I Became Love Rivals With My Crush

Chapter 56


An Cheng appeared, in the small town near Xianmengzong.

Yue Xiaomeng saw it with her own eyes. Not only did she meet An Cheng, but she was also full of hostility towards Qu Panyan because of this man. Qu Panyan believed that she would never be mistaken.

Qu Panyan suddenly remembered what An Liner said when she begged Su Lingyu to retrieve An Cheng's body - the other party pointed out the element Lingyu to go.

Then the purpose of this person stealing the corpse is to see Su Lingyu. As a result, Su Lingyu was not fooled at all, and sternly rejected An Liner's request, and the other party's plan would come to nothing.

However, now that An Cheng's body has appeared in a small town near Xianmengzong, doesn't that mean that the other party has not given up yet? He is still persistently wanting to see Su Lingyu

Yue Xiaomeng also mentioned in the silent book that An Cheng was sewn up, so the identity of the other party is self-evident.

What Qu Panyan could figure out, Su Lingyu naturally could also figure out, her brows furrowed and then relaxed quickly, as if she didn't want to spend an extra moment thinking about this man, Yuan Qijun.

Su Lingyu said: "Give Xiaomeng and the others a silent book, telling them not to act rashly and act with caution."

Without saying a word, Qu Panyan immediately condensed a silent book and waved it towards the sky. She pondered for a moment, then raised her head and said, "Sister Lingyu, I think I should also let Miss Kang Er and the others know about this."

This is their experience, since the murderer has voluntarily exposed his tracks, and Qu Panyan is a team with them, then she has the duty to inform them of this and share information.

Su Lingyu was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

So Qu Panyan waved the second silent book, and then her five fingers were tightly clasped by Su Lingyu, she raised her eyes and met those beautiful eyes. These eyes are usually cold and cold, making people afraid to get close to them. Only when they reflect her appearance will they have warmth.

Their fingers intertwined, and Su Lingyu looked at her intently: "Yan'er should also protect herself well, understand?"

Although she didn't have any ominous premonition this time, she was still worried.

The way of heaven is impermanent, fear of variables. If Mr. Yuan Qi already knew the identity of the wife of Qu Panyan, the dream sect master, he would definitely become murderous.

Before she killed Yuan Qijun, Qu Panyan's life could be threatened at any time.

Seeing Su Lingyu's serious expression, Qu Panyan also understood how dangerous this matter is. She said solemnly: "Well, sister Lingyu, don't worry, I will definitely protect myself."


After a while, the two arrived at a small town near Xianmengzong. In order to prevent Mr. Yuan Qi from grasping their whereabouts too early, the two came more discreetly. Su Lingyu still chose to hide her body. They need to make some preparations first. Once Su Lingyu shows up, she will attract Mr. Yuanqi, and trouble will follow.

Qu Panyan quickly found the four of Yue Xiaomeng in the town. As soon as Yue Xiaomeng saw her, he immediately rushed forward, and was about to call out "Madam Suzerain" when she covered her mouth, and she looked at her again. The rest of the disciples who wanted to salute: "Call Senior Sister."

The dangerous member Yuan Qijun is hiding in the dark. With his morbid love for Su Lingyu, Qu Panyan is afraid that even if he calls "Madam Suzerain", he will be recruited immediately.

Moreover, she is Su Lingyu's true disciple and the suzerain's apprentice, so her seniority is naturally higher than them, and it is only natural for them to call her senior sister.

Qu Panyan looked at Yue Xiaomeng again: "Do you understand?"

Yue Xiaomeng nodded her head, and Qu Panyan let her go. She suddenly became emotional, her eyes were full of shock, and she gestured with both hands in mid-air: "Senior sister, I saw An Cheng! I really saw it!"

"Did you know, he was actually sewn up!"

"Didn't you see that his exposed skin is full of thread! Very rough thread! It seems to have been sewn together by someone, and it is so ugly that it looks like a rag doll!"

While listening to her description, Qu Panyan looked around her to check if there were any wounds on her body. After finding that she was unharmed, he went to visit several other disciples, and he was completely relieved when he found that everyone was fine—fortunately, Yuan Qi-jun hasn't touched them yet.

Qu Panyan stopped, suddenly remembered something, and looked at Yue Xiaomeng with a little surprise: "Aren't you afraid?"

Yue Xiaomeng paused, scratched his head, and said falteringly: "I'm afraid... so scary..."

The first time she saw An Cheng standing in front of her again like a dilapidated rag doll, she was almost frightened away.

Who wouldn't be frightened when a man who was already dead and even shattered into pieces suddenly stood in front of him whole again one day

And she remembered that An Cheng's body was full of dense threads, those threads looked very rough, pierced through his skin, and pierced out of his skin again, it was like being sewn back and forth like a doll, and his whole body was covered with tears. Reveals a strange color.

She was startled, nauseated, nauseous, and even wanted to run away, but she suddenly remembered the hard work Elder Changxing had taught her and her dream of always wanting to call out "Grand Master", so she forcibly calmed down and ordered herself to face the truth bravely. Yes—she can't be afraid, she will grow up.

Qu Panyan looked at her, and a disciple in her team spoke for her: "Senior Sister, Junior Sister Yue is actually very brave. She didn't shrink back in the follow-up actions, and she is working hard."

In the follow-up arrest operation, although Yue Xiaomeng was afraid, he didn't cover his eyes and shrink back, and acted bravely side by side with his classmates.

The other disciples also agreed, seeking truth from facts, what Yue Shimei did well was good, and she should be praised in front of the suzerain's wife.

It's just that they didn't expect Su Lingyu to be there. After hearing their praise, Su Lingyu couldn't help but glance at Yue Xiaomeng a few more times. In her impression, although this child is stupid, she has great potential and is obedient, but she lacks confidence, has too little experience in life, and is extremely lacking in experience—and one more thing, the suzerain's wife who likes her very much also listens to her suzerain's wife.

When Yue Xiaomeng heard his fellow disciples praise him in front of Qu Panyan, he immediately puffed up his chest, and proudly wrote "Come and praise me" all over his face, waiting for Qu Panyan to praise him.

Qu Panyan pinched her chubby little face, and said with relief: "Our Miss Yue Liu has made great progress, and senior sister is very happy. I believe your great master will also be happy for you when he finds out." He looked lovingly at The rest of the disciples said, "You are also great."

The three of them were very surprised, they didn't expect the suzerain's wife to praise themselves, and felt ashamed: "Senior sister, you don't need to praise us, we failed to catch that ghost named An Cheng..."

After several fights and failed to win An Cheng, it is really embarrassing.

When Yue Xiaomeng heard it, she also showed guilt: "Every time I want to catch him, I go into the ground..."

Qu Panyan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect them to be so sincere, and then said softly: "But you have protected yourself from injury. Experience is not only for you to use the spells you have learned to deal with evil spirits, but also for you to learn to protect yourself. Since you have achieved the latter point, isn’t that worthy of praise?”

And the other party is a giant in the realm of near demons. Unless he releases water, they will not be able to take An Cheng down—only Su Lingyu can take him down.

Therefore, in the face of a powerful enemy hiding in the dark, being able to protect oneself from a little harm is already a great improvement.

Qu Panyan's words made several people feel like a spring breeze, and they regained their confidence and cheered up, with joy on their faces, they responded in unison: "Yes, thank you, senior sister!" The suzerain's wife is really kind.

Su Lingyu looked at Qu Panyan, the skylight fell on her eyes, which made her eyes brighter and more attractive. The golden light sprinkled on her body, as if covering her with a layer of holy feathers, as if a fairy descended to the world, illuminating all living beings. Su Lingyu's love for her grew a little more in an instant.

The title of Mrs. Xianmengzong Suzerain was created for her.

"By the way!" Yue Xiaomeng suddenly realized, "Aren't you training with Sister Kang and the others? Why did you come here? What about them?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Kang Conshuang and others flying down from the sky. Behind Kang Conshuang was a girl who was as high as her chest, with a scarf around her head. She was very delicate, like a beautiful girl. The porcelain dolls timidly hid behind her, looking at them curiously with a pair of watery eyes.

Kang Congshuang hurried forward, and the girl followed her step by step, unwilling to leave her for half a step.

Kang Conshuang looked at Qu Panyan and asked, "Where is he?"

Yue Xiaomeng asked curiously: "Who? Who is where?"

Qu Panyan turned around and searched around, finally saw a long alley, led the people in, and then set up a sound insulation circle around it to prevent Mr. Yuan Qi from eavesdropping. Qu Panyan explained the incident to both parties in detail, and then everyone showed an expression of understanding, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He is near the realm of demons, and he is good at refining yin soldiers, so as long as there is a dead person, his combat power will be stronger...

According to the agreement with Su Lingyu, Qu Panyan relayed to several people: "The residents in the town are ordinary people. Once the two sides fight, they will be implicated. Our responsibility is to evacuate them and protect them."

A disciple asked, "What about Lord Yuanqi? We are all going to protect the townspeople, so what about Lord Yuanqi?"

Qu Panyan looked at him and said with a smile: "Of course, he should be handed over to someone who is as strong as him. We can protect ourselves and the townspeople."

Su Lingyu wanted to go into battle in person, and what they had to do was to make preparations so that innocent people would not be involved in the battle between the two sides.

Kang Conshuang was about to make a sound, but the girl behind him suddenly tugged at her sleeves, her big bright eyes were full of water, she pointed to her head, and said with a bit of tears: "Mr. Horny, it hurts..."

Everyone was confused, and even suspected that there was something wrong with their ears: "???"

Qu Panyan looked at Kang Congshuang in shock.

Didn't we just see each other for a day? ?