I Became the Koi Actor After Entering the Book

Chapter 83: I wronged you once


Lu Yuzhou wanted to accompany the executives, and Chi Zhongqiao couldn't just run away after receiving the award, so the two missing couples had to stay at their respective dinners and deal with all kinds of bosses who came and went.

It wasn't until 10:30 in the evening that Lu Yuzhou got rid of a group of executives.

After all, he is not the second-generation ancestor who plays with flowers and birds, but a serious person in power. Even at the wine table, few people dare to come up to pour him wine, but Chi Zhongqiao is different. He took two very important wines today. After the awards ceremony was over, he was given a few glasses of wine.

To make matters worse, as soon as Chi Zhongqiao left the banquet, he was surrounded by fans squatting outside the hotel.

Although this drunk is not a toss, but not so easy to coax.

Zhong Yin and Du Yusheng watched Chi Zhongqiao go down holding his trophy for the most popular actor award.

Zhong Yin broke down and said: "Brother Qiao! Yours will fall! Can I hold it for you?" Damn, why isn't the trophy for the Gardenia Award made of metal.

Chi Zhongqiao looked down at the trophy in his arms, avoided Zhong Yin's hand, and shook his head firmly: "I want to show them."

Du Yusheng couldn't persuade the little ancestor, so he could only watch Chi Zhongqiao standing with a group of fans holding the trophy.

Du Yusheng: "... Zhong Yin, they write calligraphy with steady hands, don't they?"

Zhong Yin said with tears in his eyes, "Yes, it should." The problem is that Brother Qiao is drunk now!

Holding a heart, the two watched Chi Zhongqiao touch the fragile trophies for fans one by one.

Zhong Yin was unclear, so he asked, "What the hell is Brother Qiao doing?"

Du Yusheng pinched his chin and pondered for a moment, then speculated based on Chi Zhongqiao's personality: "Maybe I think the awards are given by the fans, so let every fan touch it."

Zhong Yin thought about it, and felt that it fit Brother Qiao's character very well.

But Joe, who is drunk, can speak very well. Zhong Yin was a few steps away, and when he heard that Chi Zhongqiao was not going home after ten o'clock, and the fans who were waiting outside, he suddenly felt dizzy. When they grow up, those silly little girls are still enjoying it. While being scolded, they tease Chi Chongqiao with a smile.

Zhong Yin rolled his eyes at the sky.

When Lu Yuzhou drove over, he saw this scene—his Brother Qiao was surrounded by a group of fans, and there was still a very tall and conspicuous figure in the crowd.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and got out of the car with a cup of hot milk in it.

Chi Zhongqiao seemed to feel his gaze, and suddenly turned his gaze to Lu Yuzhou.

He handed over the trophy in his arms to a girl, thumped into the car, picked up another heavy trophy from the car, and bent over to get out again.

Du Yusheng didn't know what trouble he was going to make, he couldn't prevent it from happening, he could only watch Chi Chongqiao walk up to Lu Yuzhou with the trophy in his hands.

Du Yusheng had a bad premonition, and hurried up to stop Chi Zhongqiao.

"Come on, Chong Qiao, I know you are tired, and they poured you a lot of alcohol in the private room, right? Go back with Mr. Lu."

The drunk Chi Zhongqiao was pushed away with a dazed expression under the care of his 1.9 meter manager.

Zhong Yin opened the co-pilot's door with great insight, Du Yusheng stuffed Chi Zhongqiao into Lu Yuzhou's car without saying a word, and signaled with a smile that Lu Yuzhou could take him away now.

Fans not far away burst into small screams when they saw this scene.

Chi Zhongqiao in the car persevered to get out of the car, stuck to Lu Yuzhou's side, and said to the fans, "It's late, don't make noise outside. The temperature is not high today, go home quickly."

The weather in February is still cold, and some girls just came out wearing a coat, a cotton skirt, and a pair of leggings to look good.

Standing by the side of the car, Lu Yuzhou gently rubbed Chi Zhongqiao's cold hands, handed the warm cup to Chi Zhongqiao to cover his hands, and then stuffed him back into the car.

Lu Yuzhou turned his head, nodded slightly to the screaming fans, and then went around to the driver's seat.

Under the watchful eyes of the fans, the black Maybach slowly slipped out of sight.

As soon as they left, the fan group burst into uncontrollable cheers, remembering Chi Zhongqiao's advice not to make loud noises outside, and quickly covered their mouths.

"I'm dead, I'm dead! Touch your hands! Have you seen it? Touch your hands!"

"Ah, I, Qiao Bao, look better in real life than in the camera! I'm really beautiful! Mr. Lu is really aura, the nodding just now... Fuck, get rid of the overlords in the TV series, come and learn, okay?" ? This is the real overlord!"

"Touch your hands!"

"Qiao Bao's eyes are so beautiful, those eye waves, I feel like I'm going to drown in it!"

"Touch your hands!"

"Not sisters, what are you excited about?"

"Touch your hands, Boss Lu touched Brother Qiao's hand!"

Huh... It seems that an incredible fan has mixed in...

Wait, President Lu touched Brother Qiao's hand

It seems a little... emotional.

Fans stared at the direction of the Maybach, always feeling as if something was missing, and finally a girl panicked: "Brother Qiao, your trophy!"

Chi Zhongqiao sat on the co-pilot holding his heavy trophy, staring at Lu Yuzhou with clear eyes.

While driving the car, Lu Yuzhou couldn't help turning his head to look at Chi Zhongqiao, and said with a smile, "Brother Qiao is so happy?"

Chi Zhongqiao put the trophy on the side closest to Lu Yuzhou: "There is no best actor."

Just at the red light, Lu Yuzhou stopped the car slowly and turned to look at Chi Zhongqiao intently.

"Only the best newcomer, barely consider it as a less expensive engagement," Chi Zhongqiao said, "I've wronged you for a while."

Lu Yuzhou leaned over to cover Chi Chongqiao's eyes, lowered his head and kissed Chi Chongqiao's lips.

Almost half of the hot searches on the next day were about the award ceremony of the Gardenia Award. Chi Zhongqiao was the actor who gained the most. Chi Zhongqiao.

This is Chi Zhongqiao's first time acting in a movie, and he has won such an honor.

And "School Grass School Flower" is gaining momentum, and has achieved good box office in both Yueben and Fengguo, and Chi Zhongqiao also has a considerable number of fans in the two countries. The total sales volume of Chi Zhongqiao's one-man magazine Night City exceeded 210,000. His commercial value as a star was finally fully discovered, and countless endorsements flocked to him.

Du Yusheng was still not in a hurry to answer, because Chi Chongqiao was busy filming recently, and he didn't want to find too much trouble for Chi Chongqiao. On this point, he and Chi Zhongqiao agree - the work is the foundation of an actor.

Secondly... In June this year, Du Ke's Asian spokesperson contract will come to an end.

Mr. Lu is particularly fond of Du Ke, a first-class luxury joint venture of Sino-foreign joint ventures. All the clothes that Mr. Lu prepares for Chi Zhongqiao for formal occasions are basically Du Ke's.

The person in charge of Du Ke in the Asian region has already intended to change the spokesperson, and Chi Zhongqiao's clothes when participating in the Flying Hope Awards were kindly provided by Du Ke.

After all, Du Ke's last spokesperson was also one of the former four young students, and his reputation was damaged due to cheating.

Although as an actor, his cheating was quickly forgotten or forgiven by the public, but Du Ke could not tolerate a cheating star becoming his spokesperson in the Asian region. Du Ke did not terminate the contract directly, but it was almost canceled All the activities of the Asian spokesperson. And Du Ke was already looking for a new spokesperson when the spokesperson's derailment was confirmed.

Du Yusheng has received Du Ke's favor many times, and the person in charge of Asia has also expressed great appreciation for Chi Zhongqiao's good image.

Du Yusheng is such a shrewd person, Wen Xiange knew the elegant meaning, and immediately confused the other clothing brands sent up.

Chi Zhongqiao woke up the next day and didn't remember what he had done. Lu Yuzhou put the trophy in the window with bulletproof glass, together with the previous Best Supporting Actor Award and the Most Popular Actor Award brought back by Du Yusheng are all displayed.

Every time Chi Chongqiao passed by the window, he couldn't help but take a second look. He always felt that this thing was out of place at home, but because of Lu Yuzhou's hidden excitement when he installed the window, Chi Zhongqiao still didn't say anything.

All right, as long as Yu Zhou likes it.

Chi Zhongqiao touched the newly installed bulletproof glass window and smiled helplessly.

Time flies, and soon in mid-May, "The Invisible Crime" was released in the United States. It is worth mentioning that due to cultural differences, the plot of "The Invisible Crime" has undergone some minor adjustments. Chi Zhongqiao was called Going to make up some shots, the series of the TV series has also expanded to more than 50 episodes.

And this drama, which was named Hua Guo and Yan Qingbo from the very beginning, firstly successfully gained the expectations of a group of overseas Chinese, and secondly, Yan Qingbo, as an internationally famous actress, many Americans love her very much. Familiar, she also has a terrifying number of fans abroad, and these fans have also become the main force contributing to the ratings at the beginning.

"The Invisible Crime" has a good reputation abroad, but it has not exploded completely.

Fu Jingshen was not in a hurry, he just called and said slowly: "From now on, we will focus on Qiao's performance."

He is waiting for the episode in which Shangtang's image is reversed to air.

As a director, he is not in a hurry, and Chi Zhongqiao is even less in a hurry. He left "The Invisible Crime" with peace of mind and focused on "The National Scholar", which still has a little shot.

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And Lu Yuzhou also decided to go to the United States in June, starting on June 14th for a period of forty-five days.

Chi Zhongqiao calculated the time, he didn't have many scenes left, and he could finish filming in a few days. At that time, I will definitely be able to go there with Lu Yuzhou.

After getting rid of the extraordinarily busy January and February, Chi Zhongqiao has been almost invisible in the past few months, only irregular dynamics reminding that this big koi is still flopping about on the set.

At the end of May, Chi Zhongqiao finally finished.

The seven-month filming of this TV series finally came to an end. At the end of the night, a group of people got together and had a hard meal. Even Director Yu drank a glass of beer.

In early June, Chi Zhongqiao received a contract from Du Ke.

Accompanied by Du Yusheng, Chi Zhongqiao won the endorsement of the entire Asia. On the day of signing the contract, Chi Zhongqiao took the watch ordered by Lu Yuzhou and sat beside Du Yusheng calmly.

The person in charge of Asia is a compatriot from China. He obviously likes Chi Zhongqiao very much, and he expressed his love for Chi Zhongqiao as soon as he sat down.

"I'm really happy, this time the contract is still in the hands of our Huaguo people," the person in charge said a little proudly, "Yuebenguo has a super idol this year, and one of our executives wants him to be the spokesperson. I just asked He asked, "Does the one you mentioned have Qiao Jun's popularity? Does Qiao Jun have the beauty? Does Qiao Jun have the recognized delaying ability?" He didn't say a word."

The person in charge pushed the contract in front of Du Yusheng, and he couldn't hide his pride in his words: "When your movies and TV series were released, my friends asked me, are all the boys in your country so good-looking and powerful? Can you perform so well?" A vivid character! You can also write such beautiful characters. A friend of mine got your bookmark by accident. He keeps asking me where I can learn calligraphy... "

"I'm really, really proud, please make sure to sign this contract with all my heart."

The author has something to say: Originally I wanted to make a thick and long one, but I was still a little weak after I got sick, and it was uncomfortable to sit for a long time, so I...

Ahem, there will still be double updates tomorrow.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Su Yanyu; 8 bottles of Mildew Fruit Tea; 3 bottles of Moshang; 2 bottles of ml and Chichi; 1 bottle of Shang Jiuxiao;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!