I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 144


"Doesn't God need faith?"

"Maybe, but I don't think . . . it's necessary."

The expression on the girl's face was a bit dazed, not like sadness or trouble, but rather like a memory buried in her heart was accidentally touched, when she looked back, there was a smile in her eyes, "Mom, what's wrong?" ?”

"Oh, oh, nothing."

Mrs. Fergus was stunned for a while and then smiled, "Are you hungry, Belia? Mother is going to make you something to eat..."

After she looked around for a week, she couldn't help cursing, her sharp voice echoed in the small building:

"Oh, by the light, it's so cold, it's all the damn thing's fault, those servants must have run away after I was taken away... Let's see if I still hire them..."

There was no fire in the fireplace.

Probably because I left too hastily before, the windows were still open, a thick layer of dust had accumulated on the ground, and the half-eaten pancakes and milk on the table were already moldy. If you look carefully, you can still see the moving things...

Liu Yu withdrew his too good eyesight, flicked his fingers, and a blue halo filled the entire small villa.

After a while, all the dust was swept away.

Even the food scraps are gone.

Mrs. Fergus blinked her eyes as she watched the scene in front of her.

"Wow..." she exclaimed, "this is amazing."

"However, I still have to find Ou Pu."

Liu Yu felt a little troublesome.

"Oh Belia, don't look at me like that." Mrs. Fergus straightened her face, her expression was so serious that it seemed that she couldn't allow her to refute at all, "You must always remember that as a A nobleman not only has enough property and land, but also has enough servants. A girl who has to do everything by herself, clean up and cook by herself, then she is absolutely no longer noble.”

"Anyone can laugh at her rough face and fingers, anyone."

Liu Yu opened his mouth and closed it again.

That's what Mrs. Fergus has been upbringing since she was a child—a qualified nobleman doesn't need to do those trivial things by herself. This is his status symbol.

"But I'm a god now."

"so what?"

Mrs. Fergus looked at her, her aged blue eyes were bent, and some haughty crow's feet appeared, "You are a god, but you are also the daughter of the Fergus family, not to mention that the previous god was here and summoned many The holy sons and daughters who serve... they are all very beautiful... "

"Yes, yes, you are a god, you have to show off." Mrs. Fergus seemed to think of something, "I have to find some attendants for you, prettier ones..."


Liu Yu was helpless.

"Belia, don't be like a commoner, it won't work. You are a god, high above... If you act too approachable, they will think you are gentle and deceitful... Besides, there are people who wait on you and say good things to make you happy ,Is it not good?"

Mrs. Fergus' chatter made Liu Yu shut up.

The gloomyness in her heart was also driven away by the loud and sharp voice.

Are all mothers like this


Obviously should be irritated, but it feels like stepping back into the world full of fireworks.


Even the heart seemed to be exposed to the sun, all the heaviness and gloom disappeared, leaving only fluffy and soft.

There was a tide in Liu Yu's eyes, and he suddenly stepped forward and hugged her:

"Mother, it's very kind of you."

Mrs. Fergus froze.

Surprise and joy appeared on her face at the same time, she patted her back lightly, the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes were squeezed together: "Oh, Belia, look at you like this..."

"Don't you have anything to ask me? About God, about me, or something else."

The girl in her arms raised her head.

In those blue eyes, there seemed to be calm and gentle water.

Mrs. Fergus is an experienced person, and she knows best what it means for a girl to transform.

"Then you want to tell me, Beria?"

she asked her.

Liu Yu opened his mouth, but suddenly didn't know what to say.

There are some things she can't say, but some... She doesn't know how to say it.

"Look, when a child grows up, there will always be some secrets..." Mrs. Fergus winked at her. "I just have one question. How are you, Belia?"

How are you


Liu Yu's tears fell all of a sudden.

She thought of the replica made by Gaia, and it was really different.

Mrs. Fergus's blue eyes are full of tender, addictive love that can never come up.

And she never comes up.

Liu Yu buried his head deeply in her embrace:

"I'm a little bad."

Mrs. Fergus patted her on the back, hummed a song without saying anything.

She had never heard the tune of that song, but it made people feel warm in the heart. The sun and the breeze pass through the windows, making everything warm and warm.

"God... is he still there?"

When Liu Yu was about to leave her embrace, Mrs. Fergus suddenly asked, "Everyone says that God is gone."

"I have no idea."

Liu Yu's eyebrows froze for a moment, his memory seemed to be still in the moment of being embraced by his wings, the pain pierced by the rays of light on his back was together with his embrace...

She closed her eyes and turned her head to look out the window. The sunlight shining on the earth was faint blue, and the world became bizarre... everything seemed so unreal.

"It should be gone, the light has disappeared from all worlds..."

"Then, Belia, although this sounds a little disrespectful to God, although the God of Light saved me and I am grateful to him... But I think you should find a handsome and pleasing attendant..."

It seemed difficult to say these words, but Mrs. Fergus still said, "With a pleasing lover, your sadness will pass soon."

Liu Yu: ...

"At the beginning, I was so sad about your father's departure, but after I married Leonard, the sadness gradually faded. The best way to forget a piece of the past is to create new memories... Of course, my daughter is a god, you You have the right to choose as much as you want, even a few or a dozen... I believe that as long as you like it, they will try their best to please you and climb into your bed."

The more Mrs. Fergus talked, the more excited she became, her eyes were shining brightly.


"Oh, don't be shy, I know, those people must be inferior to that existence, but... he disappeared, didn't he? He can't blame you... Oh, I have to hurry up and post a call, and I have to recruit a bunch of people Servants, butlers..."

Liu Yu watched helplessly as Mrs. Fergus regained her youthful vigor, from a pale woman to full of enthusiasm.

When she was about to rush to the kitchen, Mrs. Fergus poked her head out halfway:

"Haven't asked you yet, Belia, you're going to stay here forever, aren't you?"

"I can also take you to another world to have a look."

"Oh, that's not right! I've got to show them how wonderful my daughter is."

Obviously, this woman who is keen on hosting all kinds of banquets does not want to leave her former social circle because of her daughter's gorgeous return.

"Are you sure? Maybe another world is more interesting."

"I don't want to for the time being! I still have to enjoy Eve's blushing face and having to curry favor with me for a while! Didn't you see that, like a wilted fighting cock!"


"Oh, back then... when I went to the Tuttle Hospital with you on my back, I drove past in a carriage and laughed at our countess!"

Liu Yu remembered.

She knew that Mrs. Fergus must have been discriminated against in the aristocratic circle in the past. Now that she is proud, she will not leave if she has not enjoyed enough.

"Okay, up to you."

Became a god, suddenly purged in one breath.

Liu Yu has no ambition to be a queen, nor does she want to work hard to create a world. She just wants to stay with Mrs. Fergus and enjoy a tender warmth.

Therefore, as long as the request is not excessive, she will not refuse.

Looking around, the Fergus house hasn't changed much.

There were purple silk curtains, and even the missing wall at the corner of the stairs hadn't been repaired. There were withered flowerpots on both sides of the stairs on the second floor. She pointed her fingers, and the flowers in the flowerpots re-grow buds.

Mrs. Fergus went to the kitchen to make some snacks, while Liu Yu went to the second floor.

Even the air on the second floor is filled with memories, and the memories are restless. When you close your eyes, it reminds you of the obsession with those bodies. She didn't move anything, and came down again.

After eating snacks and taking a nap, I woke up the next day when someone knocked on the door.

Mrs. Fergus put on her dressing gown and a cloak and went to open the door.

Liu Yu was sitting by the window combing her hair, looking across the small garden to the door of Fergus' house. The dense crowd had already lined up to another street, and further away, one after another gorgeous carriages crowded the entire city-state of Solo.

Guards with sabers, envoys in white, knights in golden armor... Bishop Bruce, and the archbishop in red

"Tuk tuk."

"Tuk tuk."

Mrs. Fergus opened the door.

"Honorable Madam, we have come here specially to meet the new God, and to offer our gifts to God." A young and elegant nobleman put his right hand on his left chest and saluted her the highest.

However, Mrs. Fergus noticed that not far away, there was a line of young men with high spirits.

They are all handsome, slender and tall, and they have different styles.

There are delicate ones, rough ones, cold ones, gentle ones, and even one who looks a bit like a god.

"Oh, come in, come in."

The smile on Mrs. Fergus' face grew wider.

"Those... too?"

The person who knocked on the door glanced back and smiled slightly: "Those are teenagers who volunteered to please God, and they are a little mischievous."