I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 84


Liu Yu stroked the diary, but finally decided not to open it.

Of course, it's not a matter of privacy, but that she doesn't want to be involved with these dark, bright and other god-whispering things now.

She just wanted to take Mrs. Fergus away from all this and live a good life far away.

She has thought it all over. They can rent a room, not too big, with a warm fireplace, where they can sit around the fire, read books, chat, and preferably have a piano. Mrs. Fergus always said that if a lady can play the piano, she can teach her Playing the piano, dancing, and in your spare time, you can invite the neighbors around you to join their small banquet.

The neighbors are better to be kind, and they can bring each other crepes and eggs to visit.

Of course, you don't have to get too close.

She thought, they must be able to live well.

As for eternal life and superior rights—these became less important in Mrs. Fergus' gentle eyes and smile.

She found her port, and decided to anchor there.

Liu Yu tidied up everything in the same way.

The words on the iron plate are still unclear, but the dizziness caused by staring at it for a long time has disappeared.

Diary, opal, leather cord.

Spotted feathers.

And... memory beads.

She seemed to be reviewing the time she had spent, and her heart was very stable.

When it was the memory bead's turn, he suddenly remembered the kiss on the top of the Nas Snow Mountain.

The body temperature of God is as cold as ice.

Even that kiss was cold.

He was so close to her, his cold gray and silver hair mixed with the smell of cedar, wrapped her like the sea... He should have seen this memory bead.

But why, don't you take it away.

Liu Yu put everything together and decided to go back and find a box to put it in.

One of the alchemy potion prescribed by Dr. Tuttle was left on the bedside, and Mrs. Fergus’s ointment was on the table. Liu Yu packed up and opened the door to go out, just as the little black man was flustered like a headless fly. burst in the door.

Her heart tightened, and she subconsciously pulled him back:

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, Miss Fergus, no, no, the blasphemer..."

The little black man grinned and was about to cry.

"Don't cry! Speak clearly."

Liu Yu scolded the little black man with a cold face, but he didn't realize how trembling her voice was.

There seems to be a voice telling her in the dark, it seems that there is something...

Something terrible happened.

"Dr. Ta-Tuttle sent someone back to say that Mrs. Fergus was led by the Grand Duke Rodney and tied to the stake. They said they would burn her to death!"


Liu Yu only felt a roar in her ears, as if she couldn't hear anything.

"Can you say that again."

Maybe it was because of the terrible look on her face, the little black man cried out with a "wow":

"Yes, it was the Grand Duke Rodney who led the people and said, said to burn, burn Mrs. Fergus!"

"Where are they?"

"Just, right next to the statue of light in the center of the city!"

The little black man closed his eyes and shouted.

He just felt that Miss Fergus at this moment was too scary, her face was as pale as a devil who had just stepped out of purgatory, and there seemed to be something about to explode in her blue eyes—a gust of wind blew past her ears, Fergus Miss Si disappeared into the room.

The little black man fell to the ground in fright. He knelt in fear and prayed to the sky:

"...God of Light, please bless you, believers don't want to be with blasphemers on purpose, believers don't want to be with blasphemers on purpose..."

Liu Yu never felt that his levitation technique could make it so fast.

She was like an antelope struggling for life, with the hunter's gun against her throat, making her dare not stop running for a moment. She quickly passed one dome after another, the cold wind blew on her face like a sharp steel knife.

God, please let me go faster if you can, and faster.

The tall tower in the center of the city is already clearly visible.

The towering fire came into view, and the raging fire reflected half of the sky red. Through the dancing flames, she and the woman bound on the stone pillar looked at each other.

She smiled at her, and then closed her eyes.

Flames completely engulfed her.



Liu Yu covered his head and cried out in pain.


Why is fate always refusing to let her go!

every time!

every time!

Suddenly there was a gust of wind on the flat ground, the firewood was blown away, the rain was mixed with the wind and poured down, and the fire was extinguished.

Liu Yu ran towards the stone pillar.

Under the stone pillar was a thin figure.

She never knew she was so thin. She is always very high-spirited, with a high bun and a big pannier, and she dresses herself up to the fullest. She likes to boss around the servants with a sharp voice, and prefers to hold a feather fan to cover half of her face, looking at people from above—

But now, those eyes are closed.

"... ma'am, Mrs. Fergus... mother, mother..."

She touched her face with trembling hands.

She didn't burn too badly, only a tuft of hair was singed.

Face and body covered in soot...

Doesn't appear to be hurt.

Dr. Tuttle broke free from the person restraining him, and ran stumblingly. This tough doctor's hands were shaking like chaff, and he couldn't stretch them out for a long time.

When it fell under Mrs. Fergus's nose, she sat down on the ground.

"Dead, dead."

He stared straight at the ground, "Dead, she's dead..."

Liu Yu hugged her, Mrs. Fergus' body was still hot, she seemed to be asleep.

"We agreed," she murmured, "to go somewhere else together and start over. Rent a room with a fireplace and a piano..."

Her tears fell.

The crowd ran away in the rain, chanting "the devil has appeared" and watching the blonde girl in horror.

Duke Rodney wanted to escape, but an invisible barrier blocked him.

He couldn't move, he could only watch in horror as the blond girl put down the man in her arms and walked towards him step by step.

"Miss Fergus, I beg, please let me go. You can give me as much lusso as you want! Even, all the wealth of the Duke of Rodney can be given to you, as long as you let me go..."

He begged her fearfully.

She was unmoved at all, and walked slowly to the front.

"She must have begged you to do the same."

"L… "

The girl's eyes looked too much like Shura from the ground. Duke Rodney felt a little hot in his trousers, and a smell of shame spread.

"You, you are a blasphemer! I, I just asked her to hand you over, but she, she refused, I am such a badass who defends a blasphemer, yes, yes, yes, I am right... no, No, I just wanted, wanted to come and see you, the rose of Solo City... But Mrs. Fergus refused me, she deserved it... "

Yes, the origin lies in his desire, but it is this extreme belief that drives all this to happen.

Liu Yu looked around, and the eyes of the people who were still there looked at her, apart from fear, it was disgust.

They cursed her and begged the gods to kill her.

She looked at the Duke of Rodney, the piggy-looking fat duke uttered incoherently in fear:

"I'm right, I'm right, mother of a blasphemer, that's, that's what it is... She bit me..."

She stretched out one hand, and he couldn't escape at all, his neck was strangled, and there was a "clack" sound in his throat.

He wanted to break her hand:

"No, you can't kill me..."

"I can."

The girl let go of her hand.

Archduke Rodney fell to the ground with his head tilted.

he died.

And something also died in her body.

The bright stone statue more than ten feet high looked down on the earth compassionately, as if he knew nothing about the crimes that occurred on this land, Liu Yu picked up the shovel on the ground, and smashed it hard—


The stone statue of Guangming, which seemed unattainable, fell down.

Countless cries and roars came from afar.

Liu Yu dropped the shovel.

There seems to be singing in the wind:

"... sleep well, baby... lilacs, red roses, have closed your eyes... the holy baby tree will appear in your dreams... baby, close your eyes, the holy light shines on you, the gods guard you...

Sleep quietly, may you dream of heaven... sleep quietly, may you dream of heaven..."

There is no heaven.

There is no heaven for the weak.

"She's not dead."

At this moment, there was an erratic sound in my ears.


Liu Yu looked around.

"Take the opal and come to 333 Berkeley Avenue and look for Sir Owl."

Liu Yu turned around and picked up Mrs. Fergus who was lying quietly, stepped on the square, and walked out amidst the hatred and curses of countless people.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the entire square was empty, only tall towers stood there.

Beside the stone pillar blackened by the flames, a blurred halo rose, and when it reached midair, it was retracted by a jade-like slender hand that appeared out of thin air, and disappeared in place.

... ... ...

Liu Yu rushed into the Tuttle Medical Hall, picked up the box in the guest room, and was about to leave.

"Miss Fergus, where are you going? We still have to make preparations for the funeral of my wife."

Doctor Tuttle rushed in, and in just half a day, his profile was completely sunken.

"There is no funeral."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yu picked up Mrs. Fergus and flew out under Dr. Tuttle's surprised eyes.

Berkeley Avenue was not far from the medical hall, and No. 333 was in a remote place, a small two-story building with white walls covered with green vines, and she fell directly into the garden of the small building.

"I'm looking for Sir Owl."

she shouted.

"Tuk tuk tuk", the sound of a wooden stick hitting the ground came, and an old man with a bowed back and a black gentleman's hat came out.

He was wearing a black tuxedo, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and leaning on a cane, looking elegant and modest—

If you don't look at his dull eyes.

"I am Sir Owl."

"I was told to come to you with this opal."

Sir Owl's eyes came alive when he saw the opal.

He took off his hat respectfully:

"Come with me, beautiful lady."

He turned a blind eye to a woman in her arms, and just led the way with a cane.

Liu Yu followed him into the building, all the way down the spiral staircase, without a single light on the way.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Sir Owl stopped. In the darkness, he seemed to be able to see her: "The person you are looking for is below."


Sir Owl left after leading the way, and Liu Yu popped out a light ball to illuminate.

"Louis, I did as you said."

"Destroy it.

She took away the power of light, just now the light shone faintly, she saw that this is a small utility room, and there is no room for people in it.

"Where are you, Louis?"

A round object suddenly jumped into her hand:

"Bring another opal."

This is Louis

Liu Yu looked thoughtfully at the round thing in his hand. Mrs. Fergus was supported by the levitation technique and floated in front of her.

"No," she refused, "you explain what happened before."

"She's not dead, but she's not alive either."

"But she has no breath."

"Stupid human beings..." Louis laughed, "Things in this world are too mysterious, and there are many things you can't see or understand..."

"Then how can I save her?"

"Put the opal together, or you won't hear a word from me."

But Liu Yu picked up the opal and made a gesture to knock it against the wall next to him. Louis called out and said resentfully:

"When the opal is put together, it will fuse, and you put it in her mouth, which will keep her body like it is for two or three years."

She puts two opals together:

Sure enough, the opals gradually melted and wrapped together, and finally, a young man with black hair and black eyes appeared in front of her.

He beckoned to her:

"See you again, little Fergus."

Liu Yu held the fused opal in his hand:

"If you lie to me, either you die or I die."

"Oh, Miss Fergus, don't be so heartless. Anyway, we have a common purpose."

"Purpose? No."

"You... don't you hate it? This world is so deformed and ignorant, it should have been destroyed long ago. God the Father created it, but didn't treat him well, just like me, he raised me, but..."

Louis shut his mouth suddenly.

"What is your purpose from the beginning to now?"


Louis licked his tongue and lips, with an excited expression on his face, "I want this world, which has no name. I want the mountains and rivers, which are not bound. I can believe whoever I want. I want to see all the lambs stand up." …”

"However, what I most want to see is God the Father's sad, painful, and desperate appearance. Oh, think about it, it's really exciting to see these expressions on his cold face."

From Liu Yu's point of view, he looked like a hyperactive, Electra pervert.

"Besides this, what else is needed to wake up my mother."

But this also made her sure that the function of the opal he said was true.

Liu delivered the opal to Mrs. Fergus's mouth, and her face turned rosy. However, the eyes still haven't opened.

"Her soul is gone." Louis tutted, "You have to find her soul."

"How to find it?"

"Become a god."

Liu Yu was not bewitched by him.

"So, to find a soul, you must become a god?"

"Oh, other ways, I don't know for the time being. However, when you become a god, everything that troubles you is no longer trouble... We are so weak, like ants that are pinched in the hands, life and death are not up to us Mastery. Only by becoming gods can we get what we want and enjoy the right to change the world. I know, you desire too, don’t you…”

Yes, she longs too.

Only the strong have the right to choose.

She was wrong before.

A blasphemer, in the world of gods, no matter where he flees to, there will be no paradise.


"Let me guess, the conditions for becoming a god are a bit harsh, so... what else do you need?"

"Miss Fergus' wisdom never disappoints me."

Louis half-bowed towards her, "Father God is the only God born in heaven and earth. In this world, no one is more noble and powerful than him. If you want to become a god, you can only through him. You are the only one who has been close to him."

"So, you found me."

Louis smiled at her: "You should be honored, Father God, he is so special to you, otherwise, you would have been reduced to ashes as early as the moment he returned."

Liu Yu didn't reply.

She looked at him expressionlessly:

"so what?"

Should she be grateful to Dade for not killing her

Sorry, she doesn't believe in God.

Louis was stunned by her eyes:

"Actually, you have already met two of the conditions for becoming a god. The bone of the god, and the thorn flower transformed from the tears of the god. The last one requires a drop of his blood."

Liu Yu clenched his hands tightly:

"A drop of blood? I used to have a lot."

"Oh, no, of course it's not the blood of the incarnation, it's the blood of the god, and it has to be a drop of blood from his heart. Oh, don't be afraid, you won't die, it's just going to hurt..." Louis shrugged, "Don't tell me , your heart has softened."

"of course not."

she said.

But she won't believe it all, she can figure it out.

"How can you guarantee that what you say is true."

"Piece of iron, you can already see clearly. God the Father gave you his rib. From then on, God's language will not hinder you. Go to the Kingdom of God, learn God's language, and you will understand that everything I said is true." It's true."

Liu Yu didn't say anything, she led Mrs. Fergus out of the small building with her back straight.

In the darkness, Louis watched her leave with a brighter smile on his face:

Father God, do you like the gift I gave you

Please wait and see.