I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 177: The End Chapter (Part 2)


As soon as he crossed the endless sea, Liu Yu realized something was wrong.

The perennial fog above the Misty Land disappeared, and only the dry land could be seen, the green vegetation was destroyed by the violent sand, and the sight was barren.

Along the old road all the way forward, halfway, the red roses are still in full bloom, and the "real drama" that has been repeated and memorized has disappeared, replaced by a barren land where not a single blade of grass grows.

There are cracks all over the dry land, and a whistling cold wind blows from the cracks, as if it wants to get involved with her soul.


A jackdaw screamed across the sky.

Only then did Liu Yu realize that she had stopped in her tracks.

She was scared.

As for Miskinmon...

The girl took another step, walking towards the place where the body of the person in her memory was lying.

The further she went, the more desolate she felt, even the sunlight above her head became pale, her heart was raised higher and higher, higher and higher—

Suddenly, she stopped.

On a piece of barren scorched earth, a huge crack was like a wound on the earth, lying there naked—

And above the crack is a huge vortex-like black hole, and a beautiful and slender figure is attached to the black hole. Compared with the black hole's mammoth and Weihe, the man with wide wings is like a flying bird stuck on a spider web. moth.

Fragile and beautiful.

The wind blew his long gray and silver hair, and he looked at her—


Liu Yu called out.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… "

Suddenly, a burst of maniacal laughter came.

It was only then that Liu Yu realized that under the black hole, a man with black hair and black robe was kneeling there. His pitch-black robe was blown flying by the wind, and he was laughing, laughing endlessly.

"Miss Fergus! Miss Fergus! You did it! You did it!" He turned his head, his pale face was full of tears, and he was mad, "Look! You did it! God is going to die !The lord of the world will die—”


There was a thunder in the sky, and then heavy rain fell.


Liu Yu repeated.

"Who is going to die?"

"Hahahaha he's going to die!" Louis laughed out of breath, "Father God, Father God is going to die! Did you see, Miss Fergus, he's going to die! He's going to die! Hahaha... he's going to die ,dying… "

After he finished laughing, he covered his face again:

"He's dying, Father God is dying..."

Liu Yu walked past Louis.

Divine power supported her to go up, and stood in front of the black hole.

The beautiful man just stuck in front of the black hole, like a moth bound by a spider's silk—

Liu Yu found that his wings and black hair had faded into a cold gray silver, and the gray silver was diffused in the darkness, which was extremely beautiful, like something more stubborn, heavier, and holy.

He seemed to be speechless, but just looked at her quietly, his green eyes slightly raised.

Liu Yu released a burst of divine power, and when the blue silk screen approached the black hole, it was swept away like a misty cloud.

"What’s wrong with you?"

she asked.

He didn't answer her, and seemed to freeze even his expression.

A sense of helplessness seized her heart:

"What's up with him?!"

Liu Yu turned his head.

"What's the matter?" Louis stood up. He laughed loudly, shaking his head back and forth, "You ask me what's wrong? Miss Fergus, all of this is thanks to you and me!"

"Thank you, thanks to me?"

Liu Yu could only repeat mechanically.

She didn't understand, and countless doubts were knotted in her heart.

"Think about it, Miss Fergus, think about it, don't be blinded by love, don't you see that God the Father has been hiding it from you... the moment you became a god, this ending will be like this... Doomed."

"It's doomed, why?"

Liu Yu stretched out his hand, trying to pull Gaia away, but just as he approached, he was bounced away by a huge force.

"Louis, come and help me! Don't you love your Father God the most?"

Louis laughed loudly, with a choked voice:

"Miss Fergus! I never forgot my dreams, did you?"

"I want the mountains, rivers and land to have names and surnames, and there will be no shackles in this world... God the Father is the greatest shackle... He is going to die, die... From then on, the golden age of freedom will come..."

Liu Yu was startled, yes, she almost forgot:

"But you love him!"


Louis smiled slightly, "Who in this world would not love him? You, Nataxi, or Don from the same world as you? Miss Fergus, God the Father is the most perfect creation created by this world... No People will not love him..."

"But you still want him dead."

When Liu Yu's fingers were about to touch the black hole, it seemed as if they had touched a slippery film.

She was bounced off.

The young man above the black hole looked at her silently, his green eyes filled with sadness like a lake.

"I can die, so can Father God, and Louis is willing to die as long as he says a word." Louis said in a lover's tone, "but I will push you to his side, step by step, and look at him Going forward now, when I bring you back to life... I knew that this day would eventually come."


Liu Yu grabbed Louis with the magic power rope.

The Night Duke, who was extremely powerful to her before, was just a doll in her hands at this moment, and Louis was thrown to the ground.

She walks over:

"Tell me how to save him."

"Save? Can't be saved...Even Father God himself can't save himself, no one in the world can save..." Louis coughed out a mouthful of blood, as if he didn't care about his own life, he looked at the beautiful god with nostalgic eyes, and then He looked at the fresh girl in front of him.

That look made Liu Yu feel that he seemed to love her too.


She stepped on his chest.

Louis laughed:

"Father God died for you, Belia Fergus, no one in this world can destroy God, except God Himself..."

"say clearly!"

"Look at this broken world, Miss Fergus, don't you ever wonder why you always say you broke order? This is order... this is the price for breaking order."

Liu Yu looked at the crack above the ground and the black hole above:

"You're saying this... I caused it?"

"You are not a product of this world, just like Tang Ying. But Tang Ying is just a small bug, and you, Miss Fergus, you are a big bug... Originally you were also a small bug, if you behaved peacefully as an ordinary person , then there will be nothing, but your greed makes your desires endless..." Louis looked at her obsessively, "You have walked step by step, until today, you have become a god..."

"Your power threatens the world itself."

So, the world is excluding her

Just like a woman gives birth to a child, the bigger the child, the bigger the gap is needed.

Louis understood the girl's face, and laughed even more:

"That's right, the longer time passes, the more the world will break apart. Father God can't hold on any longer... Next, his bones and blood will merge with this world. The Misty Land is the center of this world. Send it out here... the gap will be filled, and the world will become complete again... and you will also be truly recognized by this world, because it will be mixed with the blood and will of the Father God."

"I do not want!"

Just thinking of this scene, Liu Yu almost suffocated.

She let go of Louis and flew into the air.

"Don't, Gaia, don't..." the girl wept, looking at Gaia in mid-air. She tried to hug him again and again, trying to separate him from the cracks and black holes, but it was all in vain. "Don't, Gaia, don't... I don't like this..."

Louis looked up at the sky.

His black robes are wet in the rain:

"Miss Fergus, do you know what God is?"

"God is order and rules. Since the birth of God the Father, rules and order have been imprinted in his blood, but you appear arbitrarily and take away his reason and emotion. Every day he loves you is against him. the rules."

"This year, he left his body here, plugged the gaps, and pulled away his emotions and obsessions, turning him into an incarnation to accompany you. This stolen time is the only indulgence and greed that Father God has had in his life. God, in front of your lover, you are just a poor creature like us... "

Louis cried and laughed.

"Shut up! Shut up! You are not allowed to insult him!" Liu Yu's magic power rope wrapped around his neck again, "Otherwise, I will kill you right now..."

Lewis smiles:

"That's good too, I can die with Father God."

"Madman!" Liu Yu pulled him down violently, and quickly begged him again, "Louis, Louis, you must have a way, you have so many lives..."

"Sorry, Miss Fergus," he looked at her sadly, "I can't help it either."

As he finished speaking, Liu Yu's heart became ruthless, and his divine power turned into a sharp blade, "booming" and slashed towards the place where Gaia and the black hole were glued together: even if it would hurt Gaia's body.

But when the menacing sharp blade touched the black hole, it turned into a breeze and slid over.

This is the case several times.

"...It's useless, Miss Fergus, God the Father has never failed to deceive someone or do something."

"Do not!"

Liu Yu didn't believe it.

She jumped towards the black hole, but only bumped into a soft elastic membrane in embarrassment.

The girl fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Louis' voice came suddenly:

"The tree of life is dead."

"Now... it's Father God's turn."

Liu Yu raised his head suddenly, but saw the eyelashes of the beautiful and fragile god above the black hole trembling. The next moment—his face covered with a thin layer of ice was cracked into pieces, and then, blown by the wind, turned into powder .


She cried out terribly.

In mid-air, that beautiful god seemed to be just a bubble.

nothing left.

In the air, there seemed to be a clear and gentle voice:

"Berry, don't cry."

Belle, don't cry.

Liu Yu burst into tears.


Gaia Riles…

Louis comes up to her:

"You think Mel Island is just a cage and shackles to trap you, but at the same time it is also a fortress to guard you... Mel Island is the only island in this world that drifts forever and never sinks. As long as you stay on the island for a day, you will Will be discovered by the world..."

"Father God loves you and struggles to love you."

The mountains and rivers trembled silently, and in the blur, Liu Yu seemed to see the cracks being repaired quickly, the pattering rain stopped, and then the sun and the rainbow came out.


It's ridiculous.

Gaia is gone, but the world recovers so quickly, as if nothing had happened.

She turns around.

"where did you go?"

Louis asked.

"go home."

Liu Yu went to the stone house.

The strawberry cake and noodles are still the same as when they left, and the magic has kept everything perfect, and the celadon bowl is still steaming.

Liu Yu took out the silver chopsticks, picked up the noodles and started eating.

Halfway through eating, I felt the pain piercing my heart, and I covered my chest and started to cry.

She has nothing left.

nothing left.

Only this... the one he left for her...

"Liar, Gaia, liar... We clearly agreed... This year, next year, the year after, and every year after that, you will be here, and you will always accompany me to celebrate my birthday and eat cake..."

She hasn't told him yet, her unwillingness is gone.

She hasn't told him that he can become a regular, so why did he leave...

In the blurred water, she seemed to see the beautiful young man in front of the chopping board reaching out to her:

"Oh, Belle, why are you crying again..."

Yes, I cried.

Cried hard.

Come and coax me.

The light green curtains were swayed by the breeze, leaving nothing in the sunlight.