I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 67


The moment the door opened, Louis disappeared.

Liu Yu sensed this almost immediately.

The only thing she can be thankful for is that Gaia can't see—

Otherwise, he must have noticed the clue from her pale face.


"It's him, isn't it?" Gaia rested her right hand on the doorknob, and her gray eyes precisely "grabbed" her, "That dark creature."

He... got it

The conversation between her and Louis should have been inaudible.


Liu Yu is not sure.

With the power of the wind, Gaia has extraordinary hearing, although she tried to keep her voice down.

"you… "

"Belia, explain to me."

Gaia let go of the doorknob and walked in.

He walked in front of her, his tall body tightly covering her, Liu Yu was under his shadow, he could only raise his head: "...what, what?"

"An explanation of your fondness for dark creatures."

He... really heard? !

No, not right!

The conversation between her and Louis just now was definitely not a "happy conversation".

he's guessing...

Liu Yuru came back from a desperate situation, and all the coldness in her body disappeared.

"Gaia, what are you talking about?! How could I have a good time with a dark creature? This is an insult to the most devout light believer!"

She said in an extremely angry tone.

At this time, a gray-silver sharp arrow that seemed to be able to devour everything rose from Gaia's palm and shot out of the window.

That speed like an aurora, hitting something in the air—

Then they dispersed.

Countless dots of silver-like starlight appeared in the dark night sky.

"… Ran."

Gaia withdrew her palm.

From downstairs came Maggie's exaggerated, old hen scream:

"Oh, God of Light! What is that... Is the star falling?..."

"So, you didn't catch it, Gaia?"

The girl's voice sounded a little panicked.

"You're nervous."

At this moment, Liu Yu's chin was shackled by cold fingers, and Liu Yu was forced to look up. The wall lamp was not turned on, and in the darkness, he could only see the outline of the other party like ice jade:

"Are... worried about him?"

"Worried? How is it possible!" Liu Yu immediately reacted, and said bitterly, "Who would worry about a dark creature?! I'm worried about myself! Mr. Leslie, if you're here for the past, I can explain—"

"You don't need to explain, you just need to tell me, what did he do to you just now?"

"What did you do?! Mr. Leslie, what do you want to hear? . . . Yes, I have to thank you for saving me from embarrassment again. But I thought . Sorry... I thought you were going to give me a hug instead of questioning, doubting, interrogating!"

The girl cried out angrily, with tears in her eyes, "Do you really like me?"

"I like it. Otherwise, I wouldn't stand here and listen to you."

The young man was not affected by her excitement, he was always calm to the point of indifference, and the emblem pattern on the Xingyue robe was illuminated by the moonlight.

The girl took a step back, as if she was deeply hurt by his heart of stone:

"Like is not like you, Mr. Leslie... Like should never have the heart to hurt her, never want to force her, want to give her the best of the world, not cold like you."

"I think there are countless ways to express liking."

The young man reached out and wiped away the tears on her cheeks almost gently, but his voice was cold, "Selfishness and possessiveness, you told me,... Belia."


She did tell him.

Liu Yu's crying stopped.

She felt like she was shooting herself in the foot.

She taught it so well that this man played it to the fullest.

"But… "

"Tell me, Belia." The man's drooping robe brushed her cheeks, cold and silky, "...everything."

The cold moonlight shone in through the half-opened window, and Liu Yu seemed to be able to see the undercurrent surging in those gray eyes.

She suddenly laughed.

She decided to provoke him.

"Everything?! Then Mr. Leslie, what do you want to hear? To hear how I was forced by a dark creature? Where did he touch me?... Then I tell you, as soon as I walked in, he put his arms around me , he hugged me hard, he tore my dress, he kissed my hair, my forehead, my nose, my lips—"

"-To shut up."

Gaia said coldly, "Enough."

"Not enough." The girl continued bravely, "He kissed me all the way, like Mr. Leslie did just now, on my neck, collarbone, and your favorite—"

"I've said enough."

Her jaw was firmly pinched.

Immediately afterwards, there was a passionate kiss under rage.

He bit her like an enraged wild lion, only knowing to conquer her with eternal brute force, Liu Yu felt the pain soon.

Not to be outdone, the two played, tore, and fought silently in the dark.

The blue cotton cloth was broken into pieces, flying in the room.

Liu Yu was pushed hard against the window.

The coldness of the wooden window edge was touched in an instant, and before feeling the pain, another large palm was placed on it.

The body leaning out of the window was pulled back halfway, "Um—"

Liu Yu jerked her head back, her long blond hair drew an arc in the air, and she saw the swaying starry sky.

Brilliant stars blinked, innocently watching what happened below.

The girl's tears fell down.

He's so gentle, yet so cruel, savage, and - undeniable.

"No, I hate you! Gaia Leslie. You insult me like this..." she sobbed, "but I have to."

He stopped.

Cold lips fell to her cheeks, kissing her tears softly, but the movements were still so mechanical and cold, and could not be resisted. He is like a superior with all the power, imposing a little punishment on her.

"Belia, I'm sorry." He gently whispered in her ear, his voice was gentle and calm, "But you shouldn't provoke me."

Yes, the price of pissing off a sleeping lion is high.

"Then do you feel it?" The girl closed her eyes, with a weak and pitiful tone: "There is no one else but you."

she said.

The young man didn't speak, he just shackled her shoulders and forced her to turn around:

"Did you feel it?"

he asks.

The cold window sills, the small garden of the Fergus family, the pointed tower outside the garden, and... the trees on the road that are blown by the wind and sway regularly. Several locks of long golden hair and cold gray silver hair are flying in the air, they are interlaced and separated, separated and intertwined.


"Love is selfish, and—" he paused consciously, forcefully, "possessive."

"Only me."

The girl sighed, unable to say anything.

The young man's snow-white toga and loose silver hair concealed everything that could not be told and represented intimacy and desire.


She wept authentically.

"But, Belia—" he planted a light kiss on her back, and the gentleman told her politely, "you turned me into a savage."

"... incredible."

he said.

"But I think that's enough for today."

Gaia stepped back and let her go.

Liu Yu turned around and stared at him:

"You haven't…"

"Guests have the etiquette of being a guest. I think Mrs. Fergus would not like to see an extra man in her daughter's bed the next day."

Gaia's handsome brows were illuminated by the moonlight, and he regained his graceful demeanor, as if the barbaric and lustful young man just now was just an illusion.

"you… "

Liu Yu blushed, and only said "bastard" for a long time. But it cannot be denied that this person has grown rapidly, and even waited for her considerately...

Gaia leaned over and carried her to the bed beside her.

Liu Yu grabbed his neck with his left hand:

"Kiss me, before you go."

The young man froze for a moment, but still under the girl's stubborn fingertips, he lowered his head and kissed her intimately.

The two kissed for a long time.

Finally, the youth stood up.

He even opened the closet for her, and under her command, he found a pure white cotton skirt to put on for her, and then opened the door and walked out.

When the door was about to be closed, it suddenly stopped. The voice was like a melodious piano sound, with a moderate elegance and reservedness unique to medieval nobles:

"Belia, you succeeded."

He told her.

The girl half stood up:


"I will forget your past."

The light in the corridor fell on the young man's face, illuminating every detail of his expression, but unfortunately, Liu Yu couldn't tell the difference. She heard him say, "But in the future, there will be no trace of infidelity."


The door closed.

Liu Yu: ...

What the ignorant boy once said seemed to echo in his mind:

"The person I like should have a pure heart and a loyal belief. She should be gentle, kind, pure, and dignified..."


So, just now he was struggling... these

his standards.

"and many more-"

She ran out barefoot.

Gaia didn't go far, and turned around in surprise when she heard the voice, but was only greeted with a fiery, unreserved kiss.

He put his arms around her.

The girl is panting:

"Gaia Leslie, what about your loyalty?"

"I have no intention of touching another woman."



The two kissed deeply again.

Liu Yu was kissed by him against the wall, and his mind was still thinking loosely:

No wonder it is said that teenagers are passionate...

Just then, a door opened in the corridor on the other side.

A chubby, tall and thick figure staggered towards this side, buttoning up his buttons as he walked, and wrapped him like a stupid steamed bun with a long aristocratic cloak.

Mrs. Fergus's low voice came from behind:

"Duke Rodney, don't forget what you promised me."

Liu Yu stopped kissing.

She pushed Gaia: "Go, don't let my mother see."

The young man whispered in her ear:

"Yes, Miss Fergus."

He let her go, and the snow-white Xingyue robe disappeared at the end of the corridor in an instant.

Liu Yu discovered that these chattering people have the ability to hide their whereabouts.

She tiptoed and withdrew to her room.

Who knows, it was discovered.

"Mrs. Fergus! That's you..."

The fat man named Duke Rodney quickened his pace, rushed to Liu Yu, and looked at her with something uncomfortable in his eyes, "... daughter, Miss Fergus?... As expected of Suo Luo Chengbang's most beautiful rose."

His tone was natural contempt, and he glanced at her, as if she was a commodity on the counter, waiting for a price.

"Mother, who is he?"

Liu Yu knew that this should be Mrs. Fergus' legendary lover.

But it doesn't look like much.

She looked behind the fat duke at the woman wearing only a silk nightgown.

The red satin fits the snow-white skin, making this middle-aged woman look charming, especially the face, which has probably only been experienced before, showing a different kind of coquettishness. It's just that the look on Mrs. Fergus' face is not very good.

She glared at herself:

"Belia, go back to your room!"

"Hey, don't worry, don't worry... Mrs. Fergus, make an offer!... I'll pay as much luso..."

Rodney's eyes fell naked on Liu Yu's bare feet, and then up, all the way to her beautiful face. When those ice blue eyes fell on him, he obviously became short of breath.

"Sorry, Duke Rodney, you should go, it's getting late."

Mrs. Fergus winked at Liu Yu.

Liu Yu sensed something was wrong, she stepped back, but the Duke of Rodney came to pull her, and the strong smell of alcohol came to her face:

"What do you want, my lord?"

"Oh..." Rodney exclaimed, getting more excited when he saw her stumped arm.

"Mrs. Fergus hid you so well that I missed such a beauty... Madame, let me make a price... ten thousand rusos, oh no, twenty thousand... one hundred thousand..."

Duke Rodney stretched out his hand, but Liu Yu turned him sideways and dodged it.

Mrs. Fergus opened her arms and blocked her behind:

"No, Duke Rodney, my daughter is a great divine, she is different..."

"... A favored person? A favored person who lost his arm? The temple won't want it... Even if you come out, you are still poor." Duke Rodney laughed, "I am the Duke, and I can provide you with a better life , not just wealth... As long as your daughter follows me... "

He continued to catch her.

The strong smell of alcohol almost made Liu Yuxun faint.

"No, I beg you," the ever-mighty Mrs. Fergus almost knelt down, grabbed the fat Duke's sleeve, and said helplessly, "Please don't touch my daughter, she doesn't understand anything... I'll take care of you, anything..."

Liu Yu finally felt the frailty of this body, especially after losing an arm—

Maybe he can fight against dark creatures.

But her strength is not enough to deal with a grown man.

At this moment, the door at the end of the corridor opened.

Before Liu Yu could react, he was embraced by a white figure:


Gaia bowed her head:

"Are you all right, Beria?"

In the hazy yellow light, the young man's side face is as beautiful as a god descending from the earth, incomparable.

Duke Rodney took a look:

"Mrs. Fergus, I'll add another two hundred thousand rupees to bring your daughter together... I can guarantee that no one can offer a higher price..."

"Get out! Get out!" Unexpectedly, these words angered Mrs. Fergus, she no longer showed weakness, and pushed the fat man, "If the Duke of Rodney does not want to bear the name of killing the noble widow, please give me Get out of here!"

Duke Rodney was outraged.

He pointed to Mrs. Fergus's nose: "... noble?... Mrs. Fergus, who in the whole city-state doesn't know that you are a stinky whore who can be fucked for a little money?... Since your commoner husband died By the way, the expenses of your Fergus family are not all earned from your bed?... "

Liu Yu was stunned.

She stared blankly at the red, trembling figure in front of her—

is that so

In the novel, the description of stepmother and stepsister is all from Nataxi's point of view...

"Close your eyes."

Just then, her eyes were covered.

And the world has returned to silence.

Unable to hear the Duke of Rodney's yelling, Liu Yu took Gaia's hand away and found that the Duke was gone.

Mrs. Fergus looked at Gaia in panic:

"Mr. Leslie, the Duke of Rodney, he..."

"I threw it outside. Don't worry, he won't dare to come in the future."

Gaia didn't say much, he stretched out his hand to pin a strand of blond hair behind Liu Yu's ear, and then nodded politely, "I think I should leave for a while."

As expected, he left, leaving space to the mother and daughter.

Mrs. Fergus turned pale:


She covers her face:

"Don't look at me like that."

"Mother, why? Have we run out of money?" Liu Yu said, "Didn't you say that Uncle Leonard left us a lot of wealth?"