I Became the Koi Actor After Entering the Book

Chapter 75: Released this month


If in China, "School Grass School Flower" and Chi Zhongqiao achieved each other, then in Yueben country, Chi Zhongqiao unilaterally dragged "School Grass School Flower" all the way.

At least that's how it was in the early days.

Not long after the movie was released, the two photos of Chi Zhongqiao became popular on Twitter.

One is the napping scene on the poster, and the other is Chi Zhongqiao holding a bouquet of perfumed lilies, the bouquet is pure white, and he is standing in the clean corridor of the hospital.

The colors of these two pictures are very simple, and the light and shadow are handled superbly. Both the scene and the color palette are bright and light. The only character in the picture is a school grass, which perfectly blends with the bright and clean scene.

Especially his eyes, make all those who look directly at him seem to walk into a bright and clean classroom, the light reaches every corner, and there is no dark place to be found.

There is a mesmerizing clarity.

Although the phrase "a clear boy you see once in a thousand years" in the media sounds inexplicably sour, but it is just a few words, which has a different kind of attraction, and everyone passing by clicks in to take a look.

This one glance is enough to fall into the pit.

Chi Zhongqiao has an impeccable face. He has a very good face. Because of his drooping eyes, he naturally has an innocent youthful look.

Everyone who saw these two pictures couldn't help asking who the person in the picture was and what film and television they were from. After getting the male lead in "School Grass School Flower", they searched enthusiastically and found that this is actually a movie that is currently being screened. movie of.

And a movie from China, so is this a Chinese teenager

Girls in Yueben country buy tickets for their faces, especially for girls who have not yet graduated. The word "school grass" has a natural attraction. It may be that every girl has a clean boy in school uniform in her heart.

And the Chinese people living in foreign countries are even more straightforward-they called their companions and went to see it directly.

For the latter, for those Chinese wandering in foreign countries, any spiritual enjoyment related to the motherland is precious. As long as they can spare time, they will definitely go to the movies.

And after watching it, they can't help but sell Amway to the people around them—as long as you watch "School Grass School Flower", we are brothers (sisters) who worship!

It's not just a comedy!

"School Grass School Flower" is really our youth.

There is not so much love, there is no abortion, it is just the unique depression and indulgence of paper papers, sand sculpture classmates and high school seniors.

This group of people may have gone abroad to earn a future, or they may have gone abroad for their dreams. The vigorous vitality conveyed in the movie instantly brought them back to their high school days.

It's just that now, the years they can recall have been added with filters from the years, softening most of the sharp edges and corners into rough edges.

So everything is beautiful, even the movie has the most special meaning, as if it can represent a time that can only be recalled and cannot be repeated.

When they mentioned this movie to the people around them, their tone was always emotional:

"When I watch movies, I always think about my time in school."

"The movie is so real, I cried and laughed while watching it. I used to stay up late to study questions in high school."

At this time, the curiosity of the surrounding Yueben people was aroused, and they asked each other what the high school in Huaguo was like, was it the same as Yueben's high school

And they exclaimed in the other party's description, and then most of them would ask a question: "The school girl you mentioned, is he good-looking?"

The person selling Amway immediately took out his mobile phone and pulled out the photos: "He is not good-looking, he is the kind that is amazing. Do you know what is amazing? No? We Chinese people say that, that is, a person who looks good everywhere Very good, I can't pick out what's wrong."

The Yueben people seem to understand: "Oh—that's it."

Under the hard work of these people, friends around them contributed to the box office out of curiosity.

In fact, at the beginning, most people came here for their "feelings" or "beautiful boys seen once in a millennium". At the beginning, they didn't even have any hope for the movie itself, but after watching the movie, they became a group selling Amway. member. In addition to resonating with the emotions conveyed by the actors, they saw the daily life of high school students in Huaguo, compared it with their own high school in amazement, and enjoyed it with relish.

Some media even seized on this point and started a topic: what was your high school life like? Envious of high schools in other countries

So in a foreign country across the sea from China, "School Grass School Flower" became popular with a different attitude.

Actors and works are always mutual achievements.

With the release of the movie, Chi Zhongqiao gained a large number of fans.

After all, who doesn't love such a teenager

The fans frantically searched for Chi Zhongqiao's information, and when they learned that the other party actually had an account on Twitter, they rushed up and followed him.

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The number of Chi Zhongqiao's followers on Twitter increased by one million in a few days. Fans found that although this account was registered not long ago, there was a dynamic!

Still a video!

The comment area quickly fell under the comments of the blockbuster:

"His voice is beautiful!"

"This looks different from the school grass, but it's also very attractive."

"The school grass is a boy, such a gentleman looks like a very mature man."

"Oh, it's so sweet to laugh! Did he grow up eating candy?"

"Does he have a nickname? No? Then I'll call him Mr. Ah, it's really cute, and he's serious when it comes to acting."

Chi Zhongqiao in the interview is somewhat different from the image in the movie, but it is this difference that makes him look more real, not a character that exists on the screen.

Chi Zhongqiao is a slow person. Except for playing games faster, he usually even speaks in a leisurely manner, but this kind of calmness is not annoying, and the slowness seems very warm.

Fans in foreign countries gradually fell into a deep pit called "Chi Zhongqiao".

However, there is too little food, and the account is not managed by Chi Zhongqiao himself. He is not as keen on posting news as Chi Zhongqiao is. He just reposts some original videos one after another and puts them on Twitter with subtitles.

It's a pity that Chi Zhongqiao didn't have many videos to carry. He has been very busy recently, and he can't even take care of the little girl in his family, let alone pay attention to Yue Benguo's fans.

The fans don't love their parents or their mothers, just like the little cabbage in the field.

Fans of Xiaobaicai are self-reliant, and found Chi Zhongqiao's previous dramas on other large websites. Among them, "Mother's World" can already be watched in its entirety on this website, and some clips of "Invisible Crime" can also be searched.

However, because of the translation, fans thought it was hard to chew.

Compared with "School Grass and School Flowers" on the youth campus, "Mother Yi Tianxia", as a costume drama, can attract the attention of fans to a certain extent. Among them, the exquisite costumes and lingering love make many fans stand in the language The unreasonable pressure is mesmerizing.

Costume dramas always have a unique charm that can never be replaced.

However, "The Invisible Crime" has only fragments, so there is no splash for the time being.

Unexpectedly by Du Yusheng, Chi Zhongqiao knocked on the door of cultural differences with a single face, successfully sent himself and his works abroad, and easily gained a circle of fans.

Away from the network cable, Du Yusheng watched all kinds of rainbow farts on TuiTui, and thought with a wooden face: Chi Chongqiao must be poisonous, why is he different from others every time he gets popular

What about the once-in-a-thousand-year beautiful boy, is it sour

In the first ten days of January, Chi Zhongqiao finally got a one-and-a-half-day vacation from director Yu—he was going to attend this year's Feiwang Awards.

He wasn't nominated, but was in with the cast of "Invisible Crime."

Lu Yuzhou pressed the fifth alarm clock, and Chi Zhongqiao beside him was huddled under the blanket, probably disturbed by the alarm clock, and his brows frowned.

Chi Zhongqiao was going to take a nap when he came back from the film crew. Lu Yuzhou was a fool, and he couldn't sit still in the office after hearing a phone call. It happened to be Friday again, so he simply left work early.

When Chi Zhongqiao came back, he had just taken a shower, and if his hair was half dry, he would cover him with a quilt. When he saw him enter the bedroom, he patted the pillow: "Yu Zhou, come and sleep together for a while."

Covering the bed with the one you like in winter is the most luxurious enjoyment.

Lu Yuzhou took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, walked over and kissed him on the forehead: "Brother Qiao, sleep first."

Chi Zhongqiao looked up at him: "Aren't you sleepy?"

Lu Yuzhou smiled, leaned over, and touched the corner of Chi Zhongqiao's mouth: "I'm not sleepy, Brother Qiao, go to sleep."

Chi Zhongqiao subconsciously licked the corner of his lower lip: "Did you secretly eat candy?"

Lu Yuzhou raised his eyebrows: "Well, I just ate it just now."

Chi Zhongqiao let out a chuckle. He woke up a lot after taking a bath, and he didn't want to sleep for a while.

Lu Yuzhou leaned against the head of the bed, inserting his fingers into Chi Zhongqiao's. Rubbing the back of Chi Zhongqiao's hand with his fingertips, Chi Zhongqiao gradually couldn't open his eyes as if he had taken sleeping pills, and his mind was drowned by sleepiness. He closed his eyes and responded with a sticky sound.

By the time Lu Yuzhou replied the message, Chi Zhongqiao had already fallen asleep.

Lu Yuzhou wasn't sleepy at all, he had much more energy than Chi Zhongqiao, the "old father" in his soul, six or seven hours of sleep a day was enough.

He looked at Chi Zhongqiao by the bed for a while, knowing that Chi Zhongqiao would not wake up for a while, so he simply went to cook a pot of porridge.

When the porridge was almost done, Lu Yuzhou heard the alarm ringing loudly from the bedroom. Reluctant to call him, just about to get up, Chi Zhongqiao's mobile phone placed beside the bed buzzed and vibrated.

Lu Yuzhou answered the phone, turned around and left the bedroom.


Du Yusheng: "... Mr. Lu."

Ever since the relationship between the two was broken that day, Du Yusheng's dog eyes have been so flashed that they are about to be scrapped.

Especially Chi Zhongqiao, that little bastard, who didn't take it into consideration at all.

"Is there a problem?"

Lu Yuzhou glanced at the porridge in the pot, turned the heat to a slow simmer.

Du Yusheng sweated for himself: "Chongqiao is free this afternoon, I want him to post a post and move around."

After all, Chi Zhongqiao has not had any news for almost a month. In the past, he liked to post news the most. However, after the filming of "Guoshi" started, he got into the scene and has not come out until now.

In fact, the crew of "Guo Shi" is a bit crazy, and all members are living under the pressure of director Yu Shuo.

Du Yusheng once went to the film crew to visit two unlucky children at home, and was taken aback by Yan Yiyun’s state—this child’s script skills were not good, and Chi Zhongqiao took tutoring for him. He filmed during the day and made up lessons at night. .

Du Yusheng was so frightened that he almost took the two unlucky children to see a psychiatrist.

No wonder Brother Qiao had to set the alarm clock when he went to bed on vacation.

Lu Yuzhou paused: "Okay."

Du Yusheng heaved a sigh of relief: he was afraid that Boss Lu would feel sorry for Chong Qiao, so he directly pushed away such trivial things as making videos.

"I'll call Zhong Yin over later..."

Lu Yuzhou said, "No need, I'll just take pictures for Brother Qiao."

Du Yusheng choked up for a moment, and said with a dry smile, "Okay, then, I will trouble you then."

Lu Yuzhou didn't change his face: "It should."

Du Yusheng: "..."

Can this also force dog food? I beg Chong Qiao to accept Mr. Lu.

He added dryly: "The video is specially sent to Yue Benguo's fans. I have helped Chong Qiao choose a few themes and sent them on his mobile phone. Remember to remind him to watch it."

Lu Yuzhou said, "How's the situation over there?"

When it came to work, Du Yusheng lifted his spirits: "It's very good, unexpectedly good. And I've already received invitations for the cover of several magazines, all of which are very famous magazines, and they are cover shoots. I'll look back... Uh, Zhong Qiao has been quite busy recently... "

A magazine that Du Yusheng can admit...

Lu Yuzhou said: "You don't need to hide it in front of me, I won't interfere with your normal work, just don't make Brother Qiao too tired."

Du Yusheng quickly said: "I will definitely pay attention to the intensity of work."

Lu Yuzhou answered and hung up the phone, served the porridge to dry out, then went into the bedroom to wake Chi Chongqiao up.

Chi Zhongqiao rested his chin on Lu Yuzhou's shoulder, his eyes were still closed and his eyelashes were long, his voice was full of sleepiness: "What time is it?"

Lu Yuzhou looked at the time: "It's half past three, can't you get up now?"

Chi Zhongqiao woke up, and lightly rubbed Lu Yuzhou's cheek: "If you sleep with me for a while, I won't get up." Although he said so, he still lifted the quilt and got out of bed to wash.

Chi Zhongqiao dawdled in the bathroom for a while, feeling his brain was completely awake, he quietly closed the door, looked in the mirror for a while, was satisfied with his beauty, and then took out the perfume on the side and sprayed it on.

I was busy filming the first two days, so I didn't have time to tidy myself up. I finally took a day off, so I couldn't waste it.

Chi Zhongqiao unbuttoned the two buttons of the padded pajamas, rolled up the sleeves twice, and walked out in a leisurely manner.

Lu Yuzhou was replying to the message, and turned around when he heard the voice: "Just now Du Yusheng said that he wants Brother Qiao to record a video this afternoon..." Lu Yuzhou's eyes suddenly darkened as he caught sight of Chi Zhongqiao's neckline.

Chi Zhongqiao didn't realize it: "Well, isn't there a movie on Yueben? I registered an account on the social networking site there before, but I've been busy recently, so I haven't managed it..." He looked at Lu Yuzhou slowly. Walking slowly to himself, he raised his head without changing his face: "What's wrong?"

Lu Yuzhou buttoned him up: "Don't catch a cold."

Chi Zhongqiao: "..."

So, which of the two of them has a problem with the script

"It's useless for Brother Qiao to seduce me."

Lu Yuzhou bit his earlobe: "Brother Qiao is too tired recently..."

Chi Zhongqiao interrupted him: "You don't need to say it."

Lu Yuzhou: "Huh?"

Chi Zhongqiao nestled on the bed: "Filming makes people look haggard, and the color fades and the love relaxes."

Lu Yuzhou finally couldn't help laughing, and kissed Chi Chongqiao lightly: "It's a pity that I am a beauty in the eye of a beholder."

Chi Zhongqiao said: "Then you mean that I really don't look good recently?"

Mr. Lu, who is always in the market, suffers from a routine: "Well... no."

Chi Zhongqiao sighed, "Man."

Lu Yuzhou: "..."

Chi Zhongqiao defined it: "Big trotter."

The author has something to say: There is another update tonight, it will be very late, please don't wait.

Also, I will send out 40 red envelopes tomorrow to celebrate my first pre-collection of 400.

(Riwan just squeezed me dry)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

62 bottles have never been left blank;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!