I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 153


Liu Yu flew into the sky.

And the moment she took to the sky, all pretense disappeared.

Everyone in the tavern rushed out like crazy, watching the girl in blue skirt standing in the air, looking up at the sky like thick ink. In that darkness, only she is the light, and she occupies the whole field of vision.

Her curly blonde hair stretched all the way down to her ankles. The skirt exudes the color of dreamy sky blue, and in the light blue clouds, her skin is purer than the pure snow of the Andy Mountains, and her blue eyes are like the vast galaxy—

It seemed as if she blinked and the world lit up.

Everyone crawled down.

Renee stood in a daze, she, she was...

At this moment, a shadow more mysterious and powerful than the thick night stood beside the blond girl.

He is as tall as a mountain, colder than a glacier, more indifferent than the night, his thick black hair is blown away by the wind, his face is extremely gorgeous, and his narrow eyes look down with a natural arrogance—

It made people's knees tremble and couldn't help crawling.

"Yes, is it... the god who controls the darkness?"

Renee finally couldn't help but crawl down.

The bartender was even more frightened. His news was more informed. Denton Avenue is on the east side of the Solo city-state. Although it is a bit far away from the tavern, the legendary new god... Reminiscent of the sculpture in the center of the city...

The identity of the other party was confirmed almost immediately.

And he actually talked to such an existence just now...

The body of the bartender lying on the ground fell down more and more respectfully.


"Pray for God's blessing!"

"Pray for the light to come back to the world!"

There was a tsunami going down the mountain, but Liu Yu's attention was no longer on it.

She looked at the sky intently, trying to use her divine power to find the traces that had been simulated by rules...

Sure enough, there was nothing.

There is no moon, and the sun will not rise tomorrow.

This is for the human world—

It's like giving hope and then taking it away.

Order will crumble.

Compared with the first time, it will collapse more quickly and completely this time!

Fear will devour people's rationality, burn, kill, rob, loot... At that time, demons and ghosts will come out, and this dark world will be full of sorrow...

Liu Yu subconsciously looked to his side.

The man beside him looked down at the pitch-black earth indifferently, his expression like a stone statue unchanged.

So, she knew that this fallen god would not make a move.

The next moment, the divine power representing destiny rang the bells of towers everywhere.




One after another, the bell rang through the earth, endlessly.

In the surviving "Shenyin", the boiling world finally quieted down.

People hid in the dark, looked at the sky, and listened to the bells one after another, and the panic in their hearts gradually disappeared.

God is still there.

God did not abandon them.

Wait, just wait...

The bishops of each temple held their scepters and led the angels and knights to look up at the sky:

"The light... Will it come again?"

The children of royal families from all over the world gathered in the palace, and they also looked up to the sky:

"Will the light come again?"

"The light will return in the end." A soft voice sounded in the ears of countless people in this endless night, with supreme dignity, "But before returning, please be kind, tolerant, and calm..."

The bishop looked up.

The royal children raised their heads.

"Then what do we need to do..." They put their hands on their chests, which is a courtesy to the Supreme God, "God?"


"Believe in yourself, keep yourself, and please protect your beloved people."


The temple and the royal family bowed their docile heads together.

God disappeared.

People looked at each other, and the archbishop in red took the lead in issuing orders:

"...All the envoys and knights are dispatched to cooperate with the city-state guards in the major cities before the light is restored..."

The royal families of various countries also responded.

At this time, Liu Yu had already flown to the sky beyond the sky.

There, is a land of fog.


The fat gray sparrow flapped its wings and let out a short cry. When the man in black robe followed, the two of them disappeared into the air like this.


land of mist.

As soon as Liu Yu landed, he noticed the difference.

On the barren ground, a stubble of tender green grass grew. The grass blades had two petals, which looked like they had just sprouted. They were densely spread on the ground, giving people a sense of vitality. But when the line of sight touches the tumbling fog and the vision is limited to two feet around the body, one knows that all this is just an illusion.

"Is this the place?"

she asked.

The black-robed man landed beside her, and the light cedar scent was carried by the wind:

"This is it. I can feel the existence of... the main body."

The fat gray spotted finch flew up with fluttering wings, lingered around and then landed, nodding desperately:


[Yes! Babe, the body of God is lying here! Oh, it won't be eaten by bugs... Banban is really worried. ]

Liu Yu: ...

"No, the body of a god is not so easily destroyed."

Seeing that those black bean eyes were watery again, Liu Yu hurriedly comforted her, she didn't want to experience Ban Ban's broken gong voice that could make her nerves weak again.

[real? ]

Banban tilted his head.


"But...it seems needless to say lead the way."

Liu Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at the distant sky.

There was thick smoke billowing, and the mist formed a huge funnel-shaped, the farther it went, the gray mist was so thick that it was almost black—

Before getting close, there is a feeling that the soul will be sucked away.

[Oh, oh...] Banban opened his beak in surprise, Heidou's eyes widened, [What, what's going on? The last time I saw Ban Ban, there was no such thing... God, what happened to God? ]

"Then you'll have to see it to find out."

Liu Yu was the first to lift his foot and went inside.

The rules don't seem to apply here.

She couldn't use Levitate, and when she tried to send a bright bomb into the sky, the spell just fell off her finger and it went silent.

Not sure what's going on here. The last time I came, the rules were still stable and orderly, but this time, the rules of the entire space were chaotic and disorderly, as if broken by some tyrannical force—

Magic cannot be used.

She became an ordinary person.

When ordinary people walk in this place full of small stones, dirt pits, and occasionally a swamp, they will inevitably stumble—when they stumbled again, Gaia stretched out her hand towards her.


He encouraged her with those green eyes.

"Do not."

Liu Yu refused with a smile.

"Why?" He seemed puzzled, his beautiful eyebrows twitched together, "In the past, when you were injured, I carried you across the Star-Moon Bridge, from Allen College to the temple, and from the temple back to Al London College... many, many times."


His beautiful face was full of doubts.

"Because at that time, I wanted you to love me." The girl smiled, "But now, I don't want you anymore."

"Don't want it anymore?"

He said softly.

There was a faint light in the green eyes, as if sad.

"I don't want it anymore... That's how it is."

His voice was very soft, scattered into the wind, like the whimper of the wind.

Liu Yu looked at the sky, there was no snow.

When he realized what he was doing, he couldn't help but smiled: "Let's go, cross this grass... I'm sure we'll be there."

The grass disappeared, the vortex did not arrive, and what appeared in front of it were large patches of roses.

The rose bloomed all over the ground, red like the blood in the heart of a person—

At first glance, the eyes seem to be intensely stinging.

[Oh baby, look! There are roses! It's like a shrine! … ]

Banban quickly forgot his worries and cried happily, but soon the feathers on its head drooped, and [the roses outside the shrine... were all pulled out. ]

"Hurry up."

Liu Yu didn't say anything, and took the lead, trying to pass through Qiangwei.

But when her feet stepped on the yellow-brown ground, she was frozen like a puppet.

She stood there with the expression on her face still at the moment just now, the light in her blue eyes went from bright to extinguished... until gradually dimmed.

The man who had been silent since just now walked slowly to her side. Under the crow's black hair, his skin was tragically white, and because of this, his green eyes had a strange emerald greenness——

He stood still, stroked her cheek lightly with his fingers, and finally stopped on her chest:

"Belia, tell me... your fears, your joys, your... past."

This scene looked very strange.

All of Banban's hair stood on end:


It screamed sadly: [God, what are you going to do to Baby? ]

"Shh, don't make noise."

The black-haired man standing among the red roses flicked his sleeves, and the chirping of birds just now stopped abruptly.

He stared intently at the girl who was gradually closing her eyes, as if she was a unique treasure in this world: "Don't wake up my Belle."

[Oh crazy! crazy! God is crazy! what's wrong with you ... Oh, Banban knows, you must have arranged all of this... You want to lure Baby here... Let me think about it, let me think about it... Did you listen to the crazy talk of Renee? ... oh no, to impress a female heart, to respect, to please... Absolutely not like this, not like this... Oh, Baby will definitely be more angry... ]

Banban dashed left and right in a bubble, but couldn't get out no matter what. In the end, he could only cover his head with his wings and stop looking.

"It said I was crazy."

Gaia lowered his head slightly, and touched his head to the girl's forehead, "How could I be crazy...you're still here."

The sound dissipated into the wind, and he closed his eyes.

The next moment, he appeared in a strange place.

A group of dirty children were running around in a small place. They were big and small, most of them were wearing ill-fitting clothes, some had runny noses, some had messy hair and lice...

Gaia glanced across them indifferently.

His Beliya must not be here.