I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 166


Liu Yu is sure that Gaia knows what "mama" means.

He has entered her dreams, and even made marshmallows to coax her because of a desire she had when she was young—

But when did he do it

She couldn't figure it out.

Gaia brought out another marshmallow.

It is light blue, like the color of the sky.

"Gaia, you look like Doraemon."


"Well, in my world... a very cute little partner, it always hides all kinds of treasures in its pockets, which can be taken out at any time... I really wanted to have a Doraemon when I was young."

The girl took the blue cotton candy, her eyes curved into crescent moons.

"Thank you, my pleasure."

The young man handed over the pink cotton candy in his hand.

Liu Yu glanced at him and bit his mouth lightly.


She took another bite of the blue cotton candy, her eyes widened involuntarily:

"Ah, the smell of roses..."

"Is it tasty?"

"Well, it's delicious."

Liu Yu bit his mouth again:

"Tell me, are there any other colors?"

She couldn't help feeling Taobao.

"Only these two."


Gaia didn't answer.

Liu Yu raised his head, and when he met the other party's gaze, he suddenly thought of a possibility:

So, the pink color is because of the pink... lamb

that blue...

"The blue is because of your eyes."

"Oh, eyes..."

Liu Yu was a little happy, but also a little unhappy.

Her eyes are black!

never mind.

She consoled herself.

"Then... can you make a strawberry flavor next time?"

she asked.

"Strawberry? Yes."

The hair was suddenly messed up.

Liu Yu clicked, and suddenly a face appeared in front of her. He half bent down, put his hand on top of her head, the sunlight was largely blocked, and he was so close that he could only see the lake-like green eyes, which reflected the whole world. she.

“…and there could be grapes, or anything…”

"As long as you want, as long as I have."

as long as you want.

as long as i have.

Liu Yu's heart trembled slightly—

So, this is what it feels like to be pampered

Any arbitrary request can be met.

"I feel..." She blinked, "You're boiling a frog in warm water."

The young man straightened up, and the sun returned to her face.

The hand was pulled up naturally, and from her perspective, only half of the crystal clear side face and the golden streamer of the large black silk could be seen.

She narrowed her eyes, but heard him say:

"I wish you could see my heart."


The two walked along the narrow road, the closer they got to the slums, the narrower the street, and the more ragged the clothes of the pedestrians coming and going.

Liu Yu saw a house made up of wooden planks. The whole family squeezed together in a place as big as a block of tofu. The children were left unattended. They nestled in twos and threes in one place, playing games, or eyeing the passers-by with various eyes. —

She didn't like that look very much.

The innocence of children fades away, leaving only naked plunder.

"Go here."

Flexibly avoiding a mud pit, Liu Yu sensed the direction of the crack: not far away.

before this-

She turned around, squatted down, and said to the little tail behind her:

"I'm going to a dangerous place, don't follow me."

That's a little slug.

He looked three or four years old, his whole body was dirty, as if he had just rolled in the mud; his little curly chestnut hair was sticking to his hair, and it looked greasy that he hadn't washed it for a long time. The whole person is terribly thin, skinny, but has a pair of clear black eyes.

The little slug didn't seem to understand what she said, looking longingly at the cotton candy in her hand.

"You want this?"

Liu Yu looked at her.

The little slug nodded, then shook his head again.

Liu Yu passed the cotton candy over.

The little slug shook his head again.

"What's the matter, don't you want it?"

The little slug took his hand out of his mouth, with his small body on his waist and his head held high:

"Mother said that bad people deceive children like this!"

The voice was childish, it was actually a girl.

"Am I like a bad guy?"

Liu Yu's first reaction was this.

Gaia smiled softly beside her.

The long black hair floated to her cheeks, and she couldn't help but look up at him:

"stop laughing!"

The corners of the young man's mouth and eyes were bent together:

"Berry, you're so cute."

Liu Yu: ...

What a flirt.

She turned her head, facing Gaia with the back of her head, looking at the little slug in front of her.

The eyes of the little slug seemed to be stuck by the marshmallow, so sticky that it could almost pull out silk. Liu Yu took the marshmallow to the left, and the head of the little slug turned to the left. She took the marshmallow to the right, The little slug's head turned to the right.

She handed the marshmallow forward:

"Really don't want it?"

The little slug reluctantly looked away:

"My mother said that sister Lisa from the next door was abducted in this way! She can't be wrong!"

"I do not want!"

As she said that, she turned her head away, but her eyes quietly aimed at the cotton candy.

Liu Yu: ...

She "puchi" laughed:

"It seems that your mother loves you very much."

"Of course," the little slug proudly puffed up his chest, "Mom loves me the most!"

"Okay, here you are..."

Liu Yu was also surprised that she had talked so much with a child, so she managed to throw the marshmallow into the other's arms.

The little slug hurriedly caught it, and when he raised his head, he saw only the back of the girl going away, and that terrible black shadow was still standing beside her.

"I, can I take it back and give it to my mother?"

The little slug mustered up the courage to ask aloud.


There was a wonderful sound in the distance.

"Thank you, thank you kind people! May the holy light bless you!"

The little slug cautiously licked the marshmallow with his tongue, his eyes widened suddenly, and the next moment, he ran towards his home with the marshmallow in his hand.

"Mother! Mother, there is something very, very delicious!"

A voice came from a distance:

"You're always soft on kids... Belle."

"...because they're too weak."


"You can only passively accept what the world gives you, good or bad..."



Liu Yu stopped.

There is a huge gap in front of you, the surrounding area is deserted, and there is nothing—

To be exact, everything was sucked in by the huge vortex in the middle of the crack.

Flying sand and walking stones.

The sun also seemed to be swallowed.

The whole space is dark and dull.

Liu Yu flew into the sky at once, the hem of her skirt was fluttering in the wind, she closed her eyes, and felt that there seemed to be some kind of explosive particles in the air—

It was a terrifying force, extremely destructive.

At this time, a wave of air surged towards him, Liu Yu opened his eyes, and flicked between his fingers.

A blue light spot burst out, collided with the air wave, and made a loud "bang".

Some people in the slums in the distance probed their heads, and they all saw the graceful figure in the sky.

"That, that is—"

"Has the temple in the East District sent someone again?"

People invariably prostrated themselves, begging for salvation.

Liu Yu frowned slightly, and between his fingers, a dense blue net covered the direction of the crack.

But who knows that before touching it, he was sucked in by the black vortex.

The suction was so strong that it almost sucked her in.

A big hand transformed from black divine power embraced her and pulled her down.

Liu Yu was dragged to the ground.

"What do you think?"

She turned her head and asked the silent person beside her.

He stood still in the wind and waves, his cloak had been blown off by the wind, and in the dark gray mist that filled the sky, his face had a jade-like clarity.

Holy and beautiful.

A pool of green eyes, like water, fell to the crack on the ground:

"Minselton was the first world I created."

"So, there are cracks in the world you created..." Liu Yu remembered the cracks that also appeared in the Misty Land, "What does this mean...?"

She was startled.

The youth raised his eyes:

"Don't worry... when my body wakes up, these cracks will be repaired."

"But the rift will expand. Maybe when you wake up, everything on Planet Minceton will disappear."

"Bailey, you gotta get used to...the world always needs sacrifice."

The young man's expression has a kind of quiet beauty, but also ice-cold.

Liu Yu bit her lip, she was not the Holy Mother, but she couldn't remain indifferent to the disaster of the group.

She is not Gaia.

She didn't grow up watching a fish tank, she was a fish in a fish tank, she came out of a weak state, and was once a human being—

Or, now.

She finally understood why those little people in disaster movies always end up doing things people didn't expect.

No one can turn a blind eye except sociopaths.

"Since it can't be filled in..." Liu Yu recalled the books he saw in the library, trying to find a suitable magic circle in it. "Stable, yes, stable, don't let the crack expand and cause more disasters..."

"Polar ring."

"Ah! That's right!" Liu Yu's eyes brightened, "Nine-pointed star array in the extreme ring."

It is not difficult to draw the nine-pointed star array in the polar ring. Although the materials are trivial, it is not difficult for a certain god who has lived for countless years and has endless treasures, and the most critical piece of "God's Blood"—

Liu Yu took out a small thumb bottle from his pocket.

Unplug and pour.

Two drops of golden blood instantly dripped into the groove, "Boom—"

Mercury light shot up into the sky.

A huge nine-pointed star array appeared out of thin air.

From a distance, it is very gorgeous, and the whole sky is illuminated by this silver.

On the tower of the temple in the west area in the distance, more than a dozen angels in white clothes floated in the air at the same time, and they looked at the west area:

"Then, what is that?"

The cardinal also flew into the air while leaning on his scepter.

Levitation allows him to fly higher, Eagle Eye allows him to see farther.

He narrowed his eyes:

"It's a forbidden curse magic circle!"

"Forbidden magic circle?"

"Nine-pointed star...Look, the stars lit up in the sky..."

The gods in white looked at the direction pointed by the scepter, and there were nine silver lights faintly at the place where the mercury shot straight into the sky.

"Go, go and see!"

The cardinal waved his scepter and flew out first.

Dozens of envoys in white clothes also rushed to the east area, and the levitation technique supported them to fly over the eaves. After a while, they arrived at the place where the magic circle of forbidden curse was set up.

There was no one there.

The dark rift that once swallowed an entire group of golden knights, and many heroes, has been surrounded by a bright silver magic circle of forbidden spells.

Even the air became quiet.

"Maybe..." The cardinal retracted the speculation in his heart, and ordered the envoys, "Go around and ask if you have seen any unusual existence."

And when the cardinal sent people to look for them, Liu Yu was standing not far from the street, looking at the corner—

There, a burly bearded man was trying to wrest a child from the arms of a thin woman.

Behind them was a house the size of a bean curd block. The roof was covered with straw and the walls were made of wooden boards. It was trembling, as if a gust of wind could blow the house down.

Through the dilapidated door, one can see the simple wooden bed and the square table picked up from nowhere.

That's how it looks like a house with bare walls.

The three of them chattered, and the woman held the child tightly, but refused to let it go.

The child cried in her arms:

"No! No! I will not leave my mother! I will not leave my mother!"

The voice was still milky and somewhat familiar.

The strong man kicked the woman and cursed:

"If you continue to keep this little bastard, get the hell out of here too!"

"Hall! She's our daughter."

The woman looked at him imploringly.

"She is already four years old, that's enough. Look at Lisa next door. She was sold to an old man by Barton. I heard that she has been tossed to death...Give her to me, or you can get out together with me!"

Having a stable, strong partner and having a place to stay in this slum is already the best choice for the women here.

Otherwise, she would be like the women outside, either tortured to death by a perverted guest one day, or died of an unclean disease.

Those who can really escape from the West District and go to the East District are either those lucky ones, or... they can pick up a wealthy nobleman and be raised as a lover.

Liu Yu watched all this silently.

The young man beside her glanced at her:

"I thought you were going to help... Belle."

"No, I made a bet with myself in my heart."

"Oh, bet? What bet?"

"Bet that mother will abandon that slug."

The girl's eyes fell to the ground.

In the sewage, a blue marshmallow fell there, like brown, dirty old blood.

The milky voice of the little slug is still in my ears.

"Mother said that bad people deceive children like this!"

"Of course, mother loves me the most!"

"I, can I take it back and give it to my mother?"

Will... be abandoned

"I hope you win, Belle."