I Became Love Rivals With My Crush

Chapter 80


Qu Panyan moved when she heard the sound, and suddenly turned her head, revealing her blood-red pupils.

Su Lingyu's footsteps paused, her heart was filled with vigilance.

This pair of blood pupils reminded her of Tianhuo in an instant—the Tianhuo who said that he would kill them and purify the world.

But in just a moment, Qu Panyan's blood pupils were swallowed by the pitch black ink, and returned to the usual dark and bright eyes, but at this time her eyes were full of panic.

She opened her mouth and shouted: "Sister Lingyu..." Then she ran towards Su Lingyu in a panic, and threw herself into her arms eagerly seeking the backbone.

She is still practicing very smoothly today, with the help of Tianhuo, it becomes easier to break through herself. In less than a day, she had already blown away the mist covering the spirit flower in the sea of consciousness, allowing the spirit flower to fully bloom in the sea of consciousness, and even the buds opened a little. It will usher in its full bloom and entry disaster.

But what accompanied her practice was not a relaxed and comfortable mood, but irritable and irritable.

She has pure consciousness, no distracting thoughts and no demons in her heart, but there is an inexplicable accumulation of anger in her chest. The smoother her cultivation is, the closer she is to the realm of God, the more intense this anger will be, just like To destroy all her sanity, let her vent her anger wantonly - let her kill!

She felt like she was now... horrific.

Qu Panyan burrowed into Su Lingyu's arms more reliantly, and said in a trembling voice, "Sister Lingyu, help me."

Su Lingyu can be sure that the person in her arms is not Tianhuo but her Yan'er. She hugged her back, it was the first time she saw her so disturbed and terrified, she was very worried, and asked: "What's wrong with Yan'er?"

Wrapped in the familiar fragrance, Qu Panyan's restless mood gradually calmed down, she raised her eyes, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and there was a white moonlight in her eyes, she looked so pitiful: "I don't know why I feel irritated for no reason. , I still want to... still want to kill people."

Su Lingyu was slightly surprised when she heard this, and hugged her tighter with both hands as if to comfort her. Obviously it's just a practice, how can the more you practice, the more irritable, could it be that you have a demon? !

She heard Qu Panyan say softly again: "But I just saw Sister Lingyu and I don't want to."

When she saw Su Lingyu just now, her manic mood was inexplicably suppressed, as if she was afraid—afraid of being seen by her beloved in such a terrible way.

Su Lingyu stroked her black hair tenderly, and couldn't help softening her tone: "Don't be afraid, Yan'er, Sister Lingyu will be by your side to accompany you. Tell Sister Lingyu, do you have a demon?"

Qu Panyan shook her head: "No, it happened suddenly, and it appeared out of nowhere."

It doesn't matter if you have a demon, at least there is a reason, and you can prescribe the right medicine.

The most frightening thing is that she is so inexplicable that she doesn't even know why she wants to be angry and want to kill someone.

Su Lingyu asked softly again: "Did anything happen during the cultivation?"

Qu Panyan still shook his head: "The training is going well, and I will soon break through to the realm of near-god."

Behind him, Batu and Wu Yi looked at each other, with a clear understanding, Wu Yi slowly opened his mouth: "Please rest assured, Lord Shengzi, this is normal, as long as you survive the near-god thunder calamity smoothly, you will not be depressed. The heart and desire to kill will dissipate."

Batu added at the right time: "All the saint sons have experienced it before they are about to cross the catastrophe. Please don't worry."

Qu Panyan: "..."

Just worry about it, I want to kill someone, this is so fucking bad, you two!

Su Lingyu and Qu Panyan looked back at the two guardians together, and she asked, "What do you mean?"

Wu Yi said: "If you go back to Mrs. Shengzi, this kind of reaction will happen because the body of the Shengzi nurtures the sky fire, and the sky fire is a natural god. It should be born in the clouds and not fall into the mundane world, but now it has to experience Only after entering the country and breaking through two catastrophes can he become a divine body again, so Tianhuo just feels angry and unhappy."

Qu Panyan: "..."

Her unfilial son not only has a lot of shit, but also has a bad temper!

Qu Panyan questioned his soul: "Since that's the case, why didn't Tianhuo choose a fairy to be the son from the beginning?"

If you are not happy to be a mortal, and not happy to go through calamities, wouldn't it be good to just find a god to fuse with from the beginning

Batu said: "Gods cannot merge with gods."

Thousands of years ago, some gods had an evil heart, relying on the fusion of other immortals to devour their spiritual power to make themselves stronger, which seriously damaged the balance of the heavens. Therefore, the three gods of creation created a spell: the fusion of gods , the fascination dissipated. Gods who vainly try to merge with others will fall into the endless hell forever and cannot be freed.

The Chuangshi God integrated this spell into the blood of the gods, and ordered them to abide by it wholeheartedly for eternity, so as to maintain the balance of the heavens. Skyfire is a divine object, so naturally it obeys this rule.

Qu Panyan understands, her current irritability is just the incompetent roar of Tianhuo, an unfilial son-this old mother is really hard to be, and she has to raise it and get angry for it.


Just thinking about it makes her angry!

She quickly hugged Su Lingyu tightly, and silently recited the heart-cleaning mantra from her original world: Don't get angry, life is like a play, and when you get sick, there is no one to replace you...

Seeing her eyes turn bloody for a moment, Wu Yi bowed slightly and said, "Please be patient."

Su Lingyu also looked at her, didn't ask her if she was angry, but kept looking at her tenderly, her eyes were full of love, and she just ignored her anger.

Qu Panyan sighed contentedly: Su Da Su's charm is really strong, just a face can make people feel suffocated.

She settled down and asked again: "Is it necessary to go through the tribulation to get better?"

Wu Yi nodded affirmatively.

She thought for a moment, then looked at Su Lingyu and said, "Sister Lingyu, why don't I speed up my cultivation and strive to enter the country as soon as possible?"

Su Lingyu looked at her silently for a moment, saw a hint of urgency in her eyes, then shook her head and said: "Tomorrow, you are unstable now."

In practice, one should not rush and not be impatient. Qu Panyan's disposition of getting angry at the moment is really not suitable for continuing.

Qu Panyan admitted that she was in a hurry now, and wanted to enter the country as soon as possible, even though she was afraid of thunder.

Tianlei can always survive, no matter how bad it is, Su Lingyu can help. But if she continues to live with the mentality that she will explode at this point, it will be difficult for her to guarantee that she will not hurt people or even kill people.

But her state of mind at this time is really not suitable for cultivation, so she can only let it go according to what Su Lingyu said, and look at it tomorrow.


On the second day, the sky was bright and the thin morning mist would disperse, so Qu Panyan and Su Lingyu had arrived in the stone forest.

It was still the same as yesterday, Su Lingyu formed an array for her but did not cultivate with her, but today she did not leave but stayed and practiced with Batu Wuyi guarding Qu Panyan.

She is the only one who can suppress Qu Panyan's anger, and she will never leave at will.

Today's morning class was led by Kang Congshuang. The disciples sat cross-legged on the futons and meditated, calmed down, immersed in the sea of spiritual consciousness, and searched for, shaped and established themselves in the vast and boundless avenue.

There was silence all around, and the disciples gradually felt as light as the wind, and even the sound of breathing subconsciously eased.

Suddenly, the sky trembled, and Kang Congshuang suddenly opened his eyes, only to feel a few scorching white waves sweeping across his body, and his skin was ignited with burning pain.

The disciples of the fire department in the courtyard fell to the ground in an instant, wailing incessantly, and various auras continuously wafted from their bodies, all of which merged into the white waves and swayed in all directions together.

Kang Congshuang didn't have time to think about it, and quickly got up and raised his hands to form a defensive formation, trying his best to resist the inexplicably strong white heat wave, and quickly ordered the wood disciples in the courtyard to step up to input spiritual power for the fire disciples to help them calm down, and the others Seeing this, the disciples of attributes also hurriedly got up and formed an formation with her to gain life for their fellow disciples.

Just when Kang Congshuang was wondering where the heat wave came from, Ling'er, who was sleeping in Kang Congshuang's long sleeves in the form of a tiny dragon, was also woken up by the heat wave. She poked her head out carefully and looked up. Looking at Bai Lang who kept hitting the defensive screen, he suddenly remembered the white sky fire he saw yesterday, and said, "It's the ancestor of fire."

Kang Congshuang was taken aback when he heard the words, Ling'er turned to look at her, and asked in a daze, "Did something happen to her?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the white heat wave also stopped, and everything returned to its original calm, as if nothing had happened.

Ling'er blinked even more ignorantly: "The ancestor of fire, is she okay?"

Qu Panyan was not good at all, her blood-colored pupils were full of terrifying killing intent, dust was flying all around, crushed stones were all around her feet, there was also the overwhelming cold air and her favorite fragrance.

Su Lingyu hugged her tightly into her arms, with a dignified expression, she kept shouting: "Yan'er, calm down!"

Just now, Qu Panyan was cultivating properly, but for some reason, she suddenly burst into a rage, and her aura suddenly increased, and strong heat waves emitted from her body, which quickly shattered the barrier she set up, and raged in all directions. Even the two protectors of Batu Wuyi couldn't help but knelt down on the ground, repeatedly urging Qu Panyan to calm down.

In the end, it was Su Lingyu who suppressed her.

Su Lingyu frowned: "Yan'er calm down."

Feeling that the mood of the person in her arms is gradually calming down, Su Lingyu said slowly: "Good smoke, sister Lingyu is here, don't be afraid."

Qu Panyan grabbed her clothes with both hands, buried her head in the socket of her neck, slowly closed her blood-red eyes, opened them again, and her pupils were pitch black.

She called softly: "Sister Lingyu..."

Su Lingyu responded softly: "Well, I'm here."

She took a breath and said sadly: "I can't make it through, my cultivation is stuck..."

It was as if God was playing tricks on her, knowing that she was in a hurry to enter the country, so he deliberately blocked her from leaving.

Why did God the dog want to block her at this time! !

Let my wife go! ! !

She became more and more irritable, and her temper was ignited in an instant, and she vented it out uncontrollably, even affecting the people around her, and even more people she didn't know.

Su Lingyu comforted: "Yan'er, good boy, cultivation will not always be smooth sailing, this is normal, don't worry."

Qu Panyan lowered her eyebrows, with displeasure written all over her face. Because what pissed her off the most was another thing—

With lingering fear in her heart, she raised her head to look at Su Lingyu, her eyes flickered, she was about to cry, she looked so pitiful: "I just..."

"He actually wanted to kill Sister Lingyu."