I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 175


Tris Town.

"... the sun is so warm."

Liu Yu narrowed his eyes and felt the wind blowing from the street.

It was almost noon, probably because it was not prosperous enough, there were not many pedestrians on the street, the sun was shining on her body, and she looked at the quiet man next to her, and Gaia was also squinting at the sun above her head—

Seemingly aware of her gaze, he turned his head:

"where to?"

"The mayor said, you can go and see the wasteland."

Just at this moment, a skinny teenager walked up to them:

"... Quick, get out of here."


"Yes, leave, Edward is going to deal with you, he is a well-known villain in the neighborhood..." The boy put on a dirty felt hat, his voice was low and urgent, his face turned red when he looked up at her, "Anyway , you have to leave, or—"

"Oh, thanks."

Liu Yu smiled at the other party, and was turned away before that face turned redder.

Gaia's green eyes were illuminated by the sun:

"Berry, it's time to go."

"Oh God of Light, let me see who this is... the new neighbor?" At this moment, a group of people walked over from the corner, the man in the middle was wearing a yellow plaid vest and black leather boots, Walking swayingly with his hands in his pockets, he walked straight to Liu Yu, his squinted eyes opened wider and wider, and finally, they were so big that they seemed to jump out of their sockets, "Oh, this beautiful lady …”

He stretched out his hand in a self-confident manner:

"I'm Edward, Merriga Edward...Ah! Who? Who?! Who's throwing stones at me?! Gotta stand up!"

Edward grinned and jumped up, Liu Yu found that his palm had a piece of skin broken, and looked aside, Gaia beside him was standing quietly in the sunlight, as if he was in the dust with the light.

But Edward couldn't find the person who plotted against him, so he grabbed the boy wearing a felt hat next to him:

"Cook, is it you? Every time, every time, it's your fault for me!..."

"No, not me! Not me, Mr. Edward!"

Cook tried to shake off the domineering man grabbing his chest, and pedestrians on the side of the road avoided the area one after another fearing that they would suffer.

Edward kicked over, and when the black leather boots were about to hit Cook's knee, a sudden wind blew, Edward staggered, his left foot mixed with his right, and he fell heavily.

The people next to him laughed, and those who came with him were also street gangsters:

"Edward, are you okay?"

"No, I'll help you!"

There was another burst of laughter.

Edward hit the ground, his face flushed red, and he was about to stand up with his hands, but who knew that his elbow seemed to be hit by a big rock, and under a burst of pain, he couldn't hold on and fell down again.

This time he hit his nose, and when he touched it, his hand was bloody.

Edward's face turned blue.

The laughter from the side grew louder, and with the sound of light footsteps, a pair of white high-heeled shoes appeared in Edward's sight. Those shoes were the most exquisite shoes he had ever seen in his life. The butterflies embroidered on the shoes seemed to be flapping their wings.

The shoes stopped right in front of him, and Edward looked up, only to see the pretty girl squatting down and smiling at him:

"Mr. Edward, I have something to trouble you."

"Trouble... me?"

Edward swore he must have seen the devil's smile.

After that, everything proved to him that this premonition was correct.

He and his partners were all driven by the female demon to the wasteland in the west, and each of them was assigned a handful of farm tools to open up wasteland on the wasteland. The female devil, holding a beautiful umbrella, drives his mediocre and ordinary husband to serve her tea and water, and occasionally go to the fields to open up wasteland with them.

But somehow, Edward gradually felt that this day became more interesting.

They began to own their first piece of land, and the female demon taught them how to fertilize the land and how to attract running water from a distance to irrigate. The exquisite design of the river was actually made by that mediocre man——

Edward admitted that he had been mistaken.

The female demon's husband, the one who doesn't talk to them most of the time, is the real ruthless character. When he met his beautiful green eyes a few times, Edward felt the pain of being pierced. The feeling is indescribable, like he is a transparent, wriggling reptile in front of him, he should crawl, tremble, beg for mercy—

Instead of standing in the same space with him and talking and laughing.

In comparison, the female devil is warm.

At least, in her eyes, he is a person.

Edward never dared to get close to the silent man, as long as he was present, he would never talk to the female devil. As for Cook, the idiot who blushed whenever he saw the female devil—Edward was not surprised at all, maybe one day in the future, When the sun came up, he would see Cook's body in his house.


Tetris Town is a gentle town, like the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, everything is slow——

Even the days passed slowly.

The Temple of Light has no branch halls here, and people are not entangled in their beliefs. Most of the time, they are running around for their livelihoods. The West Town of Tetris is not as difficult as the residents of the East Town say: at least for Liu Yu In other words, it was home delivery instead.

She instigated Edward's young people to reclaim wasteland, introduce running water, and change it little by little. Gaia provided ideas for water storage and drainage, and drew them into blueprints, while Liu Yu relied on the original memory. , experimenting slowly, made waterwheels and hyperbolic plows—

And these seemingly small changes have made Terris Town more prosperous.

Liu Yu even argued with Banban about this—

Mr. Leslie was evidently reluctant to join in on this immature subject.

Time passed quietly like this.

One day, the same argument started again.

[Why bother? Belle, you just need to issue orders to all the planets in the shrine... these convenient things, your plan will be implemented immediately... ]

Banban caressed the feathers that grew back on his head.

"What about next time, next time? People will always look to God to solve their problems, because of their belief in God, they don't learn to think anymore, they always pray that God will come to show... Time will stop flowing, the world will solidified again..."

Banban tilted his head strangely:

[But you're a god too, you got involved, Belle. ]

Liu Yu: ...

What a suffocating blowback.

The young man who recovered his appearance walked over.

His satin-like black hair was fastened by exquisite buttons, revealing a smooth forehead and clean eyebrows. Under the long eyelashes, a pool of green eyes like water:

"But Belle didn't use supernatural powers, nor did she use knowledge beyond the limits of this era. All of this will slowly spread to other places... When human beings get out of heavy labor and get enough food and clothing, they will start to need education. People are wise... ”

Banban's feathers wilted, and after a while, they straightened up again, and said strangely in a high-pitched voice:

[Oh! Belle, you are always right! ]

It imitated Gaia's language, and Liu Yu laughed.

When she smiles, her eyes are always squinted, revealing a row of white teeth:

"Of course Mr Leslie helped Mrs Leslie."

During this year, Gaia has been by her side.

He really did what he once said, like her father, her mother, her friend, her lover, and occasionally like a childish, tantrum-he walked into the world from the clouds covered with mist and flowers. Fireworks, revealing the truth to her little by little.

He is not always calm, and occasionally makes mistakes, and because she smiled a few times at other men, refused to talk to her, and had a cold war with her, but soon, he would forget the unpleasantness again and turn his head to coax her —

She could feel his effort, and his clumsiness.

He is trying to fill her absence with all he has.

She lay in the ocean of honey, melted little by little, by the cooking smoke, by this life—

To be filled with this one and only Gaia Leslie, hers.

Banban was still chattering, it turned around annoyed, and pointed its increasingly fat ass at them: [Ming, Banban will definitely find a new female tomorrow! This time I will definitely not dislike the colorful feathers! She will also speak for Ban Ban... Huh, Ban Ban hates you... hates Baby, hates the villain God...]

"But...Banban," Liu Yu squatted in front of the birdcage with a smile, "Tomorrow is my birthday, have you decided what to give?"

[What does Baby want? ] Banban forgot to be angry for a moment, turned around, [I can’t be colorful insects, God is getting more and more stingy now... Or, Banban can pick a flower for you...]

At this time, the door was knocked from outside.

Liu Yu went to open the door.

Old Mr. Edward brought over a three-pound turkey:

"Mrs. Leslie, this is a call from Edward and his friends from the mountain behind... He said, tomorrow is your birthday, so he won't bother you and Mr. Leslie..."

Mrs. Leslie and Mr. Leslie are now the most respected people in the entire town of Tresci. They have rich knowledge and admirable cultivation. The old Mr. Edward is very grateful to them and often comes to give things.

Liu Yu stretched out his hand to collect it:

"Thank you Andrew for me."

"Of course, if it weren't for you, Edward would still be a gangster, let alone have a family..."

Old Mr. Edward went away cheerfully.

After a while, Cook and his sister also came over.

Cook sent a little spotted bird he made out of twine, and Cook's sister sent a blue wreath she made herself, and they only talked outside the door—everyone in the neighborhood knew, Leslie Mr. is a little weird, he doesn't like others to step into his house.

Both siblings came early to express their birthday wishes to Mrs. Leslie.

"Mrs. Leslie, this, this is the blue bell flower. It is very beautiful. It will ring like a bell when the wind blows. I hope you like it."

Sister Cook was a shy little girl. She stretched out her thin arms and handed the wreath to her. Liu Yu took it and thanked her with a smile.

"Mrs. Leslie, please tell Mr. Leslie not to go to the mountain recently. I heard that a black beast appeared there. Edward and his partners were almost dragged down..." Cook said solemnly He told her frankly that he knew that Mr. Leslie often went hunting in the West Mountain, and occasionally he would bring back a golden pheasant or wild boar, and he would share it with his neighbors.

"Thank you for your message, I will pass it on to him, goodbye."

Liu Yu entered the door with a garland and a bird toy.

As soon as the door was closed, Ban Ban rushed over.

It pouted its buttocks, and made an observation expression at the toy bird in her hand, and then came to a conclusion: [Ugly, really ugly. ]

At this time, Liu Yu had already walked in front of Gaia.

He was standing by the window, holding a pot in his hand and watering the flowers on the window sill. His wide blue sleeves were hanging down, and the silver scroll pattern on the hem of the robe was like a flowing silver mist under the light. And the mist made him appear ethereal.

He seemed to be thinking about something, and the water in the pot spilled outside and flowed down the cracks in the stone wall.


Liu Yu called him, and she found that he was getting more and more prone to trance recently.

"Ah, Belle..." His eyes fell on her hand, "Bird."

He stretched out his hand towards her, and Liu Yu handed him the bird without a word.

Gaia raised her hand and threw the bird toy to Scabbers.

Banban cheered, pecked at the little bird toy, and left. He didn't think it was ugly at the moment, and picked it up and down with the toy.

"Cook will definitely cry when he sees it," Liu Yu said helplessly, "a gift for a child..."

Gaia turned her head away:

"Kid? I don't think so. His eyes tell me he likes you."

"No one doesn't like me." Liu Yu said with a smile, "Just like you."

"That's the truth." He held her face in his hands, his green eyes slightly curved, "So, my dear Mrs. Leslie, tomorrow... what gift do you want?"

The girl's face suddenly puffed up:


"Mr. Leslie, you have to know one thing. What we girls like is the surprise when opening the present. If you ask in advance, it will be very boring... It's up to you to think about it."

He reached out and poked her bulging cheeks all at once.


Liu Yu glared at him.

"Okay, okay," Gaia raised her hand in surrender, "I think about it myself... But, before that, I want to give Mrs. Leslie a present."

"Oh, how many parts is your present?"

The girl looked at him curiously.

"Of course, Mr. Leslie is not ordinary rich."

With a flick of Gaia's sleeve, Banban, a bird pecking at the rope, was thrown out of the window, and the window closed with a "clang".


Banban flapped his wings angrily against the stone house:

[Fuck you, Gaia! Tell you, fuck your god! ]

It imitated Liu Yu and scolded "Banbanban".

Passers-by watched in amazement as a surprisingly fat bird suddenly turned its head down and hit the ground—

A cloud of flying dust was splashed on the ground, and the fat bird stood up flapping its wings like a normal bird, and continued to jump up and down around the stone house, hissing "Banbanban" and "Zaibanban" for a long time before stopping.

Liu Yu and Gaia were in the house, and it wasn't as "advertising and promiscuous during the day" as Banban had speculated, but the scene was also extremely ambiguous.

With her clothes half open, she leaned against the bed, and Gaia held her shoulders:

"Bailey, don't move."

The girl's cheeks were as red as roses at this moment.

She smiled at him: "Mr. Leslie, don't tell me that your first gift is yourself."

"Mrs. Leslie was always so clever."

He said in an appreciative tone, his cold fingers slipped in and out, and he touched his lips lightly—obviously with erotic movements, but he did it so piously, as if he was doing something sacred. She was caught by his raised eyes:

"Yes, the first gift is myself."

"you… "

Liu Yu opened his mouth.

The next moment, she found a thin pen in Gaia's hand, and a very delicate paint plate. The colors in the paint plate are extremely beautiful, red like the purest onyx, blue like the clearest sky, Yellow as golden ears of rice...

Every color seems to gather the beauty of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers.

He dipped a little paint on the pen, and the cold tip of the pen landed on her chest, the place closest to her heart—


She shuddered.

"Gaia, you are..."

He didn't answer her, but focused on drawing.

The thin brush is dipped in paint, and stroke by stroke is drawn on the snow-white area. The long eyelashes close the eyes, and occasionally green flows out, which is set off by the full paint and the wall lamp. Qi Lilai.

very quiet.

Only the soft sound of brushes.

Liu Yu didn't feel well, the brush was too soft, it was hot and itchy when it touched the skin.

So I had to look down at him painting, painting too focused, as if this is the only thing he cares about so far.

Gradually, she knew what he was painting.

He is painting himself.

A very small one myself.

The character is gradually taking shape, with long black hair, a black gold robe, and the gold threads on the robe are like jumping golden fragments of light, a pair of pure green eyes, so clean that it seems to be able to reflect a human figure—

This painting, on the second day, the east was white, Gaia retracted the last stroke, and the brush and paint box disappeared into the air together.

In the chaotic sleepiness, Liu Yu saw him bow his head and gently kissed her heart:

"You have my heart, Belle..."


For some reason, Liu Yu felt sadness and farewell from this kiss, and his eyelids were as heavy as lead—

She still couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell into a deep sleep.