I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 64


The world was dark.

The believers were prostrate on the ground, and no one dared to raise their heads.

Out of the corner of their eyes, they seemed to be able to see silver and gold flying between the lake lights, and even the arrogant Princess Mary lowered her head deeply—the surrender and fear from the soul made them tremble.

I don't know how long it has passed.

So long that the knees are numb, and the hem of the clothes is soaked in the night dew—

"Mary Carroll."

"Ophelia Hill."

"Katice Scott."


Each name was clicked by the melodious and distant voice, converging into a serenade, floating on the Berna Lake.

"... Walker Peters."

"In the name of Holy Light, punish."

A golden stream of light poured down from top to bottom, and when it landed, it turned into limao, piercing the hearts of those people, and the obedient kneeling lambs began to fall to the ground and twitch... The extreme pain made them open their mouths and hiss silently call-

But under the suppression of absolute power, their struggle is like a silent one-act play that is about to come to an end.

"No, Gaia, stop."

Liu Yu covered Gaia's lips with his hand.

The lips that had just kissed her became cold again, and he lowered his head to "look" at her:

"Otherwise, my anger will not be appeased."

The girl stood on tiptoe and kissed him again.

The youth froze.

Then, his strong arms climbed up the slender waist again, and he lowered his head to kiss her intently.

The wind stopped.

The rippling Lake Bernard stopped flowing.

The golden limao turned into dots of streamer, scattered into the sky and the earth.

The lambs began to stop twitching, as if they were bewitched by heaven, they looked at the night sky with bewildered smiles.

They kissed together, inseparable.

It's as if time has stopped—

The world is unbelievably gentle.

When the lambs woke up again in a daze, they had lost track of the two.

Mary woke up like a dream. She looked at the black iron disc in her hand and murmured:

"Mr. Leslie seems to..."

"Star Knight!"

"Mr. Leslie has become the legendary Knight of the Stars!"

Once the golden door of judgment came out, no one dared to question Gaia's belief in light.

The ultimate light is a pure and rich golden color like holy light.

Even the envoy of the Temple of Light can only use the silver blade of judgment—

Gaia, on the other hand, resorted to the golden grass that can only be used by the legendary Star Knight.

"We are guilty." They looked at each other, "...we were all wrong."

And Liu Yu has been taken to the other side of Lake Berna.

The tall bushes concealed the shadows of the two of them.

They kissed hard.

It was like fighting, but also like submitting. Under the sparse moon shadow, the fierce, but never more than violent, fighting was carried out silently.

"is it okay?"

he asked looking up.

His face was calm, and his tone was gentle and polite, but Liu Yu knew that it was more than that.

She laughed and whispered in his ear:

" … yours."

The veins on the young man's neck straightened and tensed in an instant, but his face was still extremely calm, which made him show a restrained and extremely seductive sex appeal.

The wind moved the bushes, causing a "rustling" sound.

Liu Yu raised his head, only to see drops of crystal clear sweat dripping from his forehead.

He has the most perfect skin in the world, there is no doubt about it.

Just watching, even without doing anything, is already a visual feast.

"Gaia, who are you now?"

When she was most addicted, she raised her head and asked him.

The slender neck is like the prey showing its softest part to the hunter.

"Your owner."

Gaia said calmly.

When he used his power against her, he didn't have any delay or pause. On the contrary, compared with the coldness before, he was like the most perfect hunter, his shots were ruthless and accurate.

A sleepless night.

When the divinely favored person who got up to watch the sunrise the next morning passed by and saw the crooked bushes, he couldn't help but smile knowingly: They are really a very passionate couple.

At this time, Liu Yu had already boarded the carriage with Gaia and headed for Solo city-state.

She changed into a red tutu skirt, but her right hand was still crippled, and because she couldn't control her balance well, she got into Gaia's arms directly.

"Gaia, you have to hold me tight, otherwise, I will fall down."

She ordered it as a matter of course.

Sure enough, the young man stretched out his hand and embraced her:

"and then?"

"Then kiss me like yesterday."

One of the two lowered their heads and the other raised their heads. After a while, they suddenly started kissing again. When Liu Yu was panting, Gaia had already let her go.

She leaned against him, playing with his silver hair:

"I invite you to stay at Fergus's house for two days. Huh, those villains, they know you are Star Knight, they must be looking for us everywhere in a hurry. We have to make them feel uncomfortable."

"No, it's not."

Gaia stretched out the slender fingers of his right hand, and a gray ball of light appeared in his palm.

Like a flowing mercury ball.

"I'm not a Star Knight."

"Ga... ya?"

In Liu Yu's surprised eyes, the gray ball of light turned into a rich golden color; and soon, it turned into a ball of extreme black.

"Belia, you asked me, do you care?"

Gaia told him calmly, "I found out that I care."


Liu Yu asked in surprise, "When?"

Gaia didn't answer.

He said:

"At that time, the world was different in my eyes."