I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 80


The moment he opened his eyes, the sky and the earth changed color, and the galaxy reversed.

The world around is constantly collapsing and rebuilding.

Caves, passages, forests…

Liu Yu felt that there seemed to be a double image in front of her eyes. She understood it, but she didn't seem to understand it.

The retrograde scenes, like compressed movie film, passed by her eyes at the speed of light, leaving only a little silhouette on the eyeball.

Finally, it landed on the top of Nasi Snow Mountain.

The dead people in the cave stood in front of her again.

Natasha's arm is back.

Prince Carlo's palm was born.

They seem to have been cast back in time, and they are looking at everything around them with their eyes open.

"Are we on the Nas Snow Mountain?"

The vast black and red land is covered with heavy snow, and one step forward is a towering cliff.

And under the cliff, the emerald forest is revitalized, and the greenery grows vigorously, covering the earth in an instant. The tall towers of the temple stand forever, and the bells resound through the sky and the earth, endlessly.






Countless believers stepped out of the door and walked into the long street. They knelt down in unison and crawled towards the direction of the temple for a long time. The statues of the gods in the center of the cities on each continent lit up one after another, and the white doves hovered in the low sky. There seemed to be fairy music floating between the sky and the earth.

"In the year 1304 of the divine calendar, God has come."

God's covenant records.

"God, has come."

At this moment, the believers on the top of the snow mountain also had this understanding.

They also crawled down, not daring to take even a single glance at the misty white clothes in the air.

The archbishop in red took off his crown, put down his scepter, and lay down on the ground with his body and head.

He burst into tears and cried out:

"Welcome to my God!"

"Welcome to my God!"

"Welcome to my God!"

"Welcome to my God!"

The cry startled the birds in the forest, and the god stood high in the sky beyond the cliff, standing for a long time.

His flowing white robe is like the first smear of pure snow between heaven and earth, and his green eyes are extremely pure, warmer than the bright spring, and harsher than the arrogant winter.

When he looked at the only one-armed girl standing on the top of the snow mountain, a tear fell.

A snow-white echinacea bloomed from the ground.

It has ice-white corolla, branches and leaves, and golden stamens. It blooms on the vast frozen snow, warm and sad.

Liu Yu looked up at the man in the air, unable to recover for a long time.

This is God.

When you have never seen it, you can't imagine it.

But when I saw it, I felt that what I saw and thought before was just a dead thing, far inferior. Compared with the real gods, those pinched holy spirit bodies are just rough clay embryos, not even qualified as imitations.

The clouds were his clothes, but they were not pure enough. His long, cold gray hair was blown by the wind, like the most magnificent movement between heaven and earth. The sun, the moon and the stars are at his feet, and he is so pure and noble to the extreme that even a glance at him would be regarded as blasphemy.

Liu Yu felt the pain in his eyes.

Tears flowed from her eyes, but she looked at him without blinking, and stared at him for a long time, trying to find the person who "swears never to abandon her" and gives up for her from the eyes of the high god. Adolescents and youths who have lost their lives.

but no.

Nothing at all.

There was nothing but emptiness.

The emptiness mixed with the ancient solitude and the icy frost engulfed her and made her die.

She had never seen such eyes, colder and more silent than the deep sea a hundred thousand miles below.

"A blasphemer."

He passed judgment on her.

The voice is ethereal like an ancient night song.

"What do you have to say?"

Liu Yu looked at him and finally understood.

He knows.

He knew all her lies and deceptions.

So, he called her a blasphemer.

God is omnipotent—

to everything on this land.

"My god, all that Arnold did was for your return." At this moment, the archbishop in red said, his head knocked on the top of the snow-capped mountain, and the bright red blood spread from his forehead and splashed on the white snow , "The cunning builds a trap with her lies. She bewitched and deceived you. In order to wake you up, I had to let your incarnation die."

"Peeper, unforgivable."

As the divine voice descended, Arnold closed his eyes permanently.

Liu Yu saw a smile on his handsome face, as if death was not a painful thing for him, and he was full of joy of pilgrimage.

"Traitor, appear."

A cloud of black mist condensed, and he turned into a black-haired young man in black, as if he was suddenly pulled out of the void, and he was a little embarrassed when he landed. And soon, a fearless smile appeared on his pale face, with a bit of sarcasm:

"Father God, you are finally awake."

"Do you like this gift I offer you?"

"Traitors, unforgivable."

"No, you can't kill me. If you kill me, the pink lamb will die. Her blood flows in my body. I made a cage with it. Think about your beautiful lamb..." Louis showed a treacherous expression With a pale smile, "Can you bear it?"

God didn't answer.

The holy light of the ruling broke through the darkness and came slowly, like the clearest and most brilliant light in the world.

It pierced Louis' chest.

It also seemed to have pierced through Liu Yu's chest at the same time.

Louis laughed loudly:

"My father! You are cruel and arrogant. You created me, raised me, and you said I was your child. But when your child wants to stand up, you only allow me to lie down with a coward like Arnold Next... I don't accept it! Why?"

"You were slow just now... You have never been slow... What made you hesitate, and what irritated you, hahahaha—"

"Traitor, you are my smartest child."

"No," Louis's tears gradually poured out of his eyes, his black pupils were washed clear and gentle by the tears, he seemed unable to bear such emotions, and turned to the pale-faced blond girl beside him, "It's confusing, isn't it? … "

"Yes, you are obviously dead."

Liu Yu said expressionlessly.

"Oh, of course I didn't die. I bewitched Arnold and asked him to set up this dream circle."

"Your little lover had a dream, and the dream became reality, implicating everyone in it... The giant python is his memory, and the broken arm is his regret... In fact, he has been in the dream from the beginning, never woke up."

She recalled that time, he said: "I am not dreaming."

No, it's not that he didn't dream, but that he didn't wake up.

His powerful consciousness turned the dream into reality, so the giant python appeared, and everything seemed to reappear from yesterday.

Arnold and Louis wanted him to die and God to wake up.

She became his Achilles' heel, they turned her into bait, and he swallowed the bait and died under the snake.

Everything came to light.

"So, you used me."

Liu Yu felt the pain belatedly.

The golden limao seemed to have pierced her, she arched her body, panting violently, shaking her lips, unable to utter a word.

The sudden outburst of emotion engulfed her like a tidal wave.

Heavy snow couldn't extinguish her boiling blood, every inch of her body seemed to be calling for him:

"Gaia Leslie."

"Gaia Leslie."

"Gaia Leslie."

"Did you save me?"

"Indulgence is shameful."

"I accept your love."

"Of course I have to protect you, my girl."

She burst into tears.

With tears in his eyes, he could only see God in mid-air, overlooking her from above.

"There is no cage, blasphemer."

he said.

"I have a name! Belia Fergus!"

She yelled at him.

She knew she should beg for mercy.

Like all cunning people, with tears and humility, I begged this superior existence to forgive me, maybe... he would just let her live.

But she found that her waist seemed to be fixed by reinforced concrete, and she couldn't bend down.

Her untimely rebellion came out again untimely, making it impossible for her to bow her head to him anymore.

God fell to the snow mountain.

His long gray and silver hair kept flying, and his white robe fluttered in the air. He walked slowly in front of her, carrying the breath of mountains and snow.

The indescribable indifference and power overwhelmed her like a mountain:

"You're angry."

There was doubt in his green eyes that were close at hand.

"Yes! I'm angry!"

The person who loved her will never come back.

Liu Yu took a sudden step forward, and she was forced to rush in front of him by her lonely courage. Seeing his stunned eyes, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him vigorously.

The left arm clasped his neck, but the lips touched were so cold.

He didn't respond to her, standing there, like an ice sculpture of thousands of years.

But before, his kiss was as hot as the sun.

Tears rolled down the cheeks of the two:

"Gaia Leslie."

Liu Yu wept and stepped back:

He is not him.

If it were him, he would say:

"Bailey, you're always so teary."

Then, gently wiped away her tears.

"A blasphemer."

"Call me Belle," she begged. "You remember that, don't you?"

God turned his head away, as if he didn't want to separate from her, and released a ray of holy light between his fingers, and the limousine of the holy light pierced her chest——

Liu Yu felt the burning pain, she seemed to be burned by the fire of hell, and she floated gently between the heaven and the earth together with her soul. Just when she thought she would die, Li Mao disappeared.

She looked over blankly.

God returned to mid-air.

He got into his sun car, the car was covered with pure white roses, surrounded by clouds and stars, and gray birds perched on the roof.

He judges her:

"A blasphemer... When you speak evil words, the flowers of evil will bloom on your face. Under the flowers of evil, you will no longer be able to reveal the venom of snakes and the fragrance of flowers."

Liu Yu didn't listen carefully.

She looked at Ban Ban on the roof of his car, and suddenly became disheartened.

But at this time, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in her body. She was supported by a soft force, and she rose into the air, with white clouds and mist underneath, and she rose to the level of the sun car. an action. He reached for his chest, and a bone as white as jade appeared in his palm.

That jade bone is white, glowing with soft white light, definitely not something that should exist in this world.

She watched intently, only to feel that she was going to be fascinated.

At this moment, with a push and a push of the palm, the jade bone disappeared into the air.

She felt a bone-pricking pain.

The pain was so severe that she let out a cry, her body seemed to be sawed open, the bones were pulled out, then re-inserted, and then "clicked" to grow. As if she had experienced a long life, when she opened her eyes again, she had already fallen to the ground.

Her arm is back.

The face of the god is shrouded in light, blurred.

"you… "


God's voice was blown away by the mountain wind, and he seemed to glance at the top of the mountain, his face blurred.

The sun chariot stepped on the night dew, accompanied by white doves, and disappeared into the sky.

Scabbers followed him.

The believers who were prostrate on the ground woke up like a dream.

God descended before him.

He is so majestic and handsome, inviolable.

He punished God-peepers, God-traitors, and...


They looked over there, at the blond girl in the sky.

The wind blows her wavy blonde hair, her blue skirt is more beautiful than the sky, her ice blue eyes are like the deep sea thousands of miles away—

Most importantly, her arms grew out.

She bathed in the moonlight, as noble and elegant as the legendary goddess of laurel.

Nataxi knelt on the ground, turned her head suddenly, her eyes were burning with anger, and her face was full of unconcealable desire—

She finally understood.

She should go to God.

"Belia Fergus!" The psychedelic was lifted, "The real blasphemer! You actually drugged Mr. Leslie, no, God!"

"The Blasphemer!"

"The Blasphemer!"

"The Blasphemer!"

Believers join her in wrath:

"Burn her! Burn this disrespectful person who dares to blaspheme!"

"Burn her!"

"Burn her!"

"Burn her!"

The holy envoys, paladins, and even the favored of the gods all fell into a carnival. They seemed to have forgotten the red clothes lying alone in the snow next to them. And not so long ago, they were revering and admiring him.

Liu Yu looked to the side. There, where Louis fell, there was only a small leather rope.

The leather rope is made of buckskin, which has been rubbed for a long time, and the edges are fuzzy.

There seem to be two words engraved on it:

"Father God."