I Became The King of Villains in The Game

Chapter 98: Promotion! Strength surges! (Please read on!)


It turns out that "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland" was hidden in the bookmark!

Chen Lun suddenly came back to his senses.

I found myself back in the room, already holding the old book in my hands.

At this time, the Jingzhe Bookmark sent another message, meaning that this book cannot stay in reality for too long, otherwise it will gradually collapse.

Only by storing it in the bookmark world can it be protected and nourished with a constant supply of vitality to maintain the existence of the book.

This is a book that should not exist in reality.

Chen Lun suppressed the hidden excitement in his heart and slowly clenched his five fingers.

He remembered the title page, took it out and inserted it back into the first page of Philip's Adventures in Wonderland.

Discover the special mystery book! Philip's Adventures in Wonderland (Complete)!

"Just let me see what you wrote, Philip..."

Chen Lun's hand stroked the cover of the book. The rough texture of the fiber gave it a hint of history.

Open the book.

A flash of white light appeared.

Chen Lun only felt an incomparable pulling force dragging him and sucking him into the book.

The next second, he appeared on a grassland.

The sky is blue and white clouds, and it is clear.

There is a clear lake not far ahead, with a small wooden house by the lake and a grape vine planted next to the house.

Everything is so quiet and peaceful.

Chen Lun looked up and found that at the end of the grassland was a distorted chaos.

The deep blue-grey swirls around the edges of the world, like an oil painting with a lakeside cottage in the center and blue-grey paint smeared around the edges.

Chen Lun sensed extreme danger from the deep chaos and had a strong premonition that he could not look at it for long, otherwise he would suffer misfortune.

He quickly retracted his gaze and walked forward.

When he arrived at the wooden house, Chen Lun found traces of people living here. Thinking of what was written on the title page, he guessed that this was most likely where Philip once stayed.

And this wooden house is the "safe house" built for him by his "beloved" Maggie.

Everything was normal and Chen Lun didn't notice anything special.

Until he walked into the cabin and picked up a notebook that was casually thrown on the bed.

Discover the Fate Faction's extraordinary knowledge (complete)!

Destiny Faction Sequence 8-Fortune Teller

The promotion conditions have been met. Should I proceed with the sequence promotion

Extraordinary knowledge!

Chen Lun took a deep breath.

Finally found it…

There are no strict conditions for promotion to the lower levels. As long as the level meets the requirements and the corresponding extraordinary knowledge is possessed, it will be a natural progression.


He had been waiting for this opportunity for too long, and without any hesitation, he immediately chose to be promoted.

Chen Lun felt an indescribable feeling, so mysterious that he felt that his mind had gained a lot of new knowledge, as if he was born with knowledge.

You have mastered the skill of divination!

Divination LV1

Skill description: Through your experience and observation of yourself and everything, you finally get a glimpse of the truth of fate. You learn to use special means to divine and predict everything. Affected by the insight and intelligence attributes.

Remember, fate is unpredictable. It is better not to rely on divination than to trust it blindly.

"After being promoted to a beast tamer, does he become a fortune teller? This skill..."

Chen Lun groaned.

"Divination-type supernatural powers are very useful, but they are only for reference... and they need to be used with extreme caution."

He felt that what was said in the skill description was very correct and it was better not to believe it.

The upper limit of the divination skill is level 3, so Chen Lun directly allocated 2 skill points to max it out.

The fortune-telling LVMAX does not make his fortune-telling more accurate, but it only makes his fortune-telling methods more extensive and his techniques more sophisticated.

Chen Lun continued to flip through the notes and found that in addition to the extraordinary knowledge required to become a fortune teller, there were also two professional-specific skills recorded on it:

By reading carefully, you will gain some experience and comprehend the skill of Life-Seeing Eye!

By reading carefully, you have gained some experience and understood the skill Spiritual Intuition (Passive)!

Life-gaze LV1

Skill Description: Years of career as a fortune teller allow you to see part of the target's fate at a glance, thereby capturing the hidden information. This skill is affected by the insight attribute.

The upper limit of this skill is also level 3. Chen Lun once again spent 2 skill points to upgrade it to the maximum level.

Life-gaze eye LVMAX!

"It's like an enhanced version of 'exploration', but for me, it's a necessity."

Chen Lun said secretly.

Having lost his player panel, he also lost the "detection" function. Now with the Life-Seeing Eye, the information he can see is only more than that of the players, not less.

Spiritual Intuition LV1 (Passive)

Skill Description: Years of career as a fortune teller have made you more spiritual. Having long been in contact with fate, you also have a strong premonition generated by the subtle changes in everything. This skill is affected by the insight attribute.

Additional Attributes: Insight +2.

Chen Lun did not hesitate and spent 4 skill points to upgrade it to the maximum.

Spiritual intuition LVMAX makes Chen Lun's intuition stronger and also adds 10 points of insight.

Then he looked at the experience points he had.

"I have accumulated nearly 30,000 experience points without realizing it...?!"

Chen Lun was a little surprised.

Even though he had just spent a lot of money to add skill points, he did not use up all his skill points. It seemed that he had accumulated quite a lot of resources over the past few days.

"Phew... I feel relieved now."

He let out a sigh.


A total of 29,000 experience points were consumed, and Chen Lun leveled up 20 levels on the spot, directly raising the fortune teller to the maximum level.

After the main profession was promoted to Sequence 8, the experience points required for leveling up would be 500 and above, and would increase by 100 at each level. Without previous accumulation, it would be impossible to withstand Chen Lun's rocket-like speed of adding points.

It can be said that this surge in strength is ultimately due to his accumulated strength.

The main occupation level is upgraded, and you feel that your body has been strengthened, with upper limit of health +520, upper limit of physical strength +120, upper limit of sanity +7, strength +6, endurance +6, dexterity +12, intelligence +12

You get 20 skill points, 20 attribute points

Chen Lun felt the changes after his strength suddenly increased.

This change is not in one aspect, but an overall comprehensive improvement. Although it has not reached qualitative change, it is not far from it.

The clearest feeling was the ability of the previous tamer.

Chen Lun was surprised to find that not only other skills were strengthened accordingly, but even the characteristics in the animal imitation memory grid had merged automatically!

The three items of stork peck, bear attack and rhino ram finally turned into - steel bones!

The snake's kiss and the scorpion's tail needle merged into - the poison of snakes and scorpions!

This leaves three more items empty in the memory grid.

He planned to find an opportunity to fill the three vacancies.

"You can try the flight characteristics again..."

Chen Lun thought secretly.

The next moment, he suddenly felt a dull pain in his head.

I opened the panel and saw that my sanity value had reached the bottom—

Name: Chen Lun

Race: Human (Eastern Continent)

Template: NPC (Countdown to version 1.0 public beta: 356 days, 11 hours, 14 minutes and 45 seconds)

Level: 50

Experience: 100/1900

Health: 800/800

Stamina: 300/300

Sanity: 5/15

Main Occupation: Sequence 9 - Tamer LV10 (MAX) Sequence 8 - Fortune Teller LV20 (MAX) (Fate Faction)

Secondary occupation: Fisherman LV10 (MAX) Recorder LV10 (MAX)

Attributes: Strength 35 (+2), Dexterity 50, Stamina 20 (+2), Intelligence 24, Faith 5

Special attributes: Charisma 18 (+2+5), Willpower 5, Insight 28, Luck 3

Regional popularity: 1

Remaining points: 24 skill points, 22 attribute points

Remaining property: 305 gold pounds, 685 silver ounces, 4606 copper crores, 5 low-sequence flesh faction mysterious substances, 3 low-sequence conspiracy faction mysterious substances, 3 low-sequence moon faction mysterious substances

Skills: Quick Eyes and Hands LV1 (Passive), Sea Balance LV1 (Passive), Animal Language LVMAX, Animal Imitation LVMAX, Animal Friends LVMAX (Passive), Copying LVMAX, Divination LVMAX, Life-Seeing Eye LVMAX, Spiritual Intuition LVMAX (Passive)

Power: 151

Evaluation: You have stood at the forefront of low-end extraordinary people and deserve to be called the king of low-end.

Chen Lun understood.

It seems that once you enter the strange space of "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland", your sanity points will continue to be consumed as time goes by.

He didn't dare to stay any longer and chose to leave.