I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 167


Even the sky in the slums is gray, and the light cannot come in.

Pedestrians passing by looked at all this numbly. This kind of drama of men beating women happens several times a day in the slums, especially the men here are mostly doing heavy physical work. It is normal to beat, kick and swear at women when they come home up.

At this time, a fat woman in a yellow petticoat passed by, and persuaded with earnestness:

"Oh Anna, you can't do this! Mr. Hall is generous enough! Look at my Lisa, she sold it for a thousand rupees... We ate meat for two full months... Oh, the master is so generous …”

The woman next to him also persuaded.

"Anna, what will you do if Mr. Hall really kicks you out? Think about Pamela, the last time I saw her, she was already rotten..."

"Think about yourself... there's always going to be another baby, baby, maybe a boy!"

"Mother, mother!"

The little slug held on to his mother's clothes tightly, crying in fright.

"Cry, cry, cry! You know how to cry! My old Huoer's family doesn't need useless people! Anna, you choose yourself! Either she goes away, or you take her with you!"

At this time, the strong man kicked from behind.

The woman staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Liu Yu clenched his fists tightly:

Wait a minute, wait a minute...

Suddenly, a hand covered the back of her hand, and Gaia's worried green eyes appeared in front of her.


Liu Yu withdrew his hand:


she said.

The arena was in chaos.

The dissuading voices of "good-hearted people", the cursing voices of strong men, and the crying voices of children are mixed together, just like the mixed and pungent smell of slums, which makes people feel hopeless.

The woman kept her head silent, and under the messy chestnut hair, the expression on her face could not be seen clearly.

Liu Yu's gaze fell on her hand, which tightly held the little slug, as thin as a chicken paw—

It was shaking, and it was shaking more and more.

The little slug seemed to sense something, just raised his head and looked at her ignorantly:

"Mother… "

A tear fell on her face, and then, more and more...

"Mother, don't cry..."

The little slug stands on tiptoe, trying to wipe her tears—

Liu Yu withdrew his gaze and turned around:

"Let's go."

Her voice is very soft.

"Don't read it?"

The voices of people around me came.

"The result... didn't it come out?"

She raised her eyes and looked at him, her blue eyes were like an ancient well without waves.

"Maybe... it may not be what you think."

he said.


Liu Yu still stopped.

Something is holding her back all the time, keeping her from going forward, but she also doesn't turn around, her sinking heart has clearly bottomed out——

At this time, a dull blunt sound came, accompanied by a burst of exclamation:


"What are you doing? Oh, Mr. Hall . . . how are you?"

She turned sharply—

But he saw the thin woman blocking the little slug behind him, and the strong man who was not invincible just now was lying on the ground. He seemed to have been punched suddenly, and before he recovered, his big copper bell eyes stared at him. Looking at the woman named Anna.

The woman was obviously so scared that her body was shaking, but she still said:

"I-I... Hall! I-I will not lose my child, never, ever!"

What a beautiful word.

There are such beautiful emotions in this world...


Liu Yu smiled slightly.

It seems that some kind of ailment is melted by the sun, and even the soul becomes relaxed.

She couldn't help but look at the young man beside him, his green eyes exposed to the sun were like a gurgling stream, inside was a moving boat, he seemed to understand her.

She turned to the street again.

The strong man has stood up:

"Are you? Can you support her? Oh, you mean you're going to be a daughter-in-law? Come on...look in the mirror, no guest would like you like that...you've given birth to a baby..."

"I will not give up! I will never let my daughter grow up like me, let alone poor Lisa... as long as I live!"


The strong man spat at her.

The sticky, yellow phlegm drew a curve in the air, and it was about to fall on Anna's face—

At this time, a blue light spot landed.

As soon as the light spot touched the phlegm in mid-air, the phlegm returned along the original path and fell directly into the open mouth of the strong man.

The strong man closed his mouth and swallowed it back with a gulp.

Everyone: ...

Even Mrs. Barton, who was not very particular, could not help retching.

They subconsciously looked in the direction of the blue light spot. Before they could see it clearly, they heard the little slug screaming happily:

"Mother! That's the pretty lady who gave me sweets!"

I saw a corner where no one had noticed just now, standing one-on-one, they were noble men and women.

They are so beautiful—

Especially the young man in the black gold cloak, with his long black hair scattered casually, it seemed that the whole dark night gathered together, mysterious and noble. On her pale face, her green eyes were like pure emeralds, and she looked at people with an unkind coldness:

As if all of them were ants who should surrender under his feet.

And the girl standing next to him has long golden hair, but what is more dazzling and brilliant than the long hair is the smile on her face—

Like warm spring, like hot summer, like slow autumn, except that there is no winter.

All the ice has been melted away, leaving only soft water and warm wind.

It seems beautiful, it seems hopeful.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Only the little slug stretched out his hand and shook:

"Pretty Miss! Pretty Mister! How are you!"

After speaking, he tightly held the clothes of the woman in front again, for fear of being left behind.

Anna also looked at the young couple without blinking. She knew more than her daughter... Such a gentleman and lady, at first glance, looked like distinguished adults in the Eastern District, and they also knew magic arts...

Liu Yu walked over.

She walked up to this venerable mother:

"Do you want to go to the East End?"

she asked.

Anna looked at her in confusion and blinked.

What is this noble lady... talking about

She hasn't recovered yet.

The little slug looked up at his mother, then at the beautiful young lady, and sniffed his nose.

At this moment, dozens of white figures suddenly fell down the street.

The Xingyue Robe of the temple? !

Angel in white? !

The whole street seemed to freeze, and no one dared to make a sound.

Only Liu Yu looked at the envoys who suddenly appeared calmly:

"You said, what are they here for?"

she asked Gaia.

The young man lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes covered his lake-green eyes. At this moment, his black hair turned into silvery white inch by inch, like holy snow.

The cloak and hat automatically covered his beautiful face again.

"They saw the magic circle."

"So... came to see us?"

What Liu Yu said was a question, and his tone was very calm.

She was still hesitating just now, how to settle the mother and daughter—

After all, it was impossible for her to stay in the world of Minseton for a long time, but now she had the answer.

The people on the street watched these noble beings who would never be seen in the West District in silence... They stood in an orderly manner on the side of the street, raising their heads as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, a red figure fell from the sky.

Toga, embroidered with sun and moon, the newcomer with a scepter of light and a golden crown on his head—


Someone yelled out in a gaffe.

"My lord bishop! He has been found."

The envoys also bowed their heads in unison.

As soon as the cardinal's gaze fell to the street, he immediately identified the target—

That couple is amazing.

They are like the stars in this vast dust, unable to be covered by any darkness.

Even this disgusting and dirty slum seemed to have been transformed into a palace of nobility and elegance.

Only such an existence can use such a huge magic circle.

The poor in the streets knelt down and cried:

"Meet Your Excellency Bishop!"

The cardinal has long been used to this, he hastily walked up to the pair of beings in a respectful manner, and bowed his head deeply:

"Meet Your Excellency."

The girl of the two replied:

"My lord bishop."

"Excuse me, was the forbidden curse magic circle set up by you?"

asked the cardinal.


"That… "

He raised his head subconsciously, but his eyes were stung by the diffuse golden light.

So the cardinal knew that these two noble lords had no intention of getting in touch with the temple—

Although the opponent's identity is confused, the noble Guangming Temple will not speculate out of thin air, not to mention the magic circle alone, it also knows that the strength of the opponent far exceeds itself, and there is no malice.

"Your Excellency saved the entire city-state of Yasori, and also the entire world of Minseton... We are extremely grateful... If you need anything, you can tell me."

He said respectfully.

"There is indeed something I want to ask you."

"Please tell me, Your Excellency."

The bishop's crown hangs lower.

The closer you get to the opponent, the more you can feel the unfathomable strength of the opponent—

Compared with the other party's vast divine power, he was as small as dust.

"Please help me bring Miss Anna and her daughter to the East District, and live under the protection of the temple... Don't worry, I will leave them a fortune to help them live independently..."

The other party made a strange request.

"Miss Anna?"

Of course, the cardinal would not know this pair of low-level little people who would be crushed to death by life at any time.

Liu Yu made a move, and the thin woman and little girl were sent to the bishop by a gust of wind:

"It's them."

The cardinal raised his head. The pair of women were wearing tattered clothes, cowering, and looked like they came out of the slums...

What a grown-up is asking for.

he thinks.

"Of course, the temple will definitely complete your TOEFL."

"Thank you then."

This is a gift from Liu Yu to this respectable mother.

At this moment, Anna had already understood.

what does that mean

This meant that she could escape this terrible place where there was no hope of ever seeing, and live in the East End.

The streets of the East End are always clean, and the people of the East End are naturally noble, and the East End is their dream paradise.

Each of them expects to live in the East End...

Moreover, they also have the blessing of the temple! Those tramps and villains dare not bully their mother and daughter. She can go to work in the East End. For the sake of the temple, the nobles will also hire her.

She can support her daughter on her own.

Anna quickly pulled her daughter to kneel down:

"Thank you! Thank you, my lord!"

"You don't need to thank me..." Liu Yu's voice softened, "You are a respectable mother."

Anna wept with joy.

The little slug looked at her ignorantly, and she stretched out her sleeve:

"Mother, mother..."

I want to wipe away tears for her.

Liu Yu looked at Hall not far away.

Hall swayed his body, not daring to object in the slightest. Even the cardinal respected him... He could be crushed to death with just one finger.

He didn't dare to move, he didn't even dare to lift his head.

As if feeling the gaze above his head, he raised his head—

A wit started to kowtow:

"Please, please forgive me, my lord! Please spare me!"

"I'm guilty!"

"What is your crime?"

Liu Yu asked.

"No, shouldn't..."

Hall faltered, apparently not knowing what mistake he had made—

Didn't he just beat his wife

Who doesn't fight around here

Liu Yu sighed, and had no intention of arguing with him. With a flick of his finger, a blue light spot fell on his arm. Hall suddenly felt that his arm was hit hard by a stick, and subconsciously screamed With a cry:


"My arm is broken! My arm is broken!"

"It's not broken, but you have to bear the pain of this broken arm for three months, remember this pain—" She looked at the people around who were silent, "You also remember, if you continue to beat your wife and daughter... If you are seen again, you Will be like Hall, and perhaps, will die."

Of course Liu Yu knew that this couldn't really stop anything.

Man's mind is imprisoned by circumstances—

Even if it is to change, it needs to be cultivated from generation to generation.

But a warning from a high-ranking person can still play a little role.

The cardinal waited at the side, and after Liu Yu finished his work, he sent a request to "stay in the temple". As for the man next to her—

When he glanced at it, he felt terrified.

I dare not speak at all.

Liu Yu refused.

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone, he walked out together with the mysterious black-robed man beside him.

The white skirt and the black robe were intertwined and separated, Anna raised her head—

For some reason, she couldn't help recalling that young man's mysterious pupils, which seemed to have psychedelic magic power.


Yasori City-State, Eastern District.

Liu Yu just wanted to find a quiet place to stay, she didn't want to go anywhere.

Finally, at the end of a secluded street in the East District, I found an unremarkable small hotel.

The small hotel has two floors.

The door plaque is made of brown coconut shells, and outside you can see the large leafy green plants everywhere in the hotel—this reminds Liu Yu of those characteristic hotels with a tropical style in his previous life.

A young man in a navy blue uniform came up to him. His facial features were only correct, but his smile made people feel very comfortable:

"Hi, are you staying in a hotel or drinking?"

"Stay in the store."

Just as Liu Yu was about to reply, his sight was blocked by a broad figure from behind.

Gaia threw a holy crystal of light, the young man was startled, and hurriedly caught it:

"Dear sir, you are...too many."

"Take care of the entire hotel."

"Under the contract? But, but...someone is already living there."

Young people are embarrassed and authentic.

A chubby middle-aged man patted the young man on the shoulder, and took the Bright Holy Crystal from his hand:

"No problem sir, with this piece of holy crystal, you can keep it for a month without any problem."

"Everyone leave."

"Okay sir, no problem sir..." The fat boss nodded and bowed, "The kitchen..."


The fat boss gave the guest a bell:

"If you need anything, ring this bell... I live next door, and I'm always there for you."


The guest accepted it politely, but when the young man left the inn, he found that the bell had been thrown on the long platform of the inn, he shook his head, "What a strange guest."

Just remembering the appearance of this guest again, but my mind is blurred.

Liu Yu was already lying on her bed.

She looked at the palm of her hand, and the thin sunlight streamed in through her fingers, illuminating everything brightly. She smiled again: she won...

She is very happy.

Very happy.

She wants to drink.

She sat up abruptly—

At this time, a knock on the door sounded:


Before she could answer, the door was pushed open from the outside.

The sunlight poured down like running water, coating the visitor's body with a layer of light. In the blurred light and shadow, only his beautiful and handsome outline and green eyes like clear springs could be seen.

He smiled at her:

"Drink, Belle?"

Liu Yu looked up at him for a while, then smiled: "Did you bring wine?"

How much he resembles her Doraemon.

Whatever she wants, he will give.

Her eyes fell on the silver wine jug he was carrying.