I Became Love Rivals With My Crush

Chapter 51


Wu Paiyun

Qu Panyan looked at Kang Congshuang, who was suffering from illness. Although she didn't know why Kang Conshuang asked her to find this person, considering Kang Conshuang's seriousness, Wu Paiyun might have something to do with this murder case. It was related, but she suddenly became ill and couldn't go there in person, so she entrusted it to her.

Regardless of whether Kang Congshuang could hear him or not, Qu Panyan replied seriously: "Don't worry, I'll go right away, so you can rest. The three juniors and younger sisters are all outside, so if you have something to talk about, just smash a glass." .”

After that, she turned around and took all the small teacups in the guest room that were specially prepared for guests to drink water to Kang Conshuang's bed, and put them in there specially to prevent her from accidentally dropping them on the ground.

After setting everything up, she walked out of the guest room, closed the door, and left three disciples outside to watch over Kang Congshuang. She gave her instructions carefully, telling them to keep notifying them in silent letters if they had anything to do, so that they didn't have to run to her to take care of her. She guarded Kang Congshuang, and then went to Wu Paiyun herself—mainly because Su Lingyu was with her, and it was inconvenient to have her disciples around.

Before leaving, she thought of something, and asked again: "Did your senior sister Kang say that you are going to find Wu Paiyun for something?"

The younger junior sister in the team immediately said: "Yes! Someone told the senior sister that Wu Paiyun seemed to know something, so she wanted to go to Wu Paiyun, who knows..."

Not long after they parted ways, she met Kang Congshuang who was going to the Wu family, and learned from Kang Congshuang what Wu Pai Yun knew. The two wanted to go to the Wu family together, but Kang Congshuang suddenly fell ill up...

Qu Panyan nodded, and calmly said: "Okay, you all take good care of Senior Sister Kang, and listen carefully to what's going on inside."

Qu Panyan went directly to the innkeeper to find out where the Wu family was, because she was very good-looking, and her attitude was friendly and generous, which made the innkeeper very fond of her. He eagerly showed her the way and told her how to go the fastest. I almost took out the pen and paper and drew a picture of her myself.

She thanked her with a smile, left the inn, turned around and walked into a long alley next to the inn, leaving all the noise behind her.

She stretched out one hand, and the next moment another hand passed through her fingers and gently clasped her five fingers.

Su Lingyu appeared to walk with her, and the two of them walked unhurriedly. Su Lingyu asked: "Why don't you let them go too? This is also part of their experience."

Experience not only allows students to more truly integrate into the world, to perceive and learn, but also naturally includes interacting with people.

Qu Panyan smiled: "Learning to take care of their companions is also part of their experience."

"And," Qu Panyan instinctively said softly, "I want to be alone with Sister Lingyu."

"The suzerain's wife and the suzerain want to be alone, and it's not good for them to take them with them."

The child is still young, and it hurts the child too much.

After Su Lingyu heard this, she suddenly stopped and clasped her hands tightly, hugged her into her arms with one hand, lowered her head and softly called "Yan'er" in her ear.

Qu Panyan nestled in her arms submissively and obediently, and responded softly: "Yan'er is here."

Then she felt a sudden increase in the strength on her back, and Su Lingyu hugged her even tighter, as if she wanted to embrace her into her body, and completely merged into one, making anyone feel uncomfortable They can no longer be separated.

Su Lingyu's breath brushed against her ears, and her voice was a bit tangled: "Do women even like Yan'er now?" Just like those hypocrites.

Qu Panyan was stunned for a moment, her buff was only 100% effective for scumbags, but she hadn't extended her business to scumbags yet.

She smiled and said: "That's just a common liking, and it doesn't necessarily mean that the little girl has a bad character. It's a very normal thing, just like Ayi Duo and my head teacher both like sister Lingyu."

Su Lingyu paused, and corrected word by word: "Your family has no head teacher, only suzerain."

Qu Panyan followed good example, nodded his head and said seriously: "Yes, only suzerain, it is Yan'er who made a mistake, please punish me, suzerain."

She just said casually, thinking that Su Lingyu would not be willing to punish her, but she was slapped in the face the next moment.

She couldn't help widening her eyes, and an inexplicable feeling came from her earlobe, and instantly swept her limbs, numb and numb like an electric shock, with a bit of weird comfort, which made her unable to restrain herself in Su Lingyu's arms. She shuddered—Su Lingyu was biting her ear!

Su Lingyu's shell-like teeth were gently grinding the white jade-like earlobe. After feeling the trembling of the person in her arms, she thought that she had bitten her, and brushed her earlobe lovingly and guiltily with the tip of her warm tongue. , the person in his arms was instantly soft and boneless, his feet were weakly touching the ground, and he was in a trance.

Sensing her strangeness, Su Lingyu took her back into her arms steadily, then let her go, stroked her slightly red earlobes with her slender fingers, and apologized in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, Yan'er, Lingyu My sister didn't do it on purpose."

She really didn't mean to.

After hearing Qu Panyan's words, "Please punish me, my lord," she didn't know what happened, and bit on it in a strange way—as if she was possessed by someone in an instant, and her body and thoughts were not her own. .

Qu Panyan's whole body was soft, almost hanging on her body, and it took him a long time to recover, and he touched his ear in a daze, recalling what happened just now in his mind again.

-Grass! ! !

Qu Panyan, who realized what happened, blushed instantly. She covered her ears and put her head on Su Lingyu's shoulder, feeling ashamed because she felt comfortable just now.

— Did this sister learn something by herself! ! !

I was about to confess here, but you still said it wasn't intentional! Don't you just want to bite me very simply? !

You... You are too much!

Su Lingyu had no idea what earth-shattering event she had done, after all, in her eyes, she just bit her beloved wife's ear suddenly.

Seeing Qu Panyan covering her ears, she didn't speak or look at her for a long time, she thought she was sulking because of being bitten, so she felt even more guilty and cherished, and her tone was several times softer than usual: "Is it Ling?" Sister Yu hurt Yan'er? Yan'er don't get angry, okay? Sister Lingyu didn't do it on purpose, and Sister Lingyu knew she was wrong."

"Not angry..." Qu Panyan's weak voice came, "I like everything Lingyu sister does..."

It's just that this kind of punishment is troublesome and put it at night.

In broad daylight, it's embarrassing...

"But sister Lingyu is not allowed to punish others like this, only Yan'er."

That's the punishment.

Thinking about it this way, she seems to be more motivated to correct and punish her by Jae Su Lingyu!

Su Lingyu suddenly felt that she was extremely cute, with a doting and gentle smile on her lips: "I'm just a wife, who else can I punish?"

Qu Panyan was much happier now, raised his head to look at her, and said angrily, "Is this the only sincerity of my suzerain's apology?"

Su Lingyu looked at those eyes full of tenderness with a smile, and reminded the atmosphere extremely disruptively: "Yan'er, you still have to go to the Wu family."

This is to let her not forget the business.

The smile on Qu Panyan's face froze instantly, and her shoulders collapsed. So angry, what's the matter with this sister? On the day of the engagement, I was very understanding, kissing, hugging and getting together, it was so fast that people couldn't react, so today is such a spoiled scene

Forget it, it's all chosen by oneself, no matter how angry you are, you have to love it. Let's make do with it, how can we stay away

Qu Panyan snorted, pushed her lightly on purpose, and walked forward on her own, with a bit of self-abandonment in her tone: "Go, go, go now!"

She didn't believe that she was a second late and the Wu family could still run away!

There was a chuckle from behind, her wrist was suddenly held by someone, and the next moment, the world was spinning, and the whole person was pressed against the white wall, her chin was hooked up, and a breath invaded her mouth arrogantly, bringing her Fascinated and familiar fragrance.


There is only one Wu family in Changhe Town, and it is a wealthy family. The vermilion lacquer and gold gate is very imposing, but it is not worth mentioning for the people sent by the big family.

Su Lingyu and Qu Panyan were even more indifferent, they knocked on the door calmly and waited for someone to come out and open the door.

It didn't take long for the two of them to wait, the heavy door moved and made a muffled sound, a servant leaned out from inside, and when he saw the two of them, his eyes could not help but brighten, and he was instantly amazed by their demeanor and angelic demeanor. Impressed by the appearance.

Su Lingyu's brows were slightly lowered, and she pulled her little beloved wife behind her with an expression of displeasure.

Su Lingyu's demeanor is cold and extremely majestic, standing straight in front of the servant like a towering green mountain, making people daunting, not daring to offend, and also making the servant a little panic, he quickly looked back and asked: "May I ask the two girls?" Is there a problem?"

Qu Panyan said: "We need some help from your lady, may she be convenient?"

The servant scratched his head, obviously he couldn't make up his mind, so he said: "You two wait a moment, let me report to the master." Then he ran away in a hurry.

After a while he came back, opened the door, and respectfully invited them in.

Wufu is connected in all directions, with rockeries and lotuses growing in quiet ponds, and the scenery is pleasant. The servant led the two of them to the main hall, and as soon as they got closer, they heard a howl suddenly burst out in the main hall, the sound was very shrill, as if they had been greatly wronged.

"Woooooo dad, I was beaten!"

"She still pinned me to the ground and wouldn't let me move!"

Su Lingyu heard Miss Wu's crying, suddenly remembered something, quickly walked past the servants to the entrance of the main hall, and saw a middle-aged man sitting on the main seat, and a petite woman kneeling in the hall. The middle-aged man was Master Wu, drinking tea calmly, turning a deaf ear to his daughter's cries.

Seeing that there were suddenly more people at the door, Master Wu stopped drinking tea and looked towards the door, Wu Paiyun also stopped crying and looked back, his pupils trembled, and he rushed to Master Wu's side.

"Father! She hit me!"

Qu Panyan finally saw Wu Paiyun's face clearly, and when he saw that he was an "acquaintance", he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

What kind of fate is this

She couldn't help but start to have a headache.

What if the Wu Paiyun refuses to cooperate