I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 155


The hand went straight through, like a shadow of nothingness.

The little girl raised her head ignorantly, her big eyes met him—

His eyes were extremely black, but the next moment he lowered his head and touched the doll in his arms.

"Baby, have you met Xiao Yu's mother?"

she asked.

The room was small and seemed empty.

No one answered her.

The little girl raised her head as if nothing had happened, and looked at the moon without blinking.

Gaia stood up on one leg, leaned against the wall, and looked up at the moon. The moon was silver and very round, just like his world.

"Liu Yu."

He spoke suddenly, speaking in a strange and awkward tone.

"Liu Yu..."

The wonderful voice scattered into the air, carrying a certain rhythm and mystery, as if the name had also become some kind of sacred and precious existence.

Gaia turned her head and looked at the little girl without blinking.

There she was, a small one.

There were mud spots on his face and clothes, which was horrible, except for a pair of bright eyes.

She is still looking at the moon.

On the fluffy head, a shofar braid is scattered and crooked.

Gaia closed her eyes slightly, but the next moment, she entered a bright room.

Suddenly walking from darkness into light, he narrowed his eyes.

White walls, bright glass.

The sun shone straight in, the room was large, and there were rows of neat but old tables and chairs.

Boxy, tabletops were wiped clean.

A group of children sat neatly on chairs with their hands behind their backs and their chests straightened out.

They were all wearing well-fitting clothes, their faces were wiped clean, and they looked expectantly at the two people who were brought in by "Mama Dean"—

It was a young man and woman.

Yellow skin, black eyes.

Wear strange clothes.

"Mr. Chen, Ms. Ma, these children are all between three and five years old... Look... this is..."

Gaia glanced over them lightly, and fell on the youngest girl beside her.

She seemed older, with two braids and a red headband tied into a beautiful bow.

Very thin, with yellow hair, but bright eyes.

A man and a woman walked past her and stopped again.

The woman squatted down with gentle eyes:

"What's your name?"

"I, my name is Liu Yu!" The little girl raised her chest high, "The willows of the willow tree have more than enough willows every year!"

"How old?"

"Three, three years old!"

"It's so cute. My husband, it's just her, okay?"

"No more looking?"

"No, look, she has a pair of pear dimples, which are exactly the same as mine, and they are very destined..." The woman stretched out her hand, "Xiao Yu, come with us, okay?"

The little girl looked into her eyes and put her hand on it carefully.

The woman grasped her hand.

The little girl moved down the chair, the other hand was held by the man, and the three of them walked out.

The sun slanted to reveal the shadows of the three of them, and a gentle voice floated over:

"In the future, Xiao Yu will have a home..."


"That's right, from now on, you will follow your uncle's surname Chen, okay? Let's call it Chen Yu."

"Then you are my new mother?"

"Of course, Xiao Yu will have a father and a mother in the future."

When the little girl walked out of the gate of the courtyard, she looked back.

She waved to the door:

"Dean's mother, goodbye! Xiao Yu is gone! Xiao Yu has a new mother!"

Her eyes are so bright, like shadows hiding the sun.

She still held her doll in her arms.

Gaia stepped on her shadow and followed step by step.

He watched the woman coax the little girl into joy.

She was like an ordinary three-year-old child, who would hug a woman's neck and act coquettishly, would shout "Mom, Mom" loudly, and would happily run to the couple's bed and clamor to sleep together.

You will also be asked to wear beautiful braids and wear beautiful skirts.

Gradually, the little girl forgot about her doll.

The blond-haired, blue-eyed doll was left out in the cold, and finally one day, she was cleaned up in the utility room on the first floor.

And all the happiness came to an abrupt end on a certain warm afternoon.

"Chen Dong, shall we send Xiao Yu back? Recently I have been dreaming that she has been staring at my belly..."

"Li Jun, Xiao Yu is only four years old!"

"Look at the news, all the bad things are done by this half-understood child... What if she hits my stomach... I'm so old, I finally got pregnant..."

"Lijun! Xiaoyu is also our child."

"You haven't seen her eyes, they are so black and so frightening..."

"Li Jun!"

"Okay, okay, if you don't say it, don't say it... Let me say it first, I won't care about her in the future, I have to rest assured..."

Gaia crouched down.

The little girl huddled behind the lush vines and huddled into a ball.

She didn't move.

Wait until the man and woman have finished their quarrel, wait for them to disappear into the yard, wait for the moon to climb up to the sky quietly, and then slowly move out.

The cold moonlight saw a small face.

His face was full of tears.

Gaia's heart seemed to be hit by a huge, invisible clock.

One click, another click.

A month later, the little girl retrieved the doll from the utility room.

She holds the doll and looks at the moon.

Look at the moon, then at the doll.

She said to the doll:

"Baby, why do adults always like to lie to others?"

"She clearly said that Xiao Yu's eyes are big and dark, very beautiful..."

"But Xiao Yu still likes her mother."

The younger sister was born.

The little girl said to the doll again:

"My sister's eyes are not as big as Xiao Yu's, and she doesn't have dimples... She doesn't look as cute as Xiao Yu at all... So, will mother like Xiao Yu more?"

My sister will laugh.

My sister can climb.

My sister will eat.

Everything about my sister is a big deal.

The little girl shrank smaller and became more and more silent.

She came and went quietly in this home, living like a ghost.

She also stopped talking to the doll.

The younger sister is in kindergarten, and the little girl is also in the second grade of elementary school.

Finally, the little girl was returned after an escalating argument broke out.

The man stood at the gate of the orphanage, his face full of shame:

"I'm sorry, I really can't keep this child..."

The woman hugged her younger sister and sat indifferently in the car.

The little girl was carrying a schoolbag, and in the schoolbag was a doll that was too old.

She looked down at her toes:

"It's ok."

She looked up again:

"I don't need my mother anymore."

The man's eyes turned red:

"sorry… "

As if fleeing in a panic, he got into the car at once.

The car drove away quickly.

The sky is a brilliant sunset, the little girl looked at the sky for a while, and solemnly told the dean's mother beside her:

"Dean's mother, you are wrong... My 'yu' is not the surplus every year, but the surplus."

Gaia is also watching the sunset.

Leslie's voice rang in his ears:

"... I hope that one day, when that little girl said no, she did so in a nonchalant tone, because she owns the whole world, so she doesn't care about everything; instead of standing outside the door, looking at the toys inside, no Dare to come close."

"Belia... tell that little girl to stop crying."

"Let that little girl stop crying."

"She deserves the best in this world."

It turned out to be here...

How could he forget it.

That little girl never grew up,

She has always lived in her heart.


Liu Yu seemed to have had a long dream.

She dreamed that she went back to the past and experienced the past again, and when she opened her eyes again, she found herself being held in someone's arms.

"Ga... ya?"

She said in surprise, but she was facing a pair of green eyes that were so gentle that they seemed to drown people.

The green eyes blinked, and a tear fell.

A snow-white echinacea bloomed from the ground.

"you… "

He didn't say anything, just hugged her tightly.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Liu Yu felt weird.

She struggled, but did not break free.

The strength to hold her was strong and cautious, as if he was afraid of hurting her.

"let me go."

Liu Yu remembered the dream just now.

She looked at the rose flower, and found a little bit of green like a firefly in the rich red.

"Looking for dream grass can bring people into the nightmare of the past..." She looked at him suddenly, her face changed drastically, "You..."

"I did it."

He confessed to her.


Gaia touches her eyes:

"You are angry... But, you have also seen my memory."

Liu Yu: ...

Her anger turned into a sudden paleness in an instant.

Yes, she has.

"... Then, it's even."

"So, you set up all of this to lure me? Where's the sun? And... digging my memory, what's in it for you?"

"That woman said that if you want to impress a person's heart, it depends on what she needs. If she needs roses, give her a rose garden. If she needs Lusso, give her countless wealth..."

"So, you just rummage through my past and try to find something that impresses me?"

Liu Yu was angry and unwilling—

But she has no position to blame.

Wasn't it the same thing she'd done to Leslie in the past


All of Liu Yu's emotions disappeared when he saw those eyes.

The sadness hidden in those green eyes was as thick as a sea, he looked at her:

"I saw your past..."

"So, Liu Yu..." He whispered in a strange tone, "Mother is... so important to you."

"What do you want to say?"

"I don't know... Yu," he said, "Although I am a god... I am not omnipotent, just like now... I am very sad, but I don't know how to stop my sadness."

"What are you sad about?"

"I don't know either." He put her hand on his chest, "Obviously I'm very indifferent to all emotions..."

"But the only thing is, the pain, anger, and sadness you gave me are as thick as a painting, and they have colors."

The heart under his hand was beating "plop plop plop", which gave Liu Yu the illusion that he was standing on the same rhythm as hers.

He was grieving her grief, suffering her pain.

She withdrew her hand and backed away.

This time, she left his arms very smoothly.

The man looked at her, behind him was a rich red rose.

"In the past, what I did was pull you closer to me...and now, I poked you and Mrs. Fergus... I pushed you away from me. You won't forgive me again, will you?"

He seemed to have just realized this, his cheeks were so pale that there was no trace of blood.

"Yes." Liu Yu said, "Absolutely not."

"Even so..." There was a smile on his face, he took a step forward, and put his forehead against her, "But I won't give up either."

"The world without you is too lonely, it's all black."

He said softly.

Liu Yu's eyes fell on Gaia's face who was close at hand.

How beautiful he is, and his sad appearance seems to make the whole world sad together.

Layer after layer of snow began to float in the sky.

The heavy snow seemed to bury it all.

"Did you know? I hid that doll in the deepest cabinet and never took it out again."

"It's okay." He cupped her cheeks, "Even so, it's still in your locker."

As if to verify this, he placed a kiss on her forehead:

"I'll wait until the day you take it out again."

"From now on, I will be your father, your mother, your husband, your friend... I will hold all my love in front of you."


Liu Yu couldn't help cursing.