I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 16: Do you believe her?


"Is it you, or Mary?"

Gaia's voice was neither fast nor slow, and it still sounded like a spring breeze, but when it fell to Liu Yu, it turned into a tenth-level tornado, and she only had time to say "ah":

"Gaia, what are you talking about? What medicine?"

But in my mind, I was desperately reviewing whether there was anything revealed last night.

Double check, no.


Gaia sighed softly: "Belia, I'm sure, I was drugged yesterday, not just alcohol."

Liu Yu sat up like an enraged lion cub:

"So, you doubt me?"

Gaia didn't speak.

He stood up, walked in front of her, and squatted down to "level up" with her, with a puzzled expression on his face—

Not a question, it's like a question was asked, nothing more.

Thus, Liu Yu knew that the irrational and very cute Gaia who was confused by alcohol and drugs last night had disappeared.

This is his normal state, alienated from all human emotions—

Maybe there is, but not strong, even anger, or doubt.

She covered her face and cried:

"Gaia, you don't have to do this, I don't want you to be responsible, and I don't expect to be your lover... You don't have to insult my feelings for you like this..."


Gaia was helpless.

"... Drugs? How could I drug you? Gaia, how much I love you, you are as precious as a pearl and a diamond in my heart... How can I be willing to hurt you..."

She cried very sadly, shaking her shoulders, completely like a heartbroken lover.

"Or do you regret it? So you want to insult my feelings for you with such a ridiculous reason? Okay, okay, let me go! I, Bellia Fergus, am not trampled on by others, and I will never pester you again !"

As she said that, she stood up excitedly, but she couldn't stand firmly, and she staggered and fell to the side.

Gaia caught her:


"Belia, Belia, Belia! Don't you have anything to say besides Belia?"

Liu Yu hit him upside down and messed around, and he did enough of crying and making troubles, and soon hugged his neck and wept again:

"I hurt, Gaia, it hurts, it hurts..."

The girl's trembling body leaned against her, helpless like a clover flower that had been destroyed by wind and rain outside the pavilion.

Gaia's thin panting and soft crying echoed in Gaia's ears.

"Does it hurt...?"

"Yes, it hurts, it hurts, and there is a lot of blood."

Since Gaia couldn't see, Liu Yu was not stingy with words—and, she was indeed in pain, as if her body had been cut open by a giant axe.

Reckless teenagers often have lion-like bravery when they open up mountains and land. They will not stop attacking because of the prey's weakness and begging for mercy, but will become more passionate—

And because of the lack of experience, there is only brute force, but weaker than skill.

God will not treat himself badly, the body he squeezed out is perfect, and naturally, the hardware is also very impressive.

As a result, the prey that was on the cutting board for the first time faced a completely mismatched sword, and it was a bloody bad luck.

Liu Yu can't support his legs at all now. His legs are like cotton. When he walks, he feels pain from the inside of his thighs to his toes, as if he has suffered a large area of contusion.

And the most difficult thing to tell others is that the pain is lingering and lingering. When I stand up, I can still feel a warmth flowing down slowly.

"I'll take you to the doctor."

Gaia picked her up, put one hand on her back, the other on her leg, and hurried out.

"You, you stop!"

The boy's footsteps stepped on the ground in the forest, and the dead leaves made a rustling sound, and his speed did not slow down at all.

"Gaia! You can't see this!"

Liu Yu really wanted to cover his face this time.

"Why not?"

"Yes, it hurts there..."

No matter how bold Liu Yu was, he was not so bold as to seek a doctor to see this problem. She patted him and said, "It will be fine after a few days."

"There is a female doctor." Gaia hugged her in to prevent her from slipping, "Don't move, it's nothing. Director Ace also took her lover to see it last time."

... She forgot what an unrestrained western world this is.

… And forget that even though Gaia is easy to talk to most of the time, at certain times, he is stubborn enough to be a headache.

In the end, Liu Yu was taken to the clinic in the college.

After finishing the examination, the extremely serious female doctor with a bun tied her eyes glared at Gaia:

"Mr. Leslie, you are too rough!"

Dear Mr. Leslie blushed uncommonly.

He bowed his head and obediently listened to the training. The female doctor prepared a tube of medicine and told Liu Yu to apply it every morning and evening. She told her not to be too tired recently, and put aside strenuous sports, such as equestrianism and fencing, and finally told the two of them:

"... every seven days, oh no, ten days, damn it, you don't know how to measure... wait, wait, dear sweetheart, eat this first."

The female doctor handed over a green leaf that looked like a baby. It was a "Tuoer leaf" produced on the Erwin continent. Liu Yu saw that Mrs. Fergus had eaten it a few times.

Tuolye, in other words, short-term contraceptives.

She took it silently, chewed it up and ate it.

"Okay, it's time for you to go! Next time I see you, I'll beat you on the head with a long handle, especially you, Mr. Leslie! Look at the hands and feet of the little sweetheart, Les. Mr. Li, even if you want to play tricks, please take care of your lovely little lover a little bit."


Gaia didn't argue.

He was very cooperative and extremely quiet during the whole diagnosis and treatment process. Liu Yu knew that all his tenderness was an illusion, which was caused by his natural self-cultivation, which was probably similar to the mentality of "accepting the troubles caused by oneself".

He has no feelings for her, even if he has, it is very small, and this little point comes from "the grace of saving life" and "dewy love".

What she has to do now is to accumulate the little things of the past little by little until he recovers his memory, so that she will not be overwhelmed by the wrath of the gods.

Gaia held Liu Yu firmly in her arms again.

"I'm sorry, Bella."

He said in a low voice.

Liu Yu put his arms around his neck:

"No, Gaia, it's what I want... You'll still talk to me in the future, right, Gaia?"

Her voice was very low, as if she had dropped into the dust.

"... Well, yes."

After speaking, Gaia shut her mouth tightly.

For a moment the air fell into dead silence.

Such an incident happened that they could no longer get along as naturally as before, but they couldn't go any further, so embarrassment arose.

Of course, Liu Yu's embarrassment only existed for a while.

She remembered a sentence she ignored just now:

"Gaia, just now you said 'Director Ace also takes her lover to see a doctor', 'also', does that mean, you admit, I am your lover too?"


Gaia refused to answer.

When we arrived at the women's dormitory, almost everyone had left.

"Mr. Leslie, you must hurry!"

The dorm supervisor obviously had a good impression of Gaia, and said enthusiastically, "The first magic class is very important, and they have already rushed to the temple."

Gaia put down the fluttering girl in her arms, and asked the dormitory supervisor to accompany her in, and he was waiting for her outside.

"Okay! Miss Fergus leave it to me."

Liu Yu turned around and stepped into the threshold with the support of the dormitory supervisor. At this moment, Gaia suddenly stopped her and stuffed something into her hand:

"Belia, you forgot to take this."

Thumb-sized, cold things.

Liu Yu lowered his head and glanced, his heart skipped a beat:

This is the bottle she used to hold the medicine mixed with blood.

Gaia picked it up a long time ago, but only now gave it back to her.

Did he smell blood in the bottle

Does he... believe her