I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 161


"Priest Kitty!"

After a face-to-face meeting, Liu Yu saw the flow of the lifeline on Priest Kitty's body.

From birth to death...

die? !

next second? !

Without thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and flicked lightly, and the invisible divine power bounced to Priest Kitty's life knot, and the knot was loosened—

A hand took her:


The green eyes that were close at hand were full of disapproval.

That is the color of indifference.

Liu Yu swung him away violently, and with another wave of divine power—

The knot was loosened.

"Cough cough cough..."

After a burst of heart-piercing coughing, Priest Kitty held his throat and finally let out a breath.

The Son and Daughter surround her:

"Priest Kitty, Priest Kitty? What's wrong with you? Are you choking?"

"Are you all right?"

These young kids hadn't figured out what was going on.

Priest Kitty lay down on the ground, looking not far away through the crowd of heads—

There stood a majestic snow-capped mountain, but the snow-capped mountain was covered with dark clouds, and the pure white was no longer seen.

She was dazed and terrified, not knowing what to do.

Trembling all over, as if being poured by icy sea water, knees trembled, unable to stand up no matter what, in the end, he could only grab the ground with his head and cry loudly.

"God, you are our God..."

"Our God of Light, God of Hope, God of Order!... We regard you as our life, our belief, and our indestructible existence... But you, why did you abandon us and fall into darkness?!"

"You have abandoned us, you have abandoned the light! You have abandoned our thousands of believers..."

"Dark clouds cover the sun! Dark clouds cover the sun..."

Every sentence contains blood and every word contains tears.

Liu Yu watched this scene in silence, and suddenly thought of Master Ma Lan who committed suicide. Did he also collapse like this when he committed suicide

Or with the tragic style of a martyr

She subconsciously looked aside, the beautiful god was hidden in the darkness.

His complexion is dark and unclear, but it is not difficult to see the calmness of emotion, as if everything in front of him is nothing more than ordinary, just a speck of dust that will eventually be run over by the torrent of time.

She used to think that he treated her coldly—

But now it seems that it is not really cold.

The real cold is like now, you put everything under his feet, belief, life, and even life, you look like a madman, but he is calm and calm.

And last night, the man who confessed to her and begged her under the mist—is this god the same

She was a little confused.


At this time, his ethereal, slightly warm voice sounded in his ears—

Liu Yu came to his senses.

She seems to be on the edge of a dead end again.

With a flick of the finger, a stream of blue divine power poured straight into Priest Kitty's head.

Priest Kitty closed her eyes peacefully.

"Sleep, when you wake up, you won't remember anything... The light has never fallen, the darkness is about to disappear... and your god is still there..."

Liu Yu didn't expect that the psychedelic technique that Louis taught her would come in handy here.

The blue light spread out along the way, forming a huge net, covering people's heads.

The saints and saints looked at the blue light net above their heads strangely, and asked chirpingly:

"Miss God Empress, what are you going to do?"

After a while, their pupils also began to appear confused, as if they even forgot the question they wanted to ask at the beginning.

"The Queen of God, and the one beside her... the black one..."

"Hey, what is it?"

But when I think about it carefully, I can't think of anything.

The memory has turned into a chaotic, unresolved gray fog.

"Let's go."

Liu Yu took the lead towards the corridor leading to the temple.

The young man in black robe took a long step and followed.

"Why did you stop me just now?"

"Birth, old age, sickness and death, this is the order."

"Order?" Liu Yu stopped, "Then what should I do? Just sit and watch the death of Priest Kitty, or sit and watch the faith of those young holy sons and daughters who are loyal to you break? Maybe they will also die because of their faith." die… "

"Order should not be violated."

he told her.

"Can you save all humans and animals?"

His voice was calm when he asked her.

It seems that death is commonplace for him, and compared with his long life, human beings are just lifeless mayflies.

"... So, I only save my eyes... Destiny has countless forks, and it allows me to see it, which is enough to prove that it does not object to my changes, does it?... let alone Gaia..."

She reached out and stroked his neckline lightly:

"When you gave up killing me, order no longer existed."

The young man's face was extremely pale for a moment, which showed that his green eyes had an extraordinarily heart-wrenching magnificence.

He looked at her intently:

"... yes, Belle."

"... the moment I gave up killing you, order was already under my feet."

Outside the corridor, snowflakes like silver flakes floated up. Liu Yu stretched out his hand and watched the snowflakes melt into water vapor in his palm.

He seemed... sad again.

"Gaia, do you know... why do I want to become a god? It's very simple, I don't want to die, I also want to have the right to choose, to live well, no one can force me or hinder me... Priest Kitty, and you Those believers, they have been deprived of the right to choose from the very beginning, they can only believe in the light, and regard the light and you as the whole meaning of their life... "

"Did you see the world in my dream? How is it?"

she asked him.

Gaia thought about it seriously for a while:

"If you look at humans as the main body, it's not bad... But it's incredible that they don't believe in God..."

"In the world I came to, everyone lives for themselves... happy or sad, poor or rich, everything belongs to themselves..." The girl's eyes showed nostalgia, "Gaia, I came from human , I am destined to be different from you, and I will bear the brand of human beings all my life... I can't just sit back and watch the lives of my fellow race die before my eyes without being indifferent... "

"So, please forgive me, I can't abide by your so-called order."

She said softly.

But before that—

She glanced at Gaia:

"Could you cover your hair, Mr. Leslie?"

"You hate it?"

The long black hair of the young man in black was blown by the wind.

"Because it looks like Louis." The girl smiled mischievously at him, "... If you don't mind, I think of Louis' words every time I look at it."

"Sorry, I actually... kinda mind."

He said slowly.

Immediately afterwards, a white beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped him...

The long hair that was as black as the night turned white inch by inch, and finally, it turned into the color of snow.

So holy, so beautiful.

As if covering the entire Milky Way on his body, in the gentle streamer, he stood quietly like this, as if he was still a holy, beautiful and powerful god.

Liu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Go and find Miskin, Gaia."

Her pupils can catch the night hidden by pure white.

The young man opened his long legs, and his wide cuffs flowed down like running water:

"I'm afraid it will be sooner."


The door of the temple opened.

The temple is still the same.

What you can see at a glance is the golden throne high above, above the void, countless planets are revolving along the established trajectory...

Hexagrams covered the ground.

The difference is that the ubiquitous golden fine sand was swept away, and the sacred hall became deserted and lonely.

Gaia walked in.

He went up the steps step by step, and Liu Yu followed suit.

The golden vertical pupils on the golden armrest opened again.

Liu Yu always missed it before, but this time, he found it in those golden pupils...Happy, happy

"Berry, stay away."

The young man stretched out his hand, and on the white palm, a black font suddenly appeared. Liu Yu recognized that it was the "light" that had been dyed black. The light dripped around, and after a while, the air was filled with golden sand.

The fine sand wrapped around the black "light" word like a veil.

The word "light" starts to turn golden again, it is changing.

And when the gold was so thick that it was about to drip out, the handrail suddenly burst into light—


The mountain shook for a while, and a...

The first thing I saw was a clean ankle, but this is... a person

Liu Yu thought he had made a mistake, and was about to take a closer look when his eyes were covered.

Gaia's hand was in front of her, and the black silk robe covered her eyes:

"Berry, don't look."

"God, you finally let me out..."

A lazy, extremely magnetic voice sounded in the hall. Just listening to the voice, one can outline a mature and handsome face. The body must be nimble and powerful, full of hormones...

"Oh, Miss God Empress, do you need a lover?"

And the next moment, the voice changed its tone and said violently:

"Damn God! You beat me back again..."


After a loud "chi-gu", Liu Yu's eyes were opened again.

The black silk robe receded, and a ball-sized, golden... fluffy appeared in front of her

The plush is extremely round, as if drawn with a compass.

On the ball, two golden eyes were watery.

The flat mouth is like a platypus, opening and closing:

"Chick! Chick! Chick -"

"what is this?"

No woman can resist fluff.

The girl's eyes suddenly became watery, and she tugged at the sleeves of the people around her.

Unexpectedly, the soft silk sleeve slipped out of his hand, and the ethereal voice sounded a little slow, as if separated by a layer:

"Miskin Beast."

"Miskin Beast? But I clearly saw it just now..."

The golden plush jumped up and down in front of her, and when her round eyes blinked, two tears fell out:

"Ji Gu Ji Gu..."

The round eyes were wet from the beating.

"What do you want to say?"

Liu Yu squatted down.

Fluffy was sobbing, tears were falling, she was so cute.

She was about to reach out for rua, when the other hand stretched out and picked up the fluffy:

"Berry, it's time for you to start."

That hand is extremely beautiful, with distinct joints and slender fingers.

"... You didn't tell me that the Miskin beast is so cute."

Liu Yu looked away reluctantly.

It's a pity... such a cute plush has to be hung in the sky.

At this time, the golden fluffy "cheeped" and twisted violently:

"Chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick..."


His belly was bulging, and finally, his mouth opened wide, and another ball came out——

The ball is thin, and the intricate veins inside can be seen.

A milky voice sounded at the same time:

"Ouch, it's killing me."

"Don't hang on to me, hang on to this, my light sac..." Fluffy jumped up and threw the ball it spit out in front of Liu Yu, "Beautiful Miss God Empress, please accept my light sac, it is very useful, The divine power stored for a hundred years is enough to illuminate for a hundred years!"

Liu Yu looked at Gaia, and after getting his affirmation, he imitated the rules of "light" with blue divine power to create a circular net.

Finally, push the light capsule inward—

The blue silk screen lifted the light capsule slowly into the sky.

A miraculous scene appeared.

The darkness dissipated like a tide, and the golden light spread on the ground little by little...

The world has become the same again.

The night disappears and the day comes.

In her ears, she seemed to be able to hear the roar of the tide, people walking in the streets and alleys, rushing to tell each other:

The light is back.

They no longer have to walk in the dark, they will have a golden sun...

At this time, the golden plush jumped up and down her skirt, looking at her with round eyes:


It hangs her skirt, climbs up on hands and feet—

Only then did Liu Yu realize that it had short, chubby hands and feet.

Very cute.

Like a round gingerbread man.

She knelt down to poke—

But who knows, the next moment, there was a violent "chi-gu—"

Fluffy hit the wall like a rubber ball, drew a circular arc, broke through the window, and disappeared in midair.

"Gaia, is it you..."

Liu Yu straightened up, subconsciously trying to reprimand him, but he was pushed against the wall.

The golden ornate wall engraved with reed patterns hit her back, which was cold and hard.

Her hands were clamped by him and pressed on top of her head, the dense breath wrapped her, and that gorgeous and delicate face was close in front of her eyes, it seemed that as long as she moved forward lightly, his high nose bridge would touch her .

And the green eyes staring at her are so deep, as if they want to swallow her—

He came closer and lower his head.

Liu Yu's throat slid back, and just when she thought he was going to kiss him, the tall man disappeared.

In its place, a little golden lamb.

The lamb had short curly golden hair and a pair of green watery eyes. It tilted its head towards her and let out a soft "baa".

Liu Yu's heart was about to melt.