I Became Love Rivals With My Crush

Chapter 62


After being "punished" by Su Lingyu, Qu Panyan blushed and wanted to get off her lap, but she was firmly wrapped around her waist, and she would not let her go, and she whispered softly against her ear "Yan'er just sit here and take the medicine." Then he picked up the medicine on the side and handed it into her hand.

Qu Panyan sat sideways on her lap, with his hand stuffed into the medicine bottle, looking at the hand consciously stretched out in front of him, with a dazed expression on his face.

That's it

sit on her lap

Qu Panyan lowered her head shyly, her jade-like earlobes were red hot. She still can't stand it—can't stand every closer contact with Su Lingyu.

Every time she got closer, her heart would beat wildly, as if Pixel Lingyu was born with this ability, and she could always make her heart ecstatic and her heart beating wildly.

She felt that she was worthless. She even wanted to have sex with Su Lingyu, but she would blush just because she sat on her lap, so she would burn her face to death if she really had sex with her in the future

Suddenly there was a gentle touch on the earlobe, Su Lingyu was rubbing her ears with her fingertips, and said slowly: "Yan'er, your ears are red."

Su Lingyu hugged her, smiled lightly and said, "My Mrs. Su, seems to blush easily?"

It happens almost every time, and it's just too cute.

Suddenly being punctured, Qu Panyan was stunned for a moment, lowered her head and slowly applied the medicine to her, and said coquettishly, "It's not because my suzerain always does things that make Mrs. Su blush."

Su Lingyu cooperated with her in applying the medicine without moving. Hearing this, the gentle smile on her lips became deeper and deeper: "Then, does my Mrs. Su like it?"

Qu Panyan gently held her hand, smeared the cool medicinal herbs on it, and slowly wiped it away, her slender and slightly curly eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, looking serious as if she was dealing with some important life event.

She finally finished applying the medicine to one of her hands, then held her hand again, closed her eyes and kissed it affectionately and full of distress.

"I like it." Qu Panyan replied without thinking, "No matter what Sovereign Su does, your Madam Su likes it very much."

"Not only do I love it, but I want more."

Eros is greedy, her love and desire for Su Lingyu are endless, what she wants is not only what is in front of her, she also wants more and more, she wants all of Su Lingyu.

Su Lingyu looked at her exquisite side face, and after hearing her sincere words, she suddenly felt her heart beating. She responded: "Yan'er will get what she wants."

"I promise you that."

She will accompany her Yan'er, and her Mrs. Su will live forever, and will try her best to give her what she wants in this life, fulfill her wish in this life, and make her happy.

When she wants, she will give, whatever she asks—just to her.

Qu Panyan was slightly taken aback while holding her hand. He wanted to be shy at first, but then he thought, would Su Lingyu not be on the same channel as her if she lost a muscle

Sister, I want you!

I want to get closer to you and explore new worlds with you!

Do you understand this fairy sister

She turned her head to look at Su Lingyu, and found that the other party was serious, with no change in expression, and it was really hard to see whether she understood what she meant. But her words and promises were very touching, even if they were not on the same channel, Qu Panyan felt a sense of fulfillment and happiness in her heart.

When falling in love is such a good object, and it is a lifelong relationship, who would feel unhappy or satisfied

Don't bother with her about the wrong channel, let's talk about it when she is ready.

Thinking about this, Qu Panyan calmed down and said with a smile, "Sister Lingyu should be nice to me, if one day she bullies me, then I'll—"

Su Lingyu raised her finger and gently pressed her soft lips, interrupting her next words, and said firmly: "There is no if."

Firm and confident and heart-pounding.

Qu Panyan wanted to kiss her even more, his eyes wandered unconsciously on her beautiful lips, and he approached her in a mysterious way, until the breath of each other was clearly audible, and suddenly there was a "buzz" in her mind - she was awake.

Grass, this medicine is too difficult.

This fairy sister is so charming, what should I do if she keeps distracting her!

Master Su, please stop exuding your damn charming charm immediately! ! !

Qu Panyan hurriedly shook her head, trying to get rid of all the messy thoughts about Su Lingyu in her mind, then adjusted her posture, and said in a busy voice: "The other hand, hurry up, if you go on like this, it will be next year." Only then can it be painted!"

Su Lingyu smiled, thought she was very cute, and stretched out her other hand cooperatively: "Hard work."

I don't know how long it took before Qu Panyan took the time to finish applying the medicine to Su Lingyu with difficulty, and then helped her bandage herself under the guidance of the medical pavilion master.

The Shangdao medical pavilion master is only responsible for guiding the suzerain's wife throughout the whole process, and never does it himself, and the suzerain's wife has done a good job, so there is no need for others to worry.

After Su Lingyu finished bandaging the rest of her body, Qu Panyan helped her change into the clean clothes sent by the spirit slaves of Tailing Peak, arranged her makeup and hair, cleaned her face, and told her to relax. Feel refreshed a lot.

Yue Xiaomeng happened to bring his disciples over to return to his orders, and took care of Su Lingyu's injury along the way.

Ling slave was reporting outside the door, Su Lingyu said calmly: "Let them come here."

Ling Nu hurried to go, and after a while, several people stood outside the door. Qu Panyan went to open the door for them in person, and as soon as he opened it, he saw Yue Xiaomeng standing nervously at attention.

Qu Panyan laughed and said: "Nephew Yue, relax." My suzerain doesn't eat people.

Qu Panyan turned sideways: "Come in."

The disciples walked into the house neatly and obediently one by one.

Su Lingyu was sitting at the square wooden table with a calm expression on her face. When she saw them coming in, she raised her eyelids and looked at them faintly. More serious, more dignified demeanor.

Most of the disciples in the sect find it difficult to see the suzerain and the head teacher. Sometimes the suzerain head teacher is like a figure in the sky to them, aloof and out of reach.

But not only did they meet today, but they were also protected by the suzerain. What an honor and luck this is! And now seeing the suzerain sitting in front of them, the big stone in my heart also fell to the ground—fortunately, the suzerain didn't have any major accidents.

Su Lingyu looked calm, and asked them some things that happened during the training process, and the disciples all answered truthfully, explaining the good and the bad, without hiding anything.

Su Lingyu listened patiently, praised those who did well, and gave pointers to those who did poorly. Finally, they asked about the aftermath, and after getting a satisfactory answer, they nodded slightly and told them to go back to rest.

Yue Xiaomeng was not specifically named during the whole process, as if she knew nothing about or didn't care about her great improvement in this experience.

Yue Xiaomeng didn't know whether it was the former or the latter, the look of anticipation on her face dissipated little by little, then she lowered her head and looked at the ground until Su Lingyu told them to go back to rest, and then she walked out sullenly.

"You've done a good job, but it's still not enough. You need to keep working hard," Su Lingyu's voice sounded behind her, Yue Xiaomeng and other disciples stopped and turned around. Yue Xiaomeng clearly saw Su Lingyu's eyes slowly falling on her body, and saw her lips parted, and said, "Grand Master likes disciples who work hard and make progress, and I look forward to your performance in the future."

Su Lingyu looked at the other disciples again: "This suzerain also looks forward to your performance in the future."

Grand Master

Yue Xiaomeng's eyes widened bit by bit, the brows were filled with joy, and the watery eyes suddenly glowed with splendor.

Great Master! ! !

"Yes!" Yue Xiaomeng replied excitedly, "Disciple understands! Disciple will definitely work hard and won't let Grand Master down!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled happily at Qu Panyan again, his whole body was filled with a blissful foolishness, so that Qu Panyan couldn't help but laugh along with him.

Su Lingyu nodded, and asked again: "Is Master Lou in the sect?"

She had sent Lou Wuhua to Silent Book before, but Lou Wuhua didn't write back to her, so she didn't know what she was doing.

Yue Xiaomeng, who was finally recognized by Su Lingyu, answered with confidence: "Respond to Grand Master's words, yes!"

Su Lingyu nodded to show that she understood, and Yue Xiaomeng happily followed the disciples away.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Qu Panyan suddenly became interested, so he sat beside Su Lingyu and said solemnly: "It turns out that Master Su likes disciples who work hard, so it seems that I have to work harder."

Su Lingyu turned her head to look at her, and she continued to say seriously, "I will try my best to be Su Zongzhu's favorite disciple."

"You don't need to waste your energy." Su Lingyu quietly raised her hand, caressing her soft face, the snow and ice melted in her eyes, revealing the tender love hidden underneath, "You are already Su Zongzhu's favorite wife."

No one can beat it.

Qu Panyan suddenly smiled, hooked her neck, and leaned against her arms.

Su Lingyu took advantage of the situation to hug her, kissed her on the forehead, and asked softly, "Is Congshuang sick again?"

She had never met Kang Congshuang since the battle with Yuan Qijun. It is impossible for a child as self-disciplined and polite as Kang Conshuang to choose to sleep and not come to see the suzerain for no reason.

Qu Panyan nodded, and said, "Second Miss Kang seems to be getting sick frequently these two days."

In the past, Kang Congshuang's illness did not occur at regular intervals, but the intervals would not be so short. This time, it was only three days since the last attack. Her illness seemed to be unwilling to give her the rest of the ten years, and it had begun to destroy her body in a hurry.

Su Lingyu sighed inaudibly: "Let's go and see her, and then go to Lou Wuhua."

Qu Panyan responded, "Okay."

But what they never expected was that when they went to see Kang Conshuang, they also saw Lou Wuhua.

At that time, Lou Wuhua was sitting at the door of Kang Congshuang's room, and beside him sat a Ling'er—a crying Ling'er.

Lou Wuhua suddenly put her hand on Ling'er's scarf, and as a result Ling'er cried even louder.