I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 31: grape rack


The horse farm of Guangming College is very large, with green grass, and you can't see the side at a glance.

However, Liu Yu was still surprised when he was practicing fancy horsemanship and riding past a small lake.

"Gaia! There's a lake here."

She turned and yelled to the back.

As the horseshoes "dede" approached behind him, a young man in a white robe and riding a white horse flew towards him. As soon as he pulled the reins, the white horse stopped.


He tilted his head slightly, as if listening to the sound of the wind.

"Take a rest here, okay?"

Liu Yu also stopped the white horse that had been tamed under him.

The white horse looked up impatiently and whistled at her. This horse is indeed fierce, but no matter how strong it is, it can't get rid of the person who is dead against it. Liu Yu seemed to grow on its back all afternoon. In the end, it could only admit that it was wronged and unwilling up.

"Hmm, okay."

There is nothing the teenager can do.

He got off the horse neatly, walked to Liu Yu's side, stretched out his hand, and said softly:

"Belia, come down."

Liu Yu looked at the palm in front of him, and decided to play the injured but stubborn lamb today.

She whispered:

"I can do it myself."

As he said that, he was about to get off the saddle.

But the waist was supported, and the young man looked at her with a slightly disapproving expression. Just stunned, the person had already been lifted to the ground, and when he came back to his senses, he could only see the muscle lines of the young man's arms swell and fall in an instant, and was hidden in the white robe.

"Why..." she muttered in a low voice, "I can do it."

As soon as the boy put her down, his fingers left immediately, leaving only a cool and tight touch.

Liu Yu hit the snake with the stick, she grabbed his hand, and only then took a step, "hissing"-

"Does it hurt?"

The teenager "looks" at her.

"Well, it hurts."

The girl blushed, and the inner thighs were so painful after a whole afternoon, "You know?"

"The breath of the wind is different."

The young man tossed the reins, and he found a place to sit down comfortably.

The white-clothed boy put his hands behind his back, and the wind blew his fluttering corners of his clothes, revealing his thin and powerful silhouette between a boy and an adult.

Liu Yu stood there watching for a while, then walked over to him and sat down.

This place is far away from human habitation, the breeze is gentle, and there is a slanting sun in the sky. When you close your eyes, there is moist water vapor blowing towards your face.

Well, the place is good, it is indeed a good place to talk and deepen the relationship.

Liu Yu sat halfway, and moved over after a while, until the two of them were shoulder to shoulder, and then carefully rested his head on the boy's shoulder.

The boy remained motionless, neither avoiding nor pandering.

"...Well, Gaia, what are you thinking?"

The boy didn't answer, it took a long time—

"I was thinking," he stretched out his palm to block his eyes, "who am I?"

he said.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell into his slender fingers like jade, leaving flickering red shadows on his face.

"Then do you remember?"

Liu Yu touched his wrist, the memory beads and spotted feathers were still hanging on the chain.

She tucked the bracelet into her sleeve.

Without this bead, he couldn't remember.

"It's strange, I checked a lot of classics—" The young man answered irrelevantly, with a slight confusion on his face, "Master Bruce said, I am a star knight, a child favored by the gods. But there is no star knight like me."


"I can hear the inner voices of many people." He closed his eyes, "Every day, it's like a bell that keeps ringing—"

"Are you troubled?"

"No, although I'm a little irritable, but I seem to have heard it for thousands of years, and I'm used to it... It's strange, isn't it?"

"If it were me, I'd probably go crazy." The girl muttered, "I'm forced to listen every day... oh, so-and-so and so-and-so became lovers, so-and-so's sow gave birth, so-and-so wanted a kiss..."

She giggled.

"Now, Miss Fergus wants a kiss from Mr. Leslie," she raised her head. "Mr. Leslie, can you hear me?"

"Sorry, Mr. Leslie declined."

The boy smiled slightly.

"Rejection is invalid!"

The girl giggled, raised her hand and stole a kiss on the boy's cheek, then lay down again giggling.

She rested her head on Gaia's lap, half-closed her eyes, and saw the young man's delicate and graceful jawline, slightly protruding Adam's apple, white skirt, and the dim yellow sky above her head.

The evening breeze and the setting sun make the world rare and peaceful.

"I'm very happy to explain that my dear Mr. Leslie can only get a trace of purity by being around Miss Fergus." The girl was complacent, and suddenly remembered something, "—Gaia, it's not because of this that you are always right. Am I tolerating it?"

She straightened up abruptly and stared at him:

"Say no!"

The boy laughed:


"That's good."

The girl lay down again.

This time, she didn't lie on his lap, she lay on his side, and asked Gaia to lie down too.

The boy followed her wishes and lay down.

Under the body is the slight astringency of the grass and the fragrance of the soil.

Liu Yu turned over and turned sideways to him, the two of them were very close, the wind blew past his face with a clear fragrance like snow, she touched his eyelashes with her hands.

It's very long, and the palms are a little itchy.

He didn't move.

The girl moved over:

"...Gaia, I ask you, do you really...really don't mind?"

"What do you mind?"

Gaia seemed to be falling asleep.

"me… "

She seemed to be speechless.

"Actually, in the classics, I found out—" Gaia opened his mouth suddenly, "The god listens to the prayers of the believers in the shrine. When he comes, thousands of flowers bloom and everything recovers. With a wave of the god's scepter, the world's prayers are all Satisfied.' Beria you say..."

Liu Yu's heart skipped a beat:

what did he find

He hangs around on the third floor of the library every day, is it just to check these...

God hears prayers, and He hears...

She both admired his sharpness and was afraid of his sharpness.

While Gaia's fingers were changing, a red lotus flew out from his palm like warm jade and mutton fat, and floated in front of Liu Yu.

The red lotus is like a fiery red dancing flame.

The petals and leaves are blooming, like a dream.

"Belia, do you look good?" The young man's exquisite eyebrows slightly raised, and his shallow green eyes looked at her, "You sound... a little uneasy."

He is trying to please her.

Liu Yu looked across.

They were close to each other, nose to nose, lips to lips, even their eyelashes rubbed against each other, and their breath was full of each other's smell. She blinked, and he blinked too.

"Gaia, don't be too nice to me."

she said.


The boy is strange and authentic.

His eyelashes scratched hers lightly.

Numb and crispy, Liu Yu lifted his body lightly, and his lips touched the corners of his cold lips: "Because I can't help but kiss you."

Honglian dissipated in midair.

Gaia stepped back a little:


But the neck was entangled like vines, he backed away, she approached, she pressed close to him, so that the tighter and tighter, she said in his ear with her soft voice almost dripping like honey:

"Kiss me Gaia, desire is not shameful, or..."

She paused, sobbing a little:

"...you, you dislike me for being..."

She seemed to be heartbroken—

Gaia's hand stopped, but when Liu Yu wanted to deepen the kiss, he still pulled her away.

"Belia, I will never dislike you."

"Then why did you..."

"Desire is not shameful, indulgence is shameful." The young man stroked her face gently, then pulled her up again, "Belia, it's time for us to go back."

The girl was pulled up.

Her eyes are red:

"Gaia, would you kiss other women then? You heard that I was..., did you feel a little angry and sad?"

The boy stopped suddenly.

The silk ribbon of the hair was blown by the wind, and Liu Yu felt the slight pain of being clenched in the wrist.

"Life is long."

he said.

Then, she was pulled by him, gently lifted her onto the horse's back:

"Belia, let's go."

Liu Yu grabbed the rein bitterly:

It's really a stick that doesn't get into oil and salt.

It's okay, life is long.

As soon as she pulled the rein, the white horse "dedede" started to run.



Liu Yu came back from the restaurant, and when he passed the grape trellis, he found bunches of green fruits growing quietly on the grape trellis.

The clear green skin is covered with light green flesh, which looks different from the grapes from the previous life.

She took a closer look, picked one off and smelled it, and decided to pick it off and taste the fruit when it was ripe.

He was about to leave, but suddenly stopped.

Liu Yu stared at the corner of the wall, a moon-white thing like silk was exposed in the green bushes in the corner.

She stepped over the branches and leaves and picked them up.

A pair of men's slippers—

Many nobles like to walk around in front of the fireplace with such a pair of soft cloth-soled silk shoes.

Liu Yu thought of Gaia's disheveled silver hair and bare feet with one shoe missing when Gaia rescued her that night.

He climbed over the grape arbor and got down.

When I came down, the silk was scratched, the shoes were dropped but I didn’t pick them up, and came in a hurry——

In the rustling and dim night, the girl hooked the corner of her silk shoe and smiled slightly. The shattered shadows of the moonlight in her eyes reflected the continuous grape trellises, all black:

From this point of view, Gaia is not as indifferent as he said.

In the early morning of the second day, in a sunny day, she threw the missing "pearl" to the boy waiting outside the girls' dormitory:

"Here, your things."

Gaia took it and put it away calmly:


"It's etiquette class later."

The etiquette class did not start until today because the professor was late.

"Hope is a handsome gentleman."

Liu Yu said with a full smile.

"What about you, Gaia?"

"I hope...no hope." He thought about it seriously, "It's fine."

In class, Liu Yu's face turned dark when he saw the slender young man with black hair and black eyes leaning on the desk.

Really handsome, very handsome.

Unfortunately not a gentleman—

Not even people.

She glanced at Nataxi subconsciously. Nataxi was covering her mouth, her eyes were wide open, and she was looking at him in astonishment and admiration.


The teenager next to her looked at her strangely.

Liu Yu withdrew his gaze, led the boy to find a corner against the wall and sat down:

"It's nothing, the professor looks like..."

She said maliciously: "It's kind of ugly, no, very ugly."

"That doesn't sound like it."

Gaia Road.

On the podium, the young man with black hair and black pupils showed a friendly smile and bowed amidst the excited cheers from the underground:

"I'm sorry, it took me some time to come from Idson County, and I'm late."

"Professor, what is your relationship with Duke Louis? You look alike."

"The Duke Louis is my cousin."

The young man looked straight at Liu Yu.

His black pupils seemed to carry the eternal flames of the Kos Mountains, hot and evil:

"Hodge Lewis."

"Please teach me more."

Gaia suddenly raised her head, as if sensing something, she looked towards the podium.