fragrance. She is smiling, her long hair is as brilliant as gold, and what is even more charming is her pair of ice-blue eyes, like the boundless sea, noble and mysterious.

When those eyes stare at you, the soul seems to tremble, and the knees seem to prostrate on the ground at any time, surrendering to her—

Master Bruce barely supported his body with his staff, and amidst the sound of falling to the ground one after another around him, the smile on his face was like brewing a jar of bitter wine.

"God queen, you are here."

"Yes, I'm here. So, can I let my mother go now?" The girl landed on the ground, her white skirt like a blooming rose, "And this..."

She pointed to the hexagram magic circle on the ground:

"What is it?"

"I made you laugh. We originally wanted to trap you, using your mother, she has the same blood as you... This is a blood pact." Master Bruce said frankly, "Master Malan and the Cavaliers volunteered to contribute their blood."

The smile on the girl's face disappeared.

"It's a pity... seeing you, I knew that all our plans were in vain. You have become a real god. God... will not be bound by us small humans."

"Why not stop them?"

"When faith disappears, it dies."

Bishop Bruce was full of awe:

"You can laugh at our stubbornness, but not our faith."

"I respect your belief, although I still don't understand it." Liu Yu put his right hand on his left chest and sincerely apologized, "... For me, the most precious thing is the admiration and respect for life."

Bishop Bruce was taken aback for a moment, and then, with a light touch of the girl's finger, the special rope on Mrs. Fergus' body was easily untied.

A gust of wind carried Mrs. Fergus to the girl's side.

"Are you all right?"

Liu Yu glanced at Mrs. Fergus.

Probably because she has been sleepy for a long time, her face is a little pale, but she is in good spirits, and she looks like she can jump up and attack people at any time.

"Don't worry, although they tied me up, they didn't dare to treat me badly."

Professor Luo Fuluo, Professor Edward... People stood up one after another. Their faces looked very bad. Professor Edward even said:

"Of course! We are not those bastard chiefs who have no manners and no education, and we will not really treat a respectable lady badly!"

Liu Yu: "Is it your demeanor that you tied up my mother?"

Professor Edward was speechless.

Bishop Bruce raised his hand to stop others from speaking:

"I know that we have no weight to you, and we have nothing to impress you. Now, I can only beg for your mercy... I want to ask you to tell us the truth..."

he asks:

"Is our god really fallen? In this world, there can only be one god? Did your promotion lead to the fall of my god?"

The old man looked at her with cloudy and heavy tears:

"My god...can I come back?"

"The light... can it return to the world?"

"Sorry." Liu Yu closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was determined, "Believe me, I know nothing more than you... When I woke up from a deep sleep, the world became like this."

"But I can assure you that I will bring the light back."

Every god has his own understanding of the rules.

Gaia is "light", she is "fate", she uses fate as a net to weave all things—

Of course, the sun is also included.

On the second day, a round of "sun" different from everyone's cognition appeared in the sky above all the planets—this "sun" was no longer golden, but with faint blue flames. .

Between heaven and earth, there is no longer darkness.

People came out of the house one after another, looked at Xintiandi with hesitation and novelty, and bowed to and cheered for the newly-appeared goddess statue in the center of the city.

And Bishop Bruce, the Temple of Light, and the people in the Temple of Light all looked at the sky with regret, looking at a world completely different from what they knew.

"...nothing is irreplaceable."

Bishop Bruce spoke in a desolate manner. Finally, he shook off his scepter and crawled towards her, "God, you can order, even, take my life."

"Don't call me a god." Liu Yu said, "I don't have any expectations or orders from you."

"I won't interfere with you, and you don't have to believe in me. I won't listen to your prayers, and I won't satisfy your wishes. Whatever you want, please fight for yourself. You can choose to do what you like, any ,everything."

"Anything, everything? You don't need our faith?"

Looking at these clergy who were dazed and seemed to have lost their focus of life, Liu Yu said nothing, and she took Mrs. Fergus back to their small villa.

"Doesn't God need faith?"

As soon as Mrs. Fergus got home, she couldn't help asking.