I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 77: be lost


A savage force hit her wrist, and the pain quickly took hold of her nerves.

not good!

Thumb bottle and iron sheet!

Liu Yu reacted very quickly, withdrew his hands, half-embraced his body and slammed forward, straight into Louis' arms, and the memory beads slapped his chest—

But only shot empty.

The memory beads fell to the ground with a "click" and rolled.

Louis hugged her wrist, proudly said:

"Miss Fergus, I won't make the same mistake again."

"Coincidentally, me too."

Liu Yu flipped his palm, and the thumb bottle and iron piece fell from the air.

Louis reached out to take it, and when the thumb bottle arrived, his smile froze.

He looked down, at the place where the sphere of light exploded, there was a silver cross stuck upside down on his chest. On the cross, holding a small white hand—


He followed his hand and looked up.

"Feel sorry."

Liu Yu continued to drill the cross in with a blank expression—

The cross pierced into the flesh and was resisted by the instinct of the flesh. She had to put all her strength into it.

"F, Miss Fergus, you, you are so beautiful..."

Louis seemed to be splashed with scalding hot water, and his whole body began to twitch. His pale face was covered with a layer of ashes, and Liu Yu watched his thick black pupils begin to slacken, and then the brilliance was completely extinguished.

he died.

Turned into flying dust.

On the ground, the cold light of the silver cross was shining, and Liu Yu squatted down.

… the cross was dipped in real holy water, given to her by Gaia.

She still remembered his exact words:

"If that dark creature comes to you again, drive it into his heart."

She is doing great.

Louis snatched Scabbers and kept threatening her—

The thumb bottle containing Gaia's blood cannot fall into his hands.

She did nothing wrong.

But the hands are still shaking.

The moment the sharp object was inserted into her heart, it was like a greasy snake clinging to her, lingering.

Banban seems to have broken free, flapping her wings and calling cheerfully in her ear:

"Scattered! Scabbers!"

[Oh! Baby beats the big bad! Baby beats the big bad! ]

"Ban Ban also thinks... I'm doing well?"

[certainly! All dark apostles should be wiped out! ]

Liu Yu closed his mouth.

She found a diary under Louis' clothes, iron sheets, and...

"Bright Saint Crystal?"

She picked it up, almost thinking she had read it wrong.

Could it be killing dark creatures and dropping holy crystals

No, it's not possible.

It should be just nearby, or simply Louis himself has a holy crystal.

Liu Yu didn't find the thumb bottle, only the transparent glass shards.

The few drops of blood seemed to seep into the dark soil, and they were gone.

At this moment, a choked sob came from nowhere, as if he was holding back hard and couldn't hold it back.


Liu Yu looked at Ban Ban, and found that his little black eyes were avoiding him guiltily.

She guessed it all at once:

"Nataxi, come out, I see you."

Nataxi came out from the corner, which happened to be a blind spot - if she hadn't walked out on her own initiative, Liu Yu really wouldn't have been able to find her. She seemed to be crying hard, her throat was still choking, tears were running down her face, and there was deep fear and anger hidden in her eyes.

"You killed Louis." She clenched her fist, "You killed Louis! Sister Bellia!"

"Is it weird?"

Liu Yu asked her.

"It's Luis, not anyone else!"

"He is the dark apostle, the dark apostle who has been threatening me, and he hurt Banban."

"But he loves you! Besides, for you..."

Nataxi choked up.

"Love? Don't tell me if it's true. If a dog bites me and says it loves me, then I should love it?" Liu Yu spread his hands, "Don't be angry, it's just a metaphor."

"Oh, you're so bad." Nataxi covered her face, "Your heart is as hard as stone."

Liu Yu was impatient and continued to chat with her.

She meditated on the hallucinations:

"...forget everything you've seen and heard in this half hour, Natasie Leonard. Now, head east."

Nataxi walked eastward along the dark river in a daze, while Liu Yu chose the opposite direction.

She put the diary, iron sheet, and memory beads aside, wrapped them in oiled paper, and hid them in her bosom. Holding the holy crystal in her hand, she found the exit after a while.

At the exit, the kind-hearted Professor Luo Fuluo stood there, and when he saw her, he exclaimed:

"Oh poor Miss Fergus, you look like a drowned chicken."

Liu Yu: ...

"What about the others? What about Gaia?"

He was slower than her, which was unexpected.

"Mr. Leslie came out for a while, and went in again." Professor Ravenlo brought a big blanket to cover her, "I guess... it should be looking for you."

"What about the rest?"

"Your Excellency Arnold and the holy envoys are maintaining the magic circle. You can't imagine how much power this formation consumes. Those who failed the first level have already been sent out by Lord Malan." Professor Edward also squatted beside her, "Cold?"

He handed over a warm cup, Liu Yu took it and took a sip:

"Thank you professor."

"You're welcome."

After waiting for nearly two hours, the second person came out.

It's Prince Carlo.

After Prince Carlo, those who come out are fast.

Nataxi, Wood, Wilson, and finally, Gaia...

Those who have not found the holy crystal cannot get the exit prompt.

At this time, His Excellency Arnold's forehead was already covered with sweat, and the clothes of the holy envoys were soaked in sweat, and they looked neither elegant nor aesthetically pleasing.

Arnold waved his scepter, which represented a wave of white light in the magic circle, and the six divinely favored ones who were still trapped in the circle suddenly appeared on top of the formation. They stood blankly and looked around.

"We... came out?"

Your Excellency Arnold said regretfully:

"You didn't find the holy crystal, so we eliminated it."

Among the six people, some covered their faces and wept.

They were so close to success.

"Then, I announce that the six who finally passed the sacred selection of the Ellen Continent are Gaia Leslie, Belia Fergus, Marcellos Carlos, Wilson Owen, Wood Taylor , Nataxi Leonard. You will enter the temple with the candidates for the Holy Son and Holy Daughter on the other two continents, waiting for God's selection."


Liu Yu mixed in the impassioned voice, and also answered "Yes."

"It's late at night, not suitable for traveling..."

The archbishop in red is obviously well versed in the management strategy of one tight and one loose, and suggested that everyone relax.

Whether it's the winner or the eliminated one, they all need a vent.

This proposal was embraced almost immediately.

"Raise the bonfire!"

"Dance! Sing!"

"No, what's the point, let's play 'Guess the Drum'."

Wood suggested.

"Guess what? What does that mean?"

Carlo knows:

"This is a novel game from the Dragon Mu Kingdom in the East. It's not difficult..."

Liu Yu listened absent-mindedly at the side, and before he heard half of it, he understood:

Truth or Dare, the noble version.

She cares more about...

How long it would be before anyone noticed Louis was missing.

After thinking about it, Professor Luo Fuluo, who was cooking the broth over there, said strangely: "Where is Professor Louis? He said something, but he hasn't come back yet."

"Maybe I got lost." Professor Edward said disapprovingly, "Professor Louis is always elusive."

Your Excellency Arnold summoned a paladin and told him to search nearby:

"We have checked in advance, and there is no danger in this place that could threaten Professor Louis, so don't worry."

"Belia, do you want to play?"

Gaia asked her.

"I want to dance."

Liu Yu wanted to vent.

The freshly terminated life was like a gray spot stuck to her soul, which she couldn't easily wipe off.

The bonfire was lit.

The bright flames reflected one face after another, happy, unhappy, cheered up, sluggish...

Liu Yu dragged Gaia to the other side.

Next to the cave is a clear stream with unknown flowers blooming beside it. Liu Yu asked Professor Luo Fuluo for a small lantern, lit it and placed it by the stream.

The warm light diffused from the lanterns, covering the gurgling water and the young people by the stream.

Everything is in a haze.

The tall figure of the young man drew a long silhouette on the ground, which also enveloped her.

Liu Yu's heart, which had been restless for a long time, finally calmed down.



The young man turned his head.

The shadow of the lamp fell on his sharp-edged side face, casting a layer of soft light on his cold and pale skin, but Liu Yu noticed his eyes, in the gray eyes, there was a floating shadow reflected, she Find yourself in it.

She laughed:

"We dance."

Gaia also laughed, and when he laughed, it seemed that the world was lit up by him.

With one hand behind his back, he stretched out his hand towards her gracefully:

"Beautiful Miss Fergus, I would like to ask you to dance."


Liu Yu put his hand on Gaia, he bowed his head and kissed the back of her hand, and was pulled to her side in a daze.

He hugged her, and his arms around her waist were full of strength:

"Sorry, I might not be good at it."

Liu Yu chuckled lightly:

"Me too."

The two leaned against each other quietly, Liu Yu leaned on his shoulder, and was led to shake and sway together by him.

"The last time I competed with Nataxi, I didn't expect it, and I didn't dance a few dances." Her voice became softer due to the memory, "Gaia, I want to hear you sing."


"That one, the one you sang before our first night."

Gaia agreed with a smile, and he hummed softly in her ear:

"In the name of light,

God's people,

God's people,

There are flowers here,

There's a lot of wine here.

We sing and dance,

Life is like morning dew.

death is imminent,

But you are not afraid..."

I don't know if it's because the lighting is too beautiful, or his voice is too charming, but Liu Yu tiptoes and whispers in his ear:

"x me."

Life is like morning dew, death is imminent...

And she wants a hearty sex i.

Gaia "watched" her intently, and in a daze, she seemed to see the hazy light in the gray eyes. The chin was held up between the cold fingers, and then he kissed her lips:

"As you wish."

The onslaught of the storm swept her.

Out of the corner of Liu Yu's eyes, he could only see the white light emanating from his fingers, floating around like fireflies, and then he was attacked. She snorted and bit her lower lip tightly: "Then what is it?"

His breath is also a little unstable:

"I don't like being watched."

Liu Yu understood, it was probably like a shield, and people outside couldn't see it.

In the flickering lights, the world shattered into shadows, and everything seemed bizarre...

All the past, good and bad, seemed to be far away from her at this moment.

She was caught up in the vivid desires of human beings, and she only thought in a daze: He is indeed gifted.

But when he politely retreated, she felt that the talent was too much, and it could be restrained.

"Belia, are you feeling better?"

His forehead was caressed, and Liu Yu lazily opened his eyes:

"You see that, Gaia?"

"Of course, your breath just now smelled like a wormwood."

"what about now?"

"Sweet cherries."

"But you smell," Liu Yu took a big breath, "like..."

"like what?"

"The coconut is only half cut." She scraped it with her fingers ambiguously, "I can feel the magma surging inside."

Hands were seized.

Gaia's beautiful eyebrows furrowed forbearance, and there seemed to be a raging undercurrent in her gray eyes:

"I don't want to scare you, Beria."

"Because sometimes, even I get scared."