I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 52


the other side.

"Mr. Leslie, I want to ask you a question."

Princess Mary waved her feather fan, and cautiously approached the boy who was as cold as a frosty moon. She looked at his face almost obsessively.

Oh, how perfect and how noble.

"what is the problem?"

The boy turned his head slightly.

Princess Mary licked her lips nervously:

"Just now...why did you give up on Miss Fergus?"

"give up?"

"Yes, yes." Princess Mary suppressed her beating heart and summoned up the courage to ask, "Aren't you and Miss Fergus lovers? Or, you to Miss Fergus..."

If he doesn't like...

Mary thought maybe she could try too.

"It's not giving up, it's a choice." The boy said quietly, "But it seems..."

"Like what?"

Princess Mary said annoyed and annoyed, "However, I think, Mr. Leslie, you probably don't like Miss Fergus, if it wasn't for my medicine—"

"—medicine?" Prince Carlo's eyes widened suddenly, "Mary? What medicine? You can't be..."

He finally remembered what his younger sister had done in the palace before.

She fell in love with a duke's son, ignored his beloved lover, drugged his food, and imprisoned the duke's son...

"Oh, my God, by God of Light," Prince Carlo scratched his head, "Mary! You are so bold! Oh poor Mr. Leslie, poor Miss Fergus—"

"—her? What's wrong with her?! She got Mr. Leslie by it!"

Mary was annoyed, "But unfortunately, Mr. Leslie doesn't like her."

"Like it? You always say you like it."

The doubts between the young man's brows became more and more serious, "...Like, what is it? Love, what is it?"

"This..." Princess Mary nodded her lips, "For example, when I see Mr. Leslie, I want to kiss you and hug you. I want to surrender to you forever, and I don't even mind sharing you with others."

"As for you, Mr. Leslie, people's instincts don't lie, they always favor the one you love... You just gave up on Miss Fergus, but you saved Miss Leonard..."

And Nataxi was already on the sidelines, her eyes widened in surprise:

It turned out that Sister Belia got Mr. Leslie in this way... But Mr. Leslie saved himself first, which means...

No, that's not right.

Nataxi tried hard to convince herself, but there was always a faint, uncontrollable joy popping up little by little, like bamboo shoots in the forest after the rain.

"Human instinct..."

The boy looked into the distance, the wind blew his cold silver hair, everyone fell silent.

They all thought of the blond girl with one arm missing, perhaps just because they had seen the most blooming roses, and then thought of the incomplete roses, and they would always be incomplete, they felt deeply unbearable...

Before that, she was the best and hardest-working god among them except for Mr. Leslie.


Liu Yu didn't know that her classmates were pitying her.

She has seen too much of pity in the past—unless it is realized, it does not have any power.

She needs no mercy.

Of course, unlike those with excess self-esteem, she doesn't reject it either.

"Miss Fergus, I'll ask you one last time." Louis, who had never left, stood on a tree branch, overlooking her, "You really don't consider... coming to the dark camp?"

"There is only one god in this world, Light."

Liu Yu told him indifferently, "Lord Louis, your road is blocked."

"Oh, Miss Fergus, you are so pessimistic."

"Lord Louis, the gods will crush you to death as easily as crushing an ant."

"Yes, yes, Miss Fergus is right," Louise nodded, "... But maybe one day, the sky above this head will be free. It is no longer controlled by anything."

Liu Yu was not bewitched by him.

"Even if Lord Louis is willing to be the first one to bleed and sacrifice the sky, but I..." She swallowed her true thoughts, "Belia Fergus is only loyal to the light."

"Oh what a pity."

Louis shrugged, he glanced into the distance, and suddenly smiled, "Your dear Mr. Leslie is here, and he won't allow me to stay by your side for too long."

"A present for you, Miss Fergus, which you will like."

Before Liu Yu could react, Louis tapped a branch and disappeared in front of him.

In her intact left hand was a vial the size of a thumb, and the thick purple-red liquid in the vial seemed familiar—Louis' blood


Liu Yu put the bottle away calmly.

After Gaia's death, the favored ones also came back in twos and threes.

They greeted her one after another, Liu Yu's face was white, showing the coldness of rejecting others.

"Sorry, but I'd like to sit there if I can."

She pointed to a nearby stone, which was a little far away from the crowd, but she could still see it when she looked up.

"Yes, of course!" A young man got up and kindly lit another fire for her, "Miss Fergus, if you need anything, you can tell me."


Under everyone's gaze, the blond girl stood up, straightened her back, and walked towards the stone.

It seems that she is not used to the body with only one arm, and she didn't grasp her balance. She swayed to the side, and after Mr. Leslie caught her, she dodged awkwardly, as if she was avoiding something she was afraid of. .


The boy's hand stopped in the air, and the back of his hand seemed to be cut by a sharp object.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Leslie, I need to be quiet. At least, until tomorrow—" The girl's eyes glistened with tears, "I don't want to see you yet."

In silence:

"Belia, I'm sorry."

The girl did not speak, but continued to walk forward.

Slowly, but stubbornly, by the time she moved to the stone, a while had passed.

She sat alone in front of another newborn bonfire, with her back to them, her small figure curled up in a ball, as if asleep.

The favored ones can only glance over from time to time to make sure that the other party is not in danger, and then look away.

Of course Liu Yu didn't sleep.

With her back to them, she quietly drew out the memory beads hidden in her clothes with her hands—

In order to avoid being caught by the branches, before coming to the Emerald Forest, she re-stringed the memory beads and feathers and hung them around her neck.

At this time, she was very grateful for this behavior, otherwise, this memory bead would be buried in the python's belly together with her right arm and Sissy's body.

Liu Yu carefully smeared the blood from between the nails on the memory beads, and at the moment when Gaia helped her up, she scratched the back of his hand fiercely with her nails.

She needs his memory.

Even though he has already planned everything for tomorrow, Liu Yu is still not 100% sure.

The power of the gods is as deep as mountains and seas, and he can make a perfect incarnation at will. He can create and destroy the world—then, before letting the incarnation come, did the gods think about the problem of being contaminated with darkness? Maybe the avatar itself is a dark insulator.

... Or, through his past behavioral trajectory, she can deduce the thinking logic of the non-human species of God

A way to impress him

Liu Yu admitted that he was despicable.

But she couldn't care less.

Fights between different species should be done with all their might.

As soon as the blood stained the memory beads, Liu Yu felt his whole body lighten—

The feeling this time is much lighter and more comfortable than last time.

Could it be because she slept with Gaia

Or because of God's favor...

Liu Yu was hardly hindered by anything, and he arrived at the place without even stepping over many ladders.

She stepped barefoot to the ground.

A blue lake as pure as jewels, a pure white palace, and in front of the palace are countless handsome young girls.

They shuttled through a large sea of pure white roses, each carrying a flower basket to pick flowers, and their faces were filled with pure happiness.

The great golden arches opened.

Liu Yu stepped up the stairs and entered the palace step by step.

The floor is paved with white jade, countless rare treasures are randomly placed, the Pearl of the East China Sea, the giant coral tower, a large sea of flowers, red, yellow, purple, along the way, pretty boys and girls are laughing and shuttling in the palace. It took a long time to pass through countless palaces before arriving at the main hall.

Stepping through the door, Liu Yu was stunned.

On the majestic throne engraved with an unknown wild beast, a man as handsome as a god sat quietly, with one hand resting on his forehead, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Under the throne, a dozen or so beautiful young girls were happily playing.

This is a completely different side of Gaia that she has never seen before—

But this side kept hitting her, looking at these young girls who were as beautiful as her original body, Liu Yu finally understood why she lost.

Beauty is like a dessert that can be found everywhere for the gods. It is not surprising that she is like a young girl playing under the throne.

So what does God care about...what the hell is it

Liu Yu couldn't help looking at the center of the hall, above the vast white hall, there were countless planets that were rapidly reversing. She even saw the very familiar blue star that she had seen countless times in the atlas...

At this time, God raised his head.

Those shallow green eyes, almost capturing all the brilliance in the world, looked down at her.

In an instant, the galaxy was reversed, and the sea was changed.

Liu Yu couldn't control himself to move his eyes away, his heart jumped up "plop plop plop": Is this the power of God... Even if he is unwilling, he will still be bewitched.

God looked away.

He looked towards the center of the hall, looking at the sights of the planets, as if hiding endless silence and majesty.

"God is looking at those things again."

"Yeah, it's so boring, but there are always villains who want to disrupt the order and annoy God."

"God is too merciful. If you want me to see it, just punish them directly."

Countless images passed in front of Liu Yu.

Thousands of years, thousands of years, the boys and girls under the throne have changed one after another, but the man above the throne has never changed.

He stares at these planets day after day, he is omniscient and omnipotent, dominates everything on the planet, listens to the prayers of believers, responds to prayers; punishes darkness and all creatures that disrupt order.

God has no entertainment, and even everything in this world seems to make him feel bored.

He is like a cold, infallible machine.

Only order and rules exist.

Liu Yu once watched a khaki planet suddenly explode with just a tap of his fingertips.

A girl under the throne was crying desperately. She looked at the planet, as if the world and faith were destroyed together. She begged, she wept, she prayed, but the god who had always indulged them closed his eyes, as cold as a sculpture.

Desperate, the girl stumbled out and never came back.

The sun rose and the moon set, Liu Yu didn't know how long he watched it.

When the body lightened up and returned to the body, I was still a little dazed—the bonfire was beeping, the moon was still in the same place in the sky, and the nearby gods were resting quietly.

Not long after.

Liu Yu thought to himself.

God's past is just...boring.

He is like a cold machine, without emotions and desires, the only thing he cares about is maintaining his order, laws, and followers. He also made incarnations, but at that time, the avatars were all children taught by God himself. He watched these avatars playing on various planets from above, just like watching children playing, even though some incarnations provoked world wars , he also treated it as just a game and never interfered.

But she also saw that God casually touched an incarnation that had fallen into darkness, and it exploded like a paper doll.

"God cannot tolerate darkness, not even a little bit of it."

This is the law of light.

Liu Yu also saw that the king of a powerful empire was wiped out the day after he urinated on the statue of the God of Light and made obscene gestures.

God just watched quietly, but the laws of the world do not allow the existence of blasphemers—

"The blasphemer must die."

Liu Yu thought, what she did was not only blasphemy, she was clearly betraying the gods, and she would be completely destroyed together with the shattered planet.

She is like an extra program in the world he is in charge of, a germ and bug that needs to be repaired with one click.

The only fortunate thing now is that Gaia is different from those incarnations made by God before.

The body of the god is still in the shrine, but the real soul descended on this incarnation in person—

In short, the soul inside is God.

But if this avatar is damaged, the god will immediately return to the shrine. Similarly, if the avatar's memory is restored, his strength will rise to the strongest this world can accommodate.

This is when God is most vulnerable.

As for Liu Yu, there is only a little time left.

the next day.

Louis woke up all the gods early.

"Professor, it's not dawn yet!"


Louis smiled.

The favored ones could only wipe their faces in a hurry, and gnawed on the naan bread while walking, but when their eyes fell on the blonde girl in the middle of the line, all the complaints were put back.

She didn't change her clothes, but put on a coat to cover her bare right shoulder—

Her hair was still disheveled, but even so, it did not detract from her beauty.

But this is what makes it even more pity.

A group of people walked for a long time, and passed the lake yesterday.

Louis stopped:

"Take a break and rest your feet."

"Oh, and beware of falling into the lake."

he warned.

"Professor Louis, we are not children!" Someone said, "And, I can swim!"

"Don't be careless."

Louis ordered.

Liu Yu watched quietly, the head of the pink rabbit in her hand had begun to change color, emitting a faint smell.

She walked up to the quiet silver-haired boy:

"It's time to bury Sissy."

The boy looked at her:

"Belia, you're still mad at me."

His tone was bewildered, as if surprised that she had been angry for so long.

"Angry? Yes. Mr. Leslie, I can't forgive you for the time being." The girl said with a tense face, "But Sissi was picked up by you, and you buried her with me. I think it should be very Happy."

After speaking, she walked out first.

The boy followed quietly.

"There is water and grass here, very good." Liu Yu led him, walking closer and closer to the lake, and when he was approaching the lake, he said to Gaia, "Mr. Leslie, you wait here, Sissy is very dirty now, I'll wash her first."

"Belia, it's not convenient for you..."

The boy stretched out his hand, wanting to take Sissy from her hand.

"Don't worry about it."


"Mr. Leslie!" The girl threw him away, her tone gradually becoming agitated, "Go and take care of your Miss Leonard, and don't take care of me anymore... Yes, I am Bella Fergus It’s missing an arm, but it’s still not crippled... I can’t tell the difference between you being gentle and cruel at the same time... "


The young man was helpless.

But the girl kept moving backwards, with tears running down her face, her feet stepped on the edge of the lake, the stones became loose, and she fell straight backwards.

"Miss Fergus, take care!"

Someone saw it and screamed.

But Gaia suddenly appeared next to her, hugging her waist, Liu Yu thought, oops, he appeared too fast, he was about to be caught——

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly appeared, and the two of them were swept away towards the lake.


The two fell into the lake at the same time, and being carried by a huge force, they rushed into the crack together.