I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 72


The golden liquid is like flowing gold under the light.

The tip of the nose seems to be able to smell the fragrance of flowers and the breath of clouds. The whole room seems to be filled with something mysterious and indescribable, and the soul seems to be cleansed.

Clean and thorough.

Liu Yu felt like he was back as a baby.

A woman hugged her, rocked her gently, slowly, and she sang in her ear:

"...the moon is asleep, the rabbit is squinting... grow up, grow up..."

Tears gradually filled her eyes, and when she raised her head, she seemed to be able to see the other's dark, gentle eyes. She smiled at her and wrapped her in a warm embrace... as if she had been loved seriously, and she had also been Is a treasure in someone's life...

"Mother… "

Liu Yu stretched out his hand forward.


At this time, the tower bell rang loudly.

A group of white pigeons flew over the dome in groups, and Liu Yu regained consciousness.

She saw the ice in Archbishop Arnold's eyes, and saw Lord Bruce's gentle smile, but Gaia was not affected at all.

He has taken the Holy Grail.

The sleeves of the snow-white robe hang down loosely, revealing a wrist like ice jade, and the fingers rest on the golden cup like this, giving off a pale and gorgeous beauty. Without hesitation, he raised his neck and drank the holy water in the cup.


The minaret, which was just out of date, seemed to be awakened from a deep sleep by some force, and made a loud noise like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

The believers of the light stopped, and they all looked at the tower. The envoys and knights all bowed down to salute the spire: they knew that the glory of the light would come to this world again.

The Star Knight... finally appeared for real.

Arnold bowed slightly, holding his crown in his left hand and resting his right hand on his left chest, bowing to salute him.

Master Bruce knelt tremblingly and kissed his boots.

The holy envoys and paladins in the house also prostrated themselves on the ground.

They raised their voices:

"Welcome Star Knight! You will be the bright future, leading us to fight against darkness and evil. We are willing to obey your command and dedicate everything to the light. Even death cannot take away our faith!"




At the scene, apart from Gaia himself and the archbishop in red bowing to salute, only Liu Yu stood up straight.

For some reason, at this moment, she didn't want to bend down at all.

She wants to stand.

Arnold wiped away tears of excitement:

"Your Excellency Star Knight, your loyalty to my god is unquestionable. Your faith is purer than diamonds."

"I will inform the temples in various places and let them come to participate in your coronation ceremony together."

Gaia nodded:

"Thank you."

He didn't refuse, and his expression was indifferent, as if no matter how respectful etiquette or grand banquet was, it was not worth mentioning to him.

"... If you don't mind, please stay in the Temple of Ellen for a few more days. You can go to the temple when the candidates for the Son and Daughter appear."

Arnold didn't mind Gaia's arrogance at all. I'm afraid he didn't realize that when he spoke to this young man, his waist was always bent a little bit more, and his bad temper was completely subdued.

But Liu Yu found out.

This feels very subtle, like a minister who is naturally short in front of the emperor...

"If you go to the temple, I want to bring one more person."

While she was in a daze, Gaia had casually thrown the Holy Grail into the wooden box, but this indifferent behavior made the young saint envoy flustered, and the wooden box tipped—


The Holy Grail fell.

Lord Bruce, Archbishop Arnold, and the Holy Knights rushed over at the same time—

"Bang", they bumped into each other head to head.

In mid-air, Liu Yu reached out and took it.

"Bold! How dare you touch..."

Archbishop Arnold stood up blushing. He was about to reprimand the rebellious girl severely, but found that the Holy Grail was shaking.

It seemed to have changed from a still life to a living creature with a soul, with white light shining all over its body, desperately trying to get into the girl's arms.

Archbishop Arnold immediately swallowed the words of reprimand.

He has been with the light for a long time, of course he can feel the emotion of the Holy Grail at this time, it is happy and excited.

The Holy Grail, which represents light and holiness, should repel all evil spirits, but now, it behaves... as if it met an old friend.

Master Bruce nodded again and again:

"Miss Fergus, you have won the heart of the Holy Grail with your loyalty and devotion."

The holy envoys and paladins looked at the blond girl with admiration at the same time. At this moment, they no longer found her one arm dazzling.


Only Gaia turned her head and "looked" at her with concern.

Liu Yuyuan was not as relaxed as others seemed.

Her hands seemed to be holding a cluster of burning flames, burning and pain tormenting her.

But she can't show it.

The proximity of the Holy Grail is definitely not because of her, but because of the memory beads on her chest—

She had to use all her strength to prevent the Holy Grail from approaching her.


She looked at the young man ahead.

Gaia frowned, and he reached out and took the Holy Grail stuck between her fingers.

The Holy Grail still wanted to struggle, but in his hands, it seemed to be pinched by the neck, and he lost his temper after a while.

It fell silent.

Gaia put it back in the box and closed it.

Only then did Liu Yu heave a sigh of relief, she rubbed her fingers, there was no wound there, but the burning pain seemed to penetrate into her bones, as long as Gaia was at night for a second, she might be exposed …

Archbishop Arnold's impassioned declaration sounded in his ears:

"... If you are stained with darkness, if there is any trace of infidelity, the water of the holy grail will burn through your throat, burn your bones and blood, and let you live in the fiery hell forever..."

…unfaithful…darkness…burn through…incinerate…

Yes, she already felt the pain of being burned just by touching the Holy Grail.

Although God cannot hear her prayers, the holy water can test her loyalty...

Archbishop Arnold looked at her curiously, then turned to answer Gaia's last question.

"Your Excellency Star Knight, you want to take this..." He paused, "Miss Fergus?"

Gaia nodded:


"Oh, of course. But before that, Miss Fergus needs to examine the crystal ball."

Bishop Bruce put his hands on his chest:

"I can assure you that Miss Fergus's sincerity to my God is as unchangeable as the sun and moon above her head."

"Master Bruce, please forgive my recklessness and rudeness. Everyone who steps into the temple must go through this procedure. For the safety of the temple, I have to do this." Archbishop Arnold insisted, "Please, Miss Fergus."

Liu Yu took a step forward.

She was also curious about what her physique... was.

The last test was at Sauron Academy.

While everyone was watching, the girl put her hand on the bulging crystal ball.

A little bit of embellished white light came out from the crystal ball.

Brighter and brighter and brighter...

When the light made people unable to open their eyes, Bishop Bruce widened his eyes: "Another Holy Spirit Body?! But before..."

A person's constitution is determined from birth.

It has never been changed in the middle of the history.

The smile on Archbishop Arnold's face remained unchanged. He didn't hear Bruce's surprised words, and he was still thinking casually:

Holy spirit body

He is also the Holy Spirit.


The crystal ball burst.

It exploded into countless tiny fragments in the air,

The corners of Arnold's mouth froze, and Master Bruce even walked to the crystal ball in a gaffe. He picked up a piece and looked at it, and said in horror and surprise:

"No, not only... the holy spirit body."

But what is above the body of the Holy Spirit

Bishop Bruce couldn't help but cast his eyes on Arnold, hoping that the cardinal from the temple would tell him—

In the temple, there are so many records about light.

Archbishop Arnold raised the scepter of light in his hand. On this scepter representing the supreme power of the temple, there is the only crystal ball engraved with a nine-pointed star in the world. The crystal ball is only the size of a fist, but it is much more eye-catching than the one just now. up.

He waved the scepter, and a pure white light fell on Liu Yu.

White light shines.

The nine-pointed star landed, forming a nine-pointed star array under the girl's feet—

No one knows what it is.

Pain began to appear on the girl's face, she hugged herself tightly, sweat began to drip drop by drop from her forehead.

Archbishop Arnold also seemed to be in great pain, and the two were in a stalemate.

"Lord Arnold! What are you doing?"

Bruce said angrily.

Arnold didn't answer him.

Veins began to appear in the hand holding the scepter of light, and even the red clothes on his body began to soak. In less than a minute, he seemed to be fished out of the water——

At this moment, the silver-haired young man who had always been quiet on the side stretched out his hand, and the seemingly unbreakable nine-pointed star array that Arnold needed to use his scepter to use with his power was just scratched.

"Enough, Lord Arnold." He said, "Loyalty, faith, you have experienced it."

"Your Excellency Star Knight, your intolerance has made Miss Fergus miss the opportunity to know herself."

Archbishop Arnold finally showed his displeasure.

Two very similar faces made the same expression, and at this moment, the difference was revealed.

Archbishop Arnold's eyes are not majestic enough, his nose is not straight enough, and even his lips seem to lack an indescribable charm. However, Your Excellency Star Knight seems to have been meticulously crafted and transcends the world.

"But it's not right." Gaia shook her head, "This magic circle won't make people feel painful when measured."


Arnold frowned, thinking of something, and stretched it again, "I'm afraid I have to go to the library of the temple to take a look. This magic circle has been handed down until now, and no real holy spirit body has ever experienced it."

Then, he said bluntly:

"Your Excellency Star Knight, if you want to take Miss Fergus to the temple, please do so. But before that, I have a small suggestion. The Holy Son and the Holy Daughter are existences that directly serve the gods. Your Excellency just matches the age. Don't miss this opportunity."

Bishop Bruce also raised his head, and he looked longingly at the sky:

"It is the glory of all believers like us to serve at the side of God."

Arnold said regretfully:

"Unfortunately, I can't participate."

The moment he became the archbishop in red, he automatically gave up the opportunity to participate in the holy selection.

Gaia was unmoved, he only asked:

"Your Excellency Arnold, is there a way to heal the arm in the temple?"

Arnold's eyes fell on the blond girl. She was tortured by such pain, but her back was still straight, and her eyes were clear—

He lowered his gaze:

"Not in the temple."

He said with regret: "Holy light can heal wounds and dispel darkness, but it cannot regenerate broken limbs. This is the domain of God. Your Excellency Star Knight, if you want to heal Miss Fergus' hand, you must go to God's side , ask him for the Holy Light."

"Belia and I will participate in the holy selection."

Gaia made a decision almost immediately. He told the other party calmly, then held the hand of the girl beside him, nodded slightly, "Farewell."

He walked out, and his tall and straight figure disappeared behind the door after a while.

Arnold was stunned for a while, then suddenly shook his head:

"Oops, I forgot to tell Star Knight, God doesn't like a saint with a broken arm. Miss Fergus can't participate, Sophia, go and tell—"

Master Bruce interrupted him:

"Your Excellency Arnold, I think Star Knight will always have some privileges. He wants to bring Miss Fergus to participate, so let him participate."

"But if God is offended..."

Arnold was young after all.

"If Miss Fergus passes, then, I think, all this must be God's will."

Bishop Bruce smiled.

"Oh? Really? But God will not allow the cunning to come to his side."

The smile on the corner of Arnold's mouth was somewhat meaningful.

Master Bruce didn't hear clearly:

"Sly one? What are you talking about, Mr. Arnold?"

"No, nothing. See you tomorrow, Lord Bruce."

As soon as Arnold received the scepter, he walked out of the room surrounded by the Angels of Light and the knights.

The holy selection will start on the second day.