I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 28


Prince Carlo knocked on the door again.

There was movement at the door.

The girl's soft voice, which seemed to be coquettish with her lover, was mixed with one or two beautiful male voices, and came out of the door.

Prince Carlo could imagine the other person almost immediately.

She must have looked at the elf-like boy with those talking eyes, and she leaned against him, telling her miss piously and passionately—

"Prince Carlo, knock again."

The person behind coughed and urged him.

Prince Carlo knocked twice more.

At this moment, the closed door creaked open.

A pale and tired young man stood by the door, his silver hair shone in the light—when he raised his eyes, Carlo almost thought he saw himself.

"Wait a moment, Prince Carlo, my lord envoy."

The boy nodded politely.

The blond girl next to him was holding his arm tightly, probably because she was not used to the sudden sunshine, her blue eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyelashes were innocently bent down, at this moment, it was like someone who woke up from a deep sleep in the afternoon cat.

The corners of her pure white skirt were blown up by the wind, revealing a pair of slender and smooth calves—

There is no longer the paleness of last night when he was dying, and his naked skin is like the cleanest handful of first snow in the Andy Mountains:

No, maybe more crystal clear than that.

The wounds are gone.

It was a miracle.

"Miss Fergus, you look wonderful, better than ever."

"Thank you."

The girl smiled sweetly at him.

Prince Carlo couldn't help but think of last night.

He was also present at that grand ceremony, and he witnessed with his own eyes, how that miraculous "blessing" came to this scarred girl, and how it made her look brand new, as if she was reborn—

Thinking of this, Prince Carlo saluted Gaia more solemnly.

"Mr. Leslie, if you please."


Prince Carlo noticed that Mr. Leslie had changed a lot since that ceremony.

His silver hair grew suddenly, and his youthful softness began to become handsome, gradually showing the initial edges and corners of a man——

Stern, upright, of course, still gentle and polite.

"Prince Carlo, Miss Fergus and I will go together, please wait a moment."

"Mr. Leslie's request, we naturally obey."

The envoy behind Prince Carlo also bowed down respectfully.

"Gaia..." The girl looked at him reluctantly, holding one hand and refusing to let go.

Gaia glanced at her:

"Change into a dress, I'll wait for you at the door."

He strode away.

The sun cut a hazy shadow behind him, Liu Yu looked away, and smiled at Prince Carlo:

"Prince Carlo, do you mind if I change clothes?"

Of course, Prince Carlo knows how annoying it is to come to the door at this time:

"Miss Fergus, of course."

Liu Yu took a step back and closed the door.

Banban paced back and forth in the cage, looking at her with black bean eyes from time to time, as if he was trying to probe her emotions.

"Scatterers! Scabbers..."

[Babe, what are you going to do with that big black villain? Don't confess Nataxi. ]

Liu Yu glared at it and poked its head.

"A servant does not serve two masters, and a bird does not recognize two masters, Banban—" she draws her voice, "Forget about Nataxi."

[oh baby...]

Scabbers covered his head with his wings, trying to avoid the problem, [Banban occasionally misses the little dusty attic of Fergus's house and Nataxi's gentle palm... ]

Liu Yu raised his chin high:

"Since you miss your Nataxi, why did you sacrifice your life to save me?"

Banban blinks and blinks the black bean eyes:


[For a moment... Head fever? ]

Bird received a blow to the head at once.

[That big villain actually bullied a female! A female! For us birds, this is an existence that must be well protected... Besides, Baby, you are the only rare female who can chat with Banban, very precious! … ]

On the gray and hairy face, two blushes faintly appeared.

Actually... it can't figure out whether it likes the great Mr. Leslie more, or the female in front of it:

Obviously she has neither bright feathers nor beautiful big wings; she also has a particularly bad temper.


[Belia, you look like an angry puffer fish. ]

Banban said in a daze.

Liu Yu: ...

"Anyway—Banban, you are not allowed to like Nataxi. You are my bird, so you are not allowed to remember her."

[You weren’t like this before? ]

Ban Ban tilted his head, confused by her.

"The past was the past, the present is the present, and now—" the girl announced arrogantly, "You are my bird."

[But Banban... it was before? ]

Scabbers touched his head with his wings.

Its small brain is destined to not understand the weight of this sentence for a person who has never had relatives or friends.

Liu Yu went to the bathroom.

Rinse your mouth and wash your face.

When she put her hand under the water, she realized that the wounds on her arms had disappeared, and when she pulled up the skirt, the wounds on her calves were also gone.

Better than any scar removal surgery, it's a magic trick—

And last night, she almost thought that she was hopeless.

“… also comes with photorejuvenation effect.”

Looking at the fragile skin in the mirror, Liu Yu couldn't help thinking of the scene in his dream.

Group after group of luminous power enveloped Gaia. He had silver hair and bare feet, as if he was the center of the world. As soon as the scepter fell, the luminous power descended from him to her.

Pure, comfortable, people can't help but think of the hot spring in winter night, warm swaddle.

She had a vague feeling that something had changed in her body—

nice change.

After washing up, I looked in the mirror, my cheeks were too rosy, and my lips were too fresh—

Liu Yu took pearl powder again, splashed some on both cheeks and lips, pressed lightly with his fingertips, and looked again, and there appeared in the mirror a lovely and pitiful girl who had just recovered from a serious illness.


[Baby! This is ugly, like being sick. ]

Liu Yu put away his things, found the most plain dress from the closet and put it on, without any jewelry, and put on a pair of flat cotton shoes.

"Ban Ban, humans are very cunning." She said, smiling, "Especially me."

[Banban doesn't understand. ]

"You don't need to understand."

She opened the door and went out, and the sun shone in. Prince Carlo turned around, and she was satisfied to see the amazement in the other party's eyebrows and the instant pity—

A woman's weapon is not only beauty, but also timely and occasional weakness.

"Miss Fergus, please follow me."

Prince Carlo bowed gracefully, with his right hand in front of his abdomen, "Mr. Leslie is already waiting for you outside the door."


Liu Yu walked out the door.

Gaia was standing under a huge locust tree outside the house, and the girls walked past him laughing and looking back at him.

Under the sparse greenery, the long hair like a milky way is like a faint starlight.

When he heard the movement, he looked up at her:


Liu Yu smiled slyly.

She lifted her skirt and ran over:

"Gaia, you are really here."

She thought, put aside all the convoluted temptations and processes, and just look at the results—

Gaiya's willingness to accompany her meant that he couldn't bear to her.

Tolerance and pity, even if it is not the beginning of love, are much better than indifference, contempt, and hatred.

Not a bad start for her.

The question now is how to get through this difficult situation—

If the other party used the "Lie Breaking Technique", how would she break the situation