I Became Love Rivals With My Crush

Chapter 36


Qu Panyan couldn't figure out Su Lingyu's sudden problem, and he was still secretly in love with Su Lingyu, so he had mixed feelings in his heart, so it was inevitable that he would be sensitive and think wildly.

She didn't know if Su Lingyu had taken a fancy to Yue Xiaomeng. If so, then looking at it from another perspective, it just showed that Su Lingyu had an open and accepting attitude towards same-sex love. At least she would not reject herself or the other party when she knew it. That's one thing to be happy about.

But if she really likes Yue Xiaomeng, Qu Panyan will feel bitter in her heart. He clearly got closer to her, but he was still passed by...

Qu Panyan clutched the pen tightly, secretly cursing the unreliable Tianyi—why didn't it say that there was someone else in front of her? !

You're already so close to her, but you tell me "keep in line, there's still someone in front of you"? !

Qu Panyan adjusted his breath and replied, "I don't know."

She really didn't know whether Yue Xiaomeng had it or not, she just knew that she was a fool, thinking about the pride of being an elder every day, and calling out "Great Master".

Then in exchange for Su Lingyu's calm "Oh".

Qu Pan drooped his head in smoke, and fiddled with the brush soaked in ink in a sense of loss, thinking: Why don't you ask me...

"What about Panyan?" Su Lingyu asked.

Qu Panyan opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a ray of light in his eyes. Those four words could not be simpler, but it seemed that a powerful force poured into her body, sweeping away the decline.

She asked... she asked! ! !

Qu Panyan no longer cared about what she asked Yue Xiaomeng, and clutched the brush nervously, entangled in her heart, even if her palm was thick with ink, she didn't care.

How would she answer

Have? still none

She suddenly wondered why Su Lingyu asked such a question, did Su Lingyu really like women? Can she really say frankly, "I've always had you in my heart"

What if Su Lingyu just asked questions as usual? It's like a family chat like a sister asking if her sister has a boyfriend.

If she said yes, wouldn't she be asked who it was? If she couldn't bear it and said it all, would Su Lingyu feel embarrassed and alienate her

She didn't dare to think deeply, raised her head and smiled, "No."

Just like most of the boys and girls in her modern society, she would go over and ask "do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend" if she has a crush on someone, and if the other person also likes you, she will tell you "no" with a smile.

The implication: you can chase me.

That's what she meant too. She hoped that when Su Lingyu fell in love with her, she would go after her directly. She doesn't even need to chase after her, as long as she opens her arms to her and says softly: "Pan Yan, come here."

She threw herself into the trap immediately.

Su Lingyu is very satisfied with this answer. She doesn't want Qu Panyan to have her in his heart now, but only to ask Qu Panyan to have her in his heart in the future. She didn't even intend to ask one more question "Will you fall in love with a woman?" She was afraid that Qu Panyan would notice if she asked too much.

With the guidance of God's will, she will definitely have her name Su Lingyu in her heart from that day on, so why rush

She believes that if she likes someone, she is willing to stay with her for the rest of her life, but since we are all women, we must give the other party some time to accept. Let nature take its course, long-term love will be fine.

Su Lingyu took Qu Panyan's hand, looked at her dark palm, and smiled softly: "So confused?"

It's not confusion, it's nervousness, I almost broke the pen!

Qu Panyan smiled shyly: "Sister Lingyu laughed."

Su Lingyu took out a handkerchief from her bosom, and wiped the ink on her hands patiently.

She lowered her eyes to look at Qu Panyan's hand, and Qu Panyan quietly raised her eyes to look at her. She still wears the plum blossom jade hairpin she gave her today, which made her heart explode into a gorgeous firework again.

Help, this fairy sister is flirting with me again! ! !

Qu Panyan was watching in a daze, when Su Lingyu suddenly raised her eyes, the eyes of the two suddenly collided, and their eyes reflected each other.

Qu Panyan hurriedly lowered her head, just in time to hear Su Lingyu ask: "What is Panyan looking at?"

Her cheeks were flushed, and she subconsciously withdrew her hand to cover her face: "Sister Lingyu looks good..."

Su Lingyu took her hand down in surprise, and looked at her half of her face stained with black ink like a cat like a cat, "It hasn't been wiped off yet."

Qu Panyan was shocked, looking at the ink stains in his palm, he was speechless for a moment—where did I come from such a fool

Sure enough, love will go to the brains of people and turn them into fools.

Feeling helpless, Su Lingyu shook her head lovingly, called Ling Nu to fetch water, and then cleaned her face herself.

Qu Panyan sat with her face up and her eyes closed, a little bit of coolness bloomed on her face, she could feel the gentleness of Su Lingyu, like a spring breeze blowing on her face.

She is so nice.

Qu Panyan raised the corners of her lips happily: "Sister Lingyu is so kind."

The gentleness on the face stagnated for a moment, and then it slowly fell like spring rain.

Su Lingyu asked: "In your heart, is sister Lingyu just like a sister?"

Qu Panyan said: "No."

Su Lingyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately.

"It's a fairy." Qu Panyan smiled brightly, and added softly, "Sister Lingyu is a fairy in my heart."

Su Lingyu stared condescendingly at this junior who trusted her wholeheartedly. At this moment, her heart couldn't stop being teased by her, and her heart was surging like a tide.

She closed her eyes tightly, her eyelashes like butterfly wings trembled slightly, and there was still that bright smile on her face, innocent and cute, stirring her heartstrings all the time, melting the frost between her eyebrows and eyes, making her Her eyes are as soft as a pool of spring water, only reflecting her own spring water.

Su Lingyu smiled, couldn't help poking her cheek, and sighed softly: "You..." It seemed helpless and joyful.

How can you make people happy like this

Hearing that her tone was very cheerful, Qu Panyan quietly opened one eye, and said cautiously: "Sister Lingyu... I have something to report to you."

Su Lingyu said: "Say."

Qu Panyan said: "It's the second elder brother of Martial Nephew Yue who likes my elder sister. I dare not leave Xianmengzong now that Xiaotian is punishing me, so I want him to come to Xianmengzong to have a look and see him Are you qualified to pursue my sister? Look... can you?"

After Su Lingyu listened quietly, she stopped her movements: "Do you think Mu Qiu will fall in love with him?"

Qu Panyan shrugged her shoulders: "It's safe to be prepared, who can predict the relationship."

Just like I fell in love with you, I didn't expect it.

Su Lingyu pondered for a moment, then said: "Okay."

"But if he likes you, you have to tell me and let me handle it, understand?"

Those who like Qu Panyan are not gentlemen, so Su Lingyu must take precautions first. If Yue Er is really a person with bad conduct, she must warn him first, and let the other party know that there is not only Tianguan Qu's backing her behind Qu Panyan.

Seeing her agreeing, Qu Panyan happily responded: "I understand!"

She said excitedly: "Then I should go discuss it with Martial Nephew Yue now?"

Su Lingyu wiped away the last trace of ink marks on her face, and said lightly: "No, before you recover from your illness, you can never even take half a step out of Tailing Peak."

Qu Panyan's smile disappeared instantly, as if being doused with cold water.

Su Lingyu put the face towel back into the basin: "I will send someone to bring her up, just wait quietly."

Qu Panyan smiled again: "Good!"

After Su Lingyu left, Qu Panyan waited while copying scriptures, and not long after, he heard Yue Xiaomeng's voice, cautiously without any aura: "Qu Panyan, I'm coming."

Qu Panyan showed a strange face, went to open the door for her, and asked, "Why are you talking like that?"

It's not the same as yesterday when I was in the medical pavilion.

Yue Xiaomeng suppressed his voice and said: "This is Tailing Peak, I dare not make mistakes, I am afraid of copying books."

Qu Panyan pinched the soft flesh on her face amusedly: "If you don't make noise, sister Lingyu can still punish you?"

Yue Xiaomeng pouted, thinking: yes, didn't you fine me both yesterday...

Qu Panyan patted her face gently: "Speak well."

Only then did Yue Xiaomeng return to her normal tone: "Okay."

She followed Qu Panyan into the room, sat down at the round table, and asked, "Why did you ask me to come?"

Qu Panyan said: "I have already obtained elder sister Lingyu's consent, you can discuss it with your second brother and let him visit Xianmengzong."

Yue Xiaomeng was overjoyed: "Really?"

Qu Panyan nodded solemnly, and without delay, Yue Xiaomeng immediately congealed a silent book and waved it in the direction of Kunshan where the Yue family was located.

While waiting for Yue Xiaomeng's second brother to reply, the two of them were bored, so they could only copy the "Heart Sutra" face to face, but this time Yue Xiaomeng didn't dare to call Ye Lansheng a big idiot again, for fear of recruiting Su Lingyu and giving it to her again. Plus dozens of times.

When she got tired of copying, she stopped to take a rest, raised her eyes and saw the fire jade on Qu Panyan's neck, and asked very curiously: "Hey, when did you wear the jade?"

Qu Pan didn't lift the cigarette butt: "I wore it yesterday." But it wasn't mine.

Yue Xiaomeng: "That's because I didn't pay attention."

Now that her hands are sore and she doesn't want to copy books, she just wants to do something else, so she moved to Qu Panyan's side, lay down on the table, and stared straight at her jade.

"Your piece of jade..." She looked up at Qu Panyan, "Why is it carved so ugly?"

Qu Panyan put down the pen, picked up the fire jade and admired it for a moment: "No, why is it ugly?"

Yue Xiaomeng looked at her in confusion: "Qu Panyan, didn't you burn your eyes out?"

Qu Panyan smiled: "How could it be, the things carved by your grand master's hands are still ugly?"

Yue Xiaomeng was taken aback, silently stretched out his hand to touch Huoyu twice, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, you are very good-looking." Then he slipped back to his seat and buried himself in copying, as if he didn't want to deal with mundane matters anymore. look.

After a while, a silent book flew in from the window and merged into Yue Xiaomeng's sea of consciousness.

Yue Xiaomeng said happily: "It's the second elder brother's reply. He said that he will come to Xianmengzong to see me tomorrow!"

Qu Panyan was taken aback when he heard the words: "Tomorrow?!"

Yue Xiaomeng nodded: "That's right, he said that he will be free tomorrow in a few days."

And tomorrow happened to be the day when Qu Muqiu came to Xianmengzong.

Qu Panyan supported his forehead, and couldn't help but start to worry.

There won't be any "love at first sight" episode tomorrow, will it