I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 178: The End Chapter (Part 2)


Liu Yu continued to eat.

The blue and white porcelain bowl was empty and clean, not even the soup was left. Gaia's craftsmanship is very good, no matter how ordinary ingredients are in his hands, he can conjure a table of delicious food.

What kind of mood did he use to accompany her during this year? What kind of eyes do you use to look at her when talking with her, shopping, and playing? Is he happy as he lives day by day

why don't you say anything...

Liu Yu took off her long skirt and walked to the mirror.

In the mirror, there is a beautiful woman with slender waist and long legs, her skin is translucent and white, her left heart is undulating like a mountain, and there is a small portrait painted on it, that portrait is like his imprint on her life, lifelike , never fade.

So domineering, and... so cunning...

Liu Yu lightly pressed his hand on the brand mark, closed his eyes, as if nostalgic, but also sad. After a while, he put on his clothes again and sat down.

The cake is not eaten yet.

Half-sliced strawberries are arranged in a circle, and the red cherry juice outlines a little girl in a red tutu. The little girl is sitting on a high sand dune with a doll in her arms, looking up at the sky above her head.

In the sky, there were white clouds, and a little golden lamb poked its head out of the clouds, peeking at her quietly.

The little lamb's face was red.

Liu Yu closed his eyes.

She thought, what was he thinking when he made the cake? Did he miss her, did he feel sorry, would he be reluctant...

But he didn't say a word.

Not a word!

Liu Yu picked up the knife and slashed at the lamb bitterly.

One knife horizontally, one knife vertically.

The lamb's body was smashed to pieces.

But she immediately regretted it again.

This is the very, very little thing he left her.

Liu Yu cut out this piece with a thin and thin silver blade, and stuffed it into his mouth wholeheartedly. Only halfway through, a nauseating feeling of acid reflux rushed straight into his throat.

She swallowed hard.

When she was about to take another piece, she couldn't help it anymore, ran to the sink and retched, but couldn't vomit anything, the heartburn stuck in her chest, choking her tears.

She wiped away her tears indiscriminately, and only cursed:

"Asshole! Asshole... we agreed... agreed..."

But no matter how much he scolded, that gentle man who seemed to hold the whole world in front of her just to make her smile never appeared again. He seemed to have completely disappeared from this world.

Liu Yu leaned against the wall and let the divine power stretch out. The blue silk screen stretched to the sky and then to the earth, but nothing, nothing.

He has completely disappeared from this world.

Gradually, the light disappeared.

The night fell heavily.

Liu Yu crawled onto the bed in a daze, and lay down.

There was still a little familiar smell on the pillow, she buried her head in it, and gradually fell asleep.

Woke up the next day feeling very heavy.

Liu Yu habitually covered his eyes with his hands, and after a while to get used to it, a chuckle came from beside him:

"Bailey is a slob, if you don't get up, the sun will burn your ass..."

"I'm not a slob..."

She turned her head to laugh, but froze halfway through the laugh.

In the long light, there is nothing.

Nothing at all.

When is the saddest time for a person

Probably now.

Liu Yu thought.

There are shadows of memory everywhere in life, and those terrible shadows will always appear when you are slack, bite you hard, and tell you... you are gone, and there will be no more. No more hugs, no more kisses, and even the air became cold.

Liu Yu got up slowly, and when he saw the tooth cups lined up and fired together while rinsing his mouth, he finally couldn't help it, and burst into tears.

You can't stay in this place.

she thinks.

When the familiar feeling of nausea came up, Liu Yu went to the shrine.

The shrine has collapsed.

Liu Yu looked indifferently at the collapsed walls of the shrine—

The gorgeous paradise that everyone yearned for has become a pile of ruins.

Priest Kitty sent off the last batch of saints and sons and daughters, and when she came back, she saw a slim girl standing there.

She was wearing a red tutu skirt, the hem of which bloomed like gorgeous roses, and this rich color made her face frighteningly pale. She looked extremely beautiful, but also extremely fragile.

"Miss God Empress."

Priest Kitty stepped forward and bowed. She thought she would ask about the shrine, but the girl who turned around had a sickly and aggressive look in her blue eyes: "Priest Kitty, you know how to heal, don't you?" ?”

In order to preach, the envoys in the temple will learn some basic medical skills and identify some basic herbs.

As for the priests in the shrine, their medical skills should be more sophisticated—in case those holy sons and saints who are far away from home get sick, they can be treated immediately.

Priest Kitty nodded:


Before she could react, a hand so white that you could almost see the blue blood vessels under the skin stretched out:

"Then help me see..."

There was a familiar indifference on the girl's face, "Am I pregnant?"

Priest Kitty was taken aback for a moment, and then, his voice was sharp and sharp: "Are you pregnant?"

The girl passed her hand forward:

"Priest Kitty, please take a look for me."

Priest Kitty's complexion became more serious.

She was full of doubts, but all these doubts were dispelled by the news that Miss God Empress might be pregnant.

"Okay, okay, Miss God Empress."

Priest Kitty put her hand on it carefully, a ray of white light came out from between her fingers and fell on Liu Yu's wrist—

After a while, she shook her head.

The fire in the girl's eyes was instantly extinguished.

Priest Kitty knew that she had misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, Miss God, I'm just a priest! Your body is different from that of a human being. Maybe, you can go to the tree of life... If, if this is a god My child, the tree of life will definitely respond!"

"Isn't the tree of life... already dead?"

Liu Yu's heart rose.

"The tree of life is dead?! When?"

"Haven't you seen it?"

Priest Kitty shook her head, as if she had suffered a major blow: "...No, no! The shrine suddenly collapsed yesterday, yesterday! I led the saints and saints to escape, and then, I couldn't get in..."

She looked at the shrine in dismay: "The Knights of Mauriai said they were going to find God... They said they were going to find God... If the tree of life dies, God, God..."

"God... God died too?"

Priest Kitty looked forward in distress, before the ruins, the figure of the girl had disappeared.

Liu Yu entered the ruins.

The shrine collapsed all of a sudden.

The carved beams and painted buildings have become broken walls and ruins, and big stones are rolling everywhere. The soil in the back garden was turned over, and the flowers and plants fell all over the ground. Liu Yu walked along the memory, she wanted to see the tree of life.

She is not reconciled.

A gray spotted finch suddenly swooped over, saw her, and hovered over her head:


It made a sound of "spot", and the black bean's eyes burst into tears.


Liu Yu stretched out her arm, and the gray sparrow flapped its wings and landed on her arm.

[Baby! You finally came! ]

"tree of Life-"

[The tree of life is dead! It suddenly fell down...] Banban was crying, it seemed unable to control his tears, [God, God is dead, right? wrong? ]

Liu Yu walked over slowly.

She had already seen the dead tree smashed to the ground, with a huge hole punched out by its thick branches.

All the vitality in it has been lost.

"Yes, dead," she said. "The tree of life...is dead."

What is she waiting for.

Liu Yu was about to leave, but when he turned around, something moved inside his body...

It felt amazing.

It was as if there was a leaf in her stomach, and the leaf turned over lightly and hit her viscera and heart, so the frozen blood began to flow.

-Do not!

-Do not!

She turned around suddenly, and countless blue silk screens suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth. The silk screens drilled towards the dead tree, and finally, she carefully took out a small root from the heart of the tree. When the wind blew, three pieces of the root quietly unfolded Tender green leaves.

The blade shook at her.

Liu Yu suddenly covered his mouth and cried.

"Ban Ban, look..." She cried and laughed, "The tree of life is still alive! It's still alive!"

[Alive? ! alive? ! Is the tree of life still alive? That God, God...]

"God lives too."

"I'm pregnant, Scabbers, I'm pregnant!"

She has the flesh and blood of God, so she is no longer separated from this world...

Banban was shaken dizzily:

[What do you mean? ]

"I'm going to God, I'm going to Gaia..."

Liu Yu didn't try to reassure it, and the skirt floated up.

She flew over the land, the city, and rushed to the depths of the endless sea.

The gray freckle followed her:

[What the hell is going on, Baby? ... I'm confused... ]

And in the depths of the endless sea, when the leaves of the tree of life trembled with a new life, the eyelashes of the beautiful god wrapped in the deep blue sea trembled, trembled again, and after a long time, the green pupils opened …


he said.

A slim blonde girl rushed into his arms:


She hugged him tightly.

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