I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 83


The existence of Mrs. Fergus made Liu Yu feel that the world is not so bad.

The rich aroma of roses on her body, and the aroma of hot cocoa, soothed her well.

The hand on the back was warm.

Liu Yu let go of her, but felt dizzy for a while.

She seemed to have suddenly lost control of her body, and she fell straight down—


She hit the ground hard and fell into a ball with Mrs. Fergus who came to pull her.


Mrs. Fergus hurriedly got up, but only saw the blond girl on the ground whose face was as white as her lips. In just ten seconds, she was covered in sweat.

Sweat stained her blue dress dark.

She was panting with her mouth open, clutching her chest, looking... like dying.

Mrs. Fergus was terrified by her own imagination, and she screamed:

"Belia, Belia! What's wrong with you?"

Belia couldn't answer her.

She could only look at her helplessly with her ice-blue, tear-stained eyes.

Mrs. Fergus ran to pull passers-by, begging them to show her, or call a carriage, but the passers-by either pushed her away mercilessly, or held their noses away from her, as if they were carrying germs that could infect people. .

A luxurious carriage passed by.

The noble lady with a wig and high bun threw a few Luso on the ground in pity: "Mrs. Fergus, it seems that your daughter was punished by God, so use the money to find a cemetery for her, and bury her properly. "

"Bah!" Mrs. Fergus scolded her, "Damn Eve! Belia won't die!"

Madam Eve covered her face with a feather fan and left in the carriage in disgust.

Mrs. Fergus' cries were still intermittently reaching Liu Yu's ears.

"Oh, my poor Belia..."

"God, if you must punish me, please punish me... Belia is just a little naughty, she didn't mean to..."

But she can't do anything.

She could clearly hear and see, but she couldn't even move a little finger. The body seemed to have a high fever, from the bones to the blood, every inch was soaked in the sea of flames.

It's rain...was it too long

Before she fainted, she thought.

In the end, a passing coachman couldn't stand it anymore and jumped out of the carriage to help Mrs. Fergus.

He helped Mrs. Fergus carry him to her family's carriage, and after that he refused to help him any more, and was about to leave when he put him down.

"Ten Luso! Twenty, oh no, thirty! Just need you to help us drive and take us to the hospital."

"Ma'am, if I helped you drive today, I'd lose my job by now. No one wants to hire a coachman who drives a blasphemer."

"Then, how about adding me?"

"Sorry ma'am, I have three kids and I can't lose my job... but you, you can try driving yourself."

The coachman came out of the garden with such quick steps that it seemed that a monster was chasing him after him.

Liu Yu was woken up by a heavy blow on the head.

Like a rolling ball, she rolled from the car into the grass next to her—

Then I found that there was a familiar carriage overturned beside it. Fortunately, the carriage turned to the other side, and no one was injured except for smashing some flowers and plants.

"Belia, are you okay?"

Mrs. Fergus came over in shock, still holding the horsewhip in her hand, with an obvious red mark on her face, which looked as if she had been swept by the tail of the horsewhip. "The carriage overturned, we have to find another way..."

Seeing that Liu Yu didn't answer, tears began to well up in her eyes—

Liu Yu blinked at her with difficulty.

Just this small movement has already taken all her strength.

It was completely dark.

There were hardly any pedestrians on the road, and even if there were, they were all speeding carriages. Mrs. Fergus stopped them several times, but she couldn't find one who was willing to stop and take them.

She found a ribbon from the overturned carriage, tied Liu Yu's hands with the ribbon, hung it around her neck, then squatted down, and forcefully—

This weak woman, who seemed to only scream and reprimand the servants, seemed to have a burst of strength in her body, which made her successfully carry Liu Yu on her back.

The ribbon got stuck in her throat, she coughed, and threw her up again:

"Belia, don't sleep..."

Her voice trembled.

Liu Yu quietly lay on Mrs. Fergus's weak back, listening to her softly humming the folk songs of Ellen Continent.

"... Tonight I set out on a journey to find my beloved girl... so many stars in the sky, they looked at the white lamb... birds flew in the sky... I met my beloved girl... she was wearing a white robe, in the Dancing before the fire... how beautiful she is... how beautiful... oh the stars are in the sky... the stars are in the sky...

my beloved girl...

I miss you so much...

More often than this, more often than this…”

She wanted her to change one.

"... This is the song your father sang to me when he first met me in Foren Town... He is a very refined gentleman... Unfortunately, he is not in good health..."

Liu Yu listened quietly, and Mrs. Fergus talked about Belia's childhood again.

"... You drank a lot of goat's milk when you were a child, and you were as strong as a calf... At that time, I was always worried that you would grow up like the second daughter of the Vida family next door. That would not work, and the Fergus family does not have so many Your dowry... Fortunately, when you grow up, you become the most beautiful rose in Solo City... "

"... all the lusso in the house was used up in order to treat your father... no carriage, no servants, I often carry you like this all the way to the hospital... so don't be afraid, baby, it's just with you It’s the same as when I was a kid, no big deal…”

Liu Yu was not afraid.

Her body was running a high fever, but her consciousness was very clear.

She could hear Mrs. Fergus' breathing more and more heavily, she could feel her trembling and fear, and she could even feel that with the high temperature, her connection with this body was becoming less and less...

Her soul is so light that it seems to be able to float...

"Dr. Tuttle! Is Dr. Tuttle there?"

In the middle of the night, the small medical clinic at the end of the street opened the door with a "squeak".

A skinny black kid poked his head out, startled when he saw someone:

"Mrs. Fergus? Why... are you here?"

"Dr. Tuttle! Dr. Tuttle!"

Mrs. Fergus walked round the boy unceremoniously, calling him to help, and shouting in her penetrating voice.

A middle-aged man with a scar on his face came out of the dressing gown and carrying a lamp. When he saw her, his big copper bell eyes stared:

"Mrs. Fergus? Why are you here at this time?"

"Oh what's the matter, Miss Fergus?"

When his eyes fell on the girl lying limp on the chair, he couldn't help but frown.

"Doctor Tuttle!" The little black man kept away, "I, I heard Kiel say that Miss Fergus is a blasphemer."

But Dr. Tuttle had already squatted down, checked her eyes, mouth, and fingers, and told the apprentices to get the medicine box.

Mrs. Fergus has collapsed to the side without any image:

"Dr. Tuttle, Belia... what happened to her?"

"It doesn't look sick."

"No way! She can't even move!"

"Mrs. Fergus, I've never seen anything like this. Maybe you should take her to the temple to have a look. In this world, there are some diseases that doctors can't cure."

"It's God, it's God who punished her, it must be like this..."

The little black man seemed to be frightened, left the medicine box and ran outside.

Mrs. Fergus stood where she was, as if she had been sentenced to death.

Dr. Tuttle flipped through the medicine box, and skillfully took out two tubes of alchemy reagents and handed them over.

"I don't think God is so stingy." He said in a normal voice, "Give it to Miss Fergus first, it's too late today, you'll just stay here for one night, even if you want to go to the temple, you should wait until tomorrow. "

Mrs. Fergus forced a smile, she looked too embarrassed, especially the red and purple mark on her neck, which seemed to be caused by someone strangling her neck—

Tuttle gave her another tube of ointment.

"No need to pay extra." He pointed to her neck, "Wipe it off."

"Thank you." Mrs. Fergus looked at him very sincerely, "Dr. Tuttle, you are always so kind."

Dr. Tuttle avoided her eyes:

"Good night, Mrs. Fergus."

"Good night, Miss Fergus."

"Good night, Dr. Tuttle."

They were placed in the guest room.

The rooms in the Tuttle Medical Hall smell stale and musty.

Liu Yu was lying on the bed in the guest room, and Mrs. Fergus wiped it for her. From this angle, Mrs. Fergus' over-pointed chin is somewhat rounded, and her fiery red skirt looks soft under the hazy yellow light, which makes her whole body have a kind of tenderness that is rarely seen in normal times.

After wiping, Mrs. Fergus patted her gently like putting a baby to sleep.

Seeing her staring at him intently, he suddenly smiled:

"Babe? Can't sleep?"

Liu Yu blinked.

Mrs. Fergus seemed to understand her meaning, patted the quilt lightly, and sang in a low voice:

"... sleep well, baby... lilacs, red roses, have closed your eyes... the holy baby tree will appear in your dreams... baby, close your eyes, the holy light shines on you, the gods guard you...

Sleep quietly, may you dream of heaven... sleep quietly, may you dream of heaven..."

Liu Yu slowly closed his eyes.

She seemed to see a young woman smiling at her in her dream. She has warm palms and a soft voice, she will hug her, pat her quilt, and hum softly: "... baby, sleep peacefully, may you dream of heaven..."

At this moment, the dream overlaps with reality.

Mother dean, look, I found it.

So what if it's not Beria

She'll take care of this Belia.

Liu Yu is like a child who got a dream candy by accident, and after rejecting it and being at a loss, he quickly decided to take it for himself.

And when this decision was made, her heart also got off the roller coaster and sank all the way to the solid ground.

"I… "

Mrs. Fergus looked at her in surprise:

"Belia? Can you talk?"

Liu Yu also raised his hand in surprise and found that he could move.

She suddenly thought of a possibility.


The gods returned to their place, and the laws of the world became complete again.

Her otherworldly soul is like a bug in a complete program, and the bug... must be cleared.

But now... why

"Oh! God of Light! I'm so happy!" Mrs. Fergus hugged her and ran out again, "Dr. Tuttle! Dr. Tuttle! Come and see! Beria is ready! She's done!"

Dr. Tuttle came back with the medicine box after a while. He didn't have the displeasure of being repeatedly disturbed on his face. After checking it again, he said to her:

"It's best to rest for two more days, but Miss Fergus, you are in the best physical condition I have ever seen."

Of course, there is a bone of god after all.

Liu Yu thought.

Mrs. Fergus could not conceal her excitement when she sat down to send Dr. Tuttle out.

Liu Yu looked at her and suddenly said:

"Mother, when I get better, let's go to another place to live."

"Another place?"

"Yes, a place that doesn't know that I am a blasphemer." She frowned slightly, with a sad look on her face, "The Solo city-state is too small, they all know that I am a blasphemer, sooner or later... we will live Not going down. We can go to Nottingshire, go further afield, even the country of Ryom... "

"Yes, but..."

"The Fergus family only has one viscount title."

There was something new on Liu Yu's face that Mrs. Ferguson couldn't describe, which moved her.

"Believe me, I will be able to support you, and our family can live happily in other places."

"Okay." Mrs. Fergus agreed, "Let's go somewhere else and start over."

The wind blew the curtains, revealing a full moon in the night sky, and everything seemed to be gradually getting better.

Liu Yu didn't sleep well.

Maybe it's the staleness of this room, maybe it's because she's not used to sleeping with people, in her sleep she always feels that someone is staring at her for a long time beside the bed.

But when he opened his eyes halfway, he only saw the curtains blown by the wind.

After waking up and waking up like this, it was already afternoon when I woke up, and Mrs. Fergus was not around. The little Negro told her that Mrs. Fergus was coming home in Dr. Tuttle's carriage, and was going to bring her something.

Liu Yu simply leaned against the window, taking out the iron sheet and diary hidden in his bosom under the afternoon sun.

When taking the diary, Louis's leather strap fell out together.


A green opal the size of a little finger rolled out from under the leather rope and fell to her feet.

Liu Yu bent down and picked them up together.

And when the opal came into contact with the diary, a line of tadpole words appeared out of thin air on the title page of the diary——

She obviously didn't know how many of those characters she knew, but she suddenly understood:

"I'm alive,

louis. "

It's really a cat demon with nine lives.

For some reason, Liu Yu was a little happy.