I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 17


Facing the bottle in his hand, countless thoughts ran through Liu Yu's mind, and finally split into two factions.

A villain told her, admit it, admit everything, maybe he won't bother with you about those calculations and deceptions.

But your connection with him, your future, ends here.

The other kept bewitching in her ears: Don't you want to climb to a high place? Don't you want to live for a long time without being caught by the pulse of fate

Catch him, this is your only chance to change your destiny.

One hundred points, or zero points.

Liu Yu easily convinced himself once again.

She exclaimed in surprise:

"Oh, Gaia, why is it with you? My mother gave it to me before I went out, saying it would keep me safe!"


Of course not.

Gaia is not Louis, and he doesn't know how to speak. If he said it was hers, he must have confirmed the facts.

She can only go on honestly.

"It's with your dress, on the ground."

Gaia didn't continue to ask, and seemed very understanding.

But Liu Yu knew that this was not a good thing.

If he doubts and doesn't ask, she will lose the opportunity to explain. Excessive explanation will only deepen the suspicion.

If there is no doubt, it also shows that his interest in her is extremely limited—

He has no intention of probing the truth.

"Okay, okay! Mr. Leslie, please change the place for flirting!" The dormitory supervisor interrupted them, "And Miss Fergus, you have to hurry up, the magic class is in the Temple of Light, it was not necessary in the past Less time!"

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Liu Yu walked in with the dormitory supervisor, and couldn't help but look back when he turned the corner. Gaia was standing quietly. He seemed to be troubled by something, and his brows were slightly frowned, as if he had noticed her gaze, and looked up at her. Come-

Liu Yu quickly turned his head.

The mushroom house is just around the corner.

The housekeeper remembered Gaia's words and waited outside.

Liu Yu pushed the door open and went in. She didn't return all night. The room seemed to have been burglarized. Her things were thrown everywhere. There were rattan boxes here and there, only the birdcage by the window was safe.

The locks of the closet were artificially broken, and were all torn by scissors.

Jewelry was strewn everywhere, she found vampire fangs on the ground, and even the pillow and quilt were cut to shreds.

It was obvious that Mary had done it.

She didn't come home all night, and Mary, jealous, took things out of her—very typical of her style.

"Scabbers! Scabbers! Scabbers!"

The gray spotted finch flapped its wings desperately in the cage, and a pair of black bean eyes saw her, and there was a splash of water.

[Woooooo, that woman is simply crazy! She actually wants to use scissors to cut Spotted's beautiful wings! crazy crazy! terrible! ]

This sentence suddenly appeared in Liu Yu's mind.

Looking at the gray freckle, she thought she was hallucinating.

Banban was still holding her head up, calling out "Banban, Banban, Banban".

[Look! What to see! Have you ever seen such a beautiful bird? Even if you stare at Ban Ban for a thousand or ten thousand years, you still can't grow such beautiful feathers! Ugly, eight, strange! ]

"I... ugly?!"

"Can you say that again."

Liu Yu hated two things the most in his life, one being picked on by others, and the other being called ugly.

[right! Ugly! Hair puller! Black heart! ] The gray-spotted freckle scolded along the bald mouth: "Scabbard! Scabber! Scabber!..."

Halfway through the scolding, those black bean eyes quickly popped out of their sockets:

[Oh, no, God of Light, what are the ugly monsters talking about? Can she understand Banban? Gosh, gosh, it's impossible! The ugly monster is cheating Banban, I can't believe it, I can't believe it! ]

Liu Yushun picked up the scissors that Mary had left handy, and slowly "clicked" twice:

"One more word."

[Aw! Ugly, ah no, beauty, can you really hear me? Wow, Banban was scared to death, but you are finally back! That princess who was 10,000 times uglier than you yesterday wanted to cut off Banban's wings, but fortunately Banban is smart, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the cute Banban... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...]

Banban's broken voice cried like a magic voice piercing his ears, and the teardrops fell down.

[Wow~ Ban Ban is starving to death, Ban Ban is too difficult, Ban Ban has been hungry for a day and a night, Ban Ban wants to eat cocoa cakes, drink water, and touch pearls...]

Liu Yu got a headache from the noise, and lowered his voice:

"Shut up, if you keep arguing, you will be hungry for another day."

Banban hastily covered her mouth with her wings:

[Well, don't tell me Banban! ]

Liu Yu bent down and found a small bag of buckwheat in the corner, filled the cage with water, changed the bird food, and patted the cage:

"Have a meal."

The Spotted Chicken ate the buckwheat like pecking rice, and while eating, he still kept chattering:

[move place! move place! Ban Ban can't go on for a day... It's terrible... It's terrible... ]

Liu Yu dragged his heavy legs to the bathroom to wash up.

Rinse your mouth and wash your face.

The young girl's complexion reflected in the mirror was pale, but there was clearly something indescribable and completely different from before in her eyes, like a hook that made people's hearts jump. Under the calm lake, there was a turbulent undercurrent.

The middle of the lip was bitten, and there was a circle of red marks on the white neck. Liu Yu wiped it with a towel, and when he wiped his lips, he couldn't help "hissing", who would have thought that the four drops mixed together Can the medicine of blood force an innocent boy like that

He almost sucked her whole body with his lips, erotic, tough, and passionate—she can still clearly remember the temperature of his hands and lips at that time.

Liu Yu hurriedly finished wiping and left the bathroom.

Banban had finished pecking the buckwheat, and called to her:

"Scattered, Scabbers!"

[Why can you understand Banban? ]

Liu Yu didn't answer it, the answer is self-explanatory.

The only difference from yesterday to today is that she put Gaia to sleep, and she slept again and again.

Then, she could hear Scabbers talking—

In the original book, this "fairy godmother", that is, a bird with only a little strange ability, no one has ever understood its words. When Nataxi went to the shrine, she didn't take it with her, and Banban was left alone on the Alvin continent.

So here comes the question, can she understand all the birdsong, or is it just this bird that has the power of light by accident

Thinking of what he had seen along the way, Liu Yu confirmed that there was only Ban Ban.

"Do you often speak ill of me—"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yu's hand movements stopped suddenly.

No, no, Gaia can hear other people, which means…

Mary, Mary, her opening is in Mary!

And now, in the magic class, Gaia and Mary will be in the same space. If I didn’t hear it last night, it could be regarded as a drunk relationship. So today...

She covered her face violently.

"Scattered! Scabbers!"

[What's wrong with you, beauty? ]

"I did something stupid."

And she didn't realize until she heard the bird talk.

No matter how clever she is, as long as Gaia meets Mary, everything she does will be invisible.

No, they cannot be touched.


Liu Yu only thought of one person, no, a ghost.

With the vampire's psychedelic technique, Louis could easily hypnotize a weak-willed person. Otherwise, how could those girls be killed? Just make Mary forget...

Liu Yu rushed over, picked up the canine tooth on the ground, and shouted: "Louis! Louis!"

Louis didn't answer her.

He is not there, yes, it is daytime now, and the Dark Apostle will not appear during the daytime if it is not necessary.


She picked up the scissors, and stabbed hard at the wound that was just wrapped up by the female doctor, "Uh—"

Blood trickled down the canine tooth.

Louis, who was lying in the underground kingdom, opened his eyes.

The place where the new teeth grew began to ache again, and he smelled the fragrance that haunted him...

Louis "swished" in front of the embarrassed girl.

When he saw the girl's crumpled skirt stained with an unknown liquid, Louis's black pupils began to dilate, and his fangs protruded from his lips uncontrollably. This was the smell of lust mixed with virgin blood, so charming...

Gaia outside the women's dormitory suddenly looked at the mushroom house, and then walked in with great strides. He walked faster and faster, so that his long silver hair floated behind his head.

And Liu Yu in the house didn't know anything about it.