I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 76


Green grass, blooming small flowers.

When Nataxi opened her eyes, she found that she was standing in a familiar garden, facing her, was a tall bright stone statue—

Ah, where she used to live.

Is she... dreaming again

My father said that my mother would often offer a bouquet of flowers to the stone statue and pray to the stone statue when the first rays of sunlight hit the garden.

Nataxi walked around the stone statue.

As in every dream, she didn't pray to the statue—but she found something unusual.

In the dream, her arms and legs became smaller, and the stone statue became larger.

Wearing a beautiful pettiskirt, she smiled brightly at the maids coming and going, and listened to their calls:

"Ms Leonard, good morning!"

"Miss Leonard is still as lovely as an angel today."

"I heard... Mr. Leonard is coming back today."

"Yes, I miss my father very much."

Natasha smiled kindly at the maids.

She won't be as arrogant as Sister Bellia - one's birth does not represent one's character.

She walked through the garden and stood at the door, knowing in the dark that her father would be returning in a short while in his expensive two-person carriage.

Sure enough, a carriage stopped in front of her with a hiss.

The coachman jumped out of the carriage nimbly, opened the door, and a much younger man with a mustache got out of the carriage. He had a pair of happy dimples and the same brown eyes as hers.

It makes him look likeable.

"Oh, Naxi, my Naxi," the man picked up the little girl at the door and spun around until she made her "giggle" before putting her down, holding her little hand and walking towards the garden, "How is Naxi recently?" Is Kukusi still naughty?"

Kukusi was a mole she raised.

Nataxi found that this dream was a bit too realistic.

She had long since forgotten the mole's name, and on the first day they moved in to Fergus' house, Kukusi was killed by the black cat.

"Kukusi? Oh, it bit my shoe... I want to starve it."

Nataxi heard herself reply.

She found that the father beside her was a little absent-minded.

This scene is too real, not like a dream.

Nataxi couldn't help biting herself, the pain came...

Did she really go back to the past

The father seemed to notice her actions, and quickly squatted down:

"Naxi, why did you bite yourself?"

Nataxi blinked, and tears flowed out suddenly:

"Father, don't marry Mrs. Fergus... just the two of us, okay?"

"Oh Naxi..." the man's voice softened, and he touched the top of her head, "Did you hear what the maids said? Sorry, Naxi... I can't."

"Why? I heard that Mrs. Fergus is arrogant and bitter. She doesn't think highly of commoners."

Nataxi saw tiredness and pain in her father's face.

The sorrow seemed to overwhelm him, but he still tried his best to smile at her:

"Naxi, we need the protection of nobles... A commoner, if he is good at business and has accumulated a lot of wealth, then this is his biggest sin..."

"I don't know… "

Nataxi shook her head.

"Naxi, you don't need to understand, you just need to be your father's angel, and your father will always protect you."

The voice of the servant behind him came:

"Mr. Leonard is so pitiful, Earl Rupert has taken a fancy to his property..."

"Then change it." Nataxi cried, "as long as it's not Mrs. Fergus."

"Naxi, nobles are like this... Moreover, Mrs. Fergus has never killed anyone." Mr. Leonard hugged her into his arms and wiped her tears, "I can't find a more suitable one." .”

"No!" She struggled desperately, punched and kicked, very unwilling, "As long as it's not Mrs. Fergus! As long as it's not!"

When she resolutely shouted this sentence, her father's embrace disappeared.

The little garden disappeared.

The blue sky, the stone statue, and the maid all disappeared.

Nataxi found that she was standing in a dark corridor, and her thin soles stepped in a puddle.

She took off her shoes, poured out the water inside, and looked left and right anxiously:

"Is anyone here?"

"Nataxi," a voice seemed to come from far away, "go east, all the way forward."

"Your Excellency Arnold? How could it be you?"

Nataxi wiped away her tears and said in surprise.

"This is the first test, and you have passed it." Arnold said appreciatively, "Brave girl."

"So... how about Sister Belia, has she passed?"

"Good girl, don't worry, your sister has Mr. Leslie's protection, she will be fine."

Such trials appear in every corner of the darkness.

And Belia, who was cared for by the kind girl, was lying in Gaia's arms, held by him, and walked out of the dark, sewage-filled corridor—

She also squeezed his arm hypocritically:

"Gaia, you're so kind.... Are you tired?"

"… Do not."

The young man said helplessly, "Belia, if you can restrain your pleasant breath a little when you say this, I think I will be happier."

Liu Yu rolled her eyes, now... she doesn't want to serve her.

Walking to the corner, Gaia put her down gently, and pulled down the skirt for her:


Only then did Liu Yu realize that they had arrived at a huge cave.

In the bright lights, Professor Ravenlo, Professor Edward, Louis, and even Archbishop Arnold stood there, looking at them with a smile. The envoys in white and the paladins bent down at the same time, placing their right hands on their left chests:

"Meet Your Excellency Star Knight!"

Gaia didn't move, but Liu Yu lifted her skirt and saluted.

Professor Luo Fuluo looked at them with relief:

"Miss Fergus, Mr. Leslie, congratulations on passing the first test. The other children are still behind."

Liu Yu looked left and right, and sure enough, he didn't see any other contestants.

"Come on, sit here and wait."

This wait is half a day.

Liu Yu leaned against Gaia's arms, squinted for a while, and then began to recite the levitation technique silently.

Levitation is too difficult.

As expected of a spell at the level of a great priest, even if she memorized it fluently, she still couldn't successfully cast one.

The light power in the body seemed to be frozen.

The favored ones came out one after another, and when they all arrived, Archbishop Arnold held on to the scepter of light and walked to the front of the line. His red dress representing the absolute authority of the bishop was dazzling and eye-catching under the light.

"The first test is the will. No matter what choice you make, persist or give up, as long as your will is strong enough, then it is enough to break through the first test."

"... In the name of the temple, I declare that Gaia Leslie, Belia Fergus, Marcellos Carlos, Nataci Leonard... a total of twelve divinely favored ones have passed The first test, now, please stand up."

Liu Yu pulled Gaia and stood aside.

The divinely favored ones who failed the test stood aside, and they looked enviously at these students who stood out, without any jealousy or despair on their faces—

They came here just to try their luck and didn't expect much.

"Good luck to you."


Two distinct columns.

Lord Malan coughed:

"Quiet—the second level has begun."

Archbishop Arnold waved his scepter, and huge light force flowed out from his scepter and merged into the ground.

The cave began to shake.

When the favored ones were disturbed, the holy envoys moved.

They waved their scepters together and began to chant: "The Holy Light shines, when the snow falls on the dome..."

Countless beams of light merged into the ground and connected together in a mysterious way. The ground emitted a dazzling white light. Liu Yu felt as if he was obliterated by this white light, and his whole body was completely white.

at this time-

Louis' deep voice came from his ear:

"I also want a drop of your lover's blood, plus a piece of iron."

"Do not."

"You have no right to say no. Your bird—"

Three dusty feathers fell into her palm, and the roots of the feathers were still stained with blood.

"Just a bird."

"Miss Fergus," the hoarse voice lingered in my ears like a ghost, "no one in this world knows you better than me... Remember, don't mess with your own blood, I can smell it right away. See you later .”

The sound disappeared.

Liu Yu looked to the side, Gaia's face loomed in the white light, like a beautiful marble sculpture.

He didn't hear it.

Louis must have somehow managed to keep his voice from reaching the second person.

But he wants Gaia's blood... for what

If Banban and Gaia Leslie were weighed on a scale, there was no doubt that Banban's small body would overwhelm the scale—Liu Yu made up his mind almost immediately.

Blood, of course, must be given.

Otherwise, you can't fool Louis.

The holy envoys were still singing, and the underground nine-pointed star array began to take shape.


As soon as he called out, his feet were empty, and his whole body began to fall—the robe he held in his hand slipped away like a slippery fish.

Arnold's voice sounded directly in his mind:

"The second level, which is the final level, is the test of faith. I left six holy crystals of light at the bottom of Nas Snow Mountain. If I get the holy crystals, I will pass. Whether I get one, two...or six As long as you have a holy crystal in your hand, you are considered a winner. Of course, there can be one winner, or six winners."

"Wish you guys good luck."

Obviously, good luck did not favor Liu Yu.

She fell into a lake, and her wet dress became a heavy burden. She managed to swim to the shore with one hand, only to find that a young man with black hair and black eyes was squatting on the shore. He reaches out to her:

"Miss Fergus, please allow me to serve you."

"No, thank you."

Liu Yu slapped his hand off with a cold face.

She grabbed the water plants by the dark river and climbed up on the ground with hands and feet.

The wet dress enveloped her—fortunately, she wore enough to not be revealing.

Louis looked at her with regretful eyes.

Liu Yu stood next to a rock with a height of one person, and used the rock to block the whistling wind.

"Why can you come in, Lord Louis?"

"This is a secret..." Louis hushed, walked to her side, took a deep breath, and said, "You have to know, a depraved species always has various unscrupulous methods."

Louis's handsome and pale face was like a ghost in this dark area.

"Now, tell me, is the thing I want in the water or on your body."

"I want to see my bird first."

Liu Yu said.

"Oh, the bird? Sure."

As if by magic, Louis suddenly had a bird in his palm.

Banban drooped his head aggrievedly, and let out a "Banban" sound. After a few days of not seeing each other, the bird feathers on its body became even darker.

"I've only plucked a few hairs, and there's no damage." Louis reached in to show her, "But it seems... your bird is very timid."

Banban raised her head:


[fart! You, you... ugly! Evil stinking pustule! Come and fight with you, Uncle Banban, Uncle Banban is best at fighting seven with one! ]

Liu Yu was relieved to see that Banban was still able to piss people off.

"... iron flakes, and your lover's blood."

As soon as Louis withdrew his hand, Banban disappeared in front of his eyes.

"It's so fast, Mr. Louis is afraid that I will renege on the debt?"

"No, how could the honorable Miss Fergus renege on it?" Louis shook his finger, "I'm just... a little worried, after all, I've seen Miss Fergus's wisdom and cunning before."

"I have also seen your shamelessness and cruelty."

Louis laughed:

"So, the two of us... are made for each other?"

Liu Yu was flabbergasted by his eyes.

"I think you and Natasie are made for each other. You like purity and she is pure. You like kindness and she is kind."

"...Oh, really?" Louis reached out and pinned the wet hair on her forehead behind her ears. Liu Yu stood upright, feeling goosebumps popping out one by one.

"But I've been thinking lately that a rose with thorns is more attractive—especially when she's putting on a scene with all her life."

"It seems that Lord Louis has a lot of time."

"Not too much, but I will always have time for Miss Fergus." Louis lowered his head slightly and got very close, "Before the transaction, I want to inspect the goods first."

Liu Yu took a step back warily.

She spread her hands, on the palm was a wet thumb bottle and a piece of iron, opened the stopper, quickly swung it over the tip of his nose, and stuffed it back.

"Smell it?"

"Oh, that familiar, repulsive smell, yes, that's right."

Liu Yu held the iron sheet and the thumb bottle firmly in his palm:

"I want Scabbers to be within my sight."

"Scabbers?" Louis shrugged, "Of course."

So Banban was put on his shoulder by him, and Liu Yu realized that its wings were drooping, as if it couldn't lift it up.

Louis seemed to read her mind and explained:

"It's just a small spell. I will unlock it when the transaction is successful."

The speckled black eyeballs rolled around.

Liu Yu glanced at it before continuing:

"...One more condition, you have to tell me what is written on the iron sheet."

She had an intuition that this piece of iron was very important.

Louis laughed:

"Did I hear you right, Miss Fergus?"

"You heard me right."

Louis sneered, his stern face was particularly arrogant and dignified:

"Miss Fergus, it seems that my preferential treatment gave you the illusion that there is room for bargaining between you and me."

Liu Yu was not intimidated.

"Master Louis, I think you need this very much." She picked up the thumb bottle, knocked it lightly against the rock beside it, and then retracted it when Louis became visibly nervous, "How fragile, it shattered in one go. "

"You're threatening me."

"Yes, I'm threatening you."

"Don't want your bird anymore?"

Liu Yu laughed as if hearing some funny joke.

"Didn't Mrs. Louis say just now that Miss Fergus is acting desperately... If a person can gamble with his own life, how can he give in for a mere bird?"


[Bad Baby! ]

"How?... Do you want to bet, you will kill me sooner, or I will smash the bottle sooner?"

Louis looked at her:

"Belia Fergus, you know, I don't always want to make things difficult for you."

"So the conclusion is?"

"I promise you." He approached her, lowered his head, with an ambiguous and indifferent attitude, "What is written on the iron sheet is..."

Liu Yu heightened his vigilance, and the memory beads quietly dropped from his sleeve to his palm.

"... the method of creating gods."

God-making method

Is it actually a method of creating gods

Liu Yu's heart beat wildly. The moment she lost her mind, something happened.