I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 40


After taking a shower, Gaia was waiting outside the door.

That long silver hair has dried up, and in the moonlight it looks like flowing broken silver—

Liu Yu saw it immediately.

She trotted over:

"Gaia, your hair is dry."

"My... I can't do it anyway."

She stroked the wet hair on her forehead in trouble, and her blond hair, which had absorbed water, hung behind her head, like a thick blanket. wet.

She shuddered.

Gaia held a cloth bag containing dirty clothes in her left hand, and spread out her right hand in front of her, a little white light rose slowly, and Liu Yu understood immediately:

It's that Laoshizi magic technique again!

She doesn't want such convenience.

She rushed over at once, hugged his right arm and shook it:

"Gaia, can you brush my hair for me?"

"... when I'm at home, my mother always wipes it for me."

Afraid that he would refuse, she added another sentence.

"But I didn't bring—"

"—I brought it."

The girl stuffed the dry cloth in his palm into his palm, as if she had planned it for a long time:

"Huh? Okay, okay, Gaia?"

"... Belia."

With a soft sigh, Gaia relented.

He followed her to the bench by the road, took a dry cloth and wiped it gently for her.

It was gentle and a little clumsy. It could be seen that Gaia didn't usually do such things. After hurting her a few times, she became a little cautious.

The breeze is bright, the moon is bright, and the stars are just right.

Liu Yu closed her eyes in enjoyment. Even in her previous life, no one had ever treated her like this. To her, that little bit of pain seemed like real pleasure.

She is happy.

"All right."

After an unknown amount of time, when Liu Yu was almost drowsy, the boy put down his hand.

"Wait—" She searched in the cloth bag, and handed over the rose essential oil and the comb, "here, here is this."

"what is this?"

The boy took it over, confused and authentic.

"Gaia—" the girl dragged her tone, "It's not easy for girls to keep beautiful."

"Well... I usually smell...is it fragrant?"

"… Yes."

"That's it." She told him, "Not only the hair, but also the body, um... Every time I take a shower, I need to apply a layer of fragrant cream, from head to toe... And trim nails, eyebrows ,Even… "

She leaned over and said emphatically:

"… There."

The boy understood almost immediately:


As if in an annoyed tone.

Facing the boy's almost bleeding earlobe, the girl pouted.

She stretched her arm in front of him, "Smell."

The familiar rose fragrance patted the tip of his nose with her movements, mixed with the nearby grass fragrance—

Gaia closed her eyes, once again:


"I know, I know, I won't tease you anymore, you are stingy."

The girl opened the cap of the essential oil bottle in her hand for him, "Here, just a little bit, rub it with your hands, then put it on my hair...then comb it carefully, make sure it's smooth...I don't want to get up in the morning Hair tangled, oh, that must look like a hornet's nest...”

The young man frowned slightly:

"… trouble."

But he still took the essential oil bottle and put a drop on his hand.

Liu Yu propped his chin and looked at the sky, tomorrow must be a fine weather.

The next day, it was cloudy and rainy.

The outdoor fencing class became indoors.

Gaia and Liu Yu are not together, he has been promoted to the third level, and is with those directors—and it seems that there is a tendency to graduate.

And Liu Yu was still practicing basic chopping in the first-level fencing class.

After class, the two gathered directly in the cafeteria, and then walked across the long Xingyue Bridge to the temple for magic lessons.

Today's magic class is still a bright bomb.

Liu Yu's bright bullets have been practiced quite big and fast, but she didn't use silent techniques in class, so she doesn't look too conspicuous. On the contrary, it was Nataxi, who was always a little out of touch, and failed several times in a row.

"...Miss Leonard, please don't underestimate this light bullet. When you meet the Dark Apostle, maybe this little light bullet can save your life! The classroom is sacred, and everything we have comes from God Please don’t be negligent.”

Nataxi's eyes were reddened by the stern reprimand of the envoy during the lecture.

She desperately squeezed her eyes back:

"...Yes, sorry, sir, I will practice hard."

Her pitiful appearance softened the angel's voice:

"Miss Leonard, opportunities don't come easily... Please cherish them."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the other divinely favored people in the classroom:

"The banquet is over, passion and happiness are only temporary, we should keep in mind the mission of being loyal to God forever, and strive to serve our God for life"


The voice below was loud.

"Also, I have something to tell you—"

Well-informed hands up:

"Sir, are you referring to the holy selection three months later?"

"Yes, that's right. Three months later, the envoys from the Temple of Light will come to Ellen Continent to select the Saint Son and Saint Daughter. Once you become candidates for the Saint Son and Saint Daughter, you will enter the Temple of Light. If you are chosen by the Holy Light, you will enter the Divine Palace and serve God forever—”

"—what an honor!"

The professor clutched his chest, full of passion.

"I will die in allegiance to God!"

"I will die in allegiance to God!"

"I will die in allegiance to God!"

The young gods stood up one after another, clutching their chests, and swearing together.

Their faces are full of enthusiasm and piety, and their eyes are shining with sincerity and sacrifice, all of which make them look like lunatics who have been injected with chicken blood.

Liu Yu also stood up:

"I will die in allegiance to God!"

In the entire classroom, only Gaia sat as firmly as a mountain, but everyone felt that this seemed to be a matter of course—

There is no doubt that Mr. Leslie is God's darling, the future star knight, he is different from ordinary people.

"This is your glory."

The lecturer was not without regrets and longing, "Unfortunately, God only wants children under the age of 20... only once in 60 years... Master Malan, Master Bruce, and even many of us are born with no chance... And you, so lucky... "

"Don't slack off."

he said.





Liu Yu: ...

She also shouted:

"Holy! Glorious!..."

For the remaining half of the class, the bright bullets above the classroom seemed to be spattered with chicken blood, "bang bang bang—" one after another, connecting together.

When the class was over, Liu Yu's energy was exhausted, and she limply pulled Gaia, letting him drag her away.

"go back?"

"No, I want to go to the library with you!" She said confidently, "On the third floor of the library, you promised me that you will teach me other magic arts."

Gaia smiled slightly.

Those lake-green eyes bent down in an instant, and under the long eyelashes, there was a gentleness like water.

He holds her up:

"Let's go."

The two held hands and walked one after the other in the temple, and the envoys who passed by stopped to greet them:

"Mr. Leslie, Miss Fergus, are you reconciled?"

At this time, the girl will poke her head out from the side of the boy and happily respond:

"Yes! We're reconciled!"

"Hope our Bernard Lake won't suffer again next time! It can't contain your sorrow..."

The girl's face suddenly fell down.

She made a cute face at them, then looked up again and said, "No way! Mr. Leslie, isn't it?"

When Mr. Leslie was cornered, he responded with a dispensable "Yes."

Then dear Miss Fergus will be happy again:

"Go to Master Bruce for the key first, right?"

The boy showed her the key in his hand:

"Master Bruce gave it to me."

"Always... for you?"

She was surprised.

This god is too fucking cheating on himself: this favorability is worth the halo...

"Yes, that's right."

The young man nodded, he led her up to the second floor naturally, opened the door under the envious eyes of the envoys, and went to the third floor as if it was only natural.

The door "clicked and clicked" and closed behind him.

The third floor is still the same as the last time I came, the opened book is still on that page, and no one seems to have been there during the period.

It was raining outside the window, and the sound of ticking rain covered the whole space with dampness and darkness. Liu Yu subconsciously flicked a light bomb, and the light was fleeting.

The boy didn't seem to feel it, he walked directly to the place where he was last time, and sat down.

Liu Yu reacted:

"Hey, wait for me."

She ran over with a "da da da", the ribbon tied on the top of her hair was like a white butterfly, jumping and jumping. She ran to Gaia's side, leaned against him, and saw that he wanted the old monk to meditate to read a book again, so she yelled at him:

"Gaia, it's agreed, you have to teach me magic."

"After you finish teaching me, go to the book." Seeing that he was unmoved, she hugged him, blocked his hands and feet, and kept shaking him, "Gaia, Gaia, Gaia..."

"it is good."

The boy finally bowed his head.

At that moment, the breaths of the two almost met.

"What kind of magic do you want?"

he asks.

Liu Yu blinked, and took his eyes off that extremely beautiful face with difficulty.

"Anyway, if you can protect yourself, um—" she nodded, emphatically speaking, "the kind that is powerful, very powerful."

"Yes." The young man nodded, "Sheep changing technique."

"Become a sheep?"

Liu Yu subconsciously recalled the story in the legend that Princess Helen, the most beautiful woman, was turned into a sheep by the gods because of blasphemy—

Isn't this a legend

Really turned into a sheep...

"When you turn the other party into a sheep, the sheep will not be able to attack you. Any magical attacks or physical attacks will no longer be effective against you for twenty-four hours."

The boy took the trouble to explain to her.

Liu Yu's eyes brightened—

In terms of efficacy, apart from the funny shape, it can indeed protect oneself.

At least, if Louis comes again, she won't be helpless.

"Well, I'll learn!"

"you sure?"

"Sure!" The girl nodded desperately, "I must learn!"

The boy stared at her for a while before teaching her the formula.

So, amidst the rustling of pages, Liu Yu kept tossing and turning the formula. This paragraph is much more difficult to pronounce than "Bright Bullet". Yuanshen's too straight tongue curled up and down. After reading for two full hours, his throat was almost hoarse, and he only got it through once——

Then I tried again, but another half an hour passed.

However, just these two times, Liu Yu had already memorized the way divine power operates in the body orifices.

She no longer recited formulas, but tried to mobilize the divine power to let it follow the route memorized in the body—at a certain moment, the divine power came out through the body, and a mysterious feeling appeared.

"I will!"

"BAA Baa baa!"

Liu Yu looked up blankly, and found that Gaia, who was sitting on the bench, had become very tall, big, and mighty at some point.

Even the stool legs are several times higher than hers.

The handsome young man in the Xingyue robe stood up and squatted down again. He stretched out his big palm like a cattail fan, and gently touched the top of her head. When he touched the pair of tentacles, the corners of his eyes slightly bent:



How is this going

Liu Yu opened his mouth.

Then, she saw the most beautiful and gentle smile in her life, which could almost make the whole galaxy pale with it—


There was a slight reflection in the water-green pupils, and in the reflection, a pink and tender lamb looked at her with wet eyes blinking.


Fuck! She turned into a sheep? !

Liu Yu raised his hand and stared at his pink lamb's hooves in dismay.

While he was in a daze, the one below him jumped into the air, and he had already arrived in a warm embrace, and was placed on the opponent's lap.

Gaia hugged her and sat down, turning the pages of the book with one hand, and gently stroking the soft fur on her back with the other, as if she had done it countless times before, her brows were calm—

He is not surprised.

Liu Yu suddenly realized a fact:

Her technique is correct, but her mistake is... the formula.

What Gaia taught her was indeed the sheep-changing technique, but instead of turning the other party into a sheep, she turned herself into a sheep.

Realizing this fact, she stomped on his leg fiercely with four hooves, but the force was too small, as if she was tickling someone. Gaia sat quietly, and patted him gently with one hand as if to comfort him. she:



Liu Yu bit him viciously with her teeth.

Unexpectedly, the soft and waxy deciduous teeth didn't even leave a mark on the other party.

The four hooves failed to stand firmly, and fell down all at once, only in time to grab the soft robe, and the hind legs in the air struggled desperately—then the buttocks were gently lifted by someone, and fell on those knees again.

"Belia, you have to learn."

The boy turned a page of the book, and he didn't seem to feel any guilt about the situation in front of him.

Liu Yu: ...

She lay down on the man's lap as if discouraged, with her butt pouted, thinking that this posture was not very elegant, she quickly turned over again, and then saw two... on the pink sheep's body

Oh, she shrank quickly, and blocked the front with her two front hooves.

At this time, a white skirt fell from the top.

Liu Yu found out that this was the skirt she wore before going out, but it was very... too big for her now.

The little sheep rolled in the skirt, wrapped the whole body, only the head was exposed, and then lay down again aggrieved:


"It will be restored tomorrow."

The young man seemed to be able to understand and replied.

"Baa baa baa baa!"

... what to do at night

She is like this, but she can't go back.

Liu Yu never expected that this innocent-looking young man would play tricks on her seriously.

Do you think she is too noisy...

The teenager lowered his eyes, one person and one sheep "looking at each other" for a long time—

Finally, the sheep's head hung its head limply and let out a "baa".

The sound of rustling pages resounded again, mixed with the sound of dripping rain, becoming the most powerful lullaby. Liu Yu's eyelids gradually drooped, and he felt that there was a patch of hair on his body. fell asleep.

When he woke up, he found himself lying in Gaia's arms. He hugged her tightly, covered with a soft goose down quilt.

Above the head, a piece of sky-blue quilt fell down.

Looking around, the decoration seems to be... a mushroom house

Gaia's room

Liu Yu was stunned, and went out with all four hooves. Before he could climb to the head of the bed, he was dragged into his arms again.

Immediately afterwards, the boy's sleepy voice rang in his ears:

"... Belia, don't move."