I Became The King of Villains in The Game

Chapter 106: Fairyland Origin


late at night.

Chen Lun was lying on the bed in the guest room.

I turned over and looked at the table by the window. In the moonlight, I could clearly see a portrait on it.

—The black-haired young man is wearing a formal suit, holding a silver cane in one hand and gently pulling down the brim of his hat with the other hand. He has a slight smile on his face and is looking straight out of the painting.

I have to say that Noah's painting skills are still very superb, and he draws himself one-tenth as handsome as he is.

Chen Lun sighed secretly.

Finally, he persuaded Noah to put some clothes on himself in the painting to prevent him from catching a cold. Noah was surprised and then praised his kindness.

Chen Lun stopped looking at the painting and chose to lie down.

"I have an appointment to meet with Polaris and his group of players tomorrow..."

He groaned.

This was his next plan, he was ready to fight back.

Since the shelter and the Red Apple Church were so aggressive, don't blame him for being ruthless. His own home was raided, and Connie and Floy had to hide with him. Chen Lun never thought that he was a person who was easy to bully.

He planned to defeat them one by one.

The first target chosen is the Red Apple Church!

The sub-profession that needs to be replaced in the previously envisioned career system can be obtained from the Red Apple Church. Another reason is the high-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious substance.

After all, it's a church branch in a big city, so maybe there's a chance we can get it.

"But before that, I still need to make some preparations."

Chen Lun took out the Jingzhe bookmark and examined it carefully. No one could have imagined that this ordinary green bookmark would be an S-level strange object.

He gently placed Jingzhe between his eyebrows.


Chen Lun opened his eyes and saw that huge tree that blocked out the sun was still there in the distant horizon.

He walked slowly to the "vine platform" in front, picked up "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland" on it, and then returned to reality.

Lying on his back on the bed, Chen Lun opened the book in the moonlight.

White light emerged.

He appeared again in the "fairyland" in the book, on the grassland.

"My sanity is limited. I have to hurry."

Chen Lun reminded himself secretly.

He moved, leaving a shadow and came to the wooden house by the lake, and walked straight in.

The wooden house had not been fully explored before, so he planned to check it carefully this time.

Unfortunately, after a search, Chen Lun did not find anything else of value, only a playing card on the table.

The card is a Spade J, with some words written in the blank corner:

"—Regrettably, I have predicted my own death, tomorrow.

I'll leave this place to you from now on, my friend."

Chen Lun's eyes narrowed.

What did Philip leave behind before he died

But who is the "you" in this last words

Could it be me

He was shocked by the guess.

"It should just be a coincidence... As a mid-sequence transcendent, Philip cannot possibly predict the future more than a decade later, let alone accurately predict my future."

He thought to himself.

At this moment, the playing cards slipped out of his hand.

Chen Lun was shocked.

But before he could react, the poker card sank into his chest.


When he opened his collar, he saw a black letter "J" on his left chest.

At the same time, a lot of information emerged in his mind—

This is a fictional world.

This fictional world is based on Philip's own experience and his own perspective... He once went to a strange place, which was full of absurdity and weirdness, but also hidden opportunities.

He didn't know what the place was called, so he named it "Fairyland".

Limited by his strength, Philip's exploration journey progressed slowly, and he never touched the edge of "fairyland" until the last moment before his death. So he recorded everything he saw and heard, and reproduced it in this fictional world.

But please keep in mind.

It's dangerous there, very dangerous, and every moment it's covered by a strong omen of death. So this fictional world is also quite dangerous, don't let your guard down by thinking it's fake.

Because the absurdity and weirdness of "Fairyland" is beyond imagination, this fictional world has also been deeply eroded and influenced, and has a hint of the shadow and reality of "Fairyland".

This also makes this book special.

It is cursed and is not allowed to exist in reality.

Fortunately, Philip's lover Maggie built a "safe cabin" for him, which could serve as a safe haven for a short rest. As long as he stayed there, he could avoid danger.

Philip also included the cabin in the book, so he could seek refuge there.

Now, you are the new owner of this wooden house.

He is also the new master of this fictional world.

You can follow in Philip's footsteps, complete his unfinished wishes, and complete his unfinished business -

Explore the place he named "Wonderland".

"'Wonderland'...? What exactly is that?"

Chen Lun frowned.

Based on his memory from his previous life, he had never heard of it.

According to Philip's description, he had no impression of it either.

"In other words, this is a replica of 'Wonderland', but it is still dangerous. When necessary, you need to hide in the 'safe house' to avoid danger?"

Chen Lun pondered and thought, feeling that there were more and more mysteries.

After receiving the mark and information, he found that he seemed to have some kind of "authority" that allowed him to control some "switches" in this fictional world.

For example, the "on/off" of the cabin, and the "on/off" of the lake...


Chen Lun was confused.

He walked out of the cabin and came to the lake behind.

Here, he saw a mermaid statue, standing on the shore, with its tail raised, staring at the lake in front of it, lost in thought.

Chen Lun walked over slowly and followed the statue's gaze towards the lake.

He had a strong feeling that as long as he jumped into the water, he would be able to officially reach the starting point of this replica of "Wonderland". The scene of the wooden house by the lake was just a safe area before departure.

Chen Lun turned his head and continued to look at the mermaid statue.

There are some words on its base:

"—To Maggie, I will never forget the way you watched me walk away silently.

Just as you will never forget my blazing love. "

Chen Lun understood.

The statue was built by Philip in memory of his love Maggie.


Chen Lun kept repeating the name.

"So it's a deep-sea mermaid?"

He looked up and suddenly found—

The statue's eyes had turned around at some point and were staring at him quietly.

Those eyes were calm and indifferent.

You are being watched by an angel! Sanity -99!



The view was completely dark.

Chen Lun's eyes exploded and disintegrated, his whole body was like broken porcelain, covered with cracks.

The next moment.


Countless golden branches pierced out from Chen Lun's body.

In the last moment of his consciousness, he vaguely heard a distant female voice whispering.




"Philip, is this the person you are looking for?"