I Became Love Rivals With My Crush

Chapter 43


A soft kiss fell on her forehead gently and soundlessly.

Such as love and pity, such as pampering.

Qu Panyan stared blankly at the slowly fading shadow, it was clearly her proposal for a kiss and hug, but Su Lingyu responded to her request, making her at a loss for a while.

How did things get to this point

She just suddenly remembered the expression pack of "I fell down and I need to be hugged to get up" used in the previous world, and because Su Lingyu has been too gentle and soft to her these two days, she thought Take advantage of it.

Never expected that Su Lingyu would actually be responsive to her requests!

She couldn't help but think deeply. This sister, has she really not liked me yet

Su Lingyu suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, and finished the kiss without changing her face. Seeing Qu Panyan still lying still, with a stupefied expression as if frightened, a ray of sorrow and embarrassment suddenly appeared in her heart.

Could it be that she is just acting like a baby at will, and doesn't really want her to kiss

Su Lingyu lowered her eyes, her eyes were dim and unclear, and she couldn't help but blame herself for her impulsiveness and absurdity. Even so, he still had to put on a calm and calm look on his face: "Aren't you getting up yet?"

She can't let her health go, no matter what, she must be taken care of.

Qu Panyan blinked quickly a few times, her mind was already in a mess, her basic language function had completely collapsed, it was like shooting herself in the foot with a rock.

Su Lingyu said lightly: "Isn't it enough?"

She still thinks she kisses less

Qu Panyan's mind froze, and he replied blankly: "Well, not enough."

Then the two were relatively silent, the air froze instantly, and the atmosphere was so embarrassing that it made one's scalp tingle.

Qu Panyan was completely awake, the scene just now kept replaying in her mind like a movie, breaking through the shame bar in an instant, her face gradually turned red, and her ears were so hot that they were about to burn.

What did I just say

Holy shit! What the hell did I say? !

How can I be so pushy? !

While roaring in her heart, she was thinking of countermeasures, and when she was about to give an awkward but polite smile first, and then get up by herself, a burst of familiar fragrance enveloped her overwhelmingly.

A tender kiss fell on her face again.

This time it's the cheeks.

Gently, like a dragonfly touching water, passing by a little bit, but it stirred Qu Panyan's heart lake, and created curved water waves, which lasted for a long time.

Su Lingyu didn't retreat this time, she put her hands on her ears, and her low and lazy voice slowly blew down, making her heart flutter and shy, she said: "This time is enough!" Yet?"

If she still doesn't say enough, she will keep kissing until she is willing to get up to eat.

Su Lingyu looked at her beautiful face, and finally there was a smile in her eyes: "Yan'er is blushing?"

Qu Panyan hurriedly covered her face that was about to burn, and said stammeringly: "Sister Ling, Lingyu is so beautiful, anyone who kisses her will blush!" Not only blushing, but my whole body is going to explode into fireworks!

Now she even has the urge to get up and say the last sentence confidently: "If you kiss me, you will be responsible for me! I will be yours for the rest of my life!"

But she didn't dare, she was still struggling with the question of "whether this sister likes me or not". At present, she can only see that Su Lingyu loves her very much, and she can already be called responsive, but she is not 100% sure what kind of mentality this responsiveness comes from—"I like this junior very much, and I want to treat her well" or "I like this person very much, and I want to treat her well for the rest of my life"

The only thing she can be sure of is that she is about to be driven crazy by Su Lingyu now! I don't want to turn into a groundhog all the time and let out a long series of howls to show my excitement.

"Do you like the smoke?"

Qu Panyan's eyes widened, her eyelashes swept over her fingers, and she suddenly became nervous—fuck it! Is this a confession

Okay, no problem, I'm ready! As long as you say you like me, I will offer myself immediately, and I will never bother my sister to do it!

Qu Panyan replied nervously and a little excitedly: "I like it." Who in this world would not like to be kissed by Su Lingyu! Anyway, I don't know, I love it!

Su Lingyu said: "Since Yan'er likes it, shouldn't she do something to repay sister Lingyu?"

Su Lingyu's voice suddenly became clearer, and Qu Panyan could feel a warm breath brushing against her fingertips, ambiguously stirring her heartstrings, making her heart beat faster.

Then she heard Su Lingyu say: "Get up and eat obediently."

Qu Panyan: "..."

Sister, look at your script, is it time to say this line next

Don't you think it's such a good time, don't you say this a little bit of a spoiler

On the contrary, Su Lingyu was very calm. Since the reason Qu Panyan said was too common, she didn't think about it at all. She has indeed seen many female juniors blush when they see her, just because she is good-looking.

Qu Panyan's words undoubtedly put herself in this category of juniors, so Su Lingyu would not think too much about thinking that she liked her, let alone confess her feelings to her hastily, she would just let go of her heart and say goodbye. Fortunately, she did not reject her own intimate contact, and she became more firm in her idea of "love with each passing day".

The days ahead are long, don't be impatient, you can't eat hot tofu if you are impatient.

Qu Panyan secretly opened her fingers, and she saw Su Lingyu turning her head and getting up from the back. She suddenly felt a feeling of hatred for iron, and she could only ask herself in her heart: Is she not in love with me yet

The next moment, she saw Su Lingyu coming back.

Su Lingyu stood by the bed and opened her arms towards her, looking at her calmly: "Come here."

Qu Panyan didn't realize what she meant.

Su Lingyu sighed, and said helplessly, "Don't you still want to hug?"

—I can't get up anymore, it will be better if Sister Lingyu hugs her.

Qu Panyan: "!!!"

Immediately full of strength, she quickly got up and hugged Lingyu's neck actively, feeling secretly refreshed. Regardless of what kind of mentality it is, I really love how this fairy sister responds to my needs!

Su Lingyu hugged her slender waist, feeling satisfied in her heart, and her tone was more pampering, and the warm breath came to her ears again: "Can you get up and eat?"

Qu Panyan happily responded: "Mm! Sister Lingyu would like to hug her with a kiss!"

She suddenly exclaimed again, and was hugged by Su Lingyu.

Su Lingyu easily carried her to the dining table, put her on the chair, and stretched her chopsticks to her, taking care of everything: "Don't make trouble anymore."

It took Qu Panyan a long time to come back to his senses, took the chopsticks slowly, and obediently ate his meal.

I'm just... It's like Mrs. Su's treatment!

She was suddenly full of expectations for the future—is this fairy sister about to fall in love with me


Qu Panyan stayed at Wangchen Peak for fusion all day long. Fortunately, the outside world was calm and no one came to disturb her. She and Kang Congshuang cooperated more and more tacitly, and suffered fewer and fewer beatings. Five days later, with the help of Kang Congshuang, she was able to gradually control her spiritual power.

Although her spiritual power still showed signs of resistance, it was no longer as fierce and irritable as before, and could be completely controlled by her in time.

Under the guidance of Elder Tianhong, her golden core is also trying to accept spiritual power, and gradually get out of the autistic state, just waiting for her to completely subdue the spiritual power to fuse the two.

Qu Panyan is progressing smoothly, and Su Lingyu feels relieved.

Qu Panyan even learned how to ask her for encouragement and rewards—kissing and hugging.

From asking cautiously at the beginning to asking generously later, it was only because Su Lingyu was used to her and didn't reject her closeness that she dared to go further and let Su Lingyu kiss her out of selfishness.

Su Lingyu is not a casual person, nor is she an ordinary person. She is arrogant and cold, she knows everything she does, and no one can force her to do anything. She would not do anything casual, let alone kiss a junior casually, even if it was for encouragement.

But she was still worried, worried that she would become a special case in Su Lingyu's heart. She was afraid to hear Su Lingyu tell her that in her heart she was a junior whom she liked very much, and it didn't matter if she liked to kiss or hug her.

When it comes to emotional matters, I am often afraid of wishful thinking, because I think too much. After reasoning like a Sherlock Holmes detective, I came to the conclusion that "she likes me". I mustered up the courage to ask someone in front of me, but I got a sentence: "You misunderstood."

How embarrassing and embarrassing it was, how sad and sad it was.

She had encountered too many such things with her friends in the previous world, which caused her to hesitate to take that step now.

So she wanted to wait a little longer and continue to wait and see. You can't hide your liking for someone. If Su Lingyu likes her, she will show her feet one day.

Anyway, everyone has a long life span, so wait slowly!

On the day that Qu Panyan could stay in Tailing Peak and fuse by himself, Lou Wuhua came.

She was still a familiar homeroom teacher, holding her hand, saying "good boy" to the left, and "good boy" to the right, with a kind expression that almost caught up with the Buddha statues in Buddhist temples.

Lou Wuhua's arrival this time was by no means accidental, nor was it a whim, and Su Lingyu would not let her come to Xianmengzong to make trouble on a whim. She said she had something to do, and went to the tea pavilion with Su Lingyu.

Qu Panyan was left in the room by Su Lingyu to continue practicing because of the fusion task.

The two sat down in the tea booth, Lou Wuhua didn't pretend to be impatient, and straight to the point when they came up: "Have you heard the news that An Cheng's body is missing?"

Su Lingyu remained calm: "No, I'm not interested either."

It was she who killed An Cheng with her own hands, and she broke the connection between them with her own hands. An Cheng has long been erased from her heart, and she is no longer worthy of having a name with her.

Lou Wuhua smiled: "Hey, don't worry, Lingyu, I'm not here to ask you if you're interested in hearing about An Cheng's news."

Su Lingyu looked at her indifferently.

Lou Wuhua leaned on a few things: "I saw An Cheng."

"He was... sewn up."