I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 20: bright bomb


Liu Yu would not naively think that he would be immune to the "Lie Detection Technique".

God couldn't hear her heart, maybe it was because she didn't believe in God, maybe it was because she didn't belong here—

But this is different from magic.

At the beginning, she was able to be trapped by Louis' dark magic, but now she can be called Po Xingzang by Gaia's light magic.

This question almost drove her into a corner

Liu Yu clenched her fists tightly, and her sharp nails almost pierced into her flesh, causing her to tremble with pain.

"Ban Ban!" She was quick to think, "The one in my room is Ban Ban."


The young man's graceful eyebrows furrowed.

"My gray spotted finch."

Liu Yu smiled.

How do you answer brain teasers

Avoid the most important and take the lightest, make noises, seem to be true, blur the focus...

is it wrong

That's right.

After all, Gaia's original words were, "Who was that in your room just now?"

The moment she finished speaking, the snow lotus flower shattered into crystal snowflakes with a "bang", covering her completely.

Liu Yu only felt that she was immersed in a piece of warm spring water, the pores were stretched, and a little bit of light power entered. This light power was much purer than what she felt just now...

She opened her eyes.

Gaia was found to have sat back upright: "Master Bruce, I've finished asking."

Bishop Bruce shook his head:

"Little Leslie, I have to warn you that this technique of detecting lies cannot always be used, especially to test a lover's loyalty."

"… Yes."

Gaia pursed his lips tightly, and Liu Yu could almost feel his tense jawbone, as if...a little bit of embarrassment.

But look again, is there any more.

It should be an illusion.

But... would such a perceptive person fail to notice the loophole in this answer

She couldn't help but glance at Gaia.

The boy put his hands on his knees neatly, his brows were calm, and he couldn't see his thoughts.

"Okay, let's practice bright bombs now!"

"Remember, when dealing with the Dark Apostle, the more powerful the magic spell, the better. Often, the more powerful the forbidden spell, the more time and energy it takes to prepare. On the contrary, it is these inconspicuous spells that can be used in certain key areas. At that time, it played an unexpected role.”

Bishop Bruce seemed to be tired, he nodded to Gaia, and went out again holding the scepter of light.

A young envoy in white was left behind to supervise the teaching, and the directors also slipped away quietly through the back door.

Liu Yu didn't pay attention to the outside world.

She murmured and recited this incantation in her mouth, but probably the original body's tongue was naturally straight and always knotted at a certain sound, and accidentally bit it several times.

She blows and starts all over again.

Compared with the study environment in the previous life, it is already a gift to start a course of study without worrying about life and tuition fees.

As for the rest—

Talent, savvy, she doesn't ask for it.

If it doesn't work once, it will be a hundred times;

A hundred times won't work, just a thousand times, ten thousand times.

There will always be a day.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Ah! I succeeded!"

Nataxi's surprised voice came from behind, a thumb-sized white ball of light appeared between her fingers, flew into the air, and then disappeared.

"Congratulations, Nataxi."

Prince Carlo also emitted a ball of light, his is slightly bigger than Nataxi's, the size of an adult's fist.

Mary looked at the two of them in displeasure, and then looked at Belia's motionless fingers, and her heart instantly regained her balance.

"Sister Belia, I succeeded."

Nataxi said to the blonde girl in the front row.

She knew it was not good for her.

Sister Belia didn't move at all, she was still gurgling the mantra that she had mastered a dozen times, and she heard her accidentally biting her own tongue...

It must have hurt.

But Nataxi found herself a little happy.

This is not quite right.

A kind and noble person should not be happy because of other people's shortcomings, she should worry about her sister.


This was the first time she had won against Sister Belia since she entered Fergus' house.

The formula is so simple, just roll your tongue lightly and it will be successful; the difficult part is how to absorb the light power from the outside world into your body, and then release it—

But she also succeeded.

But Sister Belia is still stuck in that formula.

Nataxi carefully looked at the quiet silver-haired boy, and whispered:

"I did it, Mr. Leslie."

Mr. Leslie didn't seem to hear it, but snapped his fingers and released a ball of light that occupied almost half of the ceiling.

Suddenly, the whole classroom was silent.

Immediately afterwards, there was a bang.

Prince Carlo sighed:

"Mr. Leslie, your hand is really beautiful. I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up in our lifetime."

Mr. Leslie is different.

Nataxi thought, she couldn't help but glanced at Belia, who was motionless again, that little bit of joy... quietly magnified.

Liu Yu was ignorant of the movement of the outside world, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to the mantra of the bright bomb, and kept chanting the well-known mantra——

Hundred times

There are always thousands of times.

Finally, at a certain moment, the tongue seemed to be electrified, and he read it smoothly: "... %¥@#... *&... %¥#@... %¥#"

A ball of light as round as a face rose from her fingers, flew into the air, and exploded into fireworks with a "bang".

"You did it, Belia."

The dim eyes of Gaia next to him were printed with broken shadows of "Fireworks", which seemed to have color.

"Yes, I succeeded." Liu Yu suddenly covered his eyes, "Yes, I succeeded."


Liu Yu immediately hugged the boy next to her, and she hugged him tightly, like hugging the treasure she depended on for survival:

"Difficult... Really difficult... Gaia, it's really difficult..."

No one could understand what she meant by the difficulty...

The girl's hot tears dripped down his neck, Gaia raised his hand hesitantly, and patted her on the back:

"Belia, you... did a great job."

"Yes, I did well." The girl wiped her tears and straightened up, "It couldn't be better."

Until this moment, Liu Yu had the sense of reality that his fate had been subverted.

She has indeed become a divinely favored person, and she has successfully survived the 15-day mortal calamity.

"Gaia, the future will get better and better, right?"

There were still tears on her eyelashes, but the corners of her lips were already parted. At this moment, she was shining brightly.

Gaia nodded.

He bent his eyes and looked extremely gentle:

"It will get better and better."

"Congratulations, Miss Fergus."

Prince Carlo was also laughing, pointing to the ball of light that had just exploded above his head, "It's a circle bigger than me."

And at this moment, between Nataxi's fingers, an elliptical ball of light bigger than an adult's fist rose...

The little joy she had just raised was extinguished like sparks.

"Sister Belia, congratulations."



It's just a bigger ball.

Mary curled her lips.

Liu Yu didn't bother with her, but settled down again and continued. The tongue seems to remember the feeling just now, and read it smoothly, and the light ball is even bigger than the one just now.

Liu Yu felt that the cause of the ball of light had nothing to do with the formulas, the formulas were just to drive the tricks in the body, what really worked was the trajectory of the light force walking in the body, and the physique.

The purer the God's favored person, the more affinity they have for the power of light, and the larger the ball of light they emit.

According to this point of view, her physique should rank second in the class—

First, it was naturally the innate hacker: the incarnation of the God of Light, Gaia Leslie.

She quietly understood the flow of qi in the knack when chanting the formulas, and tried to remember them one by one. When the class was approaching, even if her tongue got knotted occasionally, it did not delay the formation of the sphere of light.

Liu Yu decided that after her body completely remembered this feeling, she would try the silent method again.




The bell of the temple rang together with the singing of the choir, and the teaching angel announced the dissolution, and the favored ones dispersed in twos and threes.

"Mr. Leslie, there is no class in the afternoon, do you want to have a drink?"

Prince Carlo extended an invitation to Gaia, "Oh, and Miss Fergus together."

"Sorry, I'm afraid that won't work." Liu Yu's pale face was very convincing, and she smiled apologetically at Carlo, "Mr. Leslie is mine for now."

Carlo shrugged and gave the two of them a knowing smile:

"... oh, that's a pity."

Liu Yu actually likes this gentle and humane prince. Compared with Mary, Prince Carlo's self-cultivation is really better.

"But Prince Carlo, I'm afraid you can't go drinking either."

She smiled and said, "You have to pay a bill for your dear sister. You know, our Fergus family... is not rich."

Mary glared at her:

"What account?"

Liu Yu told Prince Carlo in detail about the destruction of her things in the room.

He sternly shouted at Mary:

"Shut up, Mary. This is not your Sauron Palace. Even if it is, you can't be so disrespectful to a noble person of God's favor. Father's love for you has made you forget the real rules."

"elder brother!"

"Next time, even if Miss Fergus wants to fight you, I won't stop it."

Mary's face turned pale.

Her bright flick, which was fired just before get out of class was over, was bigger than a small match's flame. If Belia Fergus were to duel her...

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Ms. Fergus. You can make a list of your losses. I, the Royal Carlos, will never let you go."

Prince Carlo put his right hand on his left shoulder and bowed to Beria, "... In addition, if you lack something, you can also ask the guard. The servants of Carlo's royal family are always waiting nearby. He will bring you what you need thing."

"However... once again, the quilt may not be delivered in time today. If Miss Fergus doesn't mind, I still have a box of spares—"

"—no need."

Gaia refused.

He bent down to support Liu Yu's knees, and hugged her very naturally.

Liu Yu wrapped her arms around his neck, she watched Gaia bow to Prince Carlo, and said goodbye:

"Prince Carlo, take a step first."

She also waved her hand back.

"Gaia, were you a little angry just now?"

"Angry? Why?"

"Well, when Prince Carlo said he would give me the pillow..."

"No." Gaia replied firmly, "Of course not."

The voice gradually disappeared around the corner.

Prince Carlo, Nataxi and Mary stood side by side. Suddenly, he said:

"They're a good match, aren't they?"

Mary snorted, she was scolded by her dear brother after all, and muttered:

"If it weren't for, if it weren't for me... Humph, what a bargain, Bellia Fergus!"


"I know... I won't provoke her recently, that's fine."

Nataxi glanced at her, seemed hesitant to speak, but after a while, she turned her head and looked at the crowd gradually turning into ink dots.

"Prince Carlo, if, I mean, if, you found out that two close people did something bad behind your back, what would you do?"

"Is it a bad thing?"

"Well, very bad very bad thing."

"That's it..." Prince Carlo sighed, "I will try my best to make them correct."

Nataxi's fists were gradually clenched, and her confused eyes began to glow: Correct...

"Excellent idea."

she says.

On the other side, Liu Yu, who was being held in Gaia's arms, swayed onto the Xingyue Bridge and couldn't help but sneezed.

"Is it cold?"

"Well, it's cold."

Gaia held her tighter in his arms.

Liu Yu discovered that even if a man and a woman who have had an intimate relationship are emotionally separated, their physical memory still exists.

They are always closer than others.

As for those doubts, it always takes time to dispel them little by little.

When the two walked to the front of the women's house, the gods had already returned in twos and threes.

Gaia put her down.

Liu Yu has recovered a little bit, although walking still hurts, she was holding on to the door frame to go in, but was stopped suddenly.

"Belia, I'm sorry."

The young man pursed his lips. It seemed that apologizing was a bit awkward for him, and the tips of his white jade-like ears were red, "I see, it's not you who gave the medicine."

The girl's eyes suddenly turned red, and together with her nose:

"Gaia, you finally know."

She said in a low voice:

"I was... very sad, very sad."

"I'm sorry." The boy stood up straight, "I'm sorry."

"Then you promise me three things."

She took it for granted, and said coquettishly, and raised three fingers, "Three things."

"I can only promise what I can do."

Liu Yu: ...

It's really watertight.

"Don't worry, Gaia, why would I ask you hard?"

She said, "First thing, you can help me convince the dormitory supervisor to let me move to the mushroom house under the vine trellis, okay?"

"Okay." Gaia agreed, "This is the first one."

The girl raised her lips and smiled happily.

Awesome, Liu Yu.

She told herself, the Long March, you have finally stepped into the first step of the historical process.