I Became Love Rivals With My Crush

Chapter 82


The sky was clear and bright, and the breeze was blowing slowly, pouring into the robe, and gently touching every inch of skin. The endless stretches of strange peaks and mountains in front of us are unattainable, majestic and majestic, piercing the sky.

Among them, two strange peaks are sandwiched, forming a narrow gap, and the clean and refreshing sky is also squeezed into a long straight line by this gap. Compared with the two strange peaks, it becomes a marvelous sight of a line of sky.

Qu Panyan slowly raised her neck, her eyes followed a line of the sky, and the two strange peaks facing each other fell in her sight, and there was a faint feeling of collapse, which made people feel extremely oppressed and uncomfortable.

She withdrew her gaze, turned to the guardians who were silently guarding aside, and asked, "Is the Skyfire Clan here?"

That mysterious tribe that lives only in the ancient classics is in this precarious and precarious sky

Batu and Wu Yi nodded tacitly, and Wu Yi said: "Please come with us." Then he walked side by side with Batu, and walked into this line of sky first.

Qu Panyan and Su Lingyu were behind her, before stepping in, Su Lingyu clasped her five fingers and said in a low voice, "Don't stay too far away from me."

Qu Panyan said that if she wanted to be saved, she would definitely save it, and Batu Wuyi told her that in the Tianhuo clan, there is a kind of spiritual flower that grows up by sucking the blood of the Holy Son, called Xuezihua.

Because the blood of the Son of Blood is purely watered by the blood of the Son of God, it can also replace the blood of the Son of God to eradicate all diseases in the world. As for the blood flower of the Tianhuo Clan, only the Holy Son has the right to use it, and the members of the clan must obtain the permission of the Holy Son if they want to use this flower.

After listening to Qu Panyan, the Son of God, he immediately made up his mind to leave for the Skyfire Clan, and he left quickly. He was still in the tea pavilion of Tailing Peak a while ago, but now he was standing in front of the Tianhuo Clan.

And because she would be more likely to lose control without Su Lingyu now, and Su Lingyu was worried about letting her go to another country alone, so she also came with her.

At this time, Su Lingyu is not only her Taoist companion, but also her guardian. It is necessary to pay attention to her at all times to prevent her from losing control of her emotions, and to protect her from being harmed in a foreign land.

Su Da suzerain, those who can do more work.

Qu Panyan intertwined her fingers, and responded with a sweet smile: "Okay, from now on I will be sister Lingyu's little tail!"

She will never leave her for half a step, she will be there wherever she is!

Su Lingyu smiled slowly when she heard the words, and led her slowly into the sky: "Well, it's time to go, my little tail."

As soon as the two stepped in, they ran into a strong wind. Different from the gentle breeze outside, the fierce strong wind swished past them, making their robes rattle and their black hair fluttering.

Su Lingyu was calm and unaffected by the swift wind. She subconsciously looked at Qu Panyan, and found that the other party was also very calm, his black hair was blown back like a cloud by the wind, and he didn't look a bit embarrassed, but showed her incomparably gorgeous appearance in front of her eyes without reservation.

Such is the case with natural and beautiful eyes and a righteous appearance.

There is no one in the world who does not love a beauty, and no one does not love her.

The heartbeat in the chest suddenly accelerated for a moment, Su Lingyu's thoughts moved slightly, and the five fingers that had fallen between her fingers opened and closed, and clasped her five fingers that were as white as jade with more force. Only the two of them He said in a way that could only be heard: "Yan'er is not allowed to be too far away from sister Lingyu in this life."

Qu Panyan turned to look at her: "In this life?"

Before Su Lingyu could respond to these three words, she laughed and said, "It's a bit rare."

"I want to live forever..." She looked at her tenderly, and continued, "They are all very close to Sister Lingyu."

Having love will make people selfish and ambitious. They will arrogantly feel that only having a lover for a lifetime is too short, and then they can't restrain their ambitions and start looking forward to the next life, the next life, and the next life. Until the end of time, everything returns to chaos.

She is such an ambitious person. Not only does she want to monopolize Su Lingyu in this life, she also wants to monopolize her in every lifetime. In this regard, she resolutely implements the principle of "overbearing and unreasonable".

Sister Lingyu is mine, and all the little wild flowers are by my side!

Su Lingyu asked: "Really?"

Qu Panyan nodded firmly: "Madam Su will do what she says!"

Su Lingyu lowered her eyes and smiled, and the smile slowly spread in those clear eyes: "Well, sister Lingyu remembered what Yan'er said."

As long as there are her words, even if she is not by her side that day, she still has the courage to snatch her back.

After all, Mrs. Su did what she said.

Batu and Wu Yi didn't finish the journey, and stopped halfway. The two faced forward, clasped their hands together, closed their eyes and recited a spell silently.

In the narrow space, the gust of wind suddenly stopped, and then there was a heavy roar from all directions, as if thousands of troops were rushing towards them, and even the sporadic gravel on the ground trembled, making people panic for a while , awe and fear came into being.

I saw Batu and Wu Yi suddenly draw an arc in the air with their arms in tacit understanding, two pairs of golden pupils glowed with a mysterious light, a few lines of pure white spells appeared out of thin air, and the straight sky was in front of them Suddenly twisted up.

The next moment, Qu Panyan and Su Lingyu had a mirror-like door in front of them.

Batu and Wu Yi retracted their strength at the same time, standing tall and straight on both sides of the door, with a majestic momentum, like two unshakable mountains.

They turned around slowly and looked at Qu Panyan and the two, with impeccable respect on their faces, bowed slightly and said, "Holy Son, Mrs. Holy Son, please."

The door leading to the Skyfire Clan is so hidden. No wonder the world has lived in ancient books for so many years and has not been found by the world. The world can't get in without a coincidence!

Qu Panyan raised his chin, and said politely: "The two protectors first."

They are new arrivals and don't know what's behind them, so it's best to let them wait behind.

Batu and Wu Yi are Tianhuo's most loyal guardians, with them guarding behind, Qu Panyan is very relieved.

Batu and Wu Yi didn't say much, they turned around and walked through the door. For them, the words of the Holy Son are an irresistible commandment, and most of the time they just do it obediently, so there is no need to talk too much.

Qu Panyan was about to follow, but was held back by Su Lingyu again, and a hand dropped from her head, and gently passed through her hair, combing her slightly messy hair.

Su Lingyu said calmly: "The people from the Tianhuo tribe must have been waiting behind the door."

The Holy Son is the supreme existence to the Skyfire Clan. If the new Holy Son wants to return to the Skyfire Clan, Batu and Wu Yi will definitely notify the Skyfire Clan as soon as possible and order them to prepare early.

So Su Lingyu can be sure that they will definitely be waiting behind the door, so she has to help Qu Panyan take care of her appearance, and she can't let the Tianhuo tribe see a new holy son with messy hair, and spoil the first impression first.

Just like as the suzerain, she would never go to see the disciple elders in the sect with disheveled hair. First, she would appear disrespectful to each other; All right.

The suzerain should lead by example first, and then restrain disciples.

Qu Panyan obediently let her tidy up her appearance, and liked her more and more thoughtfulness that was exclusive to him.

Her gentleness is hers, her thoughtfulness is also hers, everything about her belongs to her alone, just thinking about it makes me feel happy!

After taking care of their appearance, Qu Panyan and Su Lingyu walked through the mirror-like door together, and their field of vision suddenly widened and was boundless.

Before coming, Qu Panyan thought that the Skyfire Clan would be full of scorching flames, and that there would be mountains of flames that would erupt at any time, and every inch of the land was filled with a suffocating sense of heat.

Now that she looked around, she suddenly felt that she was really wrong, her brain was too big.

The name of the Tianhuo Clan sounds very hot, but in fact, it is surrounded by green mountains and green waters, and the scenery is pleasant. The green rice fields are connected to each other, stretching as far as the eye can see, the rice paddies are trafficked, the houses are like houses, and the smoke rises from the roofs, and there is a kind of beauty that has been quiet here for years.

Qu Panyan silently apologized to the Skyfire Clan in her heart: I'm sorry, I misunderstood.

As Su Lingyu said, the people of the Tianhuo tribe were indeed waiting for her behind the door. They didn't dare to get too close rashly, and kept a distance politely and piously.

Qu Panyan glanced at the scenery of the Skyfire Clan before turning his gaze back to them.

Their lives are no different from the outsiders, with the same skin color, two eyes, one nose, and one mouth, but their clothes are more in favor of ethnic minorities, with short coats and wide skirts, unlike the outsiders, who have wide sleeves and togas, which are very heavy, and Everyone wears a large silver bracelet on their wrists, the style is exactly the same as the one in Ayi Duo's hand.

There is a silver fire pattern between Qu Panyan's eyebrows that symbolizes her identity, and her appearance is unmatched, the people of the Tianhuo tribe are almost attracted by her at a glance.

So beautiful, they had never seen such a beautiful person.

And when they moved their eyes slightly to look at the cold and arrogant beauty next to them, they couldn't help but shuddered, and they all looked away tacitly.

—Her eyes are so cold and terrifying, I dare not look at them!

At this time, a middle-aged man standing at the head of the crowd slowly came out. He has a round body, with a thick and fluffy beard on his face, wearing a white robe embroidered with mysterious patterns, and a string of large silver necklaces hanging around his neck, which still has a slight eye-catching luster.

Batu and Wu Yi called him: "The Patriarch."

The patriarch made a respectful salute to them, and a deep voice rang in their ears: "Please allow me, the Skyfire Clan, to present a cup of dust-removing wine to the two distinguished guests."

Although Qu Panyan is the Holy Son, he is a foreigner after all, he is a guest first and then a host.

After the patriarch finished speaking, he raised his hand slightly, and a young girl walked out behind him with her head down, holding a gourd in her slender hand, she was the patriarch's daughter.

Qu Panyan looked at her figure and the outline of her slightly exposed face, and a person suddenly flashed in his mind - a person who should have been thoroughly chilled.

And when the girl raised her head to look at them, both Qu Panyan and Su Lingyu's eyes flashed with astonishment for a moment.

It's not like, it's exactly the same!

Aida, she is back!

Unaware of the surprise of Qu Panyan and the others, she smiled and walked forward, her long skirt dragging on the ground, every step was jerky and cautious: "Please don't dislike our Quchen wine, two guests."

Qu Panyan suddenly felt that the wine was poisonous, and she even had a new proposition in her mind: In the realm of comprehension, how likely is it that a person who has been burnt to the point of being burnt to the ground will come back for revenge

In an instant, the mood became a little irritable again—isn't it good to die peacefully? Why come back to bother her

Wu Yi saw what was wrong with her, and said calmly: "Master Shengzi, please rest assured, it's not Ayi Duo, it's Anasha."

Anasha was suddenly called by the witch clothes guardian, subconsciously distracted to answer, but she made a wrong step, stepped on the hem of her skirt suddenly, and fell to the ground violently, the wine gourd in her hand flew away out.

Qu Panyan looked at the dust-removing wine spilled at his feet, without saying a word.

After a while, she asked with a dark face: "What are you doing?"

The people of the Tianhuo tribe all cast compassionate eyes on Anasha.

It's over, Anasha wants to cool down.